Adrian's Big Day P3

By: RevivedDragon
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Adrian's body shook uncontrollably, showing his mother the fear that he had been feeling since his transformation and the realisation that he was now a tiny Pokémon sent shivers down his spine. The blood that trickled down his face from the knock had crawled onto his mother's hand as she wrapped her arms around him.

Adrian's mother took a few deep breaths, noticing the small nosebleed and stood up with Adrian in her arms as she began walking back downstairs. But Adrian noticed his mum was walking a lot slower than usual, stopping every now and again, but there was another sensation. When the human-turned-Riolu focused on his mother, he felt her emotions sink in.

Fear. Worry. Sorrow. It was as if there was no positive energy pulsing off of her, but how was he even able to sense his mother's feelings just by looking at her?

All of this had Adrian shaking his head and pushing himself away from his mother, which left her stunned.

A-Adrian? What's wrong?!” The only words that could escape her mouth as Adrian leapt out of her arms and back into his room, with his mother following. When she walked in, Adrian was writing more on the paper. It was messy, but legible and when he held the paper up to the woman's face, she raised an eyebrow.

'I know what you feel' was scribbled largely in dark red pencil with Adrian nodding slowly, paws twitching.

Huh?” She spoke softly and in small sentences, still amazed by this event. Adrian faced the ground with the paper under his knees and he continued writing, his mother watching patiently. When he was done, he revealed what was written to his mother.

'When I think about you I can see your feelings'. The new sentence was neater than the last, and smaller, but that wasn't important to either of them. Adrian's mother sat on the ground, staring at the words with an awkward expression which was soon changed to a look of concern.

Adrian... we have to tell your father now. I don't know how, but maybe there's a way he can help...” She closed her mouth briefly, looking down then back up at Adrian's slightly confident expression.

I remember a while ago, he came home from work and told me about someone or something that could understand Pokémon and humans. My memories hazy, but there might be a chance that whatever it is, it can help us...” Adrian's mum became quiet, but she was confident that what she planned so quickly in her mind would work. Meanwhile Adrian's own confidence had begun to soar, quite obviously from the glowing smile on his muzzle.

Alright then, I guess we'll be taking a trip to the Day-Care Centre.” The woman grabbed a few pieces of paper and a blue pen as she and Adrian walked out the front door, still concerned in her mind though as she thought about what Adrian wrote earlier: 'When I think about you I can see your feelings'. It seemed so strange, but this new feature of Adrian [and his complete body makeover] was something that she would have to get used to, at least she hoped not.

As the mother and son travelled and arrived to Sandgem Town in the family car, they noticed a couple people with distraught looks and even an ambulance outside a home. Maybe it was just a simple coincidence all this was happening the same day as Adrian's transformation.

It didn't take too long before the two had finally reached Jublife City. At least a year ago, many trainers in the west side of Sinnoh had complained of having to travel too far to reach the Day-Care centre which was based in Solaceon Town. Adrian's father (being the highly confident breeder he was) decided that with the contacts he had and his passion for breeding, he successfully built the Jublife Day-Care Centre, which has been lively and popular. After a short drive to the Day-Care, Adrian and his mother stepped out of the vehicle and began walking to the front doors, a hint of fear sinking into Adrian.

I can only hope your father understands all of this...” Adrian's mother lifted him into her arms and took a deep breath, standing before the centre's doors. But just as the two were about to enter the building, someone else opened the doors and bumped into Adrian's mother, nearly forcing her to the ground.

Oh, sorry- Sara? What are you doing here?” The man that had walked out had a medium build, was quite tall and had short brown hair. It was Adrian's father.

Damien, hi... um...” The young woman was short on words as she moved out of the way of the door, leaning against the wall outside with Adrian's father in front of her, a very surprised look on his face.

Before you answer, is that... is that an honest-to-god Riolu?” Damien stared at Adrian with amazement, his mother replying with a short nod.

W-well... there's been a slight problem. Remember how Adrian was meant to be meeting Professor Rowan to get his first Pokémon? Um... uh...” She was slow, her head tilting downward as Damien raised an eyebrow.

What's wrong? Is Adrian alri-”

This IS Adrian.”

Damien stood completely straight, the hairs on the back of his neck pointing up.

Eh... ex-excuse me?” His mouth trembled as he looked down at Adrian once more, but this time Adrian looked away, slightly embarrassed to be naked, but mostly of his makeover.

I... don't understand... last time I checked, my son was a human being.”

I-I know, but something happened and we have no idea what's going on. He left after breakfast and came back like... this.” Sara gulped and hugged Adrian tighter, becoming tense. Damien took a small step back, taking deep breaths as he slowly gathered everything he just heard.

Oh... kay...” He whispered nervously.

