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[Y] Human Problems.
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Submitted On Mar8/12
Hits 2387
Another short one, this time we see how Johan deals with us pissy humans and how we can't just see someone different (even as different as a Fur) as a person none the less.
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HUMAN PROBLEMS.VIR DAY -26.       He woke up at seven. It felt late to him but it felt as refreshing as the icy cold shower he took at seven-ten. He toweled off and got into a new black t-shirt and a new pair of blue jeans secured with a belt. He would have liked to go for a run like he often did, but his desk Sergeant had been instructed by Captain Miller to not let him leave with any of his gear, PT or otherwise. So he left the dreary hotel room at eight and headed in the general direction of the truck he had parked out on the street.      He turned in his key at the front desk and passed two men standing by the information desk. They were both human. They were both staring at him.      It might have been his size. He was seven feet three inches tall and over three-hundred pounds.      No, that’s not it.      He stopped and stared back at them. Both of them were nothing muc...
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