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[Y] Black Cats Path
Vamprape story.
[Y] Black Cats Path
Story contains NC sex between two furres!
Do not read this story if that offends you or you are not of legal age in your country.
Disclaimer out of the way :P

“Black cats path” - Trist Reinstone

A vampire feels many things in its existence. The strongest of emotions erupt throughout its being like a gazer. The amplified senses don't come without their price as needs and wants become ten fold that of a mortal being. Such things as lust and craving are the most powerful feelings a vampire will experience. Blood lust and love-lust alike.

It was by no accident or twist of fate that vampires got the reputation for being one of the most erotic species to ever of once lived. Nor is it any secret as to why this reputation came to be. They were really no more than swingers, rapists and killers. Taking virgins or the experienced. And then taking lives. The lucky ones are left for dead whilst the unfortunate are forced to live an afterlife of slaughter and sex.

Tristeza Reinstone was an exception to the mass of vampires who hated their ways. He loved every moment of it. He enjoyed nothing to more than to taste the sweet nectar of his victim, male or female, as he was buried inside them. Although yet to turn one as he had not found anyone who he wished to keep around.

Another problem Tristeza had with the way he was forced to live was the fact he had to remain in shadows and not allow his clearly dominate self known to the world. Vampires were much better than the mortals in his mind and he could not stand the fact that he was one of the many who had to pretend they did not exist. Just to keep the number of vampire hunters down.

Of course this was the twenty-first century and the number of hunters had dropped to about three per country, those who were fortunate to of escaped an attack. Or just those who watched too many 'Buffy' episodes and decided that vampires were clearly real otherwise they would not of dedicated an entire show to them. Morons, as the vampires (or just about anyone else) liked to call them.

The werewolves were not making Tristeza's job any easier either. During full moons the 'animal attacks' that regularly occurred meant it was hard to find any good pray and often he had to go without. However tonight was only a half moon and Tristeza has full pick of the crop.

Tristeza had this night chosen to perch himself on the edge of a cobble rooftop in the slums of the city. The sky was a dull red in tint as the sun has only gone down minutes prior, another common misconception about vampires is the death by sunlight. It took penetration of the UV rays to destroy a vampire, they just like the night more. The black fur of the feline was a sudden contract to the bright white of the stone of the rooftop, though a little dirtied from rain fall. His longer than your average feline tail curled up behind and around him, brushing against his own ankle. The piercing hazelnut brown eyes scanning across the streets below.

The usual mix of humans and anthromorphs went about their business. Selling goods and themselves to pay the pitifully low rent that they could not afford to keep up. Tristeza snorted and laughed at them, deciding that he was tired of the taste of wolf, cat and human. He needed something different tonight. These peasants couldn't satisfy him this night.

As he stood and balanced pro curiously on the edge of the rooftop his long red jacket rose up with him from a bundled pile on the floor to a knee length cover. His belt made a small jingle as his two daggers clinked together. The night-walker began to jump from roof to roof, looking for that one bite that would sate his needs.

Across town the chords of InMe's 'Lava Twilight' rang out of a stereo as one Litma Payn dragged a brush through her head-fur getting ready for a night out. The red panda smiled to her reflection in a modest dresser top mirror. Her soft feminine features were clearly outlined by her near perfect hair style. A stunning brown contrast to her orange/red fur and with purple and red tips that just made her stand out even more. She had done the same to her raccoon-esc tail, layering it purple and then placing the red at the very end,  and was proud of the way she had put some effort into how she looked for once. She had chosen to wear a blue low cut/High hemline top that was kept on her by two bits of fabric tied behind her neck. Two white bands on her right arm and a pair of black and purple gloves. Closely matched by a pair of black chords and trainers on her legs and feet.

Her smile never faded as she stood up and admired herself some more. Although very slim and with a small chest size it seemed to fit her form perfectly and she looked stunning. She flicked the switch of her stereo to 'off' and made out the front door of her modest two-room flat.

She had only moved to this area recently on a job offer, they had agreed to put her up somewhere until she could afford to cover it herself. And as much as she wished it wasn't in the trash hole sector of town she was happy enough to have a place of her own. Bounding down the street she headed to the local night club to pass time with her colleges until she would be forced to retire home.

However, unluckily for her just as she made a turn into Main Street a figure on the roofs had noticed her. Her red fur at first glance made the weary feline wonder if she was perhaps a fox. His last run in with one of those hadn't gone down well and he still had the scratch marks to prove it. But the shape of her body and her tail on a closer inspection allowed him to realise this was something he had never tried before. Dragging his tounge across his fangs Tristeza smiled and began to stalk her from his high altitude hiding spots.

Litma made it to the clubs door around thirty minutes later, and she began to wonder why she didn't take a taxi. Paying the doorman, a rather gruff looking bulldog in a suit obviously two sizes to small for him, she slipped into the club and looked around for her workmates. After a quick search of the small dark establishment she gave up looking and decided they could find her at the bar if they really wanted to. She slid onto one of the blood red stools in front of the well furbished bar and tapped her paws on the bar top.

