Past of an assassin

By: Lucania
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Lucania looks over at the spectator and his eye glows slightly brighter red from the darkness of his hood. "I'm guessing that if you're here you want to know more about my story...Well I'm not going to tell you...I'm going to show you..." He closes his eye and the area around them fades to black.

When he opens his eye again, the red light slightly glowing in the dark before he stands up, he doesn't seem as tall and he opens his other eye, which is now red as well and he looks around before the light comes back slowly. Although they are not where they were before anymore, Lucania seems much, much younger than he just was, about 10 years old, and oblivious to the presence of the spectator. His hair doesn't have the normal red streak and it barely goes down past his eyes. He is not wearing a shirt but is wearing his black pants; the tribal markings that cover his body are strangely missing.

He stretches as if he just woke up, his tail swaying slightly as looks around as the light comes back enough to make it known that they are in a cave. He walks over to a small area of the wall of the cave, which has what looks like some sort of ancient writing on it and he holds his paw out to it. The wall moves away to show his shirt and cloak. He slips them both on, not bothering to put up the hood of the cloak. He moves away from the wall, letting it close back up again, perking his ears up as a voice can be heard from a light at the far end of the cave which seems to be sunlight. The voice cannot be understood, it seems to be in some sort of ancient language, "Confn deevdru, naeck ui douta idono... wux vucot svabol naeck ui" and his ears perk more. His eyes glow slightly brighter before he grabs a vial from inside his cloak and drinks quickly from it, shaking his head before he puts it away and walks to the light, his tail swaying behind him as he leaves. Lucania then calls out to the voice coming from the light "Si mi conf'lir opsola!"

The spectator perks an ear at the odd language being spoken, being pulled to the light along side Lucania. Following the young fox as they listen carefully to their words, although understanding a word, Lucania’s normal voice can be heard in the spectator's mind ~I will translate the language as they speak it. Do not worry. What they said before was "Come son, today is your tenth, you know what today is" and "I am coming father!"~

Lucania walks out of the cave, holding a paw over his eyes as they adjust to the bright light of the sun and looks up at the other cloaked figure, two red lights glowing from the darkness of the hood hiding its head as it looks down at Lucania "Confn, naeck ui wer kear yth majak wux douta marks sia deevdru, wux tepoha coanwor shivir zyak drong ihk nomeno kear" ~Come, today is the day we give you your marks my son, you have been waiting so long for this day~ Lucania perks his ears and smiles brightly, nodding excitedly up at him.

"Axun opsola, si tepoha coanwor shivir, si shilta ti shivi tikil longer!" ~Yes father, I have been waiting, I cannot wait any longer!~ He looks out over a large forest surrounding them from the rock ledge they stand upon, then down at where there is a clearing, seeing other cloaked figures and he grins. Lucania follows the cloaked figure as they walk down a long stone path down to the clearing, looking around at all of the other cloaked figures and nods to each of them, receiving a nod in return and he walks to the center of the circle they are forming and removes his shirt, standing there with his head lifted looking up at the sky before he closes his eyes. The first figure walking forward and starts to make the markings on his chest and the scene fades to black.

The scene then fades back in. It’s obviously a couple years later and he is in a different cave than before, a better lighted one, grappling with another black fox in a ring, about the same age as he is and his father is watching from outside of the ring. The other black fox pins Lucania to the ground as he tries to struggle free. "Wux re ti gethrisjir ekess beat ve tenamalo isthasy!" ~You're not going to beat me again brother!~ and he continues to struggle as the fox on top chuckles and says in a slightly mocking manner, "Wux yenta batobot fronin time si itrewic wux vhira Lucania!" ~You say that every time I get you down Lucania!~. Lucania struggles and looks over at his father for a moment, shaking his head slightly. He looks back up at his brother, his eyes glowing a bright red "Xsio wux Tzel!" ~Damn you Tzel!~ Lucania lets out a yell and stands, throwing Tzel onto his back and he tosses him out of the ring. Tzel lets out a sharp breath as he hits the floor of the cave. Lucania breathes heavily as Tzel stands up, his nose bleeding slightly from the impact. He looks over at Lucania before he starts to walk back to him, growling softly as their father steps forward.

"Zlonzic!" ~Enough!~ and Tzel stops in his tracks, looking over at his father for a moment and then turns, walking out of the cave as Lucania watches him. He looks over to his father, who smiles a little "Wux re gethrisjir ekess qe wer maekrix di wer family ir kear sia deevdru, nomeno si vucot" ~You are going to be the leader of the family one day my son, this I know~ and the scene fades out once more. The last thing to fade is the glowing red eyes of their faces.

