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[Y] A Funny Little Thing Called Fate
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The story of a cat named Surry and a wolf named Rocky and how everything just seems to fall into place as they get to know each other. The little -1- thingies are just the subdivisions inside the chapters. There will be more chapters soon to come. Let me know if you like it or have any suggestions. Thanks ^.^
[Y] A Funny Little Thing Called Fate


A Funny Little Thing Called Fate

*Chapter 1* 


- 1 -


            She awoke to the high pitched squeal of her cell phone ringing. She was covered in sweat and panting from her dream; the same dream as approximately every night. Flicking on her lamp, she got a faint glimpse of the scars running down her back before answering the cell.

“Hello?” she asked groggily.

“Surry, is that you?” a voice asked on the other end.

“Yes, it is me. Julie, why are you calling me so early?” Surry asked dazed.

            She glanced at the clock to her left, and saw it read three a.m.

“I need somewhere to stay. James and I got into an awful fight, and you’re the only one I know to ask. Please Surry!”

“Ooh, all right. You know where the extra key is, let yourself in.”

            Julie smiled on the other end and hung up quickly as Surry stood and sighed to herself. Walking into the bathroom, she took a glance  at her body. She was completely naked in front of the full length mirror. Turning to her side, Surry took a long, hard look at the scars on her back.

            The scars ran from her left shoulder blade to the small of her back. They were claw marks; tiger claws. Her muscles were stiff and her body was tight with stress. She climbed into the shower hoping to get rid of some anxiety.

            As the lukewarm water ran over her body, she let out a soft moan of relief. Leaning back against the wall, her mind began to wander as it often did when she was relaxing. She thought about how much she wanted a man in her life, that wouldn’t hurt her. She wasn’t a dreadful looking cat; she was quite the opposite. Surry had fluffy white fur with black spots. Due to the random placement of her spots, one of her butt cheeks happened to be black.  Her eyes were a shadowy brown and her ears perked up when she was happy. I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life, Surry thought to herself. Ever since Henry had turned on her, she had been terrified to get involved with another man. Her hand trailed down her stomach to her sensitive lips and began thinking of the perfect gentleman.

            I want someone big and muscular, but nice and sweet. I want someone who can give me the night of my life, and still be there when I wake up. Not to mention a nice member to love me with, but that’s more of a bonus. A wolf maybe, or a tiger, or a horse; I just want a man. I haven’t felt one in a long time. Surry whined to herself rubbing her now moist lower parts. She bit her bottom lip and began rubbing her fingers between the small lips, coating them in her wetness. She slipped one finger inside her and realized how tight she was. Her pussy was clenching the one finger and she had to force a second finger inside.

            Letting out a soft moan, she began pumping her two fingers in and out of her tight walls, teasing the walls with her finger tips. She moaned as she started wiggling her fingers faster, and rubbing them on her sensitive spots. Her claws brushed over her walls making her gasp and moan with pleasure. I want a big cock so bad right now. Why can’t I find a man? She moaned loudly and felt her whole body tighten. Using her other hand, she began to rub and squeeze her breasts, giving the nipples a nice pinch.

            She moaned again rubbing quicker and harder against her inner folds, while rubbing her clit with the bottom of her palm. Her whole body was on edge and she could feel cum building up within her. A sudden gasp escaped her lips, as her cum gushed out and covered her thighs and legs. Surry leaned back against the wall panting with pleasure.

            The toilet outside of the shower suddenly began to flush and the water inside turned to an uncomfortably hot temperature. Surry jumped out of the shower with a loud, dazed squeal. Julie stood by the toilet giggling and smiling.

“Hey there, I’m here.” Julie chuckled.

“Why did you have to do that? I hate you, woman.” Surry hissed at her.

            Looking down at her legs, Surry saw the remaining spots of her juices.

“Let me finish my shower. Then we can talk.” Surry said getting back into the shower.

            Julie smiled and walked out leaving Surry to finish up. Ten minuets passed and Surry walked into her kitchen fully dressed in some shorts and an oversized t-shirt, to find Julie was sitting at the counter eating some cereal and minding her own business.

