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[