Hellsing & Morgenstern Prelude

By: RoxasLight
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 (this is the first Story i ever wrote, the prelude, if it is popular i will continue, so please leave comments and feed back, oh and by the way, im german so go easy on me hehe)

Angeal finally had a good enough job to start living in a appartment, with a roommate that is, since he wouldnt be able to pay all the rent himself and then have enough cash for clothes and food, and how lucky for him a guy with the name of Hellsing was having the same problem, at least thats what it said in the flyer. He brushed his hair back and stared at the door with his blue eyes as if afraid it might grow teeth, then it suddenly opened and a compact but muscular man, not like the weightlifters but more like a Martial Artist stature his white hair was covering his eyes and he noticed that he was staring, he shook his head and showed the man his flyer "Is this offer still open?" the Feline took the flyer, and he noticed that his fur was just as black as the Felines, but the wolf shook his head, trying to quit staring as the Feline looked up at him and raised an eyebrow "The names Hellsing, boy. And you'll do just fine" he ripped the flyer in half and motioned for him to come in and Angeal obeyed "Alright basic rules" Hellsing spoke with an authority, that made it difficult to say no "first my room is off limits, when im in it you will knock before entering and i will lock it whenever im gone, i want the payments on time, im not your mother who's gonna pat your behind, if you miss a payment, you miss food got it?" Angeal nodded his mouth agap, Hellsing noticed and said "and shut yer trap before a bird decides to nest in it" with that he turned away and Angeal closed his mout and shrugged slightly and thought to himself ~oh well, its better then living on the street~. With that happy thought he went into the shower taking off his gothic attire which was made up of: Leather straps which are fastened around his ankles and wrists, fishnet sleeves, biker gloves, tight leather pants and a black leather vest. He usually never wears underwear since his pants are to tight for it, so completely bare he steps into the shower and lets the warm water wash away the cold New York air from his fur. Murring he starts taking the shampoo, recalling that there was no rule against it and starts rubbing into it fur until nearly his whole body is covered in white foam and then lets the water rinse it off, afterwards he takes a towel and wraps it around his dripping fur and starts drying himself off, once he is done with that he got out of the shower and went into his own room and dropped himself on the already made bed with just the towel and starts drifting off into sleep

Hellsing frowned ~great going scared your Roommate half to death~ he knew he had that effect on people thats why they mostly stayed away from him, he waited until the Wolf finished showering, he didnt even know his name, how bad was that? The wolf took to long at the shower so Hellsing started stripping down to his boxers and closed the door to his room behind him, he had his reason for hiding his room, it was filled with weapons: Shotguns, Uzis, Colts, Swords, Bow and Arrows, Spears, Daggers, Shuriken and Kunai and a two crossed Battle axes where mounted above his bed, surely this would freak him out, and he didnt want the wolf to know his secret, know one should be pulled into his world, so he dropped to bed and pondered those thoughts before his own exhaustion took him and he fell into a deep sleep

 Hellsing woke the next morning from the ringing of his cell phone, he picked up and the voice sent chills down his spine, like it always did, it was the Operator "S-Class hunter is necessary to take down a Renegade Vampire on Staten Island in the Staten Island Pergament Mall, I'll fax you the map" he hung up and at that moment the fax in his room started printing he took on his vest and hooked several silver Kunais on it, attaching a shotgun to his back and two colts on either side of his waist also taking his Silver blade, concealing it all beneath a very wide trench Coat, he walked out and noticed that the door to Angeal's room was open (which was right across the from his own room) and that he wasn't there, he shrugged it off and thought to himself ~he probably is working.... damn! i dont even know where he works when i get back we really have to start hanging out~ witht hat he went out of the house and slammed the door shut behind him

Hellsing was at the Location which he was given, he also had the information on the renegade and a picture of him: a human boy with long short black hair and red eyes, the suggestion said that he'll probably wear sunglasses to hide his eyes and because his eyes are sensitive to the sun, at that moment he noticed him going into the alley with a fur, a fox from the look of it, he followed them and hid behind a trash can, the vampire was coming up to the fox from behind, usually he'd wait, since biting wasnt against the Accords, he should wait and see if he would kill, but her record already had 3 dead furs and 4 dead humans, he wouldnt let it become a even number so he jumped out and kicked the trash can, the fox turned around and noticed the fangs of the human boy and became wide eyed and ran for it, the boy was immediately on his toes but Hellsing, threw a kunai which impaled on the asphalt a few inches away from the vampires foot, he looked at Hellsing and spoke with a melodious tone, that would hit every guy or girl into his trance but Hellsing kept his cool "what do you want from me?" Hellsing grinned like a madman "you know what i want"

Angeal was at the way to his job, a cashier at one of the shops in the Staten Island Pergament Mall, when he came past the alley he noticed a crashing sound of a trash can, he though it was a cat and was about to keep walking when he noticed the fox that came running out with fear in his eyes, by this point he was very curious and walked into the alley hiding behind a trash can, seeing a person with a trench coat, cornering a pale-skinned human boy with sun glasses he heard the vampire speak "...want from me?" the man in the trench coat answered and was shocked to hear the voice from Hellsing, he'd remember it from anywhere "You know what i want" Angeal backed up and stumbled on another trash can fell onto his back, the kid noticed, and what happened next nearly caused Angeal to faint, the kid took off his sun glasses, exposing his red eyes and snarled and jumped past Hellsing ,who was staring at him with wide eyes, and was nearly upon Angeal. Then Hellsing appeared next to the vampire with something shining in his hand and brought it down in a flash of silver. Something was soaking Angeals pants, he looked down and noticed the head from the boy in his lap the stump of his neck dripping blood onto his pants, black blood what was happening here?

Hellsing jumped, and was startled of hearing the young wolf's voice, he cursed at him self as the Vampire jumped past him, but he caught up and before it could take a chunk out of his roommate he brought down his blade, beheading the creature, he then leaned forward and grabbed the front of the wolf's shirt, picked him up and pushed him against the wall all the time he was thinking ~fuck! i brought him into this!~ he then spoke to the wolf

Suddenly he was jerked upwards and pushed against the wall while Hellsing was glaring at him and he spoke with that voice again that could have made a king bow down to him "You have to choices now boy! Either you die by my hand before any other creature can! or you join me!" Angeal growled "Join you? in what? murder?"  Hellsing was getting impatient and pushed against him harder and whispered in his ear "i cant tell you now! I'll explain if you join" Strangely Hellsing actions were arousing the wolf, but he was determined not to show it, but since he did wanted answers he spoke "ok I'll join you" Hellsing set him down and started telling him about Underworlders which are non-mortal furs and humans, The Hunters which were at war with them a few years back and the Accords, a peace treaty with a set of rule for both sides, and explained the new job of the Hunters was somewhat of making sure that the treaty was kept and killing all who defies it (to be continued)

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