The scene fades back in once more. Lucania is standing in the cave where he seems to live, or more so... hanging by his feet from the ceiling as he does some sort of exercise where he bends upwards to his feet and touches them before stretching his body back out. He seems older; around 18 years old now actually, he is wearing his pants but not his shirt, the markings on his body are much, much darker than they normally are, being a bit fresh. A figure blocks the light coming in from the cave. He looks at it, smiling slightly as he notices it is his father and bends up again and undoes the ropes holding his feet to the ceiling and falls down, landing easily on his feet."Axun opsola? Chiili wux rigluin ve ihk voga contract?" ~Yes father? Do you need me for another contract?~

"Thric deevdru... coi ui douta isthasy, Tzel. Jaci ulph bihainwor missing. Chiili wux vucot tivol zahae nomeno?" ~No son... it is your brother, Tzel. He has gone missing. Do you know anything about this?~ The smile fades from Lucania's muzzle as he looks into his father's red eyes with his own.

"Thric si chiili ti... Dhiilia jaci zhaan stoda tenamalo?" ~No I do not... Did he run off again?~ his father shakes his head and turns to walk from the cave. Lucania follows him. They are talking back and forth but they can't be heard anymore and the scene seems to melt away.

When the scene reforms, it shows his brother, Tzel, standing in some sort of grand hall in front of many wolves. They look at him as if they didn't trust him and he is talking to their leader, who is sitting up on his throne. He speaks in English. "I can lead you to them... they won't know about it and you can wipe them out".
The wolf leader grins slightly and stands from his throne, walking down to Tzel. "I will see that you are richly rewarded. You will be granted a home amongst us and I will give you any woman you wish". The leader looks about to the other wolves around and nods, "In five years time we will follow this fox! And he will aid us in the demise of our enemies, the Vuh'uni!"

The sound of fire can be heard in the darkness and two red eyes open suddenly. Standing up as it becomes a little brighter, Lucania looks a bit more like he does now except both of his eyes are red and there is no red streak in his hair. It is its normal length but he has no clothes on since he was just asleep. He looks to the entrance of the cave, which should be dark because it is the middle of the night, but there's an orange light. His eyes go wide for a moment, running over to the area of the wall, opening it and putting on his pants, shirt and cloak. Reaching farther back he pulls out his scythe, the one he still uses to this day and he runs outside. The sudden scent of blood, fire and death hangs heavy in the air. Looking around, he sees several cloaked figures in combat with wolves, some of the cloaked ones already slain and the bodies are being pushed off of the ledge down into the clearing where there is already a large pile of the dead. He growls loudly. His eyes glowing bright red as he rushes forward, killing any wolf he comes into contact with. He reaches the clearing where his father is in battle with the leader of the wolves. As soon as he reaches his father, the wolf leader manages to thrust his sword through his father's stomach and push him onto the pile of dead bodies.

His father looks over at Lucania one last time before he closes his eyes and Lucania growls at the leader, dashing forward. Scythe and sword clash, the battle is long but in the end, Lucania slices off the wolf's head. He rushes to his father’s dead body and lets out a long loud howl. The remaining wolves circling around and he looks at all of them, standing to his full height. They take a few steps backward. One of the wolves says "He killed the leader! Now what are we going to do?" and another one replies "Let's make the fox who lead us here our new leader!" Lucania stares at the one who made this comment.

"My brother did this?" as he says this, the wolves part and Tzel steps forward, wielding a sword. They look at each other and before Tzel has a chance to say anything, Lucania lungs forward and another battle ensues. It doesn't seem to go in his favor this time. Tzel manages to swipe the scythe out of his paws and slice him across his left eye. Kicking him onto the pile of the dead and dying, Lucania holds the cut eye and Tzel says "Let's leave him... he will be dead by daybreak." The wolves leave and Lucania is left there holding his eye, the scene fades out to black again.

The scene is restored on the same spot, but it's now the next day. The sun is red this day. Lucania manages to brace himself and stands slowly, still holding his eye with his blood covered paw. He looks around, at the pile of bodies and to the blood stained grass around him. Growling, he walks over to his scythe and picks it up, running off into the forest. His left eye is closed but blood still drips from it and after a little, he comes upon the wolf village. Large wooden gates bar his way. He walks up to them, the sentries oblivious of him. He holds his scythe with both paws and swings it side to side, the gate being blown away and the sentries along with it. He runs into the village, killing any wolf he sees with each swing of his scythe. Making his way to the grand hall, he stands outside the doors. He suddenly kicks them in, the doors basically turning to dust upon impact with his foot. He walks into the building, yelling out his brother's name at the top of his lungs "Tzel!" He looks up to the throne where his brother now sits, his sword next to the throne as he stands up, "I knew you wouldn't be dead my brother you must understand that I-" Lucania steps forward again, pointing his scythe at his brother "Silence you traitorous wretch! I will not speak with the likes of you!" Tzel looks down at him from the throne, standing and picking up his sword, drawing it and pointing it down at Lucania "Let's finish this then..."

