
By: KoriWolf
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Everything started exactly four years ago
Spent a night in a nice bar and got drunk
What had happened I can't remember, so
I woke up having dead body in my trunk

Of course I panicked and lost my serenity
I must have killed this guy yesterday night
I checked his pocket to find out his identity
Suddenly I heard alarms, the police in sight

Hands over the head and down on the knees
The police men shouted while aiming at me
As the handcuffed me I felt the last icy breeze
It was coming from the wide open south sea

My Case was clear so the trial went on quick
It was premeditated murder, at least they said
My intentions were cruel and my mind is sick
I was not sentenced to jail but soon to be dead

The said I would be killed within the next year
I waited and prayed, hoping not to having die
But after four long years I was still sitting here
They never believed me, they thought I would lie

A week ago an officer stepped in and told me
My date for the execution is set on next week
I fear that they will never find the truth and see
I'm starting to cry and tears run down my cheek

It's Friday now, in one hour I'll be here no more
They open my cell, I'm quickly write my final line

"I'm not guilty"


The dead body on the electric chair

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