Adrian's Big Day P2

By: RevivedDragon
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Adrian gulped, looking up high at his mother. His new form had made him much smaller now, exactly 2'04", which he found irritating. The morning was still strong, a brisk wind blowing lightly through his fur. The breeze tickled Adrian a little, but he didn't laugh, he simply stayed still, confused as to what he should do next.

At first though, his mother just looked around, not seeing anyone, but when she looked around and saw Adrian, she clasped her hands and gasped, showing delight.
"Oh, you must be Adrian's new friend. How adorable!" As soon as Adrian had heard this, he gasped and shook his paws, and opening his mouth.
"Wait, it's me! Something really strange happened, mum!" Adrian waved his arms around, trying to get his mother to understand, but she simply stood still, staring down at him.

"Say, where is Adrian, anyway? Shouldn't he be here by now?" The woman looked up into the distance, sighing quietly. Meanwhile Adrian lowered his head, but heard a feint noise from inside, running in.
"Vulpix? Where are you?" He looked around desperately, heading for the kitchen, knowing that's usually where the young Pokémon would be found.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" His mother left the door open, running after Adrian. This had left him disappointed, but he did find Vulpix sitting on the kitchen counter, tilting her head at the apparent newcomer.
"Who are you?" She asked, blinking a few times.
"Vulpix, you gotta help me! I don't know what happened, but I just need you to know that it's me!" As soon as Adrian mentioned this, literally shouting at the Vulpix, she stood up and looked down at Adrian, her eyes wide.
"Adrian? That can't seriously be you…”
"But it is me! I need to convince mum that it's me, but she doesn't even understand me!" He cried out, hoping Vulpix would try to help.

Vulpix sighed and nodded.
"Okay, I'll help." But just as she said this, Adrian's mother had lifted him into the air.
"Gah! Mum, put me down!" The Riolu shook violently in her grasp, and she frowned.
"Adrian needs to be told he's got a feisty little Pokémon." The young woman looked down at Vulpix and sighed.

Where is he…? These were the only words that were running through the mother's mind, when the Vulpix yelped and nodded at the Riolu. "What about it? I know he's Adrian's…" But Vulpix shook her head and pointed a paw at Adrian.
"Excuse me? I'm confused… what are you trying to say?" Adrian gasped and looked over to the staircase he'd usually run down in the mornings, and started heading towards it, having a plan in his mind.

This however, seemed to irritate his mother, and she chased after him. "Where do you think you're going? Adrian's room is up there." She stammered, hoping the tiny Riolu would listen, but he had other ideas. If I can get a pencil and paper, maybe I can write that it's me… Adrian soon realised that because of his small height, the stairs opposed him in a frighteningly large manner.

Vulpix ran up to Adrian's side and smiled with a short nod.

"I'll slow her down." She spoke softly and nudged Adrian a bit to go on ahead, and he nodded, understanding.
"Thanks!" At that, he began to climb the staircase, one step at a time, while Vulpix spun around and assumed a defensive position.
"What are you doing, Vulpix? Go on, get Adrian's friend!" The woman pointed halfway upstairs to where Adrian was, but Vulpix shook her head quickly, standing guard.

I hope I can even write… I don't think I can even hold a pencil! Saddening thoughts spread through Adrian's confused and frustrated mind, but he kept going, hoping for a miracle. So, without looking back, Adrian finally reached the top of the stairs, and took a sharp left down the hall, seeing his room at the end. His confidence was now rising, and a small smile grew on his muzzle.
I'll be able to show mum that I'm not my Pokémon, finally! Adrian ran into his room, the door already being open, and jumped onto his swivel chair, landing awkwardly.
"Ugh… pencil, pencil, pencil…" He rummaged through the desktop as he stood up high on his toes, and soon found a blunt blue pencil, but it was good enough for him.

"Vulpix, come on!" Adrian's mother had enough of the fox-like Pokémon, walking up the stairs. Vulpix wasn't pleased by this, but she wasn't going to attack the woman, not unless she'd try to hurt Adrian.
Good luck, Adrian… she's coming up… Vulpix sighed and slowly followed her owner up the steps, counting each step to take her mind off of things.

Adrian knew where to get his paper, so he quickly jumped off the chair but stumbled at the landing and tripped forward, hitting his muzzle on the wood flooring.
"Agh! Ow!" He slowly stood back up, a drip of blood crawling down his fur and into his mouth, but he simply ignored it and ran to a set of drawers, quickly opening the third drawer down. What he saw was a whole pile of clean, white paper, and he smiled weakly.
"Yes! Now I just need to write…" He grabbed a sheet with both paws, still holding the pencil in his right, and dropped to his knees with the paper on the ground.

His mother was now at the top of the staircase, and looked around; trying to figure out which room the young Riolu had run off to. That was easily found out when she heard a 'thump' come from Adrian's room, so she walked down the hall and into his room. The sight of his mother had Adrian alarmed, panic clouding his mind. He held the pencil in both his paws with a firm grip, and pressed against the paper, rushing as he brought the blunt blue line down the page.

"What are you doing?" The woman stood still, staring down at the Riolu and his paper, one eyebrow raised. Adrian ignored her, but stared his mother down every few seconds to make sure she wasn't going to pick him up. He'd already finished the first letter, and was halfway through the second word. It was messy, but readable. A few seconds later, he was finished, quickly throwing the pencil down and grabbing the paper, his mother kneeling down to his head.

"You can write?" Adrian's mother had no idea what was going to happen next, as she watched him hold the paper up to her face, tension flooding Adrian's mind. The three words on the paper came quickly through Adrian's mother, as if someone blasted a few rounds out of a shotgun through her stomach.

'I am Adrian' was written messily on the paper, and as soon as the young woman had read it, she fell onto her backside, eyes wide with surprise.
"Is this some kind of a joke?" She asked, staring at Adrian, but he simply shook his head and took a step closer, still afraid.
"Oh my..." His mother was too shocked to finish the sentence. Adrian slowly brought the paper down to his side, dropping it as he lowered his head, eyeing the ground.

"How did this happen?" Sadly, Adrian didn't understand fully the reason for his transformation. All he could tell was a shrug of his shoulders, his mother standing up with Adrian in her arms. He wanted to speak, he was desperate, so he opened his mouth.
"I don't know. It was so fast." Adrian managed to whisper, clinging to his mother tight. Unsurprisingly, all his mother had heard was a mix of the Riolu's own name.

"It's okay, Adrian. It's okay." Adrian's mother sighed, a small tear dropping off her face, landing on his own. A thought of her husband had crossed the woman's mind, and that thought was a disturbing one. Adrian's father was a serious Pokémon breeder, which in turn, brought thoughts of what he'd do to Adrian. Sadly, he wasn't much of a family man.
"I hope your father doesn't do anything stupid..."

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