The Deal

By: Rally
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The Deal


This story and all characters are copyrighted to me, David Reynolds. This story contains sexual content between two males and should not be read by anyone who is not at least 18 or would be offended by reading this. You've been warned.




Brian walked into the car lot about three blocks from his home, taking a look around at all the cars lined up in rows. There were vehicles of all sorts, from small economy car to hulking behemoth SUVs, but only one that he was interested in. The gray wolf, standing at about 5'10" tall and of average build, had just turned 17 the week before, and his dad had given him $20,000 so that he could buy himself a car. He had hoped for more since his dad was a very wealthy lawyer, but it was still more than most of his friends were allowed to spend on their first car. It was the middle of October, so he was wearing blue jeans, a dark green T-shirt, a high school letter jacket that he left open, and white and black tennis shoes.


After passing several rows, he came upon the car he had been looking for. It was a brand-new Ford Mustang GT convertible. There were several ones lined up, but only one of them was green, which was his favorite color. He looked at the Options paper in the window and found that the only option that was missing was the satellite radio.


"No big deal," he thought.


As he was looking at the interior, a salesman walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. Brian turned to face the salesman, who was an orange-furred fox, standing at just over six feet tall and looking to be in his mid-40s.


"Can I help you, son?" the fox asked.


"Yeah, I was wanting to buy this car."


"Oh, really? You look kinda young to be buying a car by yourself. These aren't cheap, you know."


Brian took his wallet out of his pants pocket and flashed several $1,000 bills. The fox was stunned, but then smiled and gestured towards the showroom building.


"Why don't we step inside and discuss, then? By the way, the name's Jared Fulpes, but you can call me Jerry."


Brian followed Jerry into the building, then into a small office. Jerry closed the door to the office after Brian had entered, then sat in his chair behind a large desk, motioning for Brian to take a seat in one of the three chairs in front of him. Brian sat in the chair on the far right, taking a moment to glance around the room, noticing that there were no windows in this office, not even one in the door. It was completely private. Jerry punched something into his computer before addressing Brian again.


"What's your name, son?"


"Brian Jacobs."


"So, you were looking at the green GT cabrio, right?"


"Yes, I was," the wolf said, giving a slight nod.


"Okay, it looks like the price on that one is $28,997."


Brian cringed a bit.


"I've only got $20,000 cash, and I know that the asking price is always a lot higher than what you're allowed to sell it for."


"Indeed it is. However, $20,000 is too low, I'm afraid. What we could do is put up the 20 as a down payment, and pay the rest of it off with a loan. The payments would be very low if you did it that way."


Brian looked slightly off to the side, apparently disappointed.


"I can only spend $20,000. I'm not allowed to buy anything that's more than that."


"Well, we do have a few of the V6 models in green. They only cost $18,000."


"V6? None of my friends own a V6. I'd be laughed at if I drove up in one of those."


Jerry now noticed letter jacket the wolf was wearing.


"You play football, Brian?"


Brian looked up, a bit confused for a moment.


"Um, yeah. I'm the team captain."


"So I guess you want a nice V8 to impress the cheerleaders, huh?"


"Um.. no, not really," he said, blushing. "I'm not really interested in them."


"You're gay, then?"


Brian blushed further.


"Yeah.. I am."


"No need to be embarrassed about it, Brian. Hell, I'm gay, too. So, are you a virgin?"


The young wolf chuckled a bit and rubbed the back of his head with one paw.


"No, actually. I've been with several guys, including half of the football team."


"I see. Top or bottom?"


Brian wasn't sure why Jerry was asking him these questions. He had heard that dealers would try to become friendly with a potential buyer to try to convince them to buy something they didn't want, but his mind wasn't going to be swayed. Regardless, he answered the question.


"I'm a bit of both, but I'll only bottom for certain guys."


Jerry typed something into his computer, then printed out a single page, laying it on the desk in front of him.


"Well, unfortunately, the lowest I can go on the car you're looking at is $24,000."


Brian frowned and slumped down in his chair a bit before Jerry continued.


"But I know how important it is for young teens to look cool. I'll make you a deal, if you feel up to it."


"A deal?" Brian asked, his ears perking up.


"Yes, but you're not to tell anyone about this, even if you decline my offer, okay?"


