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[Y] Ruels Stories
This is the prologue it is pretty much a explanation to why Ruel exists and why he leads his current existance as a banished soldier
[Y] Ruels Stories
This will be the story of my other char his name is Ruel Windbreaker a white dragon, but the Prelude will start with his
father Roan Windbreaker.... (ill be skipping the romantic scenes between Roan and Girland since the main char of this
story is Ruel)


Roan Windbreaker was a tall, muscular, white dragon he had the armour of the imperial guard  his Platebody had two slits
in the back for his wings: transparent blue wings that reflected the light the same way diamonds would. He had no hair on
his head but instead spiky scales that felt rubbery to the touch but could bristle and become as hard as steel on a whim

Roan was strolling through the streets of Dragoria, the flying city of dragons, people would stop and stare at him and he
knew why, it was no actual secret, it was his wings. Not everyone was born with wings, those who did were always recruted
for the military but that wasnt the only reason his kind of wings, the diamond wings, only a selected few are born with
that feature and legend has it that dragons born with those wings are meant for greatness.

And great Roan was, he even towered over the other citizens with his 9 feet and 6 inches, while normal Dragoria citizen
only reaches a height of 7 to 8 feet, his wingspan was over 16 feet which gave him a disadvantage in cramped spaces, but
they were impressive none-the-less, but not just his physical prowess was something to behold he was also a highly skilled
in forming tactics and traps.

All these traits have gotten Roan as far as he was: General of the Imperial Guard. The only person who could order him
around was the high king. He is a object of desire for the females and a rolemodel for all the males reaching from
young to old. And though he has no shortage of candidates he was unmated. He was a believer of Soulmates and he hasnt
met his yet.

His messenger beeps and he jumps slightly and grumbles, he has seen the advance go from swords to plasma cutters and
Iron armour to the highly evolved Dragorian Combat armour with a build in EMP grenades and Omnisensors that can read
any information from mechanical to biological as a demonstration, he opened his palm, the metal greaves he wore had a
round red crystal in its palm: the Omnisensor and barked "Open recieved video file"

A hologramm appeared over his palm in a full 3D view of his the high king Fenror Stormhold and he spoke with authority
as only the high king could "General Roan Windbreaker, i have a mission for you" Roan nods and answers exactly as the
rulebook defined "I am yours to command my honorable high king" he nods obviously pleased by the answer "investigate,
The Heart of Dragoria is becoming tainted and I want to know why" once again Roan answers as the protocol demands "Your
wish is my command, honorable high king" the high king nods once and the hologramm dies out

He clenches his fist and smiles, finally some action around this dull place, so he goes to the center of Dragonia a giant
Crystal tower which reached even higher into the sky around 500 metres at the top a stone of concentrated energy keeps the
city afloat and gives the citizens of Dragoria eternal life and everlasting health, if someone was corrupting the stone
then it was a offence worthy of the worst punishment: being banned from Dragoria which literally means being thrown off a
Island that flies high above the clouds.

Ruel reaches the tower and is immediately intercepted by the guardian of the stone: The Imperial Sage Nucleus, he was
somewhat of a rarity among the people he had the transparent wings but since he was black scaled it looked more like
Onyx then Diamond, his black color and the transparent wings make him also a very interesting individual, many are afraid
of him but not Roan, infact he smiles at the sage and embraces him "NUCLEUS! long time old friend, how long has it been?
200 years? why dont you visit me anymore" Nucleus gasps his golden eyes widening "GAH! c-cant breath!"

Roan lets him go and the sage takes a deep breath and answers "thanks for that and the answer is that i cant visit since
i have orders to stay close to the heart ever since the corruption started, which coincidentally was 200 years as well"
The General frowns at this new information "how come I only got that info now?" The sage shrugs "maybe they didnt deem
your interference necessary yet" Roan nods and pats the other dragons back as they ascended the holy tower

As Roan enters the circular room he shivers, the heart was right there pulsing and radiating warmth and energy, and even
though the energy was tainted it was even more visible as dark strings were swirling in the radiant blue, he whimpers
and swore to himself to kick the person who did this personally off the cliff, he gets close and before Nucleus can step
in the general touches the stone and howls out as terrible visions flood his mind

Roan screams in pain and terror as he sees what was happening. He saw a dark hooded figure pumping dark energy into the
the heart, he felt the cold and vile power as if it was corrupting him and not the heart, his eyes haze over as maniacle
laughter can be heard from beyond the hood, and then black claws reach for the hood, and Roan feels his scales crawl
as he whispers "no..." and then the hood gets pulled back to expose the face of his best friend, his golden eyes glisten
with insanity as he whispers to the heart "Soon this place will be mine" and the vision shatters and the laughter still
echoes in the head of the general...

Roans scream turns to a roar as he pulls out his sword "NUCLEUS!" The sage now showed his true form his white robes turning
black with red trim as he snarls "Damn it!" he tries to cast a spell, but before he can Roan slices his kneecaps making him
collapse and howl in pain, which is immediately cut short with a armoured knee to his face, Nucleus was unconcious but
Roan was overcome with grief and hatred that he keeps beating into the unconcious dark mage so long that when he wakes back
up in his holding cell and looks into his mirror that he sees his once handsome face now scarred and misshapen, he feels
tears well up as he now throws curses aimed at his once best friend against the prison walls.

Roan was angry at the council for letting Nucleus stay on the Island, he would have killed him but as it turned out his roar
had been so loud that it alarmed the various guards, which had to drag Roan away from Nucleus to stop him from beating his
armoured fists into his face, seeing that he was punished enough for defiling the heart for 200 years and since the defiling
wasnt permanent now that the source has been caught the decided to keep him in the prison cells, which was deep beneath the
tower, for 4 years for each year he defiled the heart which added to 800 years prison

He was stomping through the streets when he accidently brushed the shoulder of a passing citizen, he turns around to
apoligize, but then his breath catches in his throat as he eyes the beautiful dragoness with silver eyes and hair and
glistening white scales and a long red dress. He coughs and scratches the back of his head "im sorry" she giggles and
the sound was music to his ears her voice was just as sweet for him "dont worry about it honorable knight" he blushes
madly his white scales on his cheeks turning red, he knew from how his heart was beating rapidly that he finally found
his soulmate he asks shyly "M-May i know your name fair lady?" his question was rewarded with a blush of her own "my
Name is Girland Soothsayer"

Years passed and of course they went on dates they flirted and had many wonderful years together until Roan was sure of
her and proposed, the next year they were officially mated and 3 years after their mating, Girland conceived a baby boy,
who turned out to be as special as Roan himself since he recieved the same wings. Girland turns to her mate "how will you
call your son" The General smiles proudly and ushers the name that he was thinking of "Welcome to Dragoria little Ruel
Windbreaker" .....