“Nice to see you make yourself at home.” Surry said with a smile.

“Eh, it’s because I know you won’t mind.” Julie replied.

“So tell me what happened, and how long I have to put up with you.”

“Wow, you’re so nice to me,” Julie rolled her eyes playfully, “well, where do I start? James and I got into a life-sized fight. I caught him hanging around his ex. You know the stripper? Well he was coming home late all the time and I just told him I didn’t like it. Then he went all off on me. So I called you.”

“Good thinking Julie. Why me though?”

“You’re my best friend, but mostly because I know you have no love life and I won’t have to listen to anyone have sex.”

“Oh, ha-ha, aren’t you the funny one!”

            Julie smiled and gave Surry a tight hug.

“We are going to find you a man Surry. I don’t care what it takes.”

            Surry laughed and smiled brightly at Julie. Julie was a black panther. It was just like her to be in someone else’s business all the time, it was her nature. Julie had long brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was midnight black and liked to sneak around everywhere, not to mention her instincts to be a party animal.

“You’re wasting your time Julie. There is no man for me.”

“Yes, there is. You just have to find the right one. Tonight we are going to a club, whether you like it or not.”

            Shrugging Julie away, Surry went into the living room and plopped down onto the couch to get a nap. She ended up sleeping most of the day away, while Julie plotted to get Surry out for the night.

- 2 -

            Julie pounced on top of Surry and began to tickle her ribs madly. Surry jumped up squirming and laughing from the sudden tickle attack.

“For the love of god, stop it!!!!” Surry squealed in-between giggles.

            Julie smiled and got off her.

“Come on; go put on the clothes I left for you. We are going clubbing.” Julie said with a giggle and clapped her hands together.

“No way in hell, are you getting me to go clubbing with you.” Surry remarked laughing and standing on her own two feet.

“You are coming. You need a man Surry, God, how long has it been since you’ve had sex, three years?”

“Almost two actually, and I don’t need a man. You know what happened last time.” Surry remarked with a hiss.

“Oh, come on. So he went a little crazy and tried to kill you. Someone saved you right? And from what you described he was pretty hot too.” Julie replied with a smirk.

“I don’t remember what he looked like. I just remember that he had big paws. Then I passed out.”

“Well you know what they say about guys with big paws, but I don’t care you’re getting a man.”

            Julie shoved Surry into her room, and then pointed to the clothes on Surry’s bed demanding that they be put on, and fast. Sighing to herself, Surry walked to the bed and took off her shorts and shirt. The clothes Julie expected her to wear were ridiculous. They had to be Julie’s clothes; Only Julie would wear this stuff.

            On the bed lay a black, leather mini skirt that could float and was not tight at all. The top of the mini skirt had a chain belt, and fishnet panty hoes lay beside the skirt. The shirt was a small crimson tube top that looked like it was a large headband. Along with the accessories included: a studded black, leather collar, fishnet hand gloves, hooker boots, and a black thong.

            Sighing to herself, Surry began to slip all of it on. She was not able to wear a bra under the tube top and figured that was the point. When she had all the clothes on she took one glance into the full sized mirror and began to blush a vivid red. Her breasts were pushing up out of the top, showing off cleavage and her nipples were visible through the fabric. Her tail pushed up the back of her skirt slightly, so the bottoms of her cheeks were noticeable.

“I AM NOT WEARING THIS!” Surry screamed at the top of her lungs.

            Julie opened the door and a sly grin went across her face. Without a word she grabbed Surry by the arm, dragging her out of the apartment. If she wasn’t stronger than me, I would kick her ass so hard right now. Surry thought to herself mumbling in frustration.

“Surry, you need some physical attention. You are smoking hot, and you don’t use it.” Julie said skipping to the car.

            Julie was wearing tight leather pants that stuck to her every curve and a tank top that showed off cleavage, with her hair down and over her shoulders.

“How come I have to wear the most revealing clothes?” whined Surry.

“Stop whining and get in the car!” squealed Julie

            Obediently Surry made her way to the car and slid inside. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed as Julie drove to the club.

