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[Y] In Love with a Ghost ch.1-1 *After a Wild Night
The beggining of my favorite love story, mine and my sweetheart's. After a wild night of drinking and partying, two lovers find themselves late for a very important event.
[Y] In Love with a Ghost ch.1-1 *After a Wild Night

 In Love with a Ghost ch. 1-1 *After a Wild Night*


Ghost c'mon, we're gonna be late sweetheart." The blue furred foxor lay crashed on the couch, an empty green bottle lay on the floor by his hand.

"Gods dammit Ghost if we're late again I swear to the Gods your sleeping alone for the rest of the month!" Oca knew this was an empty threat if there ever was one, he hadn't been able to spend a night in his own bed for awhile now. He tried to remember the last time he had went to sleep without sex, but he couldn't remember further back than a few hours without a massive drinking-induced headache reminding him how horribly he handled alcohol.

Ghost's right ear pricked up and his eyes opened lazily. "Ugh good morning sweety, mind telling me what we're going to be late for? My head is a little fuzzy for some reason."

Oca laughed and shook his head. "Its fuzzy because we both had a little to much fun last night," Oca bent down and picked up the empty bottle of booze, "remember?"

Picking up the lingering scent of liquor on the bottle Ghost sat abruptly upright and rubbed his eyes. " Oh yeah, that was fun!"

"Glad you can remember it, I can't recall what the Hell we even did." Oca walked over and kissed his mate on the cheek then sat next to him. "Mind filling me in?"

"Sure honey," Ghost put his arm around Oca and pulled him closer. "Based on the mess we made, I believe we got drunk off our rockers, then proceeded to have sex umm...3 times?"

"Three? Are you sure?" Oca was astonished, how the Hell was he able to withstand three rounds?

"Well, there's some semen over there," Ghost pointed to the floor of their apartment underneath the window. "Our clothes are over there," His finger moved to the opposite corner of the room. "The endtable is broken again," Ghost looked over to the sad remains of their seventh replacement endtable, "I think we need to stop having sex on those."

"Probably, we've already spent like a week's pay on those things." Oca laughed then looked around the room. "God the whole place smells like sex doesn't it?"

"I guess." Ghost stood up and stepped in a glob of white juice." Ooh, I think we had sex here too, wonder if this is yours or mine."

Oca stood up watching the floor for any more messes. "Probably mine, I always forget to clean up." He got down on his hands knees and lifted his mate's foot up, licking the rich cum off his foot. "Mmmm, yup definetly mine. Ahh yeah." 

Oca stood back up an walked over to the pile of clothes  picking up a shirt he threw it at his mate. "Cmon you lazy boy get dressed, we've got to head out."

Ghost pulled the shirt over his head. "Umm I think this is yours."

"I know," Oca flashed Ghost one of his devilish smiles. " Its nice and tight isn't it.?"

"Yeah, why do you like me wearing tight shirts again?"

Oca saunteed over to his mate an air of sauciness around him. "Because, I like the way they show off those big muscles of yours."

"Oh that's right." Ghost looked down at his own physique. "I need to go to the gym after work, Im starting to lose tone.'

Oca reached his arms around Ghost's shoulders. "Its all in your head sweetheart, your muscular enough for me. Oca reached his head up and kissed his mate, who was more than happy to return the favor.

Ghost was a full head taller than his mate, whose small and sleek body he could hold tightly. He reached around Oca holding him lovingly and petting the back of his head.

Oca could feel his mate's strengh and love as he relaxed in his muscular arms. Ghost wasn't a bodybuilder, but he was well built and exercised in his free time. Oca on the otherhand was more fragile, and Ghost handled him with the care usually reserved between a mother and her young.

Ghost brought his right hand down Oca's back resting it comfortably under his bushy red tails and squeezed his ass tenderly.

Oca gasped as chills coursed through his body, they had alot of sex together, but Ghost was still able to excite his sweetheart with ease. "G-Ghost, sweetheart. We really need to get going honey. We're gonna be late."

Ghost lets out a sigh of dissapointment and released his hold on Oca, who dropped from his toes back onto the pads of his feet. "just what are we gonna be late for again?"

"Don't you remember? Its the last weekend of the month."

Ghost's eyes widened with realization. 'Of course, graduation!" Ghost ran his fingers through his turquoise hair and looked at the clock above their television. "Oh shit if we're late again Ace will be really pissed."

Ace was their mutual friend, a foxor with fur a lighter shade of blue than Ghost's. He was the headmaster of the martial arts school in which Ghost and Oca volunteered. At the end of every month a class graduated after half a year of instruction.

"Oh Hell, whose graduating today that i know?" Ghost looked around the room searching for a pair of boxers not covered with semen.

From Oca's bedroom came a response. "Uhh Godi, the little wolf cub. Top of his class."

Ghost stood up and smiled. Godi was only 9, but he was able to overpower the largest of his class, a 13 year-old monster of a tiger named Eddie, without breaking a sweat. Ghost had worked with the young wolf throughout most of his classes, and he liked to think Godi as his "finest sucess story".

Oca came running out into the room naked "Gods dammit where the Hell is my phone?" He bent over and searched in the couch cushions for it.

Ghost's eyes instinctivly moved to his mate's naked body, his ears perking up and his two lush, blue tails swishing back and forth happily. Oca's own tails were lifted above his back, revealing his tailhole. Although his mate was the taller of the pair, Oca's tails were the longest, almost half as long as Ghost was tall.

Ghost continued to examine his boyfriend's ass. The fur on his legs and sack was a deep and fiery red like the rest of his body, and black tatoo-like markings ran down his legs. Around his tailhole however the fur was a pure and shiny white.

Oca stood up and turned around. "Found it!" He looked at his mate, whose rough tounge had rolled out of his smiling muzzle. "You were staring at my ass weren't you?"

Ghost, regaining his composure, shook his head as if waking up. "Huh? Uhh, yeah." His cheeks flushed red from embarrasment so much that it was visible through his fur.

Oca laughed. "Don't be embarrased sweety, why do you think I came in naked anyways hmm?" Oca ran his hands down the length of his body and looked up at his mate in a sexy way.

Ghost's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as he felt a strain at his crotch. His mate knew how to turn him on, and loved to tease him.

Oca pulled on a pair of cargo shorts laying on the floor and walked over to Ghost. "After the graduation you wanna go get some new toys?

Ghost, lost in his sweetheart's big yellow eyes stammered out a "Sure." He loved those eyes, not just because of their size but of their special gift. Oca's eyes acted almost like a mood ring, streaks of different colors would appear in the golden yellow depending on his mood. At the moment Ghost could pick up fine lines of a pink color, happiness.

Oca released his mate from the hug and grabbed his hand, leading him to the door and outside into the city.