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[Y] Russel and Josh (working title)
The first chapter to a story I've started, it's still being done, but any feedback and troubleshooting would be appreciated.
[Y] Russel and Josh (working title)

Chapter One; easier to ask forgiveness then permission.
June 16th 2009, Downtown.

The fox tightened his grip on the leather steering wheel. He could feel the sweat on his brow, the vibrations of the vehicle as he pushed the old Cadillac to its limits. The only noises he could hear; the patter of the rain against the car's roof, dull thuds, almost drowned out by the roar of his LS9 V8 Chevy engine. It was down to him and the devil, a scorch red Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano. For a Driver the fox didn't know much about cars, but his techie had told him that machine was his only real competition and Elise knew her high end vehicles.

They pulled hard around a corner, staying neck and neck and the Ferrari's driver, an orange tiger, gave him the bird. He ignored the feline, focusing on the road ahead. The two cars looked like completely different classes at a glance, the Fox's Black Cadillac Fleetwood still sang like its original 1980's chassis dinted and scratched in places against the sleek new, futuristic even, Ferrari. But they both had it where it counted. The fox slammed his foot down harder as if trying to get the pedal through the floor, lights along the long straight finishing stretch seemed to blur, either from speed or the strain the g's where giving to his head. 212mph the speedometer read and the needle was still picking up, the finish in sight. The Ferrari was loosing ground on him and for the first time the fox smiled, shooting through the finish line with the screech of breaks and the smell of burning rubber. The two cars came to a stop some distance past the finish line and where swamped by all manner of screaming furs. The engine's roar abated to the purr of an idling kitten and the fox flicked his hair from his eyes. The tiger got out of his car unzipping his leather jacket as he approached the fox's ride.

The crowd was hushed as the watched the fox step out to the tiger. They where as different as their rides, the seven foot tiger in his tight leather, the fox well over a foot shorter in a black t-shirt and blue jeans. They both wore driving gloves and in the glow of the cities neon lights their orange fur looked almost the same shade. The fox tensed up, if it came to blows the frustrated tiger had the fox outbadassed in every way. The Tiger smiled offering his paw, "for a cock-warmer you race like a man" was all he said and the two shook paws. The crowd dissipated after a few minutes and the fox was given his money, some of the other drivers congratulated him, many weren't pleased they'd lost to a fag though. The fox pulled away, he didn't want to hang around too long, the police scanners where monitored, but it wasn't just the fuzz he had to think of, he had a pile of money and a mob of macho guys with more muscle then brains who knew it. Plus Russ was waiting.


June 16th 2009, Russel Day's Residence.

The fox looked at his shoes, "I'm sorry" was all he could manage. The muscular Husky wrapped his arms around the fox, "I just... I don't know" he said in a slightly agitated voice "I worry about you is all" The canine felt bad for raising his voice earlier. Running his paws through the fox's hair, past his sloped back ears, he kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry Josh" He sighed "It's your choice. I know you feel you need to drive, and I'll support you."
"I do love you" The fox ventured, blinking the tears from his eyes "I just... sometimes... I wanna race."
The large husky pulled his fox close and kissed his muzzle, "alright babe, just... be careful."

Detective Russel Daye, the husky, sighed as the young fox left the embrace. The husky watched the swish of his young partner's tail as he left the living room heading for the kitchen. "theres some quiche left from the other night" He called absentmindedly himself still lost in thought, he didn't want to argue, but he'd been on the force 15 years, he'd taken calls to souped up cars wrapped around bus stops, seen seemingly random gang violence over these races and the drug lords that backed them, so many cases even he couldn't close. The fox was stubborn when he had made up his mind, he knew if they fought over it, no one would win and they could both lose. Sighing again he followed his nose into the kitchen, still one or two races a year, he couldn't deny the fox his sport. Besides, he was off duty when he was around this young tempter, he thought burying his muzzle in the fox's neck fur.

Josh smiled at the feel of his partner's muzzle on his neck, he wouldn't have seen this coming six months ago. Life never went well for him before this canine came along, he never saw the purpose behind the law, it just got in his way. He never thought of love either, jumping whichever tricks he could get in his bed, most of them paled in comparison to the long haired husky's looks, but that wasn't why he loved him. He murred slightly, tilting his head back. Dinner could wait.


January 1st 2009, six months earlier, Josh's Apartment.

Josh opened his eyes to the half light squeezing between the vertical blinds of his bedroom. He glanced at his flickering alarm clock 7:12AM. Early mornings where not his thing, he rolled over. It took him a full ten minutes to realise he wasn't getting back to sleep, but he wasn't resigned to getting out of bed just yet. His hand flopped over the bedside table like a drowning fish till he found his phone. 3 new messages.

