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[Y] Kristy's Life: Chapter Two
Kristy tells Jamii about her recent experience and how she has begun to feel for her friend, so Jamii comes to her house for a night of fun.
[Y] Kristy's Life: Chapter Two

The morning went by slower than dirt for Kristy. Every second thought was of some plan, concoted to give her some pleasureable time to herself, some time away from the repetitive boredom of the lab and her obnoxious collegues. For the first three hours of work, she had gone around trying to talk to people, just so she could discreetly press her crotch against the edge of a desk or filing cabinet. During one conversation with her collegue, Jax, she rubbed against the ridged Venetian desk and managed some light stimulation. She began to close her eyes and her body relaxed, Jax looked at her and wondered if she was having a stroke, but she snapped out of her trance when he called her name. All she managed to do during the morning was in Jax's office and a thirty second bathroom break which was interrupted by another bloated employee.

Kristy had plans to go out with her friend Jamii for lunch, so she changed into some casual clothes and left work. She hadn't seen Jamii for two weeks because she had gone to a series of training seminars to teach her how to better herself and improve their work output, Kristy thought the whole thing was nothing but a brainwashing expedition, but Jamii didn't pay attention to her comments.

The two of them sat down in a quiet cafe that they visited often. They first decided to try it out when they spotted the witty name above the front door, Haz Beans. Both of them thought that the name was clever and apparently so did other people because they often started lengthy conversation with strangers by commenting on it. Kristy looked at Jamii differently today, whether it was from the lack of seeing her, or recent events that sparked further interest. Ever since high school, Kristy hadn't had a friendship like the one she and Jamii had. Now it just seemed that she couldn't get her off her mind.

Near the end of their lunchbreak while they were walking out of the cafe to their cars, Kristy asked, "Jamii, have you ever had feeling toward someone that you wanted to act on, but were afraid if they'd reject you?"

Jamii lifted her brow and replied. "Of course. Everyone feels that sometimes, and it's better to act on it then spend your whole life wondering." As she finished her sentence, she felt lips touch lips and Kristy's face filled her view. Her hands and mouth embraced Kristy and pulled her further in, letting their bodies entwine. When Kristy realised what this must have looked like to onlookers, she pushed Jamii off and walked toward her car.

Before she took another step, Jamii pulled her shoulder backwards and whispered into Kristy's ear. "You know we are goign to have to finish this." And with that she walked to her car and drove off, giving Kristy a wink as she disappeared around the corner.

Back at work, Kristy ran a few miles through a dense Brazilian jungle. She normally enjoyed the leaves brushing against her face and jumpnig over various obstacles, but she couldn't concentrate on anything other than Jamii. Kristy wondered what would happen when she arrived after work, and pictured many sensual scenes in her mind. A root sticking out of the ground knocked her out of her day dream and right onto the hard forest floor. Blood spewed from her nose and she realised it had hit first. The world melted away and Kristy was escorted to the on site doctor.

The doctor proded her snout with his fingers, and found that nothing was broken. "You should be more careful. Let's not get accustomed to coming in here." He chuckled and stared at her bland expression, she hadn't heard him. "HEY!" She heard that. Kristy slipped out of her trance and almost felled off the examination table.

"Wha-what's going on?!?" She stammered.

"I'd been telling you to be more careful but you weren't listening. What's got you so distracted today?" He inquired.

"Oh. I've just got some plans after work that I can't keep my mind off of."

"Well I hope you enjoy it then, because whatever it is, you must be looking forward to it. You should get back to work now, Kristy."

"Okay, thanks doc."

The rest of the day went by quite fast compared to the slow as snails morning. The team cut her some slack due to her nose injury, Which flared up halfway through the afternoon.

The second she got home, Kristy picked up the phone to call Jamii.

"Hello." Answered Jamii as she picked up the phone.

"Hi, Jamii. It's Kristy. You want to come over tonight and watch some movies? It could be fun." Kristy didn't know about the movies, but she did know that tonight would be packed full of fun.

"Sure why not. I'll be over soon, make sure you get the movie ready." And to Kristy's delight, she added, "Although I don't think we'll end up watching it."

They hung up their phones and Kristy rushed to get ready. Her closet was the first place she ran to, and she assessed her array of clothing. Nothing seemed right for the occasion until she reached a small piece of lingerie, barely reaching past her anxious crotch, and made of a silky fabric that barely concealed anything. "Perfect. I don't have to wear any underwear."

The doorbell chimed and Kristy casually picked herself up off the couch and opened the door for Jamii.

