A Cold Night in Moscow Pt 1

By: The Prodigal Son
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A Cold Night in Moscow Pt. 1


There he sat, alone at the bar. A red wolf, and former member of Gamma pack. This was Nikolai Dmitriev, a wolf who until a week ago had everything he could ever want. He had a pack that respected him as a hunter, a female he was going to make his mate, and a den to call home. “How did this happen?” he thought to himself as he tried to drown his sorrows with liquor. “Why me of all people? Why couldn’t I just have protected them?” The thoughts continued to rush around in his head throwing him further into depressions icy grasp. As the hours went by, the empty bottle began to pile up. Before he knows it, the bartender says “hey pal, closing time, time to go.”

“Just one more drink. Please” muttered Nikolai as tears began to form in his eyes.

“Sorry guy, but it’s time to go home” replied the bartender.

“Fine” said Nikolai as he walked out of the bar into the cold Russian air. It was a chilly night, even for Russia. “Perfect,” he though “and of course I have nowhere else to go tonight. Let’s just hope the cold kills me, at least then I won’t have to live like this” he thought to himself with a cold comfort. As he strolled around the barren streets looking for a dry spot to sleep, he came across another wolf sleeping in an alley. He was pure white, more so than the snow, his fur lightly dusted with snow. A though wandered into Nikolai’s head, but he pushed it away, sure that it was just the alcohol.  “Hey, are you okay?” Nikolai asked the white wolf. The wolf simply groans, not strong enough to give a response. As Nikolai takes a step closer, he sees that the other wolf is laying in a pool of blood. “Oh my God! Just hold still, I’m going to go get help!”

“Thank you” whispered the white wolf as he coughed up more blood.

“Don’t try to talk, your just making it worse, now just wait here.”

A few minutes later, Nikolai returns to where he found the white wolf. “okay, help is on the way, but you have to hang on.”

“Listen, if help doesn’t get here…”

“Don’t say that. I’m not going to let you die. I will not lose another brother. Damn it! You’re losing too much blood. I need you to hold on because this is going to hurt like hell.”

“What are you AGHHHHHHHH!” the wolf howled out in pain as Nikolai tried to stop the bleeding with his paw. Pain racked his body as he tried to hold to stay awake, but finally the pain proved too great for him and he passed out.

Not long after, help arrived to take the white wolf to the hospital. Nikolai insisted on going along to make sure that he was alright. When they arrived at the hospital, the wolf was rushed in and immediately taken back to surgery. Nikolai sat patiently in the waiting room, awaiting any news on the white wolf. After several hours, a doctor came out of the operating room to talk to Nikolai.

Nikolai stood up and asked “Well, is he alright?”

“Yes he will, but we still don’t know if he will stay that way. He had lost a lot of blood and one of his lungs is punctured. But if you hadn’t come across him when you did, he would be dead for sure” the doctor responded.

“Oh thank God. Is there any chance I could talk to him?”

“When he wakes up, that won’t be a problem. In fact, he was asking to see you before we put him under. I think he will want to thank the one that saved his life.”

“He, he did?” Nikolai asked, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing.

“Yes, he did. So you can talk to him in a few hours. Until then just try and get some rest, you look like you haven’t slept all night.”

“Yeah thanks, I’ll try to.” With that, Nikolai closed his eyes and let himself fall to sleep.



End of Part 1

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