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[Y] Book Bunny Stories (part 2)
Our little book bunny decides to explore a little bit ^.^
[Y] Book Bunny Stories (part 2)
Hee! ^.^ Yay! I finally got around to finishing my second story! I think this is thanks too all of the encouragment I got from the people whom commented on the first part of this story! Thank you so very much!

It was only late afternoon and the fall sky was only just getting dark over the little mountain valley town of Low Woods, much too early for people to close shop and head for the warm comforts of their chimneys at home on what had been yet another cold, chilly day. Yet one little shop was closing unusually early. It was a very modest shop, really little more than a secluded house fixed with a sign over its porch balcony, which read in old, hand painted letters: "Silent Haven."

This was the shop and home, of a small, grey anthro bunny named Meryle Springs, inherited by her late grandfather several years before. Meryle was still only a young woman of twenty one and was considerably small and petite for her age ((just a little over four foot)) Yet other than it's general cluttered appearance, she has managed to keep the shop in good working order all on her own.

The general clutter was not due to neglect however, but due to the simple fact that there was not enough room for all of the books she owned. The entire downstairs of the house/shop was tightly packed with dozens of tall, heavy bookshelves and each was completely filled with books. Yet still, if someone were to go behind the sales counter and into the back room they would scarcely be able to find a place on the floor that was not occupied by a tall teetering stack of books. Then, if they managed to find a way through, they would only find that the stairway up and the second floor beyond was even worse, for there was where Meryle kept all of her books that were not for sale, which quantity was three times the size of what was downstairs. This was all due to the fact that Meryle had the same love for books that her grandfather had, so she really did not mind the fact that she had to share most of her bed with some of her grandfather's lifelong collections.

Life as a small-town bookstore owner was not exactly a profitable one. The fact that Meryle's kitchen was so filled with books that is was quite unusable was a moot point because she often did not have food to cook anyways. Other than her grandfather's life savings she had inherited, the only real income she ever received was from the occasional wealthy book fanatic whom would visit her store in search of the rare books the shop had accrued during her grandfather's time. The amount they paid was quite a considerable amount admittingly, but that money was usually invested in her search for more books. This meant that she often spent her summers foraging the nearby mountains for food. Not that she really minded, she never went hungry and the wild carrots that grew in the mountains were her favorite food anyways, also it was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

This cold evening however, Meryle was closing shop early, for she recently had acquired a new problem that was quite different from her financial ones. It has already been a week since her first erotic adventure in the park woods with the black cat woman named Irene, but she has been unable to think about anything else since then. Not even her most beloved of books could keep her mind from straying to the strange and wonderful feelings that woman made her experience that dark night. The worst part is that she could not even understand why she felt the way she did. She never felt any interest in women before that time and she certainly was not very complaint with her either, in fact she felt she was technically raped. So why was she not mortified with the memory? Why did it make her feel so hot inside when the room was so cold? Could it really be that she was this perverted?

"Oh..I-I can't take this.." Meryle was panting softly as she shakily hung up the closed sign on the front door. "I-I am sorry grandpa, but I just can't run the store like this." She then went about closing all of the window blinds before seating herself back behind the sales counter with a particular book she had always avoided reading. "Heated Hearts a love romance by Lana Fringe." She nervously bit her lip as she glanced around the empty shop, as if someone might be spying on her now of all times. "I-I do not know about this..b-but..I do not know what else to do." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening the book and starting to read. It was not long before her face began to blush as she read parts of it aloud to herself. "O-oh my..i-it gets right into it..Larina felt her body grow hot as her blouse was ripped open by the charming stranger....She shared a lustful moan with him as he massaged her breast with the rough, powerful hands of a blue collared worker and pressed her back against the alley wall, his lips pressing to hers as they shared a kiss of burning passion...I-Is this what it is really like?" Meryle was not very sure about the talent of the author, but it was interesting enough that she was feeling her own body get warm as well as she read on. "R-ripping away her undergarments the man hiked up Larina's skirt as she bent herself over with her hands reaching high on the brick wall, her body growing so sensitive that its roughness was almost painful to her....she spread her legs with a low moan as she felt the man's lusting breath blow like a hot summers breeze on the nap of her neck. "I will take you as my own and however I please." He promised her in a low whisper as his powerful lengthy muscle thrusted into her with all the force his muscled hips would allow him, knocking the breath from her body as he filled her perfectly with his manhood."

