Lost Love

By: Toy Maker
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The world did not end in the year 2012, atleast for most of its inhabitants.

Russia has fallen under dictatorship control, along with China, ruled by the horrific dictator, Kolzickov. The rest of Europe, the Americas, everybody, is criped in fear during the new Cold War. Along with these dark times, with the world under extreme tension and could erupt in World War III in a bloody hell, genocide. Genocide has once again reared its ugly ass. This time against the innocent race of otters. Like Hitler, from whom Kolzickov gains inspiration from, has burning rage agaisnt otters for no real reason. Most of them in Russia and China have been brutally massacared, the rest were put to work as slaves or thrown in labor camps. Thousands where assasinated in western Europe. In spring, 2014, they were put on the endangered species list. only 5 months later, became threatened. The first animal to obtain that status in over 72 years. The only remaining, which are estimated to be around 7,000, live in North America, and Austrailia. Promptly thereafter, a breeding program was instituded to save them.

This is the story of one pair endited with the task off conciving a new genetically strong breed of otters. Ones that are faster, stronger, and smarter.

October 24, 2014. 1:32 pm, location: Classified.

Sitting in an underground military lab, a young scientist, Victor vonVogler, was summoned by mutiple agents of the NSA, CIA, and FBI, even some from the UN. Leaning agaist a work bench in a lab, surrounded by about 20 agents, and wondering what the hell is up. "Soo, am I down here so noone will hear my screams, or learn the existance of the Matrix?" He said trying to ease some tension, eyes darting around the room, checking out the various agents. "Damn, you guys look all the same. "Could I just call you all Agent Smith?" After five minuets of silence, the 12 inch blast doors finally opened and two more agents walked in and whispered some things into the main agent's ear, then walked back out of the room.

"So, we presume you have no idea why you are here. Correct?" Said one of the agents. "No, because you wont tell." Victor said in a slight sarcastic tone. The agent cleared his throat and said "Well, you are well aware about the tragity going on in Asia. You should also be aware that your spiecies has just became threatened. You are the first one to know that." Vic just stood there in a deep sense of shock as he heard the deavastating news. "Last month, the UN has implemented a breeding program to procreate the otter race. We ran DNA analasys to determine perfect mating for the remaining sexually mature. You were selected to mate a female of next to idendical genes, to breed a new stronger, faster, and smarter species of otters." The otter had mixed emotions, making him highly confused, trying to comprehend what the agent just said.

Just then, a female otter with short, dark brown fur and long, flowing black hair going down halfway down her back, wearing loose fitting jeans, and a tight pink shirt with Hello Kitty across the chest came through the 12 inch thick steel door. When Victor saw her, a pissed off look formed on his face. "Victor vonVogler, meet..." Began the agent, but was cut off by the two, "Melissa!?" Shouted Victor, followed by "Vicky?!?!" shouted Melissa. "Aparently, you two know eachother" The agent said, rubbing his ear. "Yea, I thought I saw the last of you when we graduated highschool." Victor said, still pissed off.

*That CANT be him... He's too hot and sexy!* Melissa thought, checking out the hunky otter on the other side of the room. "I cant belive this douchebag is supposed to be my mate." She said, crossing her arms.

"I see the wind blew in this bitch again." Victor said, quite audibly, sounding very pissed off.

By now, most of the agents have left the room, then the main agent perked up saying "Well, look at you two love birds. Have fun saving your race!". While motioning the pair to the elevator. Once inside, the two otters stood on either side of it, facing the wall, with the agent in the middle ROFLMAOing on the inside. After a long, awkward, quiet ride on the way to the surface, they finally emerged into daylight, they were still reluctant to look at eachother, with pissed off looks on their faces.