We came here because I remember that Pokémon you once told me about, the one that could speak human and Pokémon tongue.” Sara focused her view on her lover. The fear that Damien would overreact had disappeared. On the other hand, Damien had just thought about what Sara said, and nodded slowly as he opened the door.

L-let's not tell anyone about this. Take a seat and um... I'll see if I can find what we need...” There was uncertainty in Damien's voice, but he showed an approving smile as Sara passed him by, sitting comfortably with Adrian in her lap.

I promise we'll fix this as soon as possible...” Sara stroked Adrian's head softly, kissing the top of it lightly. She sighed quietly as Adrian looked up at her, a weak smile showing despite his feelings of concern.

I'll um, be back in a minute.” Damien then walked passed the two and left the room, leaving Adrian with his hopes high.

Damien had a stern look on his face, walking passed the different areas of the Day-Care as he eventually stepped through a door near the back which lead into a beautiful area of outdoor scenery. Vibrant colours of flowers, the invigorating scents, the warm sunlight shining down with a light touch of brisk wind. This was where the young Pokémon in the centre stayed: the wondrous outdoors.

But Damien didn't have the time to concentrate on the great outdoors, he had to find that Pokémon, the sooner, the better. He slowly looked around, seeing many different species of Pokémon, from a couple of Pichu's to a lone Starraptor flying about the open spaces. Unfortunately, Damien was unable to find who he was looking for. That was, until he was frightened by a surprising tap on the shoulder, spinning around to see a Lucario looking up at him confidently.

Oh! There you are. I really need your help... I'm in a mess and only you can really help me.” Damien sighed quietly, speaking nervously to the nimble and experienced Pokémon. Experienced in battle, of course.

I could tell you needed my help again. What needs carrying around?” Of course, Lucario used his power of telepathy to speak to humans, and had become a helpful character in the Day-Care due to his strength.

Well um... actually, this is a more... personal matter of mine. But I need you to come with me to the front, please.” Damien gave off a hint of positivity and began walking back to where Adrian and his mother were, Lucario nodding and following him closely.

Not too long after, Damien was back with his family along with Lucario who brought a [both] surprised and shocked expression to Adrian's and Sara's faces.

This is Lucario, he can help...” Damien added quietly as Lucario stepped in front of Sara with a smile.

A pleasure to meet you, ma'am.” He bowed his head respectively as Sara nodded back, Adrian staring at him carefully.

So... how can I help?” Lucario stared at Adrian and Damien briefly, the two both looking away as Sara stroked Adrian's head.

My son was changed into... this Pokémon and we have no idea how.” As soon as Sara finished the sentence, Lucario's eyes were as wide as possible, jaw slack with his focus on Adrian.

A human changed... to a Pokémon? Um... I-I really don't see how I can h-help... or... how that's possible.” Lucario stepped back, but Adrian grabbed hold of his paw, looking up at him.

No one understands what I'm saying, except you. A-and you talk English... m-maybe you can uh, translate what I say... please...” Lucario blinked slowly and nodded reassuringly to Adrian.

Okay, I'll do what I can.” Sara sighed with relief and smiled.

Thank you. Thank you so much, um...”

Lucario, ma'am.” He smiled softly as Damien gave off a small chuckle.

Come on, your real name.” Lucario stared at Damien, a bit stunned by the demand.

Uh... if you wish.” He turned back to Sara and folded his arms.

Sethik.” Sethik looked down momentarily with Adrian wearing a confused expression.

Why do you look a lot like me, Sethik?” Adrian looked up at Sethik just as he began to smile.

Well, you are a Riolu. My pre-evolved form.” When Sethik mentioned this, both Adrian and Sara gasped but Damien simply nodded slowly.

It's true. Adrian will eventually evolve into a Lucario and gain the ability of speech.” All of this made Adrian confident for the future, but Sara wasn't convinced.

But how?” She continued to stroke Adrian's head, Sethik stepping in front of her.

A Riolu evolves when it feels most loved and close with their companion.”

Companion?” Sara started to feel slightly worried, as well as Adrian.

Well, it could be anyone. But... the thing is, Pokémon bond very well with their trainer.” Sethik sighed and sat down beside Sara. Damien started to scratch the back of his head.

I-I wanted to be a trainer, not a trainer's Pokémon!” Adrian groaned and dropped his head, shivering a little.

What'd he say?” Sara blinked and stared at Sethik who turned away.

He doesn't want to be a Pokémon. He wants to be human again.” Sara sighed quietly and hugged Adrian close.

I'm so sorry, baby... until we figure out a way to change you back, there's nothing we can do.” Adrian groaned and snuggled into his mother close. Damien took a deep breath and leaned on the wall.

This might sound crazy, but... maybe we could take that into consideration...”

What?” Sara raised an eyebrow.

If... if it'll be quicker for Adrian to have a trainer to help him evolve-”


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