The Switch

By: Sammy Greytail
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Sammy growled softly at Daniel, fur bristling. After an hour of rough housing, she had finally pinned him. His hips fit snugly between her thighs as she straddled him. "I win!" she said triumphantly, grinning down at him as she held his wrists over his head.

He whimpered, staring up at her with his blue eyes; she loosened her grip on him. "Awwww, I'm just playing..." she murmured, leaning down to give him a kiss. "No, I win!" he said, grinning up at her and arching his hips to throw her off. "Eeeek!" she squeeled, gripping his wrists harder as she came back down.

Her eyes widened slightly; when she had come back down, he had pressed further up between her legs. Instantly, she was blushing. "I... I..." she stuttered, feeling the bulge in his jeans pressed up against her. Daniel smiled up at her, his teeth flashing. "Whats the matter baby?" he asked playfully, an innocent look on his face as he bumped her up and down again. "That's not niiice," Sammy whimpered, knowing her could feel her legs tensing around his hips.

"I told you I win!' he said, smilling up at her as she let go of his wrists. SHe growled again, curlig her paws under his shirt and tugging it up. "Mmmm what'cha doin' baby?" he asked softly, tilting his head as she tugged his shirt over his head. "This is revenge for teasing me," she bit her lip and gave him a sexy look, tail wagging slowly as she twisted his shirt around his wrists. "Umm...?" he made a curious sound, tryin to move his wrists.

"Hehe who needs handcuffs?" Sammy said playfully, leaning down and nibling his neck. Daniel stared up at her as she pulld her jeans down and off. Then she reached down and unzipped his pants. After popping his button, she slid her hand down, stroking his cock until it was hard."Mmmm that's the nice thing about being a guy, you know." she sai playfully, rubbing her fingers against the tip. "You don't have to take your pants off to get what you want. You just have to unzip them and pull it out..."

 She rubbed his cock to prove her point, then straddled him again. The front of her green fishnet thong was all wet because of him bumping her. Daniel started to lean up, but she caught her improvised handcuffs and held him down. Sammy growled at him again, giving him a love bite. "Ohhh, so fierce." he teased, smiling as she started grinding against him.

"I am fierce baby. And just for this once, I'm on top." she answered, running her tongue ring across his ear before nibbling it gently. Reaching down, she tugged her panties to the side and ran her fingers between her lips.

Daniel was so close to her that the back of her paw rubbed his cock. "Mmmm..." he moaned slightly, arching his hips and pushing up against her. Sammy spread her legs wider on either side of him, biting her lip and panting. Then she put two finger on either side and pulled just the tip into her pussy.

"Unh!" she gasped as she pushed down hard. He gasped and narrowed his eyes, panting as she slowly started bouncing on him. Tilting her head back, Sammy ran her hands down her hips and onto Daniels' chest. She leaned forward slightly, running her claws lightly down his chest. "Uhnn Daniel..." she moaned, bouncing harder.

Sammy gasped when Daniel arched his hips, bumping her up and down harder. Her eyes squeezed shut and her head tilted back as she tried to ride him harder. "Ohhh!" she gasped, wrapping her arms around her chest and squeezing her tits through her shirt.

"I-I'm gunna- c-c-...!" she stuttered, panting out short, whimpery moans. Daniel grunted, pushing up into her as hard as he could. "Keep going," he panted when he felt her start to slow down. "Ohhh!" Sammy howled, collapsing forward on his chest. The last thing she knew before she passed out, he was growling and rubbing up against her as he came...

"Hey there sleepy head." Daniels' deep, thundery voice mumbled. Sammy blinked and yawned, teeth flashing. "Mmm?" she asked, snuggling against his chest. "You passed out. You okay?" he asked in concern. "Mmm? Ohh, yeah. Just kinda blissed out." she said in an embarressed voice. "Ohh, mk." She could feel him chuckling.

Sammy sighed, leaning her cheek on his soft chest fur. "Hey Sammy?" Daniel asked in a soft, tender voice."Yes?" she said just as softly, smilling. "Well, now that you're awake... How about you untie me?"

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