Unholy Liasion

By: Tristeza
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Consentual sex between two furs.
Vampires, Mild Love tones.
Dont read if underage, and if you do dont get caught ¬¬
This is after "Black Cats Path" i strongly suggest that that is read first for full enjoyment, allthough it is not nessicary.
“Unholy Liaison” - Trist-Reinstone

The thin beam of moonlight that managed to pierce its way through one of the stain glass windows of the abandoned cathedral was the only thing that allowed her to see where she was treading. The ground was covered in limestone and granite that used to be the mighty walls of the structure that was supposed to withstand time itself. The wooden pews dusty and rotting away slowly as the small cracks were parted by freezing water, supplied kindly by the skies and the wind. Even with her improved night vision she annoyingly kept stubbing her feet against unseen rocks or little cut off's of the wood from the pillars or support beams that had long since fallen.

Despite this fact she still endeared on through the gauntlet that was her home now before she finally made it out of the collapsed half and to a large, marble, spiral staircase. Slowly laying one of her feet down on the first step and using her large tail to keep balance and not slip on the wet marble rock, and then the next on the one two slots up. Skipping one stair at a time.

The rain had been coming down heavy for the last three days and she loved it. During the day it was dark and gloomy as the sheets of water came down from the heavens and coated the cobblestone streets below with their grace. And at night she could hug up to her lover and listen to the fantastic sounds of the music that the rain made. Just for them.

When she finally got to the top of the stairs and placed her bear foot down on the smooth limestone that formed the floor to the upper level she couldn't help but smile at the sight that she was met with. Not three meters away from her was her lover. Looking out of one of the rare clear glass windows of the grand cathedral the trim figure of a black cat was easily made out even in the dim light. His long tail swaying the ground behind him and kicking up a little dust in the process. Draped around his shoulders was a long red jacket with his bright red shirt underneath. His ears twitching in tune to the rain as their melody filled him. His tail suddenly stopped its rhythm and coiled around his denim clad leg.

His low purr could be heard even from her location and she smiled. Her lover was happy, and this made her very happy. It had been many moons since he had seduced her into believing he was trustworthy. He then lead her to the forests, bound her, had his way with her and then he had fed on her. And she loved him for it. Since he had done that she had learnt a new way of living. She had felt emotions she never knew existed and her libido and stamina had shot up more than ten fold.

He heard her stop and felt her eyes on him. As he turned to gaze at her he couldn't help but elicit an audible gasp. The red panda he had claimed weeks back was no loner clad in a blue stringlet top and black pants. She had ditched her arm bands and gloves and was now before him in something he believed would look better on his bedroom floor.

She had let her long brown hair drop from its primed position and messed it up a little to give it a wild effect. The red and purple streaks blending together at the ends creating a two tone rainbow that he loved. Her torso was wearing only a tight red corsette that pushed what little rack she had up and made her look unbelievable in the dim lighting. Her white skunk-like streak in her orange/red fur was nicely offset against it. On her arms were black fishnet arm warmers fashioned to look like a pair of spiders webs and on her fingers in place of her gloves were long, sharp, claws. And too finish her ensemble was a tight black mini skirt that came no lower than her thighs.

“Heya Tristy” Litma Payn said slowly. Letting his name roll of her sultry tounge. Knowing exactly how to tease the feline.

“Good evening my queen.. This is a pleasant surprise. I see you are embracing the darker ways at long last” Tristeza Reinstone responded to his mate, in just a seducing tone as the red panda had used on him, But he was speaking the truth. She had been fighting the vampire ways ever since the turn.

Litma nodded slowly and traced one of her fingers down her neck to just above her chest and circled it around and smiled at Tristeza. “Yes. I got these when I went out feeding last night. I found them in a cute little store that was still open at four am. So I went in and fed on the cashier. A small little ferret.. no one will miss the pervert. Then I browsed the stock and took these. I knew you'd like them.”

Tristeza couldn't argue, He did. They made her look simply remarkable and he was at a loss for words at the red panda's obvious flirtations.  She was making it no secret exactly what she had come to him for this night. Tristeza didn't care, He just knew he wanted it too.

