
By: Zero Koranamy
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Hello and welcome to the most

wounderfull world of SEX.

Now before we start sex is a wounderful thing to do and have with someone you love or if you'r by your self. I only hope

you and or your lover(s) have fun and remember try to be safe you do have a choice how you have sex and who you are with when you are doing it.


1.when I is used it dose not only mean me the righter it also means you the reader

2.Blue text
Boys. Purple text Girls. Red text both. This book is for both sexes.

3.If you'r not tring to have a baby don't forget your condoms.

4. Lastly I hope you like Yiff just to be sure


Cream The Rabbit

for breakfast?

(in which I taste all of her body "No biting.")

I woke up like I always did, hungry as hell. When I notest something diffrent about my room I knew I wasn't home I said in a quick and quiete gasp. "Where Am I...this room wha am I...I Dreaming...who is she do I know her." the young nineteen year old rabbit girl stered and moved her warm fur rubbed my skin and the fur smelled sweet her ears where long, floppy, and cute her face was sleepy her golden brown eyes where shining in the sun light as she smiled and said in a light and high tone "Thank you for last night I never been with a human before." and smiled. My eyes lit up in a blaze of surprized confustion because when I whent to bed I was in my room alone and I do not rember having sex with a cute ass little...rabbit girl...I spoke in a startled voice "Who are you and what are you?" she spoke softly and giggled "I broght you here silly with my gatesea magicka and I'm Cream the rabbit and I just fucked you last night he he he you...

(Boys) Have a very big cock and it was hard to make you hard it took me almost all night after that well I fucked you for along time before having an orgy you came five times before me."

(girls) Have a very soft pussy and it was hard to make you tight it took me almost all night after that I fucked you with my twin dilldo for along before haveing an orgy you came five times befor me

You are a heavy sleeper umm...whats your name." my eyes now wider than before my mouth open I stared for a moment and then said...



with kindness as I lay my lips apon her face and ask her if she'd let me taste her body she giggeld and said yes as I got up I started with her face and tung kissed her entier body when I got to her sweet pussy I licked it softly she moaned softly "ohh my God that...feelss..gooodahh!" then she came her cum was like drinking sweet rhight back at 3\15\2010

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