"Oh, you look like you came prepared for a sleepover." Pronounced Kristy.

"We did." Said Jamii.

"Whats do you mean 'we'?" And as she said it Jamii stepped out of the way and revealed a petite dalmation with curly black hair, baggy clothes and surprisingly large breasts.

"Hello. I'm Sammy." She said in a quite and soft voice.

"Hello." Kristy answered in a dull tone, she thought that she would have Jamii to herself tonight, and was quite nervous with the extra company. She suddenly felt exposed and tried to cover her nakedness, but without luck.

The three of them set up in the living room and made comfortable little spaces to fit their needs. Kristy pulled Jamii in the kitchen and closed the sliding door. "I didn't know you were going to bring any company! If I did I wouldn't have worn this." She exclaimed as she pointed to her silky attire.

"Don't worry about it. She's here for the same reason we are. Plus I think you'll be quite surprised at what she can do."

"Okay, but I'm not agreeing to anything drastic, and nothing alone with her. I want you by my side all night." Kristy softly nudged Jamii's neck with her nose and sent waves of excitement through her body.

"I guess it's time we started."

The three of them gathered in the middle of the living room and started to remove their clothes. Kristy and Jamii got naked quickly, but Sammy was a little more reluctant.

"Come on Sammy. There's no need to be so self conscious here." Said Kristy.

"Well actually, she does have her reasons." Jamii walked over beside Sammy and pulled down the front of her loose sweatpants.

Kristy's jaw nearly dropped to the ground. "Yep. That's a good enough reason." She reeled in her lower jaw and managed to say, "I've never met a herm before, especially one as well-endowed as yourself." She said, pointing at the ten inch she-cock in front of her.

Sammy was on the brink of crying. "I knew this was a bad idea! I never should have agreed to this!"

"Shh, it'll be okay Sammy. You might enjoy it after a while." Jamii knelt down in front of Sammy and quickly and effortlessly took in the whole length of her cock. She moaned and shuddered, nearly sinking straight to the floor.

"Oh my god. That's amazing, don't stop." Happy to oblige, Jamii lapped up her precum, taking every last drop into her gullet. Kristy stood a few feet awat from them, feeling a little left out, but tantalised by the sight. She crept up behind Sammy, making sure she didn't hear her movement, which wasn't hard due to her loud moaning. Kristy bent down below Sammy's tail and forcefully shoved her snout into Sammy's dripping pussy. The small dog was overwhelmed with pleasure. Her eyes were barely registering the world around her and she found that the otter and feline were holding her upright.

Both of Sammy's assailants had found their way to their out pleasure centers. Gently carressing their own slits. Jamii had obviously done a threesome before, but it was a whole new experience for Kristy. She loved the sight and feel of her with two other beings, and when she thought about it, Jamii was smart to have brought a herm with her.

The three of them had moved their way onto the couch. Jamii was lying below Sammy' with her cock in mouth and fingers in her pussy. Kristy sat beside the mounted pair as Sammy's fingers penetrated her depths. All three moaned in ecstasy as they began to near climax. Before Samm'y was done, Jamii pushed her off and told Kristy to lay on her belly over the side of the couch. She wondered what Jamii was up to, but all she said was, "Just close your eyes. I've got this."

Jamii pulled Sammy into position by Kristy, and before Krisy had time to hear where they were, Sammy plunged her cock into Kristy's wet pussy. Being a virgin, Kristy didn't last long, although she tried to hold her orgasm back. Her walls clamped down on Sammy's cock and that feeling rushed through Kristy again, but this time it was much stronger. Just as she reached orgasm, Sammy was apparently right on the brink because as her walls clamped down on her meat, a few jets of hot cum shot deep into Kristy. Jamii, having timed her orgasm to match theirs, fell to the ground at the sight of the two virgins, both shaking and moaning on top of the couch.

The three of them slumped down on the couch, utterly exhausted from their orgasmic experience. Sammy's warm cum was flowing out of Kristy's pussy and onto the blue couch. It was going to leave a stain, but Kristy couldn't care less, she managed to regain some strength and stood up in front of the other two. "I'm beat." She exclaimed.

"Same." Replied Jamii and Sammy simultaneously.

"Wanna go again?" Questioned Kristy. And with that, they embarked on a busy night adventure.


By Ph0enixInfern0

Heres chapter two for everyone. Didn't think I'd finish it so soon, but here it is. Once again I would love some feedback for further stories. Hope you all like the new characters.