Moonlite Night: Part 3

By: ShadowDragoon
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    Holding Shana close to his body for warmth, Xavier growled softly in his throat and gently pulled Shana closer after lightly kissing her on the lips as he gently pulled her closer.  She was the only one to have ever caused any true feelings to swell inside of him mainly because she was the only person to ever truly even try and get through what some would say “his rough exterior” and try to reach the person he truly is inside.

“Please,” he said softly as he gently stroked her back.  “Please stay here with me tonight Shana…I don’t want to be alone tonight…I just want you to be around me tonight my sweet.”

    Cooing softly against Xavier’s chest from his gentle touch, Shana’s left ear twitched slightly and she raised up from his body and looked over his shoulder and spotted someone moving in their direction.  As she looked at him, she noticed that he was looking over his right shoulder, his hair glowing just like the fog on the pond from the moon light shining down on it.

“I think that’s Lucien coming,” she whispered softly in his ear as she started to stand up.  “Because his arm was put in a sling two days ago from taking a dagger in the arm from one of his squad mates thinking he was one of the enemy.”

    Standing up with Shana, but just slightly behind her, Xavier stared at the tall figure walking towards them with his right arm held up by a sling from the wound on his shoulder.  As he looking on at the figure walking towards them, he noticed that her brother was also a fox, yet there were some heavy differences between the two of them.  While he himself stood an easy six-foot five, Xavier figured that Shana was most likely five-four and a red fox with a white stripe down her right arm.  Her brother on the other hand, as he began to get closer to the two of them, stood possibly six-foot if not a little more and had grey on white fur, and he also noticed that he had a scar running down the left side of his neck which extended under his shirt and most likely across his chest.

“Why would he be out here then Shana?” he asked as he looked at her brother for a moment, with this being the first time considering he hardly ever went into the village unless he needed food or supplies from either the blacksmith or such.  “Come to think of it, I didn’t know you had any family members Shana….I heard from some of the other villagers when I was picking up some supplies some time back.”

    Turning around and looking at Xavier, Shana walked up to him and looked into his eyes and could tell that he was telling the truth.  She began to think that she had at one time told him that she had a brother, but apparently she must not have considering he never asked her anything about if she had any family, but that was one of the qualities that she loved about Xavier was that he never pried about her life or of her past.

“Yeah, I have a brother…” she said as she looked back over her left shoulder at her brother as he came up to her.  “….But I’m glad that you didn’t decide to ever ask me Xavier, because we never did see eye to eye with one another mainly because h…..”

    Before she could get the rest of it out,  Shana was grabbed on the shoulder and turned around by her brother, which didn’t go over good with either her or Xavier.

“Shana, what are you doing out here with this scaled fiend!?” he said without hesitation and didn’t care if Xavier heard him or not.  “I will not stand by and watch this monster kill you like he did with some of my closest friends!”
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