While making their way onto the helipad to get on the helicopter, a missle came out of no where, destroying the helicopter, and killing some agents waiting inside of it. Reacting quickly, Victor jumped behind a wall, pulling Melissa with him, dodging a propeller blade whipping through the air. "HOLY FUCK!!" Shouted Victor, as Melissa pushed him away. Soon after the blast died down, some Russian soldiers parachuted in, scanning for survivors. Victor, not remembering much Russian, could only make out a few words: "The rats, male and female, kill upon contact.". The rest was gibberish to him. Nudging Melissa and whispered "The fuck do they want us for?" She responded by shoving him away again. "Well, be quiet, stay down, stop being yourself, and dont move. I have an idea." Victor reached into his boot to pull out a combat knife, and silently made his way around the left side of the pad. He snuck up close enough to see that they were all bears. The otter then closed in to on of the outlaying bears, put his paw over the enemey's mouth, finally sliting his throat, blood gushing out of the neck and mouth. Then took the fallen soldier's AK-54S, and putting the weapon on his back. Sneaked up on two more and silently killing them, leaving 9 left. Melissa, watching Victor kill, was starting to have mixed emotions about her mate. *Why am I starting to become attracted to this nerd? Well sure he's all talanted, cute, smart... Damnit, there I go agian!* She thought as she slapped herself. While this was going on, Victor opened fire, making sure he aimed for the head, dropping the rest and clearing the helipad.

He went back to the spot where Melissa was, and stuck out a hand to help her up. Of corse, she rejected him and stood up, grabbing onto the cement wall. "Eastern Asia is after us, trying to kill us. Alone, we will perish, together, we will survive. You know that" Victor said, looking into her eyes. Melissa, she rolled her eyes and said "Whaaatever.", even though he was right, and she knew it. Victor jus shook his head and started to go around and collect various guns, ammo, and equipment. By now, he saw her walking off in a random direction and shouted after her "We're in the middle of the fucking Nevada Desert, about 164 miles away from any civilization!", Melissa shouted back "I dont give a flying rat's ass!", still walking away.

-32 Minutes later-

Mantaining a steady course West, and walking about 12 miles now, Victor was thinking to himself *God damnit, Im gonna fucking die out here*. But soon, he heard some guns shooting about a half mile to North. Deciding to see what was going on, he started to run as fast he could to make it to the war zone. Comeing over a small hill, seeing a small building in ruins surrounded by Russians starting to move in. Victor was starting to leave when he caught sight of a brown creature pressing against a wall. Upon looking agian, he saw that it was Melissa. Victor took a deep breath and dived and slid down the hill, remaining as flat as he could to avoid detection from the infantry comeing closer. Reaching the ruins, he found a hole in the wall where she was and jumped through it. Melissa, who was sitting in the corner, softly crying, only made her heart stop when she saw a fur jump into the hole of the room, but soon calmed down when she realized it was Victor. Still whimpering and her eyes where still watery, she choked out "Help me... please" in a lould, windy whisper.Victor saw the frightened otter and sat down next to her, putting an arm on her shoulders, saying "Its okay. I'll get you out.", trying to comfort her. Giving her a quick hug, Victor heard that they have entered the ruins, so he got up, pulled out a gernade, removing the pin, and throwing it through the door. After blowing up 7 soldiers, he took ot the AK and ran out the door. Melissa, sitting there, feeling a wave of relief flow thru her, knowing that God had sent him to protect her, and was glad for it. Trying to hold off the enemey advancement onto the building, but quickly running out of ammo. Throwing another gernade to buy some time, he ran back into the room with his mate and said "Theres an emergency escape tunnel over here!" holding out a hand agian, but this time, she grabbed it and Victor pulled her up and ran to the back of the room, to a open metal door with some stairs leading down behind it. After she started down them, he closed the door and latched it. "We should be safe now." Whispered Victor still trying to catch his breath, going deeper underground.

