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[Y] Dreams and Nightmares
9 Votes
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Sexuality N/A
Submitted On May7/12
Hits 2455
Short stories of dreams and nightmares try
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I'm going tell you every one of my Dreams and Nightmares that I can remember some are realistic and unrealistic if they are disturbing or offensive please so I give you warning  don't continue reading if you do...and don't try to judge me because these dreams sometimes still haunt me...
(To tell)unrealistic dreams (UNRL+DM)realistic dreams (RL+DM)unrealistic nightmares (UNRL+NM)realistic nightmares (RL+NM) 
let me start of with a (RL+DM) or a realistic dream this was a good dream that later something bad happened and this first dream I call (Fire Night) 
(laughter in the background three boys sit in a small circle around a fire talking about everything that we could ever think of)...So what do you think is she that cute Jay?..." I looked at my friends Andrew and Johseph and nodded as a young female walked behind me and said softly to me "Really you like me that much?"she touched my shoulders I looked upon her light brown face her eyes glowed a chocolate brown her acce...
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