A Tearfull Love: Part 4

By: ShadowDragoon
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    Feeling his blood start to boil by this short point,  Xavier balled his fist up and started towards Shana and her brother with the intent on really hurting him, if not beating him within and inch of his life.  Fortunately for her brother she run towards him and stopped him from getting within arms reach and possibly mortally kill him.

“Xavier, stop please!” she begged as she placed her hands on his chest lightly, which caused him to look at her teary eye’s.  “Damn you Lucien, you have no right to say anything about him like that!  He is no monster and far from being a fiend…If you and the other villagers would look past things that have happened then you might actually learn something about someone.”

    Almost trying to keep himself from laughing, Lucien shook his head and covered his mouth to keep from actually bursting out laughing.

“Shana, are you daft or just crazy?” he said and then pointed at Xavier.  “This…”Thing” that your trying to stick up for is one of the most murderous creatures that has ever been brought into this this clan and is probably one of the most dangerous ones to every be…….”

    Before anything else could come from Lucien’s mouth, Xavier landed a sound left hook on the right side of his face.  As he moved in to continue his attack, Shana grabbed his right arm and stopped him.

“Lucien, you had best count your lucky stars you foolish thing,” he said with a deep growl escaping his throat and his hair blowing over his right shoulder.  “Your sister cares enough for you to keep you alive long enough for you to see the next sunrise…But heed my word; I will not tolerate anything like that being said to me…And the reason Shana is here with me is because she loves me enough to keep me from hurting you any worse.  Now get out of here and leave us alone you fool.”

    Almost digging his way through the ground to get away from Xavier, Lucien took off running through the dark back to the village before he would most likely be killed where he was laying from almost being knocked out with a single, almost deadly punch.  After taking a moment to make sure he had completely left them towards the village, Xavier turned his attention to his love Shana and went to her almost as fast as he moved away from her.

“I’m so sorry Shana,” he said softly as he gently pulled her close as she started crying.  “I know you don’t like to see anything like that happen, especially considering its your brother and all, but I will not allow someone to talk to me like that with you around…I know you love him and I deeply respect that, but even I cannot allow him to talk that way about me.”

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