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[Y] The Reoccuring Nightmare: Part 1
This is part 1 in a series of stories that I am going to be writing for my newest character, Xavier. I have 3 more after this to post and will get to work on it as soon as I possibly can.
[Y] The Reoccuring Nightmare: Part 1
    Waking up one late, foggy evening in a cold sweat, Xavier raised up on one elbow from a nightmare that he had been having for the past couple of  nights.  He didn’t know what the source of the nightmares was from but he knew that it most likely had something to do with what had happened to his parents when he was younger.  They had been killed in front of his eye’s when he not more than just five years old, which had left him on his own for the next ten years to fend for himself till he was taken in by a band of highly trained assassin’s, for whom trained and taught him everything they knew.  Grabbing a nearby cloth off a small chest he kept what few belongings he owned, Xavier wiped the sweat from his face and moved to the opening of his tent and glared up at the full moon through his only good eye.  His left eye had been rendered useless during a mission which only left a scar over his eye, but his eye in perfect contact, only colorless and now unusable.  Sighing heavily to himself, he slowly pulled himself out of the tent and looked out over the pond of which he stayed near because he didn’t really prefer to live in the camp along with the others.  As he slowly stood up, a cool breeze began to blow softly over the pond in his direction, causing his hair to gently sway out behind him.

“Why this cursed nightmare again?” he seemingly asked the wind as it blew softly past him.  “I remember nothing of what happened that night except the faces of the men that done the deed and nothing more, yet why have I been cursed to relive the same event over and over for the past three nights in my dreams?”

    Sighing heavily to himself and sitting down on the cool, damp grass, Xavier heard the soft footsteps of someone walking up casually behind him, so he kept his instinct to spring on them and attack under tight watch, mainly because he had killed some of his fellow assassin’s for the same thing.  Looking over his right shoulder, he spied a lithe figure walking up behind him.  Though he couldn’t see her face,  he knew that is was one of the female fox’s that had a crush on him since she had been with the group and was about one of the only females he would let around him.

“Same nightmare again Xavier?” she said in a soft, subtle tone.  “I heard you holler again and came to check on you to see if you were alright.”

    Shana, Xavier thought to himself as she nestled down next to him.  Though he didn’t really get along with anyone else in their small village, if that’s what you would want to call it,  he did have a few really good friends mainly because they respected him for his abilities, strength and fierceness in combat.  Shana was about the only female that would have anything to do with him mainly because he was about one of the only males in the entire village that didn’t hit on her left and right.  Being a red fox though, Shana did get many males trying to get more from her than just acknowledgement and that was the biggest reason she liked Xavier so much.

“Unfortunately for me yes,” he said, seemingly looking past her with his colorless, blind eye.  “Why did you come here this late in the evening Shana?  You know the head-master wouldn’t be happy if he knew you were out here at this time of night…..*sigh* Thank you for coming out here though, I appreciate it Shana.”