
By: TraceDalmatian
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                                                               ~Chapter 1~ A Destiny Awaits

    Closing ones eyes into a deep slumber. A bell chimes. Feeling the darkness suround you. A voice calls. Destiny awaits the one who sleeps. 


 A voice calls "Wake up!"

Slowly Kaito starts to stir, rain is falling heavily on his fur opening his eyes the small otter glances around. "W-where am I?" The otter sits up his heart pounds, he tries to get his barrings. "W-who am I?" It was cold his body trembles, shivering as he is lost and alone. 


 An old fox happens along a vaccant road, having come back from the market in Cicle Village. "Oh dear dear dear.. cold." He says as he feels the wind blow through his robe, he couldn't help shivering  walking along the dank dark path. Suddenly the old fox hears a sound, there nestled in the roots of a tree was a bundle, he slowly makes his way over. "What is this I find, it be a child."  The fox shook his head, "Dear dear dear..I must feed." He says to the cub. The kindly fox picks up the babe, wrapping him under his cloak. "There come come come." The fox tells the little one.

 As the days went on and the years pass, our cub grows into a young adolesnt,  "Kid!.." Cries the fox. "Kid come I find something." The husky runs to the aid of his father. "Yes father what is it?" The canine can't help admire the old fox, who for so many years held him, and raised him as his own son, he knew that above all else he could never let him down. The fox smiles as they stand near the river just outside their home, Gavin which was to fox's name waves Kid over, "Kid I find many fish look." The old fox points to a large school of fat salmon swimming up the river. The young male smiles, "You want me to catch some father?" He asks. The husky had learned many things in his years, his father although very old had incredible wisdom, and had taught Kid how to survive using his brain and his heart. The old fox nods, "Yes boy catch fish." He smiles, "We make good supper."Kid smiled ready to help his father no mater what; grabbing a fishing net, a knife, and a short staff he fashions himself a spear.Standing ready he looks back at his father, "Don't worry I'll catch the fattest fish for you." The fox laughs he admired his son's tenacity, he nods. "You catch fish go!" With that Kid with great agility leaps into the water. Sliding his right foot around in a tight circle, he sweeps the fish up on to the shore, some landing on the shore, some being flung in the air, charging in he leaps up pushing of a nearby boulder the husky twisting in the air and lunging his spear out. He catches three fish on his spear, and one in his muzzle landing on his feet. "Ha!, how was that father?" The young male asks. The fox smiled as he saw his son coming out of the water, "Very good taught you well." The fox claps for him, but then looks stern at him. "But too cocky, you missed fish." The fox points to the two bigger fish left. Kid sighs, "Oh yeah?" He runs over the side of the river throwing his spear..*Shunk!* both fish are impaled by the spear, "Not bad." He says with confidence. The old fox shakes his head in disbelief, "Oi! showing off."  They laugh together and get prepared for supper, what a feast it would be.


 Memories flashing in his mind while he slept caused the otter to sit straight up, he glanced around frightened, his chest rising and falling heavily trying to figure out where he was, a paw touches his shoulder. "Easy there friend." A rabbit stands before him, smiling. "You gave me quite a scare being in that storm all alone like that." The otter said nothing, he was still unsure of this rabbit, "Don't worry I won't harm you." The rabbit says, "My name is Pyte." The rabbit says with a chuckle and an offer of his paw. Taking his paw the otter opens his mouth, "....I.."  Was all he could muster, his strength completely gone. Pyte couldn't help feeling sorry for him, the storm that passed was a very unkind one, and was definitely the worst he had seen in all his time in Cicle Village, "Please rest, you've had a long night my friend." He says hoping to ease the otter. Kaito winced as he felt his whole body ache, "Kaito." he says not knowing at all why he did, the rabbit tapping his chin, "Kaito? is that your name how interesting." Pyte replies, he looked over the otter. Kaito was an unusual otter his fur was as black as coal, and his eyes as gold as the sun. Pyte couldn't help feeling warm as he looked into the otter's eyes. Kaito stood a bit wabbly, trying to make his way around the room failing miserably and falling down on the floor, the rabbit rushed to help him. "Easy now, don't go over exerting yourself Kaito." Said the rabbit with a warm smile. Pyte was a brown rabbit with a darker brown patch over his eye, and a tuff of fur on his chest, he wore some woodcutter shorts, and a shirt that was undone at the chest. The otter blushes as the rabbit picks him up, "Th-thank you." The otter's voice was still slightly shaky. The rabbit helped him to the chair, setting him down then going over to his stove. Coming back the rabbit offers the otter a bowl, "Careful it's hot." He says, the otter smiles taking the bowl, but the otter did not eat he was scared and felt alone even though Pyte was in the room. Pyte looked a bit worried the otter had been out for the whole day, and not eaten a thing he takes a spoon full of his soup and then sets the bowl down. "Please Kaito you must eat something if you are to regain strength." He knelt down beside the small otter, who had a blanket over himself. "Hmm? oh sorry I.." The otter took a some of the soup in his mouth, he swallowed looking to his new friend. "Thank you it is good." He said with a smile, Pyte smiled right back happy that he could help this strange creature before him. Through the night they just sat, Pyte's thoughts wandering as he tried to find things to say, but not wanting to upset the otter he just sat and watched him eat.


 Kid woke up the next morning pulling the blankets off of himself he stood up stretching, the husky was pretty impressive to say the least, he was black in color with tiger stripes going down his back, down part of his curvy round rump, and up his tail. The husky walked over to his clothing, which was hung on the wall reaching up for his favorite tunic which was white and had a red stripe going from his right pectoral to his left hip. He found his belt nothing fancy and put it on, and then a pair of  shorts that he pulled up his legs and fitted his tail through. Climbing down the stairs he could smell the no food this puzzled him, usually his father had everything all prepared now at the bottom of the stairs, the husky's eyes went wide. There in the kitchen was a wolf, who held the limp form of his father. The husky was frozen in shock and fear, "Well well, what do we have here." The wolf threw the fox across the room, making his way over to the young canine who was too shocked to even move. "W...what have you done!" A voice cries out, the young male felt something he had never felt before, it was something that made him jump at the wolf, taking him completely by surprise. The husky grabs the knife from the wolf's belt and dodges the wolf's lunge, turning and thrusting the knife into his shoulder. "Who are you??" The angry male shouts. "Ahhh!" Screams the wolf as he tries to grab at the knife, but is kicked back slamming into the table. "You fool, you don't know what you are messing with." He says through panting, his shoulder was losing blood fast. "If I don't report back there will be hell to pay." The wolf finishes, Kid angrily punches the wolf sqaure in the nose, "You already have hell to pay." Cries the husky, slamming the knife into the wolf's paw. "Ahhhhgg!" The wolf screams *Pant* trying to get away from the crazed young boy. " We are coming, we of the sea.. you cannot stop us boy." Says the wolf, the husky's heart growing hard he pointed to the wolf, "It doesn't matter how many of you there are, I will not rest until all of you have paid with your blood." He growls and strikes the wolf.  *Cough cough* The wolf struggles but it is no use. "You will die boy, and this village will burn to the ground, your pretty little life will end you will serve my master as his slave!" *Slink!* The husky having heard enough ends the life of the wolf. Kid rushes to find his father's battered body, kneeling on the floor as he held him close, "Oh father.. I'm so sorry." Tears roll down his face, the husky picks up his father carrying  him outside where he buries him, then grabbing the sword that had been at the wolf's side he makes his way towards Cicle Village. Kid called out into the afternoon sky, "You will pay, all of you, I will not stop until I end you all."  

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