The German

By: Slade90
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I was sitting next to my owner on the floor, where I'm supposed to be, when a tall, muscular man walked up to her. "You have a good looking fox, Frau Cobalt." He said in a thick German accent, referring to me. She looked at me, then at him, "Thank you Mr. Heinkel, if you like, you may borrow him for a while." She said with a devilish grin as I looked up at her with fear and disbelief and my ears went flat against my head as my tail went between my legs. "Mistress, beg you." She could hear the fear in my voice and so could Mr. Heinkel, he looked at me and grinned. "Don't vorry boy, I'll be gentle." His voice made me melt and so did his looks and charisma, which is unusual because I was straight.

He picked up my leash and looked at Lady Cobalt. "Ve'll be back in a couple of hours." "Okay," she replied, "but I wanna watch on webcam." He grinned and nodded. I followed him out to his car and he told me to lay down in the back seat, which was no different then riding in the Lady's car. I did as I was told and he got into the driver's seat, he then pulled out of the parking lot and sped off to his house.

Once at the German's house, while I was still in the back seat, he told me to strip myself of all my clothing. "But sir," I replied as my tail was between my legs again, "what if the neighbors see me?" He gave me a stern look that told me to obey him, so I did, I stripped off all my clothing except for my collar and leash. Once I was nude, he told me to get out of the car as a dog would; Does this man have any sense of humility? I thought to myself as I did as I was told. He led me to the front door with me on all fours and unlocked it, pulling me inside.

 His two-story house smelled like cigarettes and booze, two smells that make my canine nose go crazy. He led me to his couch and sat down, petting me. I sat on the floor in front of him and smiled; I loved getting a good petting. He then surprised me, "Unzip my pants vith your teeth, mutt." After the slightest of hesitations, I did as told and undid his pants with my teeth and waited for his next command. "You never touch my cock vith your hands." I knew what he meant and I reluctantly started to dig for his cock with my tongue, and when I found it (which didnt take long at all) I pulled the massive piece of meat from it's restraints. I was intimidated by it's size: it rivalled my wrist. I then looked up into his bright blue eyes and could see the evil things he had planned for me brewing behind them. Mr. Heinkel got up and turned on the laptop and invited the Lady to watch via webcam. I saw her appear on-screen and she could see the fear in my eyes, "Don't worry Slade, I trust him, he's...a gentle giant, for lack of a better term." She reasured me. Then he sat back down and began to pet me again, "I vill not put this in you until you have been vorked up to it, I promise." For some reason, his voice was actually calming me. "Now, suck it." He commanded. I looked up at him in terror, "But, sir, you said-" "I meant to say that I von't put it in your ass until you are ready." He interupted. I sat, staring at the massive tool when he pulled my leash hard, pulling me close to it as I quickly placed my paws beside him to brace myself. After briefly hesitating again, I began to lick it from base to tip. At that point I realised that I will never be satisfied with women again. I loved the taste of it! I got enough courage to take the head into my mouth and began to suck on it for a bit until Mr. Heinkel stood up and led me down a flight of stairs to his dungeon.

At first, it was dark and I couldn't see anything, but when he turned on the light, I stood there, afraid of the devices that I saw; he ran his own butcher shop from his basement. I turned and looked at him, he was holding the laptop and Lady Cobalt saw nothing wrong with the sights she saw. "Please, sir, I beg you, don't kill me. I'm too young to die!" I was afraid for my life at that point. He set the laptop down so the Lady could see the whole room, then he pinned me by the neck to a wooden table, almost choking me. "You vill do as I say! Even if that means dying!" His voice was then making me even more afraid. I heard him pick up something metal and I soon saw what it was: a large meat cleaver. I looked into his emotionless, blue eyes, "Please..." I begged. He raised the cleaver high into the air, and I flinched when he brought it down. This is it...this is how my life ends, huh? I thought. THUNK! He had hit the wooden table beside my head and I blacked out.

When I woke up, I was tied to an "X" in the middle of the room and the German was standing in front of me. "Did you honestly think I vas going to kill such a handsome fox?" He asked in a calm tone. I didn't answer. He chuckled and got closer to me, "I vould never do such a thing." He said as he kissed me. I almost fainted again; his kiss made my heart melt. When he broke the kiss, I strained my neck to try and make it last longer, I wanted more of this man and he knew it. I saw him press a button from a suspended controller and the "X" soon turned into four pylons holding me spread-eagle horizontally and facing the floor. I then saw him walk behind me with a bottle of lube. "Be careful back there, Rikter. He's a virgin there." Lady Cobalt said from the computer. He nodded and dripped some of the warm lube onto my hole, making me flinch a bit. He then proceded to finger me, which hurt only for a moment and when he felt that I was loose enough, he added another finger. This went on until he had four fingers inside me, rotating and pumping in and out of my ass. He removed his fingers and I could feel his cock gently pressing at my entrance. "Are you ready, Slade?" He asked in his calming manner and I nodded. I could feel every inch that he pressed into me, going deeper and deeper inside me. I could hear the Lady because she was masturbating while watching us. After Rikter let me get used to his size, he began to thrust in and out of me and the feeling was indescribable. It was pleasure, but it was pain at the same time. After a few minutes of ravaging my hole, he came deep in my ass and I could actually feel the warm liquid bathe my insides.

He untied me and gave me the biggest bear-hug ever. "I am sorry if I scared you at first, boy." I smiled, "It's ok, sir, I trust you now. We took a shower together, he took me back to my owner and appologized for taking so long to return me. Lady Cobalt smiled, "It's ok, really, I enjoyed watching you fuck him." He smiled back and was on his way. She then turned to me and pulled a long rectangular box from behind the couch and handed it to me. "Just a little something I thought you would like." She said with a smile. I opened it and blushed, smiling: it was a dildo. 

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