Midnight Neko

By: Kato
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It all started one night when a strange person opens my front door "Hurry, get inside." He said to all of my...cats?!? He quietly shut the door behind him and shivered a bit as he looked around. He walked into my room, shutting the door behind him. "Brr...It's so cold" he says before he crawls in my bed and gets under the cover with me. I open my eyes and I slowly turn over, my eyes going wide when I see another person in my bed. I scoot back falling off the side of my bed. "W-Who are you?!?" I said frantically. The man blinks "It's me, Morris, your cat." I gave a small laugh then stopped as I saw cat ears on his head "Umm....ok, I might believe you" then I decided to check if he had a tail so I pulled the covers off of him and turned a bright red and closed my eyes tight as I found out he was naked. "Y-Your naked!" I exclaimed. "So are you...and your member is stiff for some reason." I blush even deeper and cover myself up with my cover. His tail started to swish from side to side as he laughed at me. "Your face is a funny color." I bite my lip and open my eyes again, looking back at his member, thinking to myself. "Wow, he's not even hard and his member in big." Without thinking I reach down and grasp it, squeezing it a little. He gave a small shiver and his member started to grow. "Th-That feels good"
When it was fully hard at about eight inches I told him. "S-Sit on the edge of the bed, I wanna try something." He nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. "Like this?" "Yes." I said as I got between his legs. I grabbed the base of his member and gave the head a small lick before popping the head into my mouth. He gave a small moan as I slowly slid my mouth half way down his member, then started to come back up leaving only his tip in my mouth. I began to repeat this, slowly gaining speed to my bobbing. As I did this he put his hands on the back of my head, putting some pressure to go down a little more. I let him do so but after a few minutes he pushed his entire member into my throat. I raise up coughing and asked "Why *cough* Why did you do that?" ".....I thought that it would feel good..." He replied. I could tell that he felt bad about it and I continued to suck on his member. I was getting most of it in my mouth and after a few more minutes he said. "It feels like I'm about to explode." When he said that I pulled off of his member and started stroking him. He laid back on the bed and gave a loud moan as his climax hit. He shot three massive loads of cum onto his chest and began to pant. I grabbed a towel off the ground and wiped off his chest. "Feel that good?" I asked. He just panted and nodded his head. I smiled. Then reached under my bed and grabbed a bottle of lube. I handed him the lube and said. "Rub this on your member then put it inside of me." He blinked and started to rub the lube on his member as I got into doggy position. He crawled up behind me and pressed his tip against my entrance. "Right here?" "Y-Yes, just be gentle." I said as I gripped the covers. He slowly started to put pressure and his head popped in. He slowly started to push the rest of his member inside of me and half way in I started to feel a sharp pain. "S-Stop! Please stop!" I exclaimed. He froze where he was and looked down to me. "Am I hurting you? I can stop if you want." He asked. "N-No, just a little pain. When it ends you can continue." A little after a minute the pain went away and I told him. "Ok, you can continue." He nodded his head and slowly pushed his member the rest of the way in. He stayed there for a minute then he rubbed my back and started to pull out until just the tip was in, repeating this and slowly gaining speed as he does so. I started to hear him grunt slightly through my moans. And before too long he laid his stomach atop of my back, still pounding my rear entrance. His stomach was warm as it rubbed against my back and his member was stretching my entrance. After a few minutes he pressed his head into the back of my neck and gave a loud grunt as I felt him cumming inside of me. His warm seed filled my insides and my front end fell to my bed. He panted a bit then flipped me on my back, lifting my legs over his shoulder. "I'm not gonna stop until you finish." He told me this with a smile. He grasped my member and started to stroke it as he began to thrust into me once more. "Y-You don't have to, you've already made me felt good." I told him. "But I want to make you feel good this way." He replied. I sighed and began to moan again as he quickened his thrusts and strokes. I could feel my legs starting to lose feeling, they were basically jello at this point. After a few minutes I started to feel the pressure build up in my loins. I gripped the sheets and with one more stroke I came hard onto my torso. My climax caused my rear entrance to tighten up, increasing the pleasure for him. After I had came I passed out, and after a few more thrusts he came inside of me for the second time. Not as much cum as the first two but still a lot. After he had finished he pulled out of me and quickly began to lose his mast. He reached down and picked up the towel from earlier and wiped off my torso then his member. He then laid me down on the bed next to me and grabbed the cover and covering both of us up. He gave my nose a small lick then fell asleep.

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