First Meetings

By: Sateraie
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With her tail swinging lazily from side to side, her beautiful white fur with striking black stripes, Sateraie looked to be like just another ordinary white siberian tiger. She had thought so too, until she had hit puberty and found herself fantasizing nightly about another womans body rubbing against her own, soft fur mingling, tongues fighting for dominance, and tails entwined as their bodies shook from the intense pleasure they both felt. Since then she withdrew from society, her fears of being rejected for her preference keeping her from making many friends. The only ones that she really let get close to her, were a wolf named Kez and a little fox by the name of Velox. Everyone else seemed alien and frightening to her. She hated the way she felt, her unreasonable phobia's of others getting in her way and making it hard for her to even sometimes leave her house. If it hadn't been for her friends, Kez and Velox, she would have died a long time ago from starvation and sleep deprevation. Then one day, feeling quite sorry for their friend Sateraie, Kez and Velox put their heads together and came up with a plan to get Sateraie to loosen up and get out of the house. Their plan involved a lovely lioness and an exclusive club that was very hard to get into.


"Kez i think i want to go home, you guys can have fun without me" Sateraie muttered, her eyes downcast and her tail hanging low enough to drag across the surprisingly clean sidewalk outside of the club. Kez only gave her a look and tightened the grip he had on her arm.

 "Sateraie, you've been cooped in your house for almost a month now, you need to get out, we miss hanging out with you" he said, his voice firm and offering no room for disobediance. For a lone wolf he had the personality of an alpha, but the gentle underside of a mother bear. He was quite attractive, his grey fur blending in perfectly with the occasional brown, his blue eyes holding intelligence that he rarely showed. Giving Sateraie a gentle shove towards the enterence he gave the bouncer at the front all three of their names and they got in without any trouble. When entering the club, all three's pupils contracted as the wild lights above the dance floor shined in their eyes, various colors of the rainbow dancing across the walls and the multitude of furries that gyrated their bodies to the fast beat techno music. Leading both Velox and Sateraie to the bar, he ordered a wild grape smirnoff for himself, a margarita for Sateraie and a plain water for Velox. 

"Hey guys, i'm gonna go on the dance floor for a little bit, might meet a hot little vixen or a cute bunny to bring home with me tonight" Velox said, a mischeivous twinkle in his soft brown eyes. Sateraie merely nodded, her snout pointing down towards the floor as she tried her hardest not to make eye contact with any of the patrons that visited the bar. She didn't even see Kez greet a lovely golden lioness, or when she sat down next to Satty, her large hazel eyes studying the tigress before her. Only when a soft paw rested on her bicep did she look up and gasp softly in surprise by the sight before her. The lioness looked to be about 5'7 in height, her slim waist covered by a tight black t-shirt that accented her large perky breasts that looked as if they tried to strain free of their bindings. Her long toned legs were barely covered by short shorts, and her tail twitched lazily over her thigh where it rested. Biting her bottom lip, Sateraie's eyes wandered back up to those mesmerizing hazel eyes, the depths of them holding amusement and a faint touch of lust. 

"hello you must be Sateraie, i'm Nenya" she said, her voice soft and seductive, a husky undertone to it all. Sateraie could barely respond, her mouth seemingly not wanting to work with her mind. Nenya merely smiled and looked to the bartender and ordered a Jager bomb, before turning her attention back to the obviously nervous tiger. Sateraie still could not think of anything to say, and Kez had disappeared somewhere else, his scent lingering beside her but it was no subsitute for the real comfort of having him there. Soon she was contemplating leaving but Nenya seemed to be able to read her already and put a soft paw on Sateraie's own.

"This must be very stressful for you, how about we go for a walk? Okay?" she asked, her eyes sincere, and a small smile playing across her muzzle. Sateraie quickly nodded and got up grabbing her jacket. Nenya quickly followed suit and followed the frightened tigress out the club doors. Kez watched them leave, a shit eating grin on his face.

"I told you they'd hit it off" he said to Velox, who was at the moment busy teaching a fine looking doe how to play pool.


Once they got out of the club and into fresh air, Sateraie seemed to calm down a bit, her fur which had been standing on end relaxing marginally. Nenya smiled slightly to herself as she walked beside Sateraie, her tail swinging lightly from side to side, occasionally touching the tigers own. Sateraie didn't miss this and she hugged her arms tighter around her middle as a strange feeling crept up from the pit of her stomach. Soon her own tail sought out Nenya's as they walked in silence. After a little while of walking, and they were a bit a ways away from the club, Nenya spoke.

"Well, since the club is out of the question, would you just like to come back to my place and watch some movies?" she asked, her head turning to look at Sateraie, who walked beside her, head hung low and her eyes focused on the sidewalk. When she heard the question, her head snapped up and she stared at Nenya for a little while surprise and confusion both playing on her face.

