Mirror Mirror on the Wall...

By: SladeDoobiedog
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    Slade slammed his paws on the steering wheel and grumbled, resting his head against it as well.  His poor 1997 Pontiac GrandAM finally kicked the bucket.  Unfortunately, it decided to do so right in the middle of nowhere, during a harsh downpour.  He tried fruitlessly to get it started again, but it was no use.
    Godsdammit, not now, he thought to himself.  He reached over in the dim light and grabbed his cell phone, bringing it up to his face.  As he hit a button on the side of it to bring up the screen, the words 'NO SERVICE' flashed up on it.  He waved his arm around in the car with his cell phone, trying desperately to get a signal.  Nothing.  Great...
     The male Finnish lapphund sat there in his car for quite some time, wondering if anybody would find him.  If anything, he hoped that someone driving by would stop to help him.  He flipped the switch for the hazard lights, hoping those were still working.  His heart sank a little when nothing happened.  I'm doomed...
    His memory had a quick spark, though, as he reached over and fumbled into the glove box, managing to pull out an emergency flare.  Normally, he wouldn't have had such a thing, but one of his overly cautious friends had ended up giving him one anyway, joking with “it's dangerous to go alone, take this.”  Slade was sure glad to have it now, though.  Unfortunately, he still had to contend with the storm out there.  He took a deep breath and hesitated a few moments, finally hopping out of the car, lighting the flare, tossing it behind the car, and jumping right back in.  He was out there for maybe all of five seconds, but he felt like he had just taken an hour long shower with how soaking wet he was now.
    In the long run, the flare turned out to be useless.  Not only did it go out too quickly because of the storm, but after well over an hour passing by, it was clear that nobody else was out on this road tonight.  The lapphund's hopes had hit rock bottom.  He was cold, wet, and tired.  All he wanted at this point was a nice warm bed, or at least to dry off.
    He finally just decided on passing out in the car, but before he could lean the seat back, a bolt of lightning cracked from the sky, exploding the base of a massive tree off to the side of the road.  The tree came within mere inches of hitting the car as it came down hard across the width of the road.  Slade shrieked and nearly pissed his pants.  There was no way he was sleeping now.
     Another bolt hit in the distance, quickly catching Slade's attention.  It also highlighted the silhouette of a house out in the short distance, which was apparently conveniently concealed behind the thick trunk of the tree that was now in the road.  He could just barely make out a light in one of its windows.  He let out a huge sigh of relief.  Without putting much thought into the decision otherwise, he left his car behind and ran for the house.  Maybe they have a land-line that still works!  Or least I can dry off and sleep in a bed for the night!
    By the time the canine got to the covered porch, he was completely and utterly drenched in water.  He just hoped that someone would actually answer the door now.  There was no doorbell, but there was a rather large solid bronze knocker on the door itself.  It, like from what he could tell of the house itself thus far, was very ornate and wonderfully crafted.  A sudden deep shiver reminded him of what he was there for in the first place, grabbing the knocker before he could admire it any further.
     Slade rapped the knocker against the door a few good times and stood there waiting as patiently as he could.  The only thing he could hear was the powerful storm all around him and the house.  Maybe whoever was here didn't quite hear the knocker.  His patience wearing thin and his body shivering with his cold, wet clothes and fur, he grasped the knocker again and smacked it heavily against the plate on the door, managing to make a small dent in it, but still nothing.  He waited for almost an eternity until he finally just reached for the door knob with a grumble, gripping it tightly.  The canine hesitated for only a moment as he took a deep breath and gave the knob a twist, surprised and maybe a little nervous to find it unlocked.  He shrugged off the feeling for the time being as he slowly opened the door and made his way in, carefully closing it behind him.
    “Hello?  Is anyone here?” he called out.  He stayed in the entry way, waiting for a response, or a friendly face.  Still nothing but silence.  He called out again and waited a bit longer, but it seemed like the place was deserted.  This was all starting to feel more and more creep to the canine.  He quietly explored the entire house, and found that there was almost no signs of anyone even living here at all, save for the living room.
    As he entered this last room, the source of the light, he was surprised to see it as the only furnished room in the entire house.  Ornate plush burgundy furniture, walls covered in old dusty books, a roaring fireplace with plenty of firewood to spare off to the side, and an odd, lonely tall standing mirror off in one corner of the room.  Slade found this whole thing strange, but at this point, he didn't care anymore, shrugging off the creepy vibes of this place.