As the rain outside began to pick up in its torrent and the echoing splashes of the droplets on the roof, window and even on the ground outside and below drowned out most of Tristeza's senses. He always loved the rain and was glad his mate did as well. He beckoned her closer with a paw motion and Litma let out a giddy little chirp and bounded over halfway to him. She then began to walk slowly, placing one foot in front of the other. Pushing the little mini skirt up a notch with one step and letting it drop with the next. Wiggling her flat yet delectable behind and tail. When she got within range of the black feline she placed both her paws behind her neck and linked the together. Tracing the sharp tips of her index's across the back of his neck causing a little rumble in Tristeza's chest.

He couldn't resist much longer and as he gazed into her one green and one blue eye as they shimmered in the tiny spot of moonlight making them look as deep as infinity, he locking his maw to hers and they both closed their eyes and began to kiss softly at first. Before one of them, they could never tell, started to deepen it. It slowly grew in passion until they were kissing multiple times a minute and when Tristeza felt Litma's tounge probing his lips he gleefully parted them and accepted her soft tounge into his maw. Allowing it to explore his mouth slowly. Grazing along his teeth and tounge. Whenever she brushed against his oral muscle he pushed back against hers causing it to tounge the tips of his fangs. Litma got a sly little idea at this, and without warning cut the top of her organ against it allowing droplets of the blood she got from her kill the night before and what was left of her own to fall into him.

 He swallowed them quickly, the irony taste of the crimson fluid driving him insane. His lover enjoying the pressure applied to her tounge whenever he did empty his mouth down his gullet. However she had a better idea for her feline sire.

Litma broke the kiss off and smiled at Tristeza before pushing his jacket off his shoulders and letting it hit the limestone ground below, a small thud briefly filling the room before being drowned out by the sounds of the rain pounding the window. She then places her paws on his chest and strokes his nipples through the shirt, knowing this drove him wild. Wanting to see how far she could push him erotically before he snapped, or she couldn't stand it herself.

The feline vampire knew exactly what she was doing but decided to let her have her fun anyway. Purring deep in his throat at her actions, they were making him very horny but he, unlike her, knew exactly how to control his highly sensitive feelings. Litma however was almost dripping from the wetness between her legs. And all they had done was kiss!

The red panda in one swift motion grabbed her sires shirt and lifted it off him, with a little aid from the black cat, and licked one of his nipples lightly with the very tip of her tounge on her way down to her knees. Tristeza groaned unable to help himself this time. She was learning fast.

“Allow me to show you what else my mouth is good for, oh master” Litma playfully jabbed at Tristeza, remembering how he had dominated her in the woods.

“Oh I know exactly what else its good for Miss Payn. But please.. refresh my memory..” The feline almost purred to the kneeling beauty before him. She took this as her cue.

She skilfully undid the small bronze button at the top of Tristeza's denim jeans and then with two claw tips, thumb and index, pulled the zippier down to the very bottom. She was glad Tristeza was not wearing his hunting belt and let his pants fall to the ground. The sight now before her made her crave the cat even more. His seven inch long, throbbing, pink feline meat was level with her jawline and she couldn't help but smile up at Tristeza. This organ had bought her so much pleasure ever since that fateful night. She was eager to return the favour.

Placing one paw at the hilt of his cock, just before the balls, and the other on his cute little ass Litma lowered her mouth over the slightly salty, pre covered head of his sex. Putting her fleshy warm tounge against the rim just below the defined head and dragging it slowly around the entire thickness. Sucking feather lightly as to give him small pleasures but nothing too fantastic just yet.

She took another inch or two into her waiting maw. Caressing the vein covered shaft with her oral muscle as she did the head. Sliding it up across the bottom back to the head where she began, lapping up the new drops of pre-cum that had emerged. Sliding forward Litma took in another half inch so that she had half the prick in her mouth and the other half her paw was working furiously. Her fleshy, sponge like tounge now licking the vein at the bottom of Tristeza's dick to the head and moaning loudly about it.

The feline himself was moaning in exstacy as the warm orifice of his first, and possibly last, turn milked and caressed his rod. He knew he could easily go again after cumming and so did she. Otherwise she wouldn't be trying to milk him like a dairy cow. Tristeza decided now to hold back any more.

