Seven Minutes

By: SubmissiveFire
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First things first (ahhh *sigh of relief there* firsts). If you aren't into homosexuality, can't read M/M based stories, or are simply a hater, I suggest you traverse to other waters. "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien is a fantastic read. As this story is nothing more than a smooching scene, all you youngsters have my good graces to enjoy it (not that disclaimers prevent you from reading the other stuff any way).

All characters belong to me, yadda yadda. Should you feel the need to use them, just ask.


Seven Minutes: By SubmissiveFire

     "Come on, man! The party will be fun! I promise." Wringing his golden furred paws, Geoffrey looked away from his only friend anksiously. More acquaintance, really. "I've never been to this kind of party before," mumbled the golden retriever. "Besides, I don't really want to go." The young canine had another reason for not wishing to attend. But Jeremy didn't know that. Nobody did, for that matter. Either being unware of the retriever's qualms, or just flat out ignoring them, the slightly older huskey began pushing him out the door.

     Having a smaller frame, Geoffrey didn't bother fighting the huskey's impatience. Sighing in annoyance, he started walking to his van. "Why are you in such a rush to go to this thing? All you have to do is ask and 90 percent of the girls at school would practically give themselve to you." "I know," agreed Jeremy. "But it's the thrill of not knowing which girl it's going to be. And, with any luck, you might find a girlfriend. Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever seen you with any girls." Geoffrey paused in front of the driver's side door, tail curling nervously around his leg.

     "You've never really seen me around anyone. Guys. Girls. Nobody. I'm a loner and I prefer it that way." Getting into his Volkswagon, Geoffrey slammed his door huffily. The huskey snorted and shook his head before getting in as well. "I know what you're probably doing all the time. Pawing off to day dreams of Cindy." Geoffrey frowned and jammed his key into the ignition. "Cindy's a whore." Jeremy just laughed and pounded on the dashboard. "Whatever you say man. Let's get out of here! The girls are waiting for me!!"


.  .  .


     "Listen up everyone!" All conversation died away as furs turned thier attention to the young vixen standing on a table. "It's smooching time," she shriled. Hoots and cat calls rang across the room in excitement. "Rules are: Two names are drawn, one guy's and one girl's. No gripping if you don't like your pairing. You'll both go into the closet, no exceptions. Neither of you can come out until your seven minutes are up. Everyone got it? 'K, let's get started." Jumping off the table, the vixen made her way to the hats containing everyone's names.

     Geoffrey sipped his soda quietly at the back of the room. It'd been 38 minutes and, thankfully, his name was yet to be pulled. As fate (or flat out cheating) would have it, Cindy had been paired with her boyfriend, Roger. Star quarterback with an ego almost as large as his seven foot, black and orange stripped body. There was no telling when the two would be out. This didn't bother Geoffrey in the slightest. He'd been praying all evening for some intervention. Anything to keep his name from getting drawn.

     "Mind if I sit here?" Geoffrey jumped, almost spilling soda on himself. Turning in his seat to see who had asked, the young retriever stammered a reply. "N... Not at all." Gazing back at him was a large Timber Wolf with reddish brown fur. "Thanks," he replied, sitting across from the stunned canid. It wasn't every day you saw a wolf. "Especially not one this gorgeous," he thought. "Are you hot," inquired the wolf. "Huh?" Looking up from the wolf's well-toned chest, Geoffrey noticed a funny smile on his lips. This turned into a look of mild concern as the wolf repeated it's question.

     "I asked if you're hot. Your face is all red." "Crap!!" Geoffrey screamed internally. "What if he caught me staring?!" Shaking his head quickly, the embaressed retriever responded. "No! No, I'm fine... not hot at all." He took a large swig of soda. Too fast of a swig, causeing him to cough and sputter. "Hey now!! Slow down there, mate," cautioned the lupine, pounding Geoffrey on the back. "It's not the end of the world you know. There's going to be plenty of soda to last forever." Regaining his composure, Geoffrey wiped soda from his chin and the few drops leaking from his nostrils.

     "Thanks," breathed Geoffrey. Chuckling, the wolf held out an enormous paw. "No thanks needed. Name's Liam." Looking from Liam's face to his paw, the retriever tentatively placed his much smaller paw into the wolf's. "Nice to meet you, Liam." "The pleasure is all mine, I'm quite sure. Are you positive it's not too hot in here for you? Your face is burning up again." Another smile was on his handsome muzzle. "Wha..? No, the temperature is fine. My name is Geoffery." "You new to the area, Geoffrey?  Can't say as that I've seen your nice face around here before." Blushing furiously, the retriever explained. "I'm not new. My family and I have been here for almost ten years. I just don't go out very often." "What brings you out tonight?" Geoffrey pointed at Jeremy. "My friend drug me along."

     "About time," shouted someone across the room. Cindy and Roger were finally making their way out of the closet. "I hope you guys didn't make a huge mess, you were in there long enough." Everyone laughed and threw jokes at the vixen and tiger. Cindy, adjusting her skirt, ignored them and walked back to the hats. "Ready to see who's up next?" She reached into the guys hat and pulled out a small slip of paper. "Geoffrey Dommer," she read.

