The Legend Begins

By: LaffinFox
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In the dawn era, when the realm of creation, which holds the world of nirn, upon which the land of tamriel was formed, the gods waged a war... As Auriel, the finest of Akatoshes knights, struck down the Aedra Lorkhan, he combined Lorkhan to nirn forever. Though many believe he was joined to nirn when his heart became the great volcano- Vvardenfell, another part of Lorkhan was bound to mundus... The blood of lorkhan fell upon the ground, and with it- a part of the aedras essence...

 As the elder scrolls foretold, from theland on which lorkhan was slain, a great hero would one day rise to protectthe realm of mundus from doom... A hero with the soul of lorkhan, the wandering god...

However, for three eras, no such hero has appeared. The world of Nirn shifted in conflict, with many races inhabiting the holy land upon which the Aedra fought: Tamriel.

The earliest civilization was of the Lilmothiit, A vulpine race believed by some to be the ancestors to the modern-day Khajiit. Though the fox people who once ruled a small part of the black marsh are long dead- as with their entire civilization, they gave way to therace which controlled cyrodil before the akaviri... The khajiit.

When himans entered tamriel, they took over the land, civilized it, and worshipped the remaining aedra as divines... The first emporer was the champion of Akatoshes dragons, Tiber Septim the first... The first emperor of tamriel.

It has been over four hundred years since the first emperor- Tiber septim (or 'Talos' as he was also known) had conqured all of Tamriel and formed the Great septim empire.  Now, the seat of power in the great imperial city is held by the emperor Uriel Septim the seventh...

Emporer septim, as of late, has been been hearing whispers of treachery within his inner circle. For the time being, the emperor trusts none but his personal bodyguards; the Blades, the members of the Elder Council- his royal court, and Talin, captain of the Imperial guard. 

The Legends the elder scrolls have foretold have yet to begin... But our heroes story has long begun.


It seemed an average day- average as any, or at least it did to the remarkably young Ohmes who padded softly down the halls of the white-gold tower. The Khajiit was a younger member of the imperial court, holding only a minor seat. As was his usual habit, he was wandering the halls of the palace- returning from the imperial library, as it were. "Good day, Mik'hel" greeted a fair skinned maid who had been carrying an emptied platter. Smiling, the Ohmes greeted her, and they talked briefly before parting ways. 'It is nice' Mik'hel thought, 'that the Cyrodiils do not disapprove of my appearence'. He briefly reflected on this- his nearly human appearence made talks with humans far easier for Mik'hel than his more feline kin, and even helped him win a few hearts now and then... after all, he'd already lost count of how many maids within the palace alone he had bedded. He walked along, thinking of all of the situations his looks had gotten him into. Mik'hel was recalling a rather entertaining event in which he was mistaken for a very scrawny nord, only to confuse a great many people who had never known that a khajiit could look so human. That day- he recalled, many things were said that were considerably racist... or at least offensive to an ohmes like himself. It took him a great deal of patience to explain how offended he was by comments regarding his flat face, bosmer-like ears, almost nonexistant claws, and lack of a tail...  He shook it off, and tried to recall the last time he'd bedded a fine young woman... it had been at least a few weeks... he was just wondering if he could catch up with the maid he'd spoken to earlier when he heard a sudden shriek from down the corridor.

Mik'hel bounded down the halls, wondering where all the guards had gone, and soon- reached the elder councils chamber. As soon as he opened the doors,  the Ohmes felt his blood run so cold, he had a sudden longing for the warm desert sands of his homeland. There before him, smoldering, beeding and very, very dead, laid the higher members of the elder council. He was the only one left. 

The khajiit felt dizzy, sick even, and very short of breath. Suddenly, he spun around, and the last thing he saw before the world went dark around him was the sneering grin of the imperial Arch-Battlemage, Jagar Tharn.


Out of the darkness, a bright, gleaming light appeared. A young woman- an imperial was speaking to him... his mind was still dazed, but what he heard was disturbing... Jagar Tharn had betrayed the emperor and taken his form. The REAL Uriel Septim VII was trapped along with the Guard captain, Talin, in a realm somewhere beyond mundus's mortal plane... The woman introduced herself as Ria Silmane, the apprentice of Jagar Tharn. She was killed before she could warn the elder council, but was able to speak through worlds to Mik'hel alone with her powerful magic... She knew that- as the only remaining member of the elder council, Mik'hel was Tamriels last hope... His vision darkened again, and he slowly came around.

Mik'hel awoke in a dark cell. Chains clinked, and slime covered the walls... Then, a tiny red gleam caught the corner of his eye...


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