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[Y] A Funny Little Thing Called Fate (Chap. 2)
The second chapter to the story "Funny Little Thing Called Fate." this part of the story is where the reader starts to get a glimpse into the conflict that is to come, and starts to see Surry and Rocky become close
[Y] A Funny Little Thing Called Fate (Chap. 2)

*Chapter 2*


            To her surprise Surry found herself waking up feeling refreshed despite the rough night. Moving her leg, she blushed and realized there was a big wet spot in her panties. Her dreams had sent her into a wonderful heaven, of pleasure and love. Stop it now Surry. That wolf was nothing, and you will probably never be able to even see him again. Surry shook her head and went over to her closet. She reached inside to grab a long, white robe. Slipping it on, she made her way into the kitchen for some breakfast.

“Well, hi there sleepy head.” Julie said with a loud giggle

            Julie and John were sitting at the counter in the middle of the kitchen. John had obviously made some omelets considering the fact there was cooked food on the table and Julie couldn’t cook to save her life.

“You know, when I told you that you could stay with me, I had no idea that I would get to listen to your sex life.” Surry replied with slight annoyance in her voice.

            Julie blushed softly and smiled, just shrugging in her direction. John looked over at the kitten and gave Surry a smirk.

“I made you an omelet too. I thought you might be hungry.” He said looking down at her exposed cleavage through the robe.

            Surry pulled the top of her robe together and gave him a fake smile. She simply walked over to the stove, took the omelet and walked back into her room to get dressed. It’s going to be a long day… I can already feel it coming... She thought to herself. Reaching into her closet, she pulled out some blue jeans and a tight t-shirt with a Nike “just do it” logo on the front. She slipped on some tennis shoes and quickly grabbed her brush. She ran the brush through her hair to get all the tangles out, and then snatched her doctor coat from the back of her bedroom door.

“Julie I will be back in a couple of hours. I need to go see Toddy for a bit after I check up on the hospital. Promise not to destroy my apartment like last time.” Surry whined softly remembering how her apartment had been turned upside down by Julie and her last visit. It had taken Surry almost two full weeks to get everything back in order around the house.

Julie giggled from the kitchen and yelled out, “I promise!”

            Walking outside into the bright summer day, Surry took a big whiff of the air that was running through her hair. It was a beautiful day, perfect to be outdoors and in the sun. The hospital was only a couple of blocks from her apartment, and toddy’s house was only another three, so she decided to walk today. Pulling the strap of her purse over her shoulder, she began to walk down the street, letting her mind wander off to any little place it so pleased.


            The hospital only took about thirty minutes. All Surry had to do was make sure no one needed any help. She was the Head of the RN department. It was her first day off in a long time, but she wanted to make sure everything was ok. If she didn’t drop by a new nurse would be paging her every five minutes to come down to the hospital. Nope, not today! She reached down and turned her pager off. The hospital could last one whole day without her being there to solve everyone’s problems. What time is it? If it was after 12 o’ clock she could go to Toddy’s house and he would be there. She lifted her left hand to look down at the bracelet watch that her great grandmother had given her, but it was gone. She turned and looked on the ground where she had been walking, but there was no bracelet in sight. Come to think of it… I didn’t have it on this morning either. She tried to retrace her footsteps in her head all the way back to the last time she had seen the silver bracelet. The bar! I left it at the bar… crap. I’ll just have to go back and get it tonight.

            She crossed her arms over her chest and began to walk down the street again, but this time in a huffy mood. If that stinky wolf hadn’t distracted me, I would still have it! Of course she would blame it on the wolf, even though she forgot about things frequently; it was entirely the wolf’s fault. Her mood changed from huffy to happy when she saw Toddy’s house. It was a big two story house, complete with a small fountain in the front and even a pool in the back. No one asked Toddy where he got all the money; He simply told them that he had inherited it from his family after his father passed away, but his close friends knew the truth.

            Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt someone hugging her from behind. Looking down, she could see the small hands of a male fox and knew it was Todd.

“Surry, I’m so happy to see you! You really need to come by more often. There is someone here I want you to meet. He’s a good friend of mine!”

            Todd was a small, girly boy fox. He had a small enough body to pull off the girly look, and actually looked better than some girls in a skirt. He was a few inches shorter than her, but if you included his ears they were the same height. Surry had met Todd at the hospital, when his mate had gotten hurt on the job and needed top notch doctoring skills. Todd took Surry’s hand and led her into the cool house. The house wasn’t fancy on the inside, but it was very modern. Even though Todd didn’t want it to seem like he was full of money by making his house fancy, his home still looked like something out of a magazine. Every room was perfectly decorated to go together. Magazine home, hot boyfriend, fun job, wow lucky guy huh?