The spectator has to jog a bit to keep up with his pace as the wolves watch. Such destruction would be amazing if it wasn’t for such a despicable cause. They nearly sprint to keep up as he kicked in the door to the grand hall, staying right by the broken frame as they watched from afar. They knew that they weren't in the way but it just felt right to watch from a distance. The brothers go on fighting. Hours seem to pass as the ting and clang of the scythe and sword clash. Both brothers are wounded numerous times before Tzel grabs the staff of the scythe and bring Lucania close. He smashes Lucania on the top of his skull numerous times with the hilt of his sword then kicks him down onto the floor. Lucania's right eye flashes black every time he is hit. Tzel moves forward and looks down at him. A ringing noise can be heard in the air as Lucania stands back up and looks at him "Go ahead Tzel…Hit me one more time..."

Tzel growls, swinging his sword downward at Lucania's head and as it impacts it shatters. The ringing noise becomes louder as a black mist starts to form around Lucania. He steps forward, his hair moving out of the way of his left eye and he opens it. It’s now totally black and his right eye turns to black as well. Tzel backs up as Lucania steps forward, his claws growing from their normal size to about 2 feet in length and as sharp as razors. He walks up to Tzel, seeming to grow taller as well, now standing about 8 feet tall as he glares down at his brother with his pitch black eyes. "I will make you suffer for what you did to our family!"

He reaches down and grabs Tzel by the throat, lifting him up as Tzel grabs his arm and desperately tries to break free of his grasp. Lucania slams him down into the ground "Struggle!! Struggle like the sick mutt you are!" He slams him into the ground again, turning and throwing Tzel out the door, just inches from the spectator’s nose as he goes soaring and slamming into a nearby building. Lucania walks to the door, phasing through the wall as if it didn't exist. He walks over to where Tzel landed and picks him up again. Tzel just hangs limp in his grasp as he screams, "What's wrong Tzel!? You could always beat me before brother!"

He drops him onto his feet and Tzel staggers a bit, looking up at Lucania, "Please brother... I don't want to die…"

Lucania brings his knee up into Tzel's muzzle, knocking out several teeth, "Then you shouldn't have betrayed us!" He picks him up by his throat. Tzel starts to struggle as Lucania swings his claws and cuts off one arm, then the other, then both of his legs in one swipe. Tzel looks at him and coughs up some blood, trying to speak. Lucania points the claws of his free paw at his chest "I'll see you in hell... Brother!" As he yells the last word he thrusts his claws forward, the scene dropping to black with his claws inches from Tzel's chest and the word "Brother" seeming to echo off into the darkness.

Sounds of running water can be heard and the scene comes back, Lucania blood splattered and cut up. He lies on his back near a river a little ways away from the burned village. He sits up after a few moments, looking around and holds his head slightly with his paws. After standing up, he starts to walk back to the clearing. When he gets there, he walks to his father's body on the pile of the other members of his family and clan. He closes his eyes before he staggers his way up to the cave he lived in. Walking into it, he falls onto his back onto the floor, his red eye glowing up at the ceiling, his left eye closed again and dripping blood once more. He suddenly sits up and mutters to himself "Father... I'll do the ritual... so I can carry on our memory..."

He stands up from the floor of the cave and sets up several candles, each casting a red glow about the dark cave and he lets out a long breath. His left eye still closed as he goes to work with the ritual, performing very painful acts on himself. He drives small needles through each of his fingers and ears, making long deep cuts along his stomach in some sort of strange pattern. The rest of the injuries he inflicts upon himself range from splitting his tail down the middle to simply putting a dagger through each forearm. Several days pass with him doing this before he finally takes a small ceremonial dagger and lets out a grunt of pain. It’s hard to move with the many blades, and needles already jutting from his arms, legs, stomach, ears and feet. He points the dagger to his own chest, pushing it in and moves it across, letting out a loud yell of pain that echoes through the cave as he forces the cut open. His beating heart exposed, he quickly uses the same dagger to carve seven letters onto it, L U C A N I A, and closes the wound again. His eye glows bright red and he lets out a loud yell which seems to go on forever. A large blue flame engulfs his body, burning away all of the wounds and dissolving the blades and needles in his body. The flames are warm and caressing as he looks at his arms and then down at his chest. As he looks back up, the flame vanishes. He looks much like he does now, cloaked but the hood is down. His right eye glowing bright red and his hair has its red streak in it but it is moved away from his closed left eye. He opens it, the eye pitch black, and everything goes as black as his eye.

Many events flash in the darkness, such as the assassinations of many great people; Lucania pulling the trigger of a pistol, the barrel pointing at Hitler and then dropping the gun, muttering to himself "I'm never using a gun again..." and then finally to him currently, sitting in the darkness of the Tavern. The image staying for a moment before everything fades to black once more except for his single red glowing eye. It fades after a few moments. Reality fades back in, back to where the spectator was at before. Lucania looks at them with his glowing red eye "And now you know why I am like this today, why I am carrying on my family legacy, and why pain doesn't affect me as normally as it should... Thank you for your time, now if you'll excuse me... I want some time alone...."


(Thanks to Ina for proofreading and helping with some corrections)

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