After a long, dark journy through the tunnel, they emerged into the desert 1000 meters away from the building. "There is an abandoned observatory no more than nine miles East of here." Victor said, looking off into the distance. "Umm, thank you, for back there." Said Melissa, rubbing her arm, then followed Victor. Victor, not expecting this from her for ever, was in shock and said "Uhh, yr-your... umm, welcom.". Following a long, quiet, akward walk to the obersvatory, the sun was low on the horizon, and Victor said "Well, this is it. There should be a working radio to get us the fuck outta this god-forsaken place." and kicked open the door. "This should be good enough place to crash tonight." He said after looking around. The Hasslich Observatory was originaly used to look for extraterrestrials, and to map deep space. The building itself is just a larg glass dome supported by  hexigonal framework, with a small garden surrounding the worlds largest dual-mirror telescope. "Wow, this is pretty..." Melissa said in awe of the grand building. Victor had already began to scout the building for food, water, and a place to sleep, so Melissa decided to look around, exploring the garden. Finding the kitchen, Victor raided the pantry for freeze-dried foods, and water bottels, carrying the various packages into the garden to find Melissa looking throughout the garden, he tossed her a water bottle and said "I found dinner. I also found a mattress, but the only problem is that there is only one. So you can have it, and I'll sleep on the ground." He said taking a seat next to her on the retraining wall, looking at the packages. "Okay... we got: peas, peanuts, peaches, oranges, tangerines, watermelon, mangos, salmon, icecream, more salmon, and even more salmon."  Melissa now had strong emotions for him, and a small smile crept across her muzzle and a rush of exitement flown thru her as she felt his soft fur brush agaisnt her. "Umm, the salmon." She said reaching out to grab the package and opened it. Inside it was a block of pasty pink colored stuff. After tasting it, she instantly spit it out and gagged alittle. "Ughh, this stuff *gags*, what the fuck is this stuf?" Melissa said then letting out a soft giggle. "Eh, I spent the last few years living on this stuff. You get used to it after 3 months, that is, if you dont puke your stomach out first." Victor said chuckling. He then took out a bottle of pills with U.S. Military written on it. "I also found these, they are experemental nutrient capsules. They may not fill you up, but they will give you the full nutritional values, thus keeping you alive." Melissa giggled again, becoming comfortable around him, looking next to her at the bottle in his hand. "Sure, I'll take one." She said reaching out to get one, then drinking the entire bottle of water. "At least I dont have to eat that shit." She commented, then looking at the sun. "Wow, look at the sunset." Victor chuckled and gave her a pill, smileing at the fact that she was warming up to him, but shortly after looking at the sun. "Welcom to the desert sunset." He said and unkowingly sliding his hand around her shoulders. Melissa smiled and repeated the action for him.

-Later that night-

Victor came out of the shower in the lounge with out a shirt, to see Melissa already laying on the mattress staring up to the stars in the sky. "Oh, hi..." Melissa muttered, blushing to see his muscular chest. "Oh, hey. But yea, we should be safe here for the night." Victor said still drying off and sitting next to the mattress. By now, Melissa's emotions took over and she said "C'mon, and get on here." With this, Victor got up and laid down next to her, looking up at the stars. "Well, Vicky, I see you havent killed your self." She said, not shifting her gaze.

"You made it hard for me, I contemplated suicide on a weekly baisis, thanks to you." Victor responded.

"I dont know why, but I got a kick out of making your life misrible."

"And to make it even crappier, my parents went through an ugly divorce in my Junior year. Which made a gun barrel look even tastier." He started to look depressed, with a tear starting to form in his eye from recalling the events in his past.

Hearing this, Melissa began to cry a little. "Wow, no wonder you were so depressed that year. And I cant help but feel guilty for makeing it worse. Only if I knew... Now I feel like shit." Tears rolling down her cheeks thinking about how she made his life misrible.

"Dont worry, I got better after a few years of intence therapy." He said, sighing then shaking his head, getting rid of the memories.

This time she didnt say anything but cry and leaned her head on his bare chest, curling up next to him.

Victor sighed again and tried to comfort her by wrapping his arms around her and give a hug, holding her in his arms. By now, Melissa had stopped crying and calmed down,  looking up into his green eyes. "I was always wondering something, is that rumor true that you slept with that douchebag of an asswipe back in 9th grade?" Victor asked very curiously. "Well, umm, ahhh... yes." She hesatently said. "What about you? Whom have you gotten in bed with?" After thinking for a second, Victor said "My old neighbor back when I lived in LA, a black fox from London, named Brooke. She was very sweet, funny, lovable, creative fun spirit, but most of all, she was very beautiful. We were together for two years, but then, I moved out to the base we were just at. Had to sever all outside contacts. So I havent heard her sweet voice in a while." Melissa was in shock in wonder on how he scored with a girl like that. "Wow, umm, I never would have guessed... whoa." She said, her hand starting to stroke the fur on his stomach, enjoying the warm feeling of his soft muscular chest and breathing, but most of all, his strong heart. "God, I love that sound" She said in a whisper, now enjoying his company. A short while after, she said "Back in highschool, I always thought you were hot, but as I said,  I don't know why I picked on you. But I figured, if I couldnt have you, no one could. So I spread those rumors about you." Victor was in too deep of thought to notice her stroking her, but when she began to talk, he listened with open ears. "Yea, I kinda figured that out not too long after that." He responded. With that said, she planted a kiss on his cheek, causing Victor to blush.

