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[Y] This isn't Good (vers 1.0.1).
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Sexuality N/A
Submitted On Jun6/12
Hits 3549
After getting laid, something unfortunate befalls Johannes von Ackerman.
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This isn’t good.

VIR Day -25.

      Upstairs at Titan’s Pub, Johannes von Ackerman was lying on one of the old mattresses with a small woman lying on him with her head snuggled into his chest fluff, and another equally small woman was sleeping to his left clutching his hand into her bosom. The little one on top of him was talking to him about how much she loved him and how she wanted to move in with him and how she wanted to marry him and how she wanted to have his babies and how this and that and this and that and this and that. Johan brushed her thick, blonde hair with his fingers, halfway listening to her and looking out of the window at all of the stars he could see, which was only two blue giants and the planet Venus. The small fan in the corner was blowing cool air at them and the street light just below the window sill was casting just enough residual light through its cover to fill the room with soft, dim, yellow light. He turned his head and looked at the vixen...
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