Wake up call

By: Syra
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 You know it's going to be a bad day when the first thing you feel when you wake up in the morning is the liquor breath of a daemon twho's arms are thicker than your legs. Now I know I'm not the biggest kitty in the litter being five feet tall and barely over ninety pounds but this guy's shoulder looms over the top of my ears and he must weight four or five times more than me.

My eyes are still glued together from a much needed rest when his hand strikes me across the face and that's more than enough to slap all that morning haze straight out of my body. I lose track of the stars that seem to explode in front of my eyes and the burning sensation in my cheek is followed by that metallic taste of blood. Instinctively I wince in place and try to squirm from underneath him but he holds me down. It's rather easy when one's hand is as big as my head and decides to grip my shoulder so hard his claws nearly dig holes through it. One knee nearly snaps my leg in half and keeps me pinned and vulnerable. I should have known better by now but I tend to do and say things before thinking them over. It was rather amusing to see his face twist after I spat on him, a trickle of my own blood visible. It's wasn't so amusing to feel his hand close around my neck. I swat at his wrists and try to gasp for breath. No such luck. I squirm but he doesn't let go, not until my lungs are burning inside my chest. Effortlessly, he backs from the bed, dragging me along before shoving me face first on the mattress. The good news, I can breathe again and between coughing and gasping for air I manage to stay conscious. The bad news, I'm butt naked with my ass invitingly dangling over the edge. The very same fingers that were just threatening to choke me take a firm grip of my hair and I cry out as he yanks my head back and leans forward.

 "You're even tighter than your whore of a girlfriend." Normally, I'd blurt some sort of half-assed witty reply but the concept of foreplay was obviously lost in the male. Before I even had a chance to catch my breath his cock is buried inside me and my whole body gets jerked forward by that single thrust. It hurts like hell and not even a clenched jaw keeps me from moaning in pain. The next few minutes don't exactly get any easier or pleasant. I hate how he grunts and growls and I hate how my own whimpers of discomfort mingle with his own sounds of pleasure. I especially hate how he breathes down my neck and face after his cock stops throbbing and finishes unloading his cum inside me. I bury my face on the sheets but I can't get rid of his stench and the only thing that gets me up again is the hard, cruell kiss of a leather belt across my back. I crawl into bed with a cry and curl into something smaller but he still manages to strike me one last time. I'll be wearing those two swells across my back for the rest of the day and I can only hope I don't get any more accessories like that before morning is through.

 "You hit like a girl..." My voice is hardly convincing and I guess that's the reason why he doesn't turn back to make me swallow those words. With a grunt he slams the door and leaves me alone in the room and I gladly take the moment of privacy to roll onto my stomach and moan as the fire in my back cools down to more manageable levels. I wish I had a towel. God knows when I'm getting a clean set of sheets and the mess he made has to go somewhere. Sighing heavily I force myself of the bed and head towards the bathing area. At least I have access to warm water to wash that sticky mess out of my fur and get his scent out of my nose. Unlike my room, which barely has enough room for a double mattress and a small chest filled with toys and apparel that range from moderately fun to verily painful, this area is big enough to accommodate an indoor pool and over a dozen stalls with individual showers. House plumbing is such a wonderful invention. If not for a few hidden dangers lurking in the deeper area of the pool, and a phobia with drowning, I'd likely be willing to spend more time around here. I'm just about done when company arrives and if Aaron, the daemon from before was a bad way to start the day, the bitch in front of me is hardly an improvement at all.

 "You think that just because Master isn't around you get a free pass to sit on your ass all day?"

"I was just getting myself squeaky clean to make sure my foul stench wouldn't upset your delicate snot mistress Bitch."
My voice sounded nothing if not venomous and I can tell by the way she looks at me I've hit a nerve. Our master, whom I'll get to later, decided to baptize her shortly after her purchase and the nickname fits on all counts. She's a muscular canine with the attitude of a vicious rottweiler and a strong hatred of every other female in the world. In addition, she seems to have such a strong sadomasochistic nature that make Aaron's twisted mind pale in comparison. I've seen her masochistic side several times whenever our Master decides to have his fun with her but since she's the head slave around this place, I always end up on the receiving end of her sadistic tastes. Hanging from the side of a black leather corset that covers neither her breasts nor her crotch rests a coiled whip and she's holding a riding crop in her paws, neither of which giving me any comfort. Thankfully, the first is left alone for now but the riding crop points to the floor at the edge of the pool. Had it been our Master, I wouldn't even blink before getting into position but with her, I take a few liberties. Sighing audible and dragging both my feet, I move into the designated spot, sinking to my knees. She doesn't take long to stand in front of me, running the tip of the crop through my cheek, down my neck and over the curves of my breasts.

 "We're going to have lots of fun today kitty..." She announces, giving several light taps to my nipples with the crop. I'm pretty sure someone is going to have fun but I doubt I'll be included. "But I feel like a little appetizer first."   The crop presses against my chin and forces me to look up at her. Her lips curl in amusement while her eyes scan my face and apparently Aaron left a mark. "Mouthing off again have you?" Her laughter echoes through the room and one paw rubs my face hard enough to make it sting again, the bruise under my furr swollen. My silence isn't enjoyable and the crop returns to my breasts, this time striking them hard enough to make me squirm and whimper. Her free paw lowers to my chest, her fingers closing hard around a nipple, giving it a firm pinch. My cry is muffled quickly by a mouthful of her pussy, pressed right against my face. I just knew today wouldn't be a good day at all...
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