They stared into eachothers eye's for a few seconds, then falling into a deep passionate kiss. The two pulled away and looked at each other then Melissa perked up "Wow, umm, I actually enjoyed that.". "Y-yea, I liked it too." Replied Victor. Then, they fell back into another one, only this time, it was longer and their tounges where wrestling inside their mouths, tails starting to tangle. Their paws began to explore around, Victor's ran up and down her back, as Melissa's grouped and massaged his ass.When the kiss ended, they were still holding each other in their arms in a daze of love. Shortly after, Victor began to remove Melissa's pink shirt to reveal a small showy black bra which Melissa uncliped and threw to the side of the mattress, freeing her larger-than-normal breasts. She then pushed him onto his back and slowly pulled down is jeans and boxers, showing off his quickly growing member. Melissa took interest and focused her attention to his groin area. She did a series of kisses down his stomach while rubbing his inner thighs. When she got down to his cock, she lightly tugged on it to encourage it to come out of its sheath. Not too long after, Victor's manhood had reached its full 11" length. "Jesus Christ! I never knew that you were this big..." Melissa exclaimed in surprise. "You never asked." Victor replied. She just giggled and returned to giving Victora handjob, by slowly, but pleasurably stroking up and down his long meat and fondleing his balls. She procceded to start sucking on him, causing Victor to moan loudly. "Ah-hh, Mel! Im c-cumming!" Victor said through various moans. "Mmm, cum for me." Melissa said smileing, then placing his member into her mouth while rapidly strokeing it, causing him to shoot his large load into her mouth. After his orgasim subsided, He flipped both of them over so that Melissa was on her back giving him full access to her.

He ever so gently stripped away her jeans and started to massage her inner thighs, paying close attention to her pussy and rubbing it through her black panties, soon after, a small wet spot began to form in the middle of the fabric. Melissa's sex scent also began to pour out, meaning that she was going into heat. Victor agonizingly slowly peeled away her panties to show her dam folds and bent in to begin licking her now dripping sex, lapping up her femjuices. Shortly after, began to suck on her clit while slipping his tounge into her wet lips, causing Melissa to cry out in extacy. Wanting more, Melissa put her hands around his head and force her pussy into his mouth, making her wimper. Victor, determined to deliver, slipped in his middle and pointer fingers trying to find her g-spot, when he brushed against it, Melissa felt some juices squirt out and back arch. "God damnit! Just make me fucking cum!" She yelled out, starting to become a little desperate. Victor took his other paw and slipped in his pointer finger into her tail hole and pump it in and out slowly, while his other fingers quickly brushed against her g-spot and suckled on her clit, sending Melissa over the edge, sending a rush of her juices splashing into his muzzle and lapped up the rest. Melissa, still painting heavily from her massive extacy rush, said "Ahh-hh, th-that was f-fun." with a smile "Now lets do it." She said with a seductive smile.

Victor took the invetation, crawled up next to her and said "Glad you liked it, I like the way you think." with a mellow smile. Victor laid sideways, rolling Melissa to match him, crossing their legs. He rubbed his dick against Melissa's folds, "Are you ready?" he asked, resting the head of his dick on her sex. "Oh just fuck me already." Melissa said with a small cute giggle. Victor nodded and slowly pushed in all the way down to the hilt. Melissa moaned and gasped to his huge package inside her, loving the feeling. She then took over and started rocking her hips, and for leverage, she wrapped her legs around him to get more powerfull thrusts, trying to hit her g-spot. With his moans of pleasures, Victor began to caress her body, his paws ultimatly meeting and pulling her in to a firm hug.

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