            Todd drug Surry into the kitchen by her paw. Peeking inside, Surry could see Tommy at the sink. Tommy was a muscled Tiger who looked like he could just rip someone in half. He was a policeman, and a damn good one at that. Toddy walked up behind Tommy, wrapping his arms around his mate’s waist. Tommy smiled back at the little fox and continued cutting some carrots for whatever dish he was making. Surry just smiled at the couple, they were so cute together.

“Anyone seen my black pants around here?” called a male voice from the hall.

            The wolf walked into the kitchen wearing a pair of silky white boxers. He glanced over seeing the kitten and a smirk spread across his face. Before anyone could say anything, Toddy pranced forward and linked arms with Surry.

“This is Surry. Rocky meet Surry, Surry meet Rocky.” Toddy giggled to himself

            Surry and Rocky just stared at one another, not saying anything. The wolf had a smirk on his face, and Surry just cocked her hips and crossed her arms. Looking away from the wolf, Surry let out a huff. Toddy looked at them both and his cheeks flushed a bright pink.

“Do you guys know each other?” Toddy asked with a look of confusion on his face.

“We’ve met.” Rocky replied walking to the kitchen counter. He picked up a silver bracelet and handed it to her. She gasped softly and took the bracelet in her hands. It was the watch bracelet she left at the bar. He had picked it up for her.

“Thank you.” She said

            She slipped the bracelet on her wrist and clipped it. Tommy looks back at Rocky over his shoulder and laughed softly.

“Is this the feline you were talking about when you came home?”

            Rocky gave a slight nod, “She’s the one who blew me off because she thought I wanted to get laid.”

“Well you did, didn’t you?” Surry scoffed at the wolf and uncrossed her arms.

“Yeah, I won’t deny it.”

            Surry rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. Men are so stupid! On the other hand he is pretty cute…no shut up! Surry blinked her eyes a few times, shaking the thoughts of ever finding this wolf attractive out of her mind. Toddy chimed in with his usual perky attitude and took both Surry and Rocky’s hands in his.

“We should all go to dinner sometime. I’m sure you two could get along. Rocky really isn’t that bad once you get to know him.”

            Surry just smiled at the little fox. Always trying to be the match maker eh toddy boy? Ah well… What could it hurt, my dignity maybe?

“That sounds like it could be fun as long at the wolf keeps his hands to himself.” Surry replied with a smirk in the wolf’s direction. The wolf simply smiled back at her and held up his hands, wiggling his fingers.

“No promises.”

            Surry just shook her head and then looked down at Toddy. He was beaming happily at her and her cheeks flushed a bit. She had originally come to talk to Toddy about something, but her mind would not let her remember what that something was. Once again the wolf has managed to make me forget something. I hope this won’t become a habit.

“We should go to dinner tonight.”

            Toddy’s voice pulled her out of her mind’s babble. She blinked once and looked down at the little fox.

“Yeah, sure that sounds like it might be fun,” Surry replied slowly, “you guys can come by and pick me up. You know where I live toddy.”

“Sure thing, see you around eight?” Toddy chimed in practically bouncing as he spoke.

“See you at eight.” She replied.

            Surry made her way to the door, and stole one glance behind her at the gray wolf. He was leaning back against the kitchen counter, watching her leave with a big smirk on his face. He gave her a wink, and on instinct her cheeks flushed. You better hope he didn’t see that blush missy! She gave them all a small wave, and then started to walk down the driveway. She could feel someone watching her from the house, and she began swaying her hips on instinct to tease the wolf. You’re such a bad flirt. 


            Misty Right was walking down the street, making her way to her apartment. She had just come out of a club known as The Graveyard Shift and happed to be a bit tipsy.  Misty was a small white cat with black spots all over her body, and a very attractive woman. As she passed the alley by the club she heard someone whispering her name. She turned her head and began to giggle like a little school girl.

“Who’s there?” she called out between giggles.

            A big tiger stepped out and gave her a seductive smile.

“Why, Misty my dear what are you doing out this late? You should be at home!”

            Misty tilted her head. She searched her clouded mind for a name, but she couldn’t make herself remember this man.

“Do I know you?” she asked, almost falling to the ground.

“It’s me Henry. We work together remember?”

            Over the years Henry had become a brilliant liar. He could manipulate people and make them believe just about anything he wanted. He looked over the feline and scoffed to himself. She looked nothing like the girl he wanted, but she would have to do. He couldn’t hold out his lust any longer.

“Oh yeah, I remember you.” Misty giggled.

            Henry smirked and moved closer to her. He took her hand then spun her around, pressing a cloth to her mouth. Misty was too stunned to struggle against the larger tiger, and she felt her eyelids getting heavy. She passed out in his arms and Henry threw Misty over his shoulder. He walked to his black Mercedes and threw Misty in the back seat.