Elise 00:02:34 AM 01/01/09
Heya sexy. happy new year. Hope its gud to u! See you tomorrow? I think I drank too much...

Josh shook his head, he went to bed at the normal time last night, no partying, no invitations really. He had considered going to the club he remembered, flicking through his inbox. The last thing he needed was to wake up with a hangover in another fur's bed on the first day of the year. That was his new year's resolution anyway, clearly it wasn't Elise's.

William 06:34:22 AM 01/01/09
Heya cutie, didn't see you at the club last night, I was looking for some tail. Had to settle for some newby he's left already, least he was cheap. You busy tonight I need some cute tail on my arm for the race, and they don't get cuter then you. We can always see where the night takes us after that ;) get back to me soon bub.

He fingered the next button sighing.

Elsie 7:01:23 AM 01/01/09
Holy cow my hed hurts, I'm going to be late today, still on for the Garage right? 12 maybe? Uh way too early, why did I set my alarm to 7???

Josh smiled, fingering the keypad slowly "Sure E, I expected it anyway. See you there." He sent it to Elsie rolling over again. He considered sending the same to William, just briefly; he would see him at the race anyway.

The fox pulled himself out of bed, looking around his 'cozy' apartment, basking in it's 'eccentric' 'retro' furniture. He sighed, no matter how coy you where you couldn't justify the stuffy one room apartment. Its furniture was mostly cheap second hand stuff, a cork table, microwave, mirror, wardrobe, laptop. It was pretty Spartan furniture but he smiled anyway, home was really just a place to sleep for him. It's not like anyone ever saw the dingy apartment, not even family. He opened his laptop and pushed the faded power button, exiting hibernation, the sudden rush of loud music made him jump.

He showered quickly, there was no food in his home at the moment, but he didn't mind eating out somewhere. He dried himself briskly but carefully so his fur would sit nicely. Finally Josh moved for the door slowly, closing his laptop, collecting and donning pants (after sniffing them for freshness) brushing his head fur out, and dropping the brush on his bed as he grabbed a black shirt from the chair by the door. He was still doing it up as he locked the apartment door.


Russel cracked his neck and stretched out in his king-size bed, yawning loudly he remembered where he was, he looked at the Tattooed female cat beside him, snoring quietly. He sighed, the things he did in the line of duty. He covered her up with a blanket, looking around the incredibly flash apartment he smiled. Undercover work did have its perks though. He strolled into the living room, smiling at the leather furniture, it all reeked of affluence. Grabbing some cold pizza he scoffed it down and started tidying up from the party the night before. He had to make a scene before his new informants, not that they knew they where informing. Most of the guests had been cops undercover, but masks aside it was one hell of a party. He'd got the eye from one of the crim's he was sure, but while Russel Daye was gay, Flint Reynolds wasn't. He'd gone for several of the slutty girls they'd brought along, the tabby in his bed was easily the most attractive of them and he didn't want to break character.

Pushing the beer bottles aside he thought briefly what Flint would be expected to do next, his nose wrinkled as he smelt the feline enter the room behind him. "Hey big dog, wanna conserve water" She said in an excessively sultry voice. Russel wondered if she was still drunk, but Flint couldn't care less. "Nah go on without me" he said in a husky voice, no emotion in his words. She took the hint, he didn't want to see her again, she really didn't mind.

The husky slid onto the couch, suddenly aware he was still naked, no point in dressing till he'd cleaned up. He flicked through the stations on the massive plasma television. Russ and Flint had different views on what constituted sport, but as long as the cat was still here Flint's macho competitive crap would win out Russ thought. The shower was loud and the minx took her time, outside his window Flint could see the city was awake, it must have been about eleven. It was an amazing view, but he averted his eyes, there was no poet in the Husky today, it was show time.

He flicked open his phone, there was one message and he tapped it.

Elsie Hayward 8:47:33 AM 01/01/09
Hey Flint, you wanted to meet my racer before tonight? He should be at the garage most of the day, feel free to swing by anytime before three. He's really hot stuff, as I said, you picked a winner. I'll tell him to expect our generous backer. It's 23 Hendersly Road, can't miss it. Call me if there are any problems.

The Husky smiled, his plan was coming together, he might only need to keep the act up till tonight. Vaguely aware the tabby, her large breasts, tiny waist and annoyingly large butt had strutted out of his apartment he frowned. The officer wasn't used to being such a big time player, and no doubt the driver and Elsie would need a convincing act, he could be working with them a while. "Que Sera Sera" he muttered. It was his motto on such assignments, "whatever will be will be". He wasn't going to worry about it.

He took a long shower, relieved to get the smell of the feline off him, opened up his wardrobe and got dressed like the affluent douchebag Flint was, gold chains and all. He glanced at the clock, nearly midday. He wasn't hungry, he wanted to get the meeting over with so that he could get the knot out of his stomach.