Litma stopped her pawing and slid it down to his ball-sack which she began to stroke and pull gently on. Using her other paw to help aid his entire length into her mouth and throat by pushing on his ass. Once she had all seven inches down her gullet she used her gag reflex, sucking and cheeks to put different massages on the cock. Tristeza couldn't take it any more and with a long moan he placed both his hands behind her head and unleashed a thick stream of cum down her neck directly to her stomach. But as usual after pulling back after the initial shot too much filled her mouth and dripped out, down her chin, and landed in a little puddle on top of her breast. After sliding Tristeza's cock from her maw with a small pop as she stopped sucking she smiled.

“Looks like Tristy has some clean-up and payback to do for little miss Payn!” She teased him with gleefully. To which the black cat just responded to by dropping down to his knees in front of her, tilting his neck down and lapping up his sweet fluid from her chest. Matting the fur as he did but enjoying the taste of his own seamen on his tounge.

“All clean.. now for stage two..” Tristeza purred softly, pushing Litma down onto the floor with one paw and sliding down her body. Stopping at her navel to dip his tounge inside and cause the red panda to meep a small cry of pleasure.

The cat stopped when he came to her skirt, and instead of removing it just slid it up, Litma raising herself off the ground a little to help with this. When it was up and over her stomach and back and carried on down her body and stopped just above her public fur. Kissing the spot and teasingly nibbling his way down to her waiting sex.

“Enough!” Litma growled at Tristeza, Sick of his teasing. Tristeza however didn't listen to her plea.

Instead of going straight for her juice coated cunt he continued to nip, kiss and lick her way around her inner thighs even going so far as to allow his breath to gently stimulate her pussy as he switched sides. Now this is punishment enough when you don't feel it ten times more than normal, but even worse when you've just worked your jaw off to please. Litma wasn't pleased at all and growled.

Tristeza decided that perhaps she had been played with long enough and started to lap slowly around her outer lips, lightly flicking his rough tip across the inflamed walls. Not going in even slightly. Stimulating all of her vagina. After a few minutes of this he decided he wanted to taste her properly.

Using one of his paws to part the outer lips of her cunt Tristeza dove deep into his lover. Probing at her entrance with a small section of his tounge and then flicking it back up to caress her clitoris. Which drove her into a state of frenzy. Moaning his name every time his muscle grazed her button.

The dominate feline decided to finish this up and nipped his front teeth on Litma's clit. Nibbling on it gently throwing his vampire queen into deep throws of passion. Tristeza then slides one of his fingers inside the all too welcoming hole of Litma Payn. Sliding it in up to the knuckle and then dragging it back out across the roof of her cunt. Whilst still licking, sucking and biting on her love button.

This all grew too much too fast for Litma and she orgasmed in a wave of fluids that caused Tristeza to quickly remove his finger and replace it with his tounge, accepting and swallowing the sweet nectar.

When the red panda's floods had finally stopped coming Tristeza crawled back up her body, then flopped down next to her and laid on his back. Litma smiled and threw her leg over him and laid down so her head was on his chest. The two listening to the rain together for a moment. Tristeza was still hard and she knew it. She just wanted to make him wait, he really shouldn't of teased her so bad.

However it eventually became too much for both of them to endure. Litma's sweet, wet hole occasionally bumping against the thick, hard head of Tristeza's cock. Causing them both to shudder slightly at the sensation. Litma began to raise to a sitting position.

She raised herself and tail up, and then put herself back down with full force onto her sires waiting cock. Taking it inside her slowly. Letting her vaginal muscles contract and caress the object of her desires. Bringing them both extreme pleasures that most can only dream of. She then began to slowly and sensually ride her master. Tightening herself on the way up, and letting it go on the way back down.

He purred loudly into the darkness of the cathedral as she made love to him. Her cunt still as tight as the night he took her. She moaned quietly each time she descended and his rod poked against her cervix.

Nether of them lasted long like this and eventually the black cat came deep into the waiting womb of the red panda. She really had come along way since the turning. Accepting more and more of the vampire culture the way Tristeza saw it. And after orgasming with him, She climbed off and fell asleep on the limestone.

Tristeza however went outside the cathedral and allowed the raindrops to caress his fur. He looked up at the moon and cursed slightly as he realised it was full. No chance of feeding tonight after all.
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More sex this time for you yiff lovers :P
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