Meryle was squirming slightly in her chair as she read on, her hand reaching down hesitantly to rub herself though her jeans attentively. "H-he...moaned deeply into her ear..a-as his rough hands left her chest to grip her hips..h-his powerful arms pulling her over his hardened shaft in time with his own strokes..t-teaching her t-the rhythm...o-oh my.." Meryle whimpered softly as her body quivered to the touch of her hand but needed something more. "W-well..I-I guess I already came this far.." She glanced around again with a deeper blush before standing up and undoing her oversized jeans, letting them fall to the floor around her ankles as she lowered her panties to join them. "oh..I-I can't believe I am actually doing this." The young bunny stood half naked for several minutes just staring out at the shop. She was surprised at just how awkward it could feel to be exposed anywhere other than a bathroom, yet a foreign sense of thrill and exploration was increasing her excitement.

"O-okay..s-so where was I?" She sat back down on her chair gingerly, her legs opened much wider than she would normally ever. "L-larina learned quicky..t-this was not her first time a-and she knew how to please a man..s-she moaned shamelessly with him as she thrusted her hip with his hands..a-and squeezed her inner muscles about his member...a-ah." Meryle gasped loudly as she touched the tip of her fingers into herself, moving them slowly as she tested her own sensitivity. "T-the man could s-sense her..ah!..h-her experience..as she gave her self completely to him..mnn!"

Meryle closed her eyes tightly as she shivered and rubbed over herself with a firmer touch. It was a short while before she was able to continue. "He leaned over her further as his..s-strokes became..d-deeper..a-and h-harder!"

Keeping with the story the bunny did the same, letting her finger tips enter into herself as she moved faster. "H-he..o-oh..pressed into...i-into her harder..a-and..h-harder...until h-her body was pressed..t-tightly against t-the alley wall a-and s-she was unable t-to do anything..b-but let him take her as h-he willed.."

The heated bunny panted loudly as she leaned against the counter and read. She had dropped the book on the table so that her hand could be free to fondle her small breasts. Meanwhile her other hand was fingering her cunny freely, causing her hips to buck on the chair against her fingers. "Mnnn!..T-the man laughed lightly into her ear as his pounding thrusts reached close to the point of ruthlessness.. "I had n-no clue you would t-turn out t-to be s-such a....s-such a" Meryle's hands slowed to a stop as she dropped back fully into her chair again, her ears and head drooping low. "...s-slut."

Meryle stifled a sniffle as tears began to well up in her bright pink eyes. "ooh..t-this all feels too wrong to be right.." She laid her head and arms on the counter as she sniffed back her tears of shame and frustration. "oh..what am I going to do?"

A tall black, anthro cat woman sat down quietly on the counter next to the bunny's head, her slender fingers petting her long ears tenderly. "Aww..is my hunny bunny having trouble getting off?"

"E-EEP?!" Meryle squeaked loudly as she jumped with fright and slipped off her chair onto the floor.

Irene blinked with alarm at first then grinned with amusement as she leaned over the counter to look down at the half naked bunny on the floor. "You okay sweet bun?"

"A-ah...u-um?!" The mortified bunny gaped back up at her dumbly before snapping back to her senses and quickly covering her naked bottem half with her hands, her face as brightly pink as her eyes. "H-h-how long have you been here!?"

"Oh..long enough..You really should lock the door when you close shop, you know." The black cat climbed her way over the counter with every bit of dignity and grace you would expect from either a cat or a woman and sat on its other side so that she was seated directly over the floored bunny.

Meryle blinked with surprise as she got her first chance to really look at Irene. At their first meeting it was really dark but she had kinda got the feeling that Irene was a wild girl who just lived her life on a whim. So she was really surprised to see her dressed in a very formal looking business suit. "U-um..are you a lawyer or accountant..or something?"