January 1st 2009, Elsie's Garage.

"Hey Elsie" Josh called as he ducked under the garage door, careful not to spill the coffee in his hand. There was a grunt of disdain and acknowledgement from beneath a nearby car. A silver jaguar or something. Elise slid out from under the car in her blue coveralls, her muzzle slightly open, circles under her eyes, both big ears flopped down. "How's my favourite tail-raiser?" she said with little conviction as she approached the young fox. He smiled, "a little better then you"
Elsie frowned "it wasn't worth it"
"You always say that the morning after." The fox retorted smiling.
Elsie's face lit up "espresso?" she said taking the cardboard coffee cup.
"I don't know how you drink the stuff" he said smiling, the fox couldn't stand coffee, he looked around the garage. There where a handful of very nice cars sitting around the floor. "you said you had a ride for me?" he said, suddenly unsure. All this stuff was way too expensive. Elsie wiped some of the grease off her hands. She wasn't a bad looking for a female even in her coveralls, he knew she cleaned up nicely too. The smell of the coffee alone had caused her big bunny ears to perk up.

She smiled now, looking at the young fox, "thanks babe" she said before gulping the scolding beverage down.
"Anytime, now... car?"
She couldn't hide her goofy grin, "The one I was just working on. A real bute ain't she?" The fox's eyes went wide as he looked over the vehicle, he'd never raced anything so classy, one of those sleek spacey looking sports car's. "really?" he stood amazed "how'd you manage that thing?" he asked and Elsie just beamed walking him over to the car. "it's a Jaguar XJ 220 (1992-1994) 549, nice smooth ride but tis got some real power, your sponsor dropped it off, I've been tuning it all morning, but it seems pretty race ready already." The fox ran his paw over the finish and turned to the bunny girl. "My sponsor?"

"That would be me" a voice came from the garage doors and both Elsie and Josh turned to see the tall expensively dressed and well muscled husky watching them.


The Husky watched from the door as they where looking over the car. It had been taken from an impound lot halfway across the country and repainted silver, new plates, new upholstery, they didn't want anyone to recognise it. He found it amusing that they'd taken it off one street racer just to give it to another. He found the scene a little disconcerting though, this fox was not what he expected, he'd seen racers before and he'd clearly picked one that would draw attention to himself, on the other hand the vulpine driver was absolutely gorgeous. He'd watched only for a minute or two, not wanting to interrupt with his arrival. Should he back out? He needed an operation that would blend in with the racers, something more average. But he'd come this far and he couldn't pass up meeting the young racer.

Russel based across the garage floor, putting his hand out for the young fox "Flint Reynolds" he said with an air of confidence. "If you're as good as I hear you are, you deserve this ride" The fox smiled and shook the big hand, looking the husky over, a tingle ran up Russ's right arm and he suppressed a shiver. His mind told him to kiss the fox, and stunned he suppressed the thought instantly. "I'm Josh" the fox said innocently "somefurs call me Scratch" The Husky smiled releasing the fox's hand and turning to the car "Why's that?" The fox looked like he was fishing for a reply, something to dismiss the question, even his stalling looked cute. Elsie interjected before the fox could reply "he has sensitive ears" The fox hung his head slightly, that wasn't the only reason he thought, realising his name was part of the life he wanted to leave behind, he shouldn't have brought it up.

The Husky felt his trousers grow tighter, so cute! He shook his head, and laughed a little, he was already out of character, but was willing to run with it. Fur's acted different around different people anyway. "So, will you have it ready for the race tonight?" He asked the white rabbit and he noticed the fox fidget just a little, shy furs where a turn on too.


Josh smiled a little, the husky seemed nice, a little like all the other guys out there, like William and his het friends at the races, but nice. He wasn't sure what to do now, ordinarily he would only be here with Elise and maybe Randy, the stranger in his friends den, exerted confidence, self assuredness, if was a little unnerving to the youngster. His stomach rumbled, vaguely aware of the conversation on race logistics and such. He started listening again, waiting for a moment to take his leave, he was too submissive in conversation. "She's ready to go now" Elise said, the bunny always referred to modern cars as she, the only car that took on a male persona was his Cadillac as far as he knew. The old bomb that it was. He'd often wondered if it was cause it looked more masculine, or was a joke about his sexuality. "Well I guess I should get going, see you both tonight?" The husky said interuping the fox's thoughts again. Josh had been so geared up to talk he almost thought he'd said it. "Yeah I was gonna go get some lunch" the fox added deftly moving out of the conversation. Before the big dog could stop himself he was speaking "mind if I join you?"