    Since he seemed to be the only one here, he decided to completely strip down out of his soaking wet clothes, hanging them by the fire to dry.  Standing there naked, he shook out his own fur as best as he could, then curled up on the rug by the fire with a deep yawn.  He murred quietly from the warmth of the fireplace, closing his eyes.  Despite feeling relatively comfortable on the floor by the fire and being rather tired again, he couldn't seem to shake this odd feeling of uneasiness, and it wouldn't let him sleep.
    He rolled back slightly and opened his eyes, glancing around at the room behind him.  He half expected someone to just suddenly be there, but the house still seemed pretty devoid of life.  The only thing there was that oddly placed mirror.  Curiosity finally got the best of him and he got up from his warm, comfortable spot by the fire and wandered over to the mirror.
     Even though the fire was large and bright, it was still very dark in this corner of the room with the mirror.  He could hardly see his reflection at all.  Normally, he would've just ignored it and gone back to the fireplace, but something was....off about his reflection..  Slade carefully grabbed the mirror and brought it closer to the fire.  He set it down and took a few steps back, gazing back to the mirror once more.  His eyes suddenly widened and his face blushed brightly.  Instead of his own reflection, he saw a german shepherd in the mirror, a female german shepherd.
    “What the hell is this?” blurted out the male canine.  He glanced down at himself, making sure something didn't just happen to him.  Still very much a guy.  His eyes slowly came back up to the mirror again.  Despite the obvious difference in appearance, it still acted very much like a normal reflection.  He waved his arms, it waved its arms.  He bared his teeth, it bared its teeth.  He grabbed his chest...it, well, grabbed its bigger chest.
     The lapphund rubbed his face with his paws with a groaning yawn.  He wanted to find out something about this mirror, but he was too tired to care anymore.  Maybe it was just a delusion or something.  Some people can see weird things when they're extremely tired.  He was about to return to his spot by the fireplace when he saw the reflection do something else...  It grinned at him..  He froze in place with a shiver down his spine as he saw the reflection step out from the mirror and walk up to him.
    “Hello there.  You must be Slade, am I right?”  The female canine stopped just shy of pressing her body up against his own.
    “Wh-who are you?  How do you know my name?” stammered Slade.  He blushed deeper as he glanced down at the slightly shorter female, fidgeting slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.  The strange female just chuckled.
    “I have no need for a name.  I reside within that mirror.  I show people the reflection of who they desire to be, not as who they are,” replied the female.  That last part really struck him, and it at least made a little sense here now.  While he has been happy with who and what he is, it's been no secret to those closest to him that he's thought about what it'd be like to be a girl, even as much as wishing to be one in another life.  He yipped quietly with a hot blush as his thoughts were interrupted by the female placing a paw on his chest, slowly rubbing down his body.  This became incredibly uncomfortable for the gay male.
    “Oh, that's right.  How careless of me.”  The female slowly pulled her paw back, but still grinned wide.  Her form suddenly shifted, shocking him again with another shiver down his spine.  It transformed itself into the exact image of himself!  “Perhaps this is more to your liking for now?”
    The copy chuckled as it pushed him back, falling back onto one of the couches with a soft yelp.  He gazed up to his mirror image as it crawled up on top of him, pinning him down on the couch.  He whimpered and squirmed around beneath it, but it was no use.  His copy kept him pinned so tightly that he couldn't even budge.
    “Something else I can do is grant those desires to whom I see fit.  Relax yourself, and I shall show you.”  Its words suddenly felt very soothing.  His worries and concerns of the moment seemed to melt away, leaving his body more relaxed, his gaze still locked with his mirror image.  It slowly let go of his wrists and gently placed its paws on his chest, softly starting to rub and massage.
    The real canine gasped and shuttered with a deep blush as he felt a strange tingling sensation spread across his chest while the mirror canine rubbed deeper against him.  He watched in disbelief and bizarre fascination as his chest began to swell out, his copy seeming to shape them as they grow.  Slade let out a deep murr, suddenly feeling a new kind of pleasure as his copy squeezed and groped his newly formed breasts, gasping and shuddering as it even gently nipped at his more sensitive nipples.
    The mirror entity slowly moved its paws, beginning to massage and caress gently over the rest of the canine's body, with one of the paws moving up to his face.  His body tingled with every shaping touch while his copy slowly transformed him.  A part of him still felt a hint of uncertainty in the situation, despite how wonderful these sensations were beginning to feel, though that quickly went out the window as the mirror copy leaned down and gave him a deep kiss, gently caressing his cheek.
