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[Y] Matthew's Story
Matthew's Story Straight Views 2768 Votes 5 Comments 4
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Ok this is a story for my character, its in progress but I need to know if its good before I continue my work on it. Its more a less a book instead of a short story
[Y] Matthew's Story
Chapter 1
The Escape

A still soft wind blows across the snow on that cold night. The stars sitting in the shy watching down on the lone wolf as he stands in the cave. Watching and listing- trying to remember all that has happen in the past days. Before things were fucked up. When things were in order. The wolf looks back. Searching his thoughts. He remembers the betrayal. The hate and the pain of the events that took place. To what seems like a life time ago, it happened so quickly. Without notice or thought. He remembers the sudden change in his environment. The elders running and killing without a seconds notice. Some put up a fight, but were overwhelmed by the mass group of ones who were in the priest’s legion . The ones he use to trust. The nobles and elders………..

“Matthew…….Matthew.  GET UP. We have to go now.”  Jason repeated himself trying to motivate Matthew. “Get the fuck up” He shouts again. Feeling the taste of iron in his mouth and the filmier scent of blood. He wipes his mouth and try’s to stand. Finally gaining his strength, he manages to get up. Jason griping his paw and dragging him down the hallway. Matthew dazed manages to ask Jason “Have you seen any guards around the area”.  Jason then looking around  the corner . He turns back to Matthew, looking him dead in the eyes. No….They are all in section 7. He continues to look at Matthew with fear in his eyes. “Why is this happening. Why….Why would the priest do this. What is his motive. Matthew looks at him, weak and tired. I…I don’t know.  Jason replied. “stay here I’m going to check the area.” Matthew looks back. “no, we need to find a way out. We need to escape. Jason replied. “no we have to look for the others, the ones who are not in with the priest….  “No Matthew said, They are all dead.”  How do you know, Jason said with a snap in his voice. “Jason I know a way out, through the gardens. If we hurry  quick we can make it. “But…. Jason said and stopped suddenly. “Listen….”  Jason looks around the corner yet again finding a fist in his face. Suddenly landing on the floor. Matthew upright and standing, his fur color changing from straight black to silver and black. His eyes glowing white as snow. He jumps around the corner to meet one of the elders, a trusted friend of his who turned on him. “You know im going to have to kill you right.” Said the elder. “Try” Matthew replied. Before Matthew could finish the sentence he raised up and struck the elder in the throat with his index finger, slicing his throat from side to side. The elder fell to the ground in a pool of blood. Matthew turns around and walks over to Jason and picks him up. Holding his face he wipes the blood  and brings him back from his unconscieneness. “You ok Jason”. “Yes, just did not see that one coming. I should have see it, I smelled trouble.” Matthew grabbing Jason takes his paw and heads down the hallway to the gardens. WAIT. Jason said sharply, holding back Matthew. Jason then pointing at the wall to the camera. Right there. You think the priest has seen us by now. Matthew asked. I don’t know……Meanwhile the priest sitting in his chambers watches the monitors as Matthew and Jason stand still and watch. The priest with a grin on his face motions the guard over to him. “I want them alive and brought to me immediately. Do not let me down.” The guard understood as he looked back at the group waiting for instruction. “We will cut them off in section 1 of the fortress, right before the gardens. Take them alive, if needed break there wings and legs. The guard said with no care in his voice for the two who were trying to escape. He motioned for his troops as they headed down the corridor. “We need to grab some armor incase we run into anymore trouble.”  “We need to go to the armory then Matthew said.” The two walked down the hallway, staying in the shadows to keep there location a secret. As they passed the different paths and walkways leading to different parts of the fortress, they noticed some fur tucked away. Almost out of sight, they drew closer. The closer they got they smelled the stench of blood and rotten flesh. They then realized what they were looking at. It was one of the gate keepers who refused to join the allegiance of the priest. As they looked at the body of there fallen comrade they could not help but question yet again why all this was happening. “I don’t understand Matthew, Why us ? Why now ? What have we done to deserve this disloyalty. What is the meaning behind all this.” “I don’t know Jason All I know is that all the others who are not with the priest are dead and or dying as we speak, We don’t even know if there are any others. I cant sense any of there heartbeats nor can a pick up there scent. All I smell and feel around this place is evil.” “Lets keep going Jason, We need to make it to the armory before they decide to guard it.” They get up and leave, not looking back at the lifeless gate keeper……… “ The priest stands from his throne. Looking out his chamber window, we watches as his guards take slaughter the ones who would not side. “It’s a beautiful sight is it not. The priest said to his messenger. “Yes it is master, I have been waiting for this day, The day when we raise up and rid our world of all these heretics. All those who do not follow need to have there blood spilled.” The priest turns around to look at the messenger. “I gave them a choice and even those who did choose what I had to offer I will still kill, I feel there betrayal even before it enters there heart. I choose who lives and who dies.” “Yes I know master. And I would not have it any other way. This is your time to reign.” “ What is the status on the two that are still missing.” The priest having a grin on his face. The messenger replied. “There whereabouts are unconfirmed. Last know position was section 6 when you seen them on the monitor. The priest sat back in his throne with a look of worry on his face. “Master, What brings you such trouble.” “Matthew is the oldest of us except myself, he is clever and strong. But not as strong as myself. Still he poses a threat to this whole nation. He must be destroyed and quickly.” Yes master, the guards are doing all they can to track and find them…………