It wasn't a long walk to Lucy's Diner but Josh was beginning to wish they hadn't walked, it was silent and awkward, neither sure what to say. It wasn't till they where seated and Lucy, a buxom orange Vixen in an apron came straight to their table. "Hey Josh" she said in a mock sultry voice "Who's the hunk?" Josh shot her a look and she backed off quickly but he felt the damage was done, she put the menu's down, wondering what she'd done wrong. He couldn't afford this, that car was a real chance at a big race. The Husky Laughed, an honest genuine sort of laugh. "The names Ru... er.. Flint" He said in a friendly manner. Fuck! The husky's mind was racing, he was sloppy, the fox's had broken straight through his defences. For a minute he'd forgotten he was Flint Reynolds and he was a career criminal and player. He briefly wondered if he'd blown it right then and there, was the waitress fetching their gang, or sizing him up? Had she been at the party last night? In his panic he couldn't remember now. Josh broke his frenzied mental panic, he was looking at the Husky with a quizzical look. The menus forgotten on the table.

Josh put his paw on the husky's, it wasn't quite half the size, but it looked dwarfed by the canine's. "You okay?" the Husky smiled and took the paw without thinking, Josh was surprised but he didn't show it, he'd just wanted to get the canine's attention. The huge husky sighed, "yeah, sorry" Why the hell am I apologising? I'm Flint! I mean "Lets order" he said with conviction releasing the Fox's paw suddenly. This fox seems alright, maybe I can trust him. Before I blow my own cover. Lucy came back and they ordered, both Works Burgers. The husky considered something healthier but couldn't find much better on the menu anyway.

Deciding to learn more of his new driver he leant forward a little. "so how did you get into racing?" he asked out of the blue, and the fox smiled.
"I don't know exactly. I just always liked cars and driving, particularly driving fast." He said sheepishly "Its something inside that draws me to it, sounds kind of corny I know." Flint scoffed and the fox retreated a little, he could see it in those blue eyes, he hadn't noticed the eyes before, now he couldn't look away. "Artistic type then?" he said a little judgmentally. The fox thought this was an odd question "yeah I guess, I like music and poetry and stuff. "What about you?" The fox ventured, "I can tell you're gay. There aren't many guys I've met like you that are" The husky reeled a little "You think I'm gay?" The fox laughed. "You've got a nervous twitch, you're acting kind of erratically around me and you didn't look twice at Lucy or Elsie. Yeah I'd say so" The Husky blushed a little even through the thick long hair. "I er... I'm bi" was the first lie that came to his lips but he realised his flaw straight away. "Just keep telling yourself that then" the fox smiled "your secrets safe with me."

Conversation was a little less personal from then on, and Russel was carful not to slip from his persona again, laying his cover story beautifully. He hated deceiving the cute fox and he'd never met another fur this attractive on a job, if at all. He was screwing it up now, maybe he should tell the fox. No, he couldn't. Even this innocent looking fox would give up a cop in a heartbeat, he wasn't coming down on the racers though, just one guilty fur. Well the racers where safe for today anyway. Finally they finished their burgers and drinks and Josh took the bill up to the counter. Russel didn't even realise he was staring at the fox's swishing tail.


Lucy smiled at Josh as he handed over the money, most of it Flint's. "I think he likes you" she whispered as she rang up the burgers on the cash register. Josh blushed a little, "I don't know, his life doesn't seem to match him, he seems so caring and genuine, sometimes, he's inconsistent though." Lucy gave him the change. "Give him a chance though. He's Hot. And looks loaded." Josh winced, and turned away, they weren't the reasons he liked this dog. He walked back and left with the strange husky. Maybe he's schizophrenic? Lucy was right though, he was defiantly hot.

The Husky left shortly after, Josh took the car out, he couldn't push it to its limits on the day lit roads, but he got a feel for the car. Elsie was already assuming that Josh would win the whole afternoon. The Bunny annoyed Josh just a little, he wanted to be left alone with his thoughts. Finally Elsie finished with the last touches on the car, neon lights, pink ones. Josh pulled on his fingerless leather driving gloves and cracked his neck. It was nearly nine and he was well aware he hadn't eaten yet. Elsie was getting changed in the back room and Josh, and his stomach were getting impatient. "How do I look?" The bunny asked emerging before the orange fox. She was dressed like typical Elsie, tight Jeans, a white short sleeved shirt, she flicked her hair out of her eyes. Josh mused on how similar she was to him yet again, practically the same build, same height, just a tiny bit heavier then the fox, she didn't mind though, she was always telling him she'd win in a fight. Such a tomboy. They got in the luxurious Jaguar. "It is a nice ride, isn't it?" Elsie asked as Josh started the engine "I guess" he said carefully "I still prefer the classics" he said as he pulled the silver race car out from the garage his old Cadillac looking on enviously.


Russel Daye sat in the plush leather interior of his sports car, he hated the affluence of the vehicle but Flint loved it, rubbing it in everyone's faces.