    His face turned bright red beneath his fur for a moment, closing his eyes and murring out deeply into the kiss.  He could feel his whole head tingling now as well with the rest of his body, paying no mind to the transformation at all anymore, embracing it as it happens, and literally, too, as he wrapped his arms around his mirror copy.  It all felt so unreal to him, like a dream, though one he hoped he would never wake up from.
    Slade then let out a soft gasp with the kiss and shuddered, almost forgetting about his still male canine bits down below as the entity had suddenly begun to grind its own hard, thick member against him.  His own shaft quickly grew out from his sheath, throbbing heavily already.  He trembled deeply as he soon felt that tingling in his groin now while his mirror copy kept grinding against him so hard, making him moan out with a hot blush.  He hardly even noticed that his male-hood was slowly shriveling up, not that he cared anymore anyway.
    In a short while, the last of what made the canine a male was gone, replaced with a completely female form.  He, or rather now she, slowly opened her eyes with a shuddering moan while the entity from the mirror continued to pleasure her new body, almost surprised to see that it was no longer a copy of her old form anymore, but rather a large, grey, muscular wolf.  It grinned softly down to her as it was grinding harder and harder against her newly formed woman-hood.
    “Are you enjoying your new form?” asked the entity, chuckling as her only response was a deep moan, her body quivering with such electrifying pleasure.  “Good...  Now brace yourself while I give you one last parting experience..”
    She kept her arms wrapped around the mirror entity, despite its larger wolf form, nodding slowly to it as she quivered and moaned still.  Her eyes quickly widened as she was suddenly penetrated by its long, thick shaft, gasping and moaning out loudly.  The entity wasted no time, already starting to pound in and out of her with such vigor.
    It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before in her whole life, and she already wanted more!  Her head was swimming with so many feelings of pleasure from within her now, she felt as though she could explode!  Her body was wrapped so tightly around the entity now while it fucked her like a jackhammer, moaning and screaming wildly with an almost uncontrollable lust.
    Hours seemed to have passed by while the entity continued to fuck her, trying out numerous different positions at her own request.  If she had it her way, she would have had the entity drill her for days and days.  Unfortunately, even mysterious creatures from mirrors have their limits, and with one more powerful thrust deep into the female canine's body, it erupted with an unrelenting torrent of thick, yet seedless fluids.  She howled and moaned wildly with her own timely orgasm, feeling the warm sensation of the entity filling her up.  Her body soon collapsed as she panted heavily with a soft moan still, the entity staying right on top of her with a quiet chuckle.
    “Th-that.....  That was...  I-I don't even know...how to begin to describe it...” she panted with a blush, gazing once more upon the large wolf form of the mirror entity as it chuckled.
    “Then don't.  Just rest,” replied the entity, slowly pulling out of her, making her shudder and moan.  “Either way, while you rest now, it would be wise to come up with a new name for yourself, don't you agree?”
    She blinked a little as she blushed, pondering on that for a moment.  “W-well..  I've always liked the name Jess, I guess...”
    “Then Jess it is.  It's a lovely little name, so it suits you perfectly.”
    The canine smiled softly, her cheeks becoming noticeably red again beneath her fur.  The entity slowly got up and made its way towards the tall mirror.  Her eyes remained focused on it as she sat up on the couch.
    “Um...  Will I..ever see you again?”
    “Sadly, I must say, I only ever appear to anyone just once.  However, my magic imprints this memory upon you, so you will never forget this night, though I can sense that you wouldn't want to anyway, am I right?”  The entity grinned, and all she could do was giggle softly while she blushed.  “Well then, dear Jess..  Have yourself pleasant dreams tonight, and enjoy your new life.”
    And with that, the entity slowly stepped right into the mirror, and vanished.  The canine just sat and watched as it did so, standing up and wandering over to the mirror once it had gone inside.  Once again, she gazed into the mirror, and a female german shepherd gazed back.  Now, that reflection was truly her own.  She slowly ran her paws down her sides, feeling the curves of her new form, looking over herself with a blush.  This was who she was now, from this point on.
    She had to practically pry herself away from the mirror now, stoking up the fire on her way back to the couch, stretching out with a loud yawn as she sprawled out on it.  Jess slowly closed her eyes as she began to fall asleep.  Her mind returned to the entity and the experiences she had with it this night.  It was all she could think of, and she hoped to relive all of those moments again in her dreams.  She yawned one last time with a soft, content sigh, smiling as she soon drifted off to sleep...
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