"uh..sure, why not i don't really have much else to do" Sateraie replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Nenya smiled in excitement and grabbed Sateraie's hand.

"Oh good! I had hoped you'd say yes, its been awhile since i've had any company, i swear we're going to have some fun." 


Sateraie's eyes wandered around Nenya's apartment as the lioness put her things down onto a chair in the kitchen and started to get things ready for the movie. Walking slowly into the living room, she studied everything around her not at all surprised to see that everything that was worth sitting on looked extremely comfortable. That's how cats liked it, if it wasn't comfortable, then it wasn't worth keeping. Smiling slightly to herself she sat down on the couch directly in front of the flat screen tv that looked like it took up most of the wall and closed her eyes, relaxing. Only when she felt the vibrations of someone sitting down next to her did she open her eyes. Nenya seemed to have changed quickly in the small amount of time it took to put the popcorn in the microwave and take it out. She was now in just a long baggy t-shirt, which fell part way down her thighs. Sateraie took in a deep breath, Nenya's scent quickly filling her nostrils. Again the strange feeling raced up her spine and made her body shake slightly. Nenya smiled to herself as she smelt Sateraie's arousal rise, but she chose to ignore it for now so that she wouldn't frighten off the frightened little kitty. Getting up she walked over to the shelf that held the movies, making sure she made a show of her walk, her hips swaying softly from side to side, and her tail lifting the shirt slightly to teasingly show some more of her firm thighs. She heard Sateraie inhale sharply and shift her weight on the couch, and she laughed softly on the inside, loving this game of cat..and well now cat. Taking a movie down from the shelf she looked at it and smiled, it was a scary movie, which would mean she could get close to Sateraie and the lovely tigress would just think it was from fear. Sliding the dvd into the player, she plopped down next to Sateraie and waited. As the movie progressed, she scooted closer to Sateraie, until by the middle of it, she was then resting against the tigers side. Sateraie didn't miss the closeness and instinctively put an arm around Nenya's shoulders, thinking that she was getting jumpy from the movie. She had never really been affected by scary movies, and this one was no exception. It just interested her how many ways the people in the movies could die. When the movie was over, she found that Nenya's head was resting comfortably on her breast, her hot breath racing over the tender flesh through her shirt making her nipple harden in responce. Without even thinking, she tightened her grip around Nenya's shoulders pulling her up and soon their tongues were battling for dominance. Nenya wrapped her arms around Sateraie's waist and was surprised when the tigress pushed her down on the couch and ripped the shirt off her body, leaving her completely naked, for she had worn nothing underneath it. Sateraie took a moment to take in the lionesses beauty, her mouth slightly open as she struggled to take in a steady breath. Nenya smiled and pulled Sateraie on top of her, their tongues quickly seeking the other out as they rubbed their bodies together. Nenya broke off the kiss and looked Sateraie up and down.

"Well that's not fair, you're fully clothed" she said, slightly out of breath. Sateraie growled softly under her breath and quickly discarded her clothes and just as quickly captured Nenya's mouth with her own. The lioness was actually surprised by the aggressive attitude that Sateraie had taken, when just moments before she had a been a timid little cat that looked like she didn't know where she was supposed to be. Not that she was complaining about the change, definately not specailly when her nipple was being sucked into a warm wet mouth. Moaning softly she arched her back trying to get Sateraie to address the main problem, her throbbing aching clit that poked up from its hood, begging for attention. Sateraie was in a teasing mood though and ignored Nenya's body language and continued to tease her nipples with her tongue, mouth and fingers. Groaning loudly in frustration, Nenya rested her hands on Sateraie's head and tried to push her down, after a moment of pushing she finally felt the tigress slip down her body, her mouth teasing her stomach. Biting her bottom lip in anticipation, she waiting to feel Sateraie's warm, wet mouth on her throbbing clit. When the lovely tiger skipped over her pussy altogether, she let out a frustrated moan, but was caught as Sateraie's mouth teased her thighs with love nips and soft kisses.

"Please, stop teasing me and make me cum" she whispered in a husky voice, her breath coming in quickly and leaving slowly as pleasure washed over her quivering form. When the tigers mouth engulfed her clit, sucking it into her mouth and flicking it with her tongue, she moaned loudly, her back arching as she pushed her wet vagina roughly against Sateraie's eager mouth.


"I wonder how Sateraie and Nenya are hitting it off?" Kez pondered as he sat drinking with Velox, both of them having been dancing almost all night with lovely young ladies. He himself wasn't going home alone, he had hitten it off with a beautiful Dalmation who was giving him occasional looks from the dance floor, inviting him back. Chuckling softly to himself he got up and returned, leaving Velox alone to drink his water.



More of the story at another time, i hope you liked it.


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