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[Y] Adrian's Big Day P1
Adrian sets out on his first day as a Pokemon trainer. Or does he...?
[Y] Adrian's Big Day P1

The sun had been shining in the clear sky for a few hours now, but not even that seemed to be able to wake young Adrian from his slumber. Today was important for the ten year-old, for today he would become a Pokémon trainer, receiving his first Pokémon.

"Adrian! Come on, rise and shine, sleepy head! I thought you were excited about today." His mother had walked upstairs and into his room, pushing him around.
"Huh? Mm hmm…" Adrian nodded and rolled over, not bothering to get up just yet.

"Adrian. It's time you wake up and get your first Pokémon from Professor Rowan." She informed her son sternly, and walked back out, leaving Adrian.

"Wait… WHAT?!" Adrian gasped and jumped out of his single-sized bed, leaping to his closet.
"Oh man, I overslept! I hope no one's taken a Chimchar yet." Adrian scrambled around, finally putting some clothes on. He grabbed a dark blue T-shirt with a pokeball silhouette of a darker shade around the side. Adrian also wore some rather new-looking jeans, still having plenty of colour; a pair of black skate shoes; and a light red baseball cap covering his thick light brown hair.

Adrian was a pretty casual kid, and he wasn't too unique, apart from his long hair. He stood at a height of 4"4', and he didn't mind his size, not having that much muscle.
"Time for some food!" Adrian shouted, and he ran straight out his room, heading down the stairs, and into the kitchen to see his mother and a Vulpix.
"Hey mum, what's for breakfast?" The boy asked as he walked passed Vulpix, petting her lightly.
"I made some bacon and eggs, here." His mother brought a plate over to Adrian, and he sat at the table, eating happily.

"I heard on the news, there was a whole stash of rare items found at the abandoned factory just outside town. Maybe when you start your adventure, you can head there and see if the police will let you keep anything." Adrian's mother walked around, and sat at the table, sipping on a glass of juice.
"Awesome! I'll go there later." Adrian quickly finished his meal, and stood up.
"Well, I'm going! I'll be back here to finish a few things and say goodbye." His mother nodded and smiled.

After a few more minutes, Adrian grabbed his bag, and left for Professor Rowan's lab. he'd been to Sandgem Town before, so he knew where he was going. Though while walking, he stumbled upon a lone item lying on the ground.
"Huh? Maybe... someone dropped it? But I wonder what it is..." It looked like any other ordinary pokeball, but the top half was cobalt blue, not red. Adrian picked it up in his hands, and observed it for a moment, seeing a feint glow coming off it when he did this.

"Whoa! Is this like... a magic ball or something?" He pondered this for a moment, and suddenly felt a stinging sensation in his hands, dropping the ball.

"Agh! What the...?" He stared at his hands, noticing patches of blue fur sprout, quickly covering his hands, but it seemed to stop at his wrists.
"What the heck is this?!" His fingers then grew pads underneath, and became stubby, fusing into three.
"Uuuuuuh... is s-someone here? H-help..." Where the fur stopped, more of the light blue fur had now started to spread all the way up his arms. Adrian couldn't help but gasp, falling onto his backside in fear. On his wrists, something extremely hard grew out, but he couldn't tell what they were.

'How is this even possible?!" Adrian asked himself, seeing that he was now shrinking, his muscles, bones, every last detail of his body was becoming smaller, and changing. He groaned and stood up to run over to a nearby river, his eyes ached in pain, so he shut them for a moment.
"Ugh... what's happening to me?!" Adrian managed to open his eyes and stare at his reflection in the water, seeing his eyes were now crimson red, and his pupils had formed slits.
"Ah! My eyes..." He turned back around, and quickly realised his sight was much clearer, now.
"Okay, so this isn't that bad, but how is it happening?!" He started to run to Sandgem, but stopped when he saw the ball he dropped earlier was glowing more evidently.
"The... ball..." Adrian walked over and held it in his paws. But before he could realise that the pokeball was to blame for this, he looked down at himself, seeing that he must've lost about a foot in height by now. More of the blue fur spread down his sides, while the grey fur returned, growing over his stomach area.

"This is... so weird..." But for reasons Adrian couldn't figure out, he didn't seem to regret this half as much as he did five minutes ago. A major problem for him though, was that he was shrinking, and that his clothes were becoming much larger than his entire body.
"Uuum... I need to find something to cover- oh..." It didn't matter if he wore clothes or not, because the fur had grown downwards, covering his personal belongings.

The changes continued, however, when he realised the fur was covering his back now. Adrian felt bumps at the base of his spine, when out of nowhere, a tail of blue fur burst out, swinging around uncontrollably. This made him feel more comfortable, slightly, and he managed to get out of his clothes, not worried due to the fur being all over his body, but his legs. But that quickly became a different situation, as the grey fur had now starting to sprout all over his legs, and he felt the bone cracking, causing him to fall over in pain.

Before Adrian could say anything, his legs buckled. Adrian felt so much pain in his legs, and he couldn't understand what was happening to them. All he did was gulp and widen his eyes with shock. His feet were now changing, as his toes fused, again, becoming three, and grew pads underneath. The pain had now settled down, becoming much less irritating, but when Adrian had decided to stand, he realised he was digit-grade, and using his newly formed tail as support.

"What am I becoming?" He started to run towards Sandgem Town, taking the pokeball with him, hoping he could explain all this to Professor Rowan. Sadly, more changes were to come, and he screamed, felling to the ground as soon as he felt an excruciating pain all over his head. The shrinking had at least stopped permanently, but he preferred that to what he was feeling now. His nose and upper lip fused, and his entire jaw pushed out to form a muzzle. The fur crept up his neck, where it was now a bright pale yellow.

"ARGH!" Adrian held his head, which was now covered in the blue and grey fur. His once human ears had disappeared, and at the top of his head, two short rounded ears grew. The muzzle didn't push out far, and had stopped rather quickly, but he still felt pain in his mouth. When he checked what was happening, his human teeth had all fallen out, laying bloody on the ground, to be quickly replaced by sharper fangs to line his gum. Just when Adrian thought everything was over, there was one more change. Two dark grey 'sensors' grew out from the sides of his head.


"Is... is it over?" Adrian asked himself, and looked around slowly.
"I... think so..." He gulped and checked himself, seeing someone completely different than the human he was fifteen minutes ago.
"What am I?" He shook his head and turned around, seeing his own tail wagging slowly from side to side. Adrian was utterly confused, but at the same time, he felt joyous of his new form. He thought through this situation for a minute, then turned around and started to head back home.

After a much longer walk, since he'd lost over half his height earlier, he reached his humble abode and stamped his paw on the door a few times. Within seconds, his mother would open the door to see her son, but she didn't know it would be.

"What will she think of me? What about Vulpix, and dad...?" He had so many questions that needed answers, and hopefully, they'd be answered soon. But for now, Adrian's priority was to get his mother on his side.

"Hello?" The door swung open, and standing there was indeed, his mother...