“Good evening Miss, What can I get you?” The bartender asked her a few minutes later. A human male in his mid thirties. A few grey hairs but not too bad looking.
“Half a rum and coke..” The red panda responded. Taking good care to keep one eye looking out for her 'friends'
“Oh? Rum you say? We haven't had rum in this town for a good few years miss. You're not from around here hm?” The human questioned her. Seeming quite full of himself.
“No.. Moved in only a few days back. I'll just take a vodka and lemon then” She said with a light chuckle. Imagine not having rum.

A few moments later the bartender returned with her drink in hand and slid it across the bar top to Litma, who took it and replaced it with a few coins, before downing the entire glass in one shot.
“Careful Miss. You aught not get yourself drunk. Dangerous to walk home this time of night when your sober alone.”

“Whys that then?” Litma threw back, just for the sake of conversation more than caring what he had to say.

“Vampires stalk these area's recently. Seen them with my own eyes I have. A perfectly normal wolf was in here the other day. Having a good laugh and enjoying himself. That night I went to the back to throw out the trash and I saw him feasting on the neck on a cat he had picked up not earlier than that night”

“Vampires?” The red panda laughed at the bartender “Isn't it against the rules for you to drink on duty?” she shot before sliding off the stool and into the lounge area of the club. A few old couches strewn around. Empty with no one around. Litma sat herself down on one and bought her feet up with her. Resting them to her side.

Tristeza hated bulldogs, and he made it clear when paying the doorman. Giving him a cold glare that made the 'tough' bouncer back down. He would be sure to make that mutt tomorrows snack.
Finally getting into the club Tristeza began his search for tonight's target.

After scanning the immediate area and coming up short, and with the smell of cigarettes and alcohol filling the air he couldn't use his sense of smell to find her. He decided to ask the bartender, if she really had come to the club that night then she would of gone to the bar logically.

Upon reaching the bars proximity Tristeza whistled loudly to get the tenders attention over the loud rock music being pumped into the club. The tender quickly acknowledged his presence and strolled over casually to the feline.

“Evening sir, What can I get you?” he enquired politely
“I need to know if you've seen a red panda here tonight, she's my friend. We were supposed to meet outside but I got held up by the bouncer” Tristeza said, using the similar line a thousand times before.

“Ah yes sir I have, She didn't take my warnings about the vampires here very seriously though.. She's at the back in the lounge sir” The bartender smiled
“Vampires?” Tristeza smiled, being sure to show off his fangs “Don't be silly. Vampires are not real” he said matter-of-factly. Laughing as he walked off at the horrified expression on the barman's face.

It wasn't hard for the feline to locate his pray, Her bright fur making her stand out a mile in the dim lighting. She seemed perfectly happy to be sat on her own just listening to the music. Swaying her head from to side to the music. Her long ears occasionally perking up as the tracks changed.

'Oh yes.. this one will definitely be fun' thought Tristeza as he took a seat directly across from her. Only a black wooden table between them. The immediate intruder snapped Litma out of her little trance and she opened her eyes to see a black cat a couple of inches away from her. His upper torso clad in a light red v-neck top and a red long jacket folded up neatly beside him. She smiled, 'maybe tonight won't be such a waste of time after all'.

The two made light conversation after their introductions for most of the night. Tristeza made up some life he would have were he alive. Whilst Litma talked about her boring office job for neigh on two hours. They laughed and joked for a while before Litma asked Tristeza to dance.

“C'mon Tristy!” she said, suddenly a lot more bubbly than before “It's a nice slow song, I'm sure even you can keep up with that”

Tristeza decided that for the sake of getting something to eat he may as well oblige her 'last wish' and the two shared a slow close dance. Eventually Litma laid her head on Tristeza's chest and smiled up at him.
“I like to hear peoples heartbeats.”

This made Tristeza laugh to himself and he quite convincingly said back to her.
“Sorry, My shirts too thick, you wont hear anything.”
Even though the material was wafer thin Litma was too far caught in the moment to realise or care.

Come closing time Tristeza did the cliché gentleman thing of asking to walk Litma home, she agreed. After telling him where she lived the two made out of the club and started the walk to her home. Or so she thought. Tristeza had other things in mind for this delicate little red panda.

After walking a chatting for about ten minutes Tristeza stopped and started walking from a split in the road to an area known as Dead Tree Woods. A thick forest that surrounded the town.
“Where are you off too? I live in this direction!” Litma questioned the feline.
“This is a short cut, I've lived here a very long time.. trust me” came the coy answer of Tristeza, with an award winning smile.

Litma shrugged and followed the vampire into the deep woods. Eventually the two got so far in Litma was glad for her keen sight so she could make her way through in the very unstable ground. Suddenly Tristeza stopped in his tracks and turned back around to face her. From where they were no light from the town could be seen. All around just showed trees upon trees and the only light was a dim glow from the creasent moon.

“What's up?” the red panda asked innocently.
“I need to do something..” Tristeza said, advancing on her.
“What's that?” came yet another question.
“oh.. Just this..” Tristeza said, placing his paws on her hips.

