Pink n' Fluffy

By: Sammy Greytail
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Sammy stood under the shower, the hot water slicking down her fur. Goosebumps covered her body and her pink nipples were hard. She loved how hot water felt; it was amazing for stress. And she was really stressed.

She heard the sound of her mate, Daniel, walking around her hotel room. I can do this... just think! She whimpered softly, shaking out her blonde mane. He'd been here with her all alone for hours... and she still hadn't seduced him. "Gods...", she muttered, donking her head on the wall before turning the water off.

Stepping out of the shower, she swore under her breath and cracked open the bathroom door. "Daniel?" , she asked softly, face heating up, "Could you bring me my robe?" The bed creeked as he stood and crossed her line of vision; his black fur shone slightly in the light. "Yeah, sure baby." he replied, unzipping her dufflebag. She shut the door and held her towel in her paws over her chest so that she was covered as he opened the door and stepped in.

 "Here ya go." His blue eyes ran down her dripping body. When they came back up to her face, she had the cutest, most innocent look ever, including puppy eyes. "What'cha looking so innocent for, hmm?" his soft rumbly voice made her shiver slightly. "Nuffing?" she replied, blushing.

"I don't beleive you." he said with a smile, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around her waist. The towel slipped from her fingers to hit the ground with a soft plop. "Aren't you gong to put your clothes on?" he inquired. "Nuh uh." Sammy stared up at him as his smile grew wider. She blushed and ducked her head, staring at the floor. "Awww, look at me Sammy baby. I want to see that pretty face." he said, chuckling when she shook her head. "Fine then."

Sammy yelped in surprise as his arms slid under her butt and he picked her up. Her large chest squished to his as she wrapped her arms around his neck and shut her eyes. She could feel him walking for a moment, then he stopped. She opened her eyes to stare at him, then he dropped her. She yelped again as she landed on her butt on the bed, then looked up at him.

Daniel grinned at her, licking his left canine as he did. Then he gently pushed her onto her back, stepped back, and stared at her. "Gods, you look so innocent." he said, his voice almost a growl. There was a hungry look in his eyes as he unbuttoned his jean and kicked them off. He stood there in just his boxers, staring at her.

She felt the heat of her blush down between her tits as she stared at the front of his boxers. They barely did anything to hide his hardon. Then his boxers came off too. Her eyes grew wide; she couldn't help it. It was so big. She was still staring when he leaned over her and stared into her grey eyes.

"Your so pink," he murmured, running his hand down her body. "so cute, so innocent..." his eyes narrowed as he ran his hand over her soft white belly fur, then back up to her nipples. "I'm gunna pound the innocence out of your tight little pink pussy." he growled, causing her to gasp breathlessly.

He slid his hands under her back, down to her rump, then lifted her up slightly, pulling her legs open as he did. Sammy panted, eyes wide as he moved between her thighs. Daniel smiled at her. He knew she wanted him; he could smell it. 

His hands cupped her wide hips as he teased her with the tip of his cock. Her back arched in anticipation each time the tip just barely went in, until she was doing a constant humping motion. He growled softly when she whimpered longingly, then bit his lip and pushed his cock in.

Sammy moaned loudly; he was so big, but she wanted every hard inch of him. "Unh... Daniel..." she moaned his name, tilting her head back as he began to slowly push his cock in and out. "Harder..." she gasped , eyes squinting up as he did as she asked. Slowly, he pounded her harder and faster. "Gods... you're so... uhn... tight!" he groaned, leaning down and nipping her neck. Her toes curled up from the pleasure of it.

Finally, he slowed and pulled out. His hands gently pulled Sammy up onto her hands and knees, then caressed her tail. He growled again as he slowly pushed his cock back into her tight, hot wet little pussy. "Ohhhhhh!" she moaned long and loud, mouth hanging open. "Who's your alpha?" Daniel growled, running his hands over her plump fluffy rump. "Y-ou aaaare!" Sammy replied in a highpitched moan. He growled in satisfaction and kept pounding her pussy.

"Unh Gods Sammy I'm gunna cum!" he said suddenly, breathlessly. She gasped, but all she said was, "Uh-huuuuhhh!" Sammy gasped when he suddenly growled and squeezed her hips in his arms as he came. She whimpered, still wanting more, as he pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to her. "Later baby, okay?" he panted, tugging her down and croddling her to his chest.

"Mk... later..." she replied, blinking at him. As the minutes passed, she became drowsy... She watched him watch her wih a loving look, and cuddled closer to him...

 Sammy fell asleep in the hollow of her mate Daniels' side.

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