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[Y] The Dragon, The Demoness and the Sword
This is for the sake of character development and delivering props to those who helped me. It is about Torm's recent past and encounters.
[Y] The Dragon, The Demoness and the Sword
The Sword, The Demoness and the Dragon  I needed a weapon… Badly              It’s been over five years since the demoness Nikana and I last fought. I have spent all this time wandering around, in search of training, just to see if I measure up to her yet. I haven’t seen her since that last encounter either, so the first test will be to find her once I feel that I am ready. I’ve fought many in my long path though and I have learned a lot about both fighting and myself. I have learned that I am not yet very good at fighting magic and that my strength lies in engaging toe to toe with my opponent. But at the same time ever since my staff was destroyed I’ve been forced to do this with my own two hands or paws. Believe me, razor claws vs. blocks of enchanted ice or mystic flames = really, Really unfair.So, one day I took it upon myself to find a weapon. One of my oldest friends, a Lioness and leader of her tribe, found me in the Serengeti while I was wandering about globally. She hounded me into coming with her for a while and I did so, meeting her tribe and also an intriguing Dragon Rider named after someone from a very long time ago, though she didn’t know it. Her name had been Crimson, and she was a husky fur with beauty and sorrow mingled inside her. But the most interesting of all that I had met that day was the Lady Keena, a white Dragon who had happened to be the partner of Crimson, though she hadn’t remembered it at first. I was so baffled by the sight of a dragon that I reacted… badly. By badly, I mean I fell victim to my cursed mark and attempted to slaughter everyone in the vicinity. Luckily, they thrashed me to within an inch of my life and I was stopped… In hindsight, that was possibly the worst bit of owning I have ever received since my fight against Nikana. Not pleasant at all. Anyway, after all was said and done, and I had been healed to a more manageable level of health, I got to know Lady Keena quite well. I told her of my journey and how I wanted to improve myself. I could not tell if she was held by the story or just indulging me for her own amusement but in the end she agreed to help me for a mysterious price. I still don’t know to this day what that price will be, but she agreed to make me a sword unlike any other, and for that kind of weapon, and her friendship, I would gladly pay any cost. We have spent much time in each other’s company since then, in the mountains that I currently call home, and in the city nearby. Also, she has introduced me to a new place, full of great fighters and artists. This place is simply called The Tavern and I have taken a great liking to it, though I am as of yet still unknown. I learn a great deal every day just by watching them closely. Also, as a bonus, Lady Keena has shown me the design for the sword. What a beautiful weapon! The blade is made to look like overlapping dragon’s scales, giving it a unique design and most likely a very interesting feel when swung. The blade is usually the look of steel and comes down into what looks like a Wolf’s head, howling upwards. The handle is wrapped and bound with what I think might be leather, to have a good but soft grip and the pommel is made in guise of a smaller Dragon’s head, staring majestically down upon the wolf with kindness. A little condescending but I appreciate the sentiment. Finally, best of all is that the blade is inlaid with magic to protect and attack with and that it will change colors on certain occasions. When I am in impending danger, it will be wreathed in a blood red aura and when the time of the full moon is nigh, it will shine pure white and offer a bit of protection from the Moon’s sway.  It is a precious gift for which I will always be thankful. I cannot wait to see what else lies in store for me here in this place but I know that whatever happens, I will emerge stronger than before. All in the aim of being able to take Nikana on… Her ‘wolf boy’ will show her that the first time was injustice and that imprisonment was not welcomed… So long as my fire still burns, I will find her and tell her all that I have ever wanted to. Nikana! You and I will meet again!