- 3 -

To Surry’s surprise the Club where Julie was taking her, happened to be right next to the alley where Henry had chased her. Surry shivered in the car thinking about Henry and that day.

“I don’t know about this. I really want to go home now.” Surry said nervously.

            Julie shot her a glance out of the corner of her eye, as if she could read Surry’s mind.

“Surry, just because it is close to the alley, does not mean Henry will be here. You haven’t seen him in year’s right? Right, so enjoy the night. Now, stop thinking about that Surry.”

            Surry nodded and stopped looking out the window. She’s right, might as well enjoy myself.

            The club was called The Graveyard Shift because it was only open at night and until the early morning. It was supposed to be one of the best clubs in the big city of LA. From the outside the club looked bleak and unappealing. The building was made of bricks, and the only and the only thing signaling that it was a club, happened to be a neon green and blue sign saying “The Graveyard Shift.”

            This is going to end badly, Surry thought to herself.

            Julie grabbed Surry and began dragging her to the door. A male Doberman stood in the doorway and smiled at the two.

“Hello Julie. Who is that cute kitten behind you?” the Doberman said with a smirk.

“This is Surry. She is single and needs a big man like you Kaleb.” Julie replied giggling.

            Surry pushed Julie into the door. The Doberman smirked and gave Surry’s ass a nice slap and grab.  Squealing, Surry jumped into the door.

“What are you doing Julie? I let you bring me here but you need to stop with the flirt talk. I am not, I repeat, am not and will not, find a man here.” Surry pointed her finger in Julie’s face trying to pass her point.

            Julie just shrugged and smiled.

- 4 -

            The night was dragging by, like a snail trying to cross the freeway. Surry spent most of her time sitting at the bar and twirling in her seat. Alcohol did not sit well with her, and smoking was a waste.

“Hey, why is a pretty girl like you sitting alone?”

            A male voice came from behind her, his voice was soft and sweet as she glanced around her shoulder to look back at him. It was a male wolf standing around 6’2 with a muscular build and very big paws. His eyes and hair were a dark brown and his lips curled into a grin as he looked at her.

“I feel like being alone.” She shrugged to herself.

“Well, a pretty girl like you should be out with her boyfriend.” The wolf replied.

            Surry laughed to herself and looked at him.

“The only reason you are most likely talking to me right now, is that my friend Julie dressed me and I look terrible. So, if you excuse me I have to drive my friend home and listen to her and whoever she picks up, have sex tonight.”

            Surry huffed and stood walking off in a hurry. The wolf turned his head, and watched her hips sway from side to side in the mini skirt she was wearing and grinned. It was true; he had come over in the first place because of her amazing ass. It was the perfect shape and looked firm and fun to play with, but he had also wanted to get to know her. Watching her disappear, He smiled. Something bright caught his eye, turning to see what it was; he noticed she had left her bracelet. Picking it up, he decided to return it personally, and stuffed it into his pocket.

- 5 -

            Surry glanced over at the clock that read 4 a.m.  She groaned to herself listening to the screams and moans of pleasure coming from the room across the hall. Julie had brought a boy home with her, his name was John and he happened to be a big horse; just like her boyfriend James. They had been at it for five hours, as Surry slapped a pillow over her face, pretending to suffocate.

“Almost there!!” screamed John at the top of his lungs.

            Surry raised one eyebrow, wondering how it was possible for a man to go so long, and just now be reaching his climax. Surry began slapping the pillow over her face trying to drown out the sounds of the bed posts hitting the wall, Julie’s scream of pleasure, and John’s moans. She realized that even though she couldn’t sleep, she found herself aroused while listening to her best friend being taken. This is so wrong…why won’t they get done already?

“YES!!” Julie screamed.

            The horse let out a loud nay of pleasure, as Julie squealed in a blissful voice. Silence followed and Surry let out a sigh of relief. It had been a long night nonetheless; she was determined to get some sleep. Her mind began to wonder and she found herself thinking of the wolf at the bar. He had been very handsome and polite at the most, even if he was just out to get laid. She wondered if she would ever see him again, as her body gave in to the need for rest and pushing her into a deep sleep; dreaming of the wolf.