Brian nodded, internally excited at the prospect of getting the car for way cheaper than it was worth.


"Okay, the price on paper would have to read $24,000, I can't change that. However, I'll let you pay just the 20, and I'll cover the extra four, if you have sex with me right now."


Brian stared for a moment, unsure if he had heard correctly.


"Excuse me?"


"Brian, I may be 44, but I get urges just like you do, and I haven't had sex in over 8 months. I'd be willing to pay off the difference on this car if you'll have sex with me. I'm not just saying this because I'm horny, either. I think you're cute as hell."


Blushing and giving a soft chuckle, Brian looked off to the side a bit, turning over the idea in his mind. He really wanted that car, and it was the only green one he'd seen within 50 miles. The fox was two-and-a-half times his age, but he didn't look bad, really. After debating it for a few moments, he stood and walked to the door. Jerry frowned, but was surprised when the wolf locked the door instead of opening it. Brian then walked over to Jerry's side of the desk and knelt down, tugging his belt open and undoing his fly. He quickly discovered that the fox was not wearing any form of underwear. He then shoved his muzzle into the open fly of Jerry's pants, pressing his nose in between his sheath and testicles, inhaling the scent deeply.


Jerry's body was quick to react, two inches of his cock sliding free of his sheath. Brian moved up and wrapped his muzzle around the exposed flesh and pressing his lips firmly against the top of the sheath. A soft moan escaped Jerry's throat as more of his cock slipped free of his sheath and went directly into the waiting wolf's muzzle. Brian had to back off a bit when he started to gag. He pulled off and saw that the fox's cock was bright red and about eight-and-a-half inches long, and the knot hadn't even begun to form yet. He smiled up at the fox before engulfing the rod in his muzzle again, bobbing up and down slowly and running his tongue along the length, occasionally flicking the tip against the tip of the cock when he pulled back.


Jerry was now panting softly as he put a paw on the back of Brian's head, moving him up and down a little faster now. Brian put his paws on Jerry's knees for stability as he moved quickly up and down his length. He suddenly stopped and pushed down as far as he could, swallowing several times as the cock in his muzzle began to slide into his throat. Jerry moaned at the sensation of warmth and tightness on his most sensitive area. As the knot began to form at the base, Brian pulled off so that he would not get stuck. He licked at the knot a few times, then moved down to lick the soft-furred testicles that rested below. Jerry murred deeply in his throat, rubbing one of Brian's ears in his paw.


Brian then stood up and undid his own pants, pulling them along with his boxers down and stepping out of them. He left his shoes, shirt, and jacket on, however. His six inch meat stood straight out from his crotch, his knot already formed. The older fox grinned and stood up, turning Brian toward the desk and bending him over it. He lifted the wolf's tail and lined his cock up with the pink pucker, touching it with the tip.


"Are you ready, Brian?"


A slight nod was all the fox needed and he pushed his entire length into the younger male in one quick shove. The slickness from the blowjob was enough lube to allow this with how loose Brian was. The looseness, however, didn't take away from the sensation of heat around Jerry's cock, and he had to stay motionless for a few seconds to let the intense pleasure die down some. Once it had, he started a steady but forceful pace of humping Brian's ass. Jerry let out soft moans of pleasure while Brian grunted with each thrust, panting lightly as he grabbed the far edge of the desk to help him push back against the fox's thrusts.


The thrusts started to get a little quicker as Jerry grabbed Brian's shoulders, using the leverage to push deeper into the warm tailhole hugging his cock. Jerry's knot was now popping in and out of Brian with every thrust, causing the teen to grunt a little louder. Jerry slowed his pace a little, not wanting this to end too quickly. Brian was loving the feeling of getting his ass pounded by someone who knew what they were doing, as opposed to all the teens that just fucked as fast as they could until they came. At one point, Jerry pulled his cock completely out of Brian and rubbed it up and down along the cleft of his ass before shoving it back in. This caused Brian to let out a short yip. He laid flat against the desk, panting heavily as Jerry began speeding up his thrusts again.