     "Yeah! You go, man," shouted Jeremy drunkenly, a beer in one paw, and a girl in each arm. "Shit," mumbled the disappointed retriever. "And now for the lucky girl." Cindy pulled a slip from the girl's cap and read, "Liam?" There was silence for a brief moment. Then the group of furs burst into laughter. How a guy's name had gotten into the girl's hat, nobody knew. But, rules were rules.

     Cindy looked from Geoffrey to Liam, then back at Geoffrey. "No exceptions," she cooed cruelly. Liam, straight-faced and otherwise unaffected by the obvious mixup, calmly made his way across the room and into the closet. "Come on now, Geoffrey. You don't want to leave him waiting, now do you?" That vixen was a bitch... Sliding off his stool, the retriever stood on his shaking footpaws. "Let's go," someone jeered. "Kiss kiss time for the happy couple!" As he made his way through the group, Geoffrey kept his face down. He didn't want to see their faces, laughing and teasing him. By the time he'd reached the closet door, his heart was pounding and his mind was racing. A million thoughts running through his head at once.There was no time for him to focus on any of them as several paws shoved him into the closet, slamming the door behind him.

     Stumbling, Geoffrey reached out for anything to catch his balance. But instead of a wall, his paws found their way onto something firm, extremely warm, and thumping lightly to gentle, steady heartbeats. Pulling his paws back quickly, the golden retriever stammered. "I... I'm sorry." Liam chuckled deeply and smiled. "You don't have anything to apologize for, silly. So, are you going to kiss me?" Quite taken aback, Geoffrey's jaw dropped a little. "What..?" The large wolf laughed again. "Are you going to kiss me? Or am I going to have the honor of kissing you?" Again, the smaller canine was stunned.

     "But... I'm a guy." A single claw slid under Geoffrey's chin, lifting his eyes to Liam's. "This fact bothers you," asked the wolf. Gazing up into Liam's eyes, both glowing in the light pooled around their footpaws, Geoffrey blushed deeply. "How..." Liam's massive paw caressed his cheek tenderly. "I know that you weren't hot in there due to high temperatures. Not with a tee shirt, shorts, and the A.C. going full blast."

     Sighing, Geoffrey looked down at his footpaws. "That obvious," he mumbled ashamedly. Paws massaged his ears slowly, slight pressure applied to all the right places. An almost inaudible murr escaped his muzzle, cause him to blush more. "Only a little," chuckled the wolf. "But I think it's cute." "Really," asked Geoffrey, sliding his eyes to Liam's again. "Very." The retriever murred again, this time in happiness. "You don't have to kiss me if you don't want to. I won't force you."

     Giggling nervously, the smaller canid whispered. "I would like to." Liam smiled and continued massaging Geoffrey's ears. "Take your time, hun. We still have about four minutes." Biting his lip shyly, Geoffrey stared into the lupine's eyes. Liam looked back patiently.

     Taking a deep breath, Geoffrey murmured. "I... I'm going to kiss you now." Leaning up on his tippaws, their noses bumped against each other, eliciting another giggle from the smaller fur. Large, gentle paws wrapped themselves around his waist, holding him steady. "Ready when you are, hun." Inch by heartpounding inch, Geoffrey moved his muzzle closer to Liam's.

     Warmth... Liam's lips were like small heating coils. That was Geoffrey's initial thought. He could almost feel the Timber Wolf's pulse through them. Or was that his own? Pressing his muzzle closer, he noticed something else. Liam's dark lips were much softer than he'd expected. Almost like velvet. "Black velvet," he thought. He gasped softly. Another, unexpected, sensation penatrated into his awareness. His heartbeat quickened with the realization of what it was. More heat. But this warmth was moist, and seperate from the lips.

     The breathless young canine responded instinctively and, parting his lips slightly, touched his own tongue to Liam's. This caused a wave of something he'd never felt before to shoot through his body. A flush of heat, from eartips to the tip of his tail, right down to his toes, filled him. What was this feeling? Excitement? Yes, but it was more passionate than that. Passion... It made him want to cram his muzzle as close and hard against the velvety pieces of bliss as possible. To let himself get pulled into the heat and never escape it. But this was his first kis. He didn't want to rush into it and kill the moment.

     As though sensing his timidity, the other fur pressed his tongue gently against Geoffrey's, pushing it back and filling his maw. Geoffrey moaned quietly, needing more. He craved it, hungered for it. Throwing his arms around Liam's neck, the retriever moaned again, sucking on the soft organ in his muzzle.

     Then suddenly, he was floating, legs around the wolf's waist with strong paws planted firmly on his bottom. Time slowed and time sped forward. It stopped, and then sped up again. He didn't know how long he'd been locked in the heat and passion. Didn't know if it had been mere seconds or hours. It mattered not to him, all he wanted was to keep it going as long as possible. And then, a full minute and 15 seconds early, the closet door opened.

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