"Hehe..No, nothing like that..I am just a school counselor." She kept on smiling down at the bunny as she started unbuttoning her jacket. "I know I should really be wearing more informal clothes to make students more comfortable when they come for advice..but I always found the boys to be distracted when I wear anything else." As she laid her jacket aside Meryle could easily see why. Irene's blouse was really too tight for the considerably large chest she had.

U-um...j-just wearing a bra would help y-you know." Meryle glanced away quickly so that she would not be teased for looking.

"Oh? And this is coming from the honey bunny I found sitting in her place of work bottomless?" She gave her a cat-like grin as the little girl tried to hide her face with her large ears. "Aww..do not be too embarrassed hun bun..Everyone does it sometime you know." She slipped off the desk to bend down and lift the bunny to her feet. "Up you go hun. Oops! your fingers are all sticky..hehe." She giggled as she suckled her fingers clean for her, which only succeeded in making the bunny more embarrassed.

Meryle snatched her hand away quickly, and kept it in close as she stared at the floor. "W-why are you here anyways..?"

Irene kept giggling as she wrapped her arms around the little bunny and let her paws come to rest on her hips. "I came to see you of course! My original goal today was to establish a real relationship between us..You know, have a normal visit so you would know you are not just a sex toy for me.." She grined again as she leaned in and lowered her voice softly. "But after seeing your troubles..I see that is going to have to wait."

"..." Meryle kept her eyes downcast towards the floor and her face hidden.

"What is it hun bun?" Irene's paw gently lifted the bunny's face by the chin, so that her lips were inches from her own. "You do need help don't you?"

"I-I only need advice..t-that's all.." Her lips quivered softly as they neared so close to a kiss.

Irene kept her cat-like grin as she let the bunny go and sat back down on the desk again in a mock professional manner. "Alright fun bun lets hear it. First thing first..you gotta admit your problem! YOU...are a nympho.."

Meryle had blinked once at the cat's sudden retreat from the kiss..but then blinked again wide eyed at the accusation. "I am a..what!?

The counselor kitty could not keep her grin from widening as she kept up her professional act. "A nymphomaniac my little horn bun...That's a woman who has abnormally intense sexual desire..It's nothing to be ashamed of..it is considered a mental disease..so its not your fault.."

The bunny stomped her foot a step forward as she kept her arms straight at her sides furiously, her face once again a bright pink "I am not!"

"Oh? Am I wrong? What IS your problem then..?" Her cat-like grin was only getting bigger. "I mean..normal people do not ask for professional advice while standing half naked and dripping wet."

That cooled the bunny down quickly, making her cover her face with her ears and her lower half with her paws again. "I-I am not dripping...a-and my problem is like you said before..I-I..just can't get off.."

Irene cooed as she reached forward to run a paw down the bunny's long ear. "Good..that's a good girl..you admitted the problem..even though you only chose to since it was less embarrassing than being called a nympho" she sat back again as she watched the bunny tremble from her touch and blush more from her words. "Alright..now why do you think you can not get off?"

Meryle kept her face hidden as kept her ear rubbed with her own paws. "I-I dunno...I-I tried just..touching..b-but it did not seem like enough..a-and I just felt too dirty"

"Well hun bun..as I already told you..there isn't anything to be ashamed about when you masturbate..its a completely natural act..You should close a book and turn on a T.V. sometime..you can learn a lot from there too you know..and as for not be satisfied" The cat giggled as she suddenly reached down to stroke the bunny's cunny softly, causing the bunny to instantly gasp and almost drop weak kneed to the floor, saved only by a hand on her chair. "hehe..well I do not see anything wrong with your sensitivity..so I think you just need some real stimulation..have you thought of a dildo or a vibrator?" She reached back and pulled out a thick bump covered dildo she happened to have in her purse.

The bunny's pink eyes went wide again from behind her floppy ears. "I-I can't use that!?"

"Mn.." The cat idly stroked her toy as she eyed Meryle's small, tight and basically virgin cunny. "I guess you are right..You may have had sex..but you are still technically a virgin who's never had anything inside of her." She let the toy down on the counter, but left it turned on so that the sound could make the bunny nervous. "Well nothing says we gotta start big Bunny babe..there is always plenty of things small to use around the house." She was already eyeing the basket of wild carrots Meryle has gathered on their last meeting.