The knot at the base of Jerry's cock was now fully engorged as he slammed in and out of Brian's ass as fast as he could, the knot banging against Brian's backside, but not going in. Jerry panted and moaned with Brian as he gripped the youth's hips, pulling him towards the thrusts, then pushing him away as he pulled out. Jerry shut his eyes tightly as he felt his climax get close. With one final hard thrust, he shoved his entire length, including the large knot, into Brian's waiting ass. Brian moaned as he felt a hot rush of fox cum fill his backside. The fox rode out his orgasm, panting heavily as he tried to regain his breath. After his orgasm subsided, he put his paws on Brian's ass cheeks and spread them apart as he pulled back, causing the wolf to grunt in discomfort. He continued to pull back until his knot popped free, followed by his softening cock and a trickle of his cum that ran down Brian's ass and right leg.


Thinking it was over, Brian tried to stand, but found he couldn't. Jerry had one paw firmly on Brian's back to keep him in place. The fox knelt behind Brian and began to lick up the trail of cum from his leg. He continued upward, making sure to clean all he could. As he got to the wolf's rear, he spread his cheeks again with his paws and licked all the cum from the cleft of his ass. Brian shivered a little and let out a soft moan of pleasure as Jerry started to lick his tailhole, pushing his tongue against it until it slid in. Jerry began to pump in and out, slowly tongue-fucking the teen, who was now arching his back and groaning from the new sensation. No one had ever rimmed Brian before, but he loved the feelings he was getting from it. After a minute or so, Jerry pulled his tongue from Brian's tailhole and stood up.


"Okay, now for you."


"Huh?" Brian panted, confused and feeling a little worn out.


"You didn't think this was just about me getting my rocks off, did you? I like to be pounded just as much as I love dishing it out."


With this, Jerry let his still-open pants drop to the ground. He stood Brian up and took his place across the desk. Brian took a deep breath as he stepped up behind the older male.


"Should I lube up any?"


"Nah, I've taken plenty of big dicks in my day, including one or two horses. Just fuck me, and don't worry about holding back. I know you must be ready to burst after what we've already done."


It was true, and so Brian wasted no time and plunged his dick into the fox's ass. He gasped softly as his cock hilted with almost no resistance at all. After a few seconds, he began to pump in and out as fast as he could, feeling the urge to cum inside the fox growing. Jerry was old enough to be his father, and for some reason that aroused him even further. His knot was popping in and out, the intense pleasure causing Brian to gasp and moan with each thrust. He couldn't hold back any longer and slammed his entire cock and knot into Jerry's ass as he experienced one of the strongest orgasms of his life. Jerry looked back at Brian with a contented grin, then stood up, tightening his tailhole around the wolf's cock. Brian grunted as a few more spurts of cum shot from his dick. He instinctively wrapped his arms around Jerry as his climax subsided, panting into the back of the fox's shirt.


Jerry rubbed Brian's arms with a paw, chuckling lightly. He remembered being Brian's age and being wiped out after an orgasm. Once Brian had regained his breath and composure again, he pulled out of Jerry, grunting as his overly-sensitive cock slid free of the warm tube of muscle. Jerry pulled up his pants and buckled his belt again. Brian located his pants and underwear, having a bit of trouble putting them back on since his legs were now a little weak. Once he was dressed, he took a seat in front of Jerry's desk and waited as Jerry filled out several papers.


When he finished, he turned the papers toward Brian and handed him a pen, instructing him on where to sign and telling him what he was signing. After roughly ten minutes of signing papers, Brian handed the $20,000 cash to the fox. Jerry stood and shook Brian's hand, then unlocked the door and guided him out of the office. When they got out to the lot, they walked directly to the green Mustang GT convertible that Brian had wanted. Jerry handed the keys to Brian, along with a small business card.


"Congratulations, and thank you. That card has my office number as well as my home and cell numbers, in case you need anything, car related or otherwise," he stated with a wink.


Brian blushed and giggled a bit.


"Thank you so much, Jerry. I won't forget this, I promise. Who knows? I may come in for �service' once a week."


They both grinned as Brian got into the car and started it up. He immediately lowered the roof, not caring about the cool autumn air. Jerry stepped aside as Brian put the car into gear and pulled out slowly. The wolf took a right turn out of the lot and headed for home. As he got to the first intersection, the light turned red and he slowed to a stop. As he waited for the signal to change, he ran over the events that had just transpired in his mind. Suddenly his eyes went wide as he came to a realization.


"I just got paid $4,000 to have sex!"

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