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[Y] Wolvix So'ce, rebirth of the fallen Kingdom (Chapter Two.)
[Y] Wolvix So'ce, rebirth of the fallen Kingdom (Chapter Two.)

Chapter Two

Friendly, match. Duel at the Colosseum.

Darck sighed, standing alone in the center of the, Colosseum the wind blowing, whipping his black hair around. “Damn it...where the hell is Err'en...we had a match today..” Darck turned looking to the Colosseum entrance hoping to see Err'en walking in but sighed seeing no one. He looked up to the sky's seeing that the sun was blocked by the dark heavy looking storm clouds. He then shivered feeling a cold chill come from behind him and turned around seeing a large black portal of energy in front of him now, the edges of it seeming like black and shadowy clouds. Darck walked to the portal to see what it was but stopped as a familiar shape began to appear through the it, his large burnt orange wings stretched out behind him as a long crimson jacket blew against him from the cold air rushing through past him.

The figure then looked up a small smile on his lips. “Hello, Darck. Waiting for me huh?” Err'en said giving a slight chuckle. “Ya, bout damn time you got here man. Been waiting for an hour. Shadow coming too?” Err'en nodded and laughed a bit. “I told you four o clock not three, and ya Shadow should becoming through any second now.” Err'en smiled and turned to the portal that he had just came from and watched as one arm covered in shimmering black fur appeared through the portal before the rest of the body appeared, a pare of large pearl white wings outstretched behind the figure her crimson eyes sparkling a bit in the dim light. “Hello, Darck.” She said walking over to the tall human and hugging him. “Hey, Shadow. Glad you can come and watch us have a nice friendly spar.” Darck chuckled a bit before hugging her back and turning to Err'en. “So you ready man?” Err'en only nodded and jumped back a few feet while Shadow just vanished into a mist like darkness appearing up in the stands of the Colosseum. “But of course I am Darck...” Darck nodded and grinned holding his hand out a large long sword appearing in his hands from a purplish flame.

“Heh, after you Riu Err'en.” Err'en smiled and held his hand out to the side the same mist like darkness that had taken Shadow to the stands rolling over his arm and past it forming a long black katana. “If you say so Darck.” Err'en then crouched a bit and jumped up a bit his large wings spreading out wide and flapping behind him giving him some greater air before they folded up behind him causing him to quickly fall back to the earth his blade held up above him before coming down hard as he prepared to slash at Darck. “Take this!” Err'en yelled while Darck stood there letting out a light growl before jumping up swinging his blade into Err'en's a loud metal clang ringing out as there two blades met. “Not good enough!” Darck then pulled his blade back before swinging it at him again smacking it into his blade again pushing him back up into the air before pulling his blade back a third time another growl escaping his lips. “Wicked slash!” Darck said, swinging his blade creating a blast wave of purple energy erupting from his blade rushing fast at Err'en.

“Damn..” Err'en muttered to himself. “Don gel..” a black shadowy electricity began sparking over his blade now. He then swung his blade into the purple energy stopping the blast wave where it was. “Come on Darck! You know better than to toy around!” Err'en the let out a loud fierce growl before quickly pulling his blade away from the energy and smashing it back into it and grinned watching the purple energy dissipate into nothingness while he slowly fell to the ground. “Heh...come now Err'en...” Err'en gasped, his eyes widening before they closed completely a small smile on his lips. “Well...I asked for it...didn't I?” Darck only chuckled floating behind him now and brought his blade down hard against Err'en's back causing him to slam into the ground under him creating a large cater making dust shoot out all around it blocking Darck's view.

Err'en grunted a bit and slowly sat up shaking his head to get the dust and dirt out of his fur and hair. “Damn it...looks like I'm getting what I-” He gasped as his eyes widened again seeing Darck standing right in front of him the point of his blade at Err'en's throat. “What you asked for right? Heh.” Err'en closed his eyes and smiled giving a soft sigh. “Ya ya. Looks like I lose this time huh?” Darck nodded and chuckled. “Yup, you didn't go full force fast enough. So I'd say so.” Darck smiled down at Err'en his blade vanishing into the same purple fire that it had been born from. Darck then put his hand out offering to help Err'en up. “Come on man.” Err'en smiled and reached up grabbing Darck's hand and got up slowly before letting go of it and stretching his arms and wings out with a loud grunt. “Ahh, much better....nothing like a good fight...” Darck nodded and smiled. “Ya, now we get down to the real reason you called me here right?” Err'en looked over to Darck his face blank leaving him completely serious now.

“Ya, come on. Lets go get Shadow and then we'll talk.” Darck nodded as Err'en vanished into a misty darkness, Leaving only Darck, before he jumped up from the crater and ran to where both Shadow and Err'en now where. “So whats up you too?” Shadow then stepped forward her face looking just as serious as Err'en's as she began to speak. “Darck...it's the Void Walkers....they've found a way into Wolvix So'ceo....” Darck's eyes widened as he heard the news his jaw dropping slightly before he let out a soft sigh. “Damn it all.....how did they?...” Err'en only shook his head looking up to the cloudy sky's now. “Not sure..but we know they know how to get in...” Darck nodded and looked up to the sky too.

“Looks like a storm is coming.” Shadow nodded and placed and hand onto Darck's shoulder. “Will you fight with us Darck?...” Darck turned to Shadow and chuckled hugging her a bit. “Well that's a stupid question...you and Err'en are my best friends. Of course I'll fight for your home with you.” Err'en smiled and looked down as Shadow hugged Darck back smiling now too. “Thank you Darck.” She said as Err'en stretched his arms and wings a bit again. “Now...there is one thing....would you be able to fight side by side with Liht?” Err'en asked sounding serious again. Darck turned to look at him and nodded shocked.

“......Ya.....I think.....I think I could...if its for us to help you two...ya...I'm sure we could actually.” Err'en smile widened and turned to a grin. “Great! Now me and Shadow must go...we need to go find Liht...” Shadow smiled and grabbed Err'en's hand as she spread her wings out Err'en doing the same after a few moments, while Darck spoke up. “Well, if I remember right...he should be in town...” Err'en and Shadow both nodded before crouching down and jumping up high into the air, there powerful wings flapping behind them as they took off to the town only a few miles away from the Colosseum.