Meryle had not noticed her look since she was again staring at the floor. "N-no..that's a problem too..I-I do not want anything inside of me...I-I mean..I want to keep my maiden hood intact for someone special.."

"For a man you mean?" Irene's face looked back at the bunny's with a mixed look of jealousy and interest. "Do you got anyone particularly special in mind?"

She shook her head softly. "N-no...b-but still..I-I do not want anything too big or deep inside of me.."

Irene's smile returned. "Well baby bun..there is really only one solution for you then..If fingers aren't cutting it..and your pussy is off limits..we gotta use this." She reached into a bag and pulled out a unlabeled tube of personal lubrication. "Hm..these carrots should do nicely.." She slipped of the desk as she sauntered over to the carrot basket, covering one of the smaller carrots with ample amounts of the lube. "hm..this is supposed to be flavored.." She grabbed the bunny around the waist as she touched the tip of the carrot to her lips. "What does that taste like sugar bun?"

"E-eep?" The bunny squeaked a little at being pulled forward and then blinked again as she tasted the unknown substance that covered the carrot. "hee..it tastes like strawberries! Um..what is that anyways? Some kind of Medicine?"

Irene giggled into her paw. "Hehehe! I guess you can call it that..but its strawberry flavor is just an added bonus..its actually a suppository!" With that warning she quickly turned the bunny about and bent her over the counter.

"A-a what!?" The bunny squeaked loudly as she was suddenly bent over forcibly but did not really fight it either. "W-wait! I do not want my hymen broke!"

"Hehehe..don't worry..it won't be cotton butt.." The cat nipped on her tongue as she gently and slowly pressed the lubricated carrot into the bunny's tiny tailhole. "Ooh..the lubes working just fine..how do you feel anal bunny?"

Meryle was whining and whimpering loudly as she squirmed on the counter. "ooh...it f-feels w-weird!"

"That's because I have not even started yet..but I am gonna need you to relax a bit first sweet bun..I do not want it to hurt you at all." She gently kept nudging it in and out, going in only a bit deeper each time as she waited from the bunny to loosen up and relax, knowing that she would. "There you go hun..trust me.." She petted down the young woman's back as she started to pump the wild carrot a little more freely inside of her.

"a-ah...ah..i-its so deep.." the bunny girl was still wiggling, but was defiantly not whining anymore as she lightly gripped the far edge of the counter.

"Hehehe..oh hun..you have no idea what deep is yet.." The cat gently laid herself over the bunnies back. Gently nipping and licking her neck and ears as she pressed her breasts tightly to her back. "Are you feeling good baby bun?" She was now using full strokes with the carrot, slowly picking up pace as she bumped her body to hers in rhythm, giving the illusion of her mating.

"Y-yes..." The bunny started to press herself slowly back against the carrot and, to the cat's great enjoyment, moaned lovingly to the nips and kisses to her ears and neck.

"Aw..I love you sweety.." The cat blushed softly as she whispered this into the bunny's big ears. Unsure if she even heard it as she sped up and drove the little woman towards a climax. "Come on girl...cum and let all the frustration out."

The bunny's paws were now gripping the far edge of the desk tightly as she squeaked out softly to each thrust of the carrot deep inside her. Her tongue out slightly as she let the side of her face lay against the counter top while she panted hard. "Mnnn!" She then pressed her forehead tightly against the counter as her whole body trembled with climatic spasms and she came hard, all of her built up frustrations releasing with satisfaction at once.

"Hehehe..that looked like fun.." The cat smiled down at her a little smugly as she moved from over her and took a seat on the counter next to her, her paw petting her back and ears lovingly. "Do you feel better Hun bun?" She tilted her head to the side as she looked down at the bunny's face.

"Mm.." Meryle opened her eyes slowly as she began to bit by bit come down and recover from her climax. "Hee hee..." she then smiled blushingly up at the cat next to her and she gingerly lifted herself up off the counter with quivering arms. "So...you love me?"

It was Irene's turn to blink and blush. "Oh! About that hun..I just-hm?" It was also her turn to go wide eyed as the little bunny suddenly got up on her tip toes to kiss her lips lovingly.

"I love you too!"

^.^ To be continued ^.^