Litma opened her mouth to question these actions but the second she did she felt his maw on hers, kissing her softly and lovingly. She decided not to fight it and returned the kiss passionately. Tristeza took his mark and slid his tounge from his mouth and brushed it across her lips slowly. Litma opened her mouth slightly and met his sandpaper-rough tounge with her own soft one. They wrestled like this for a little while until Tristeza pulled away. His eyes were narrowed slightly and had an odd red glow to them which Litma put down to the glow of the moon.

“That was.. unexpected” Litma said, still smiling.
“Then you'll love what I have planned for you now..” Tristeza smirked, and grabbed her by the wrists pulling her too him.
“Hey?! What!? NO!” Litma struggled from his grasp but he seemed to have some inhuman strength that she could not break free from.

He span her around and she caught her tail around his leg and used it to break herself. However this seemed a mistake as Tristeza held her like that with her wrists behind her, with a single paw. He used his other hand to pull a buckle from his jacket pocket and coiled it around her wrists and locked it in place. Leaving the poor red panda stuck like that.

She tried to swing her foot back and kick the vampire, but he easily blocked it by bending his knee and used his free foot to sweep her to the ground. Litma hit the floor with a thud and a little groan of pain. But the wood chippings on the ground softened the fall.

Litma felt a weight suddenly on her stomach and opened her eyes again to see Tristeza with his legs on either side of her, tieing her feet together with his long tail. She struggled and wiggled but being completely bound was unable to escape. She knew it was useless to call for help judging by how far into the woods they were. She sighed and closed her eyes. She always fell for the wrong ones.

Tristeza looked down at his pray and contemplated just feeding and being done. But this one was awfully cute and he couldn't pass up a chance like this again, not since that wolf had tried to bite him back the other night.

He put his paws behind Litma's neck and with a swift motion sliced his claw through the fabric holding her top on. It fell forward and he peeled it off and lay it beside her. Exposing her naked upper body. The small but pert breasts teasing him with their erect nipples. Either from the cold or his prays body was betraying her.

Litma gasped a little as she felt his tounge drag across one of her nipples and then be replaced by teeth as they lightly chewed on the nub bringing her small pleasures. She couldn't believe she was enjoying this. She didn't want it at all! Litma cursed her body as one of Tristeza's paws took her other nipple and began massaging it between him thumb and finger.

She let out a small moan against her will and then a small plea to carry on when Tristeza returned to his sitting position on her stomach. A few tears had fallen down her cheeks at the actions of someone she trusted only a few moments earlier. But as her body was begging for more, her mind screamed for it to stop.

Tristeza began to purr like crazy when he saw her tears shimmer in the moonlight. He loved it when they cried. It let him know he'd done his job right. He climbed off of his victim, she looked at him thinking maybe he'd changed his mind. This proved false however when he quickly discarded his clothing and then removed her chords without a blink. Litma now lay fully exposed to her 'captor' and knew what was coming. If not now than soon.

Tristeza flicked his paw as if to say “up” and Litma nodded. Stumbling to a kneeling position, her arms still bound behind her. Tristeza's seven inch feline cock was mere inches from her maw and she closed her eyes a cried a little more, understanding what he wanted. She parted her mouth and took the entire length in. Slowly working the entire length with her tounge and grazing lightly with her teeth. Trying to get him off as soon as possible. She furiously bobbed her head up and down the shaft and licked the head whenever she could, and sure enough Tristeza soon exploded a mass of feline seed deep inside her mouth. He didn't let up and she had no choice but to swallow it all. Some of it escaping her mouth and dripping down her chin and neck.

“So, you are a fairly experienced one after all? No doubt you played the streets before you came here” Tristeza laughed at her. All she could do was look in awe at his still hard dick. Surly that should of subsided!

Tristeza pushed her back down with his foot and smirked as he mounted her. She struggled again but couldn't escape his grip on her shoulders. Without even thinking about her comfort Tristeza rammed his meat balls deep into Litma's waiting cunt. It was hot, wet and tight. The velvet walls caressing him.

“So.. You did want this after all? Dirty little slut..” Tristeza laughed and began to piston in and out of the poor female. Her body had done the ultimate trechary and welcomed this all. She broke then and there. And shortly after her body shuddered with orgasm as Tristeza fucked her hard and fast, Nipping at her ears and neck as he did. Filling her with a mix of pleasure and disgust.

She really was tight, Tristeza had never had better in his long life. He purred loudly and began to pant as he shoved himself inside her one last time and unleashed another torrent of cum. As Litma herself had a second orgasm. Now she hated her body for its ways.

As soon as he had finished Tristeza bared his fangs and shot them deep into the nape of Litma's neck, by passing the fur and piercing the flesh deep. Drinking slowly from the wound. Perhaps he would change this one after all. She had some talent in her. Tristeza closed his eyes and softly purred as the moon watched from above. The only witness to the ultimate betrayal of rights.

There we go :)
Hope you read it all and not just the sex :P
Tell me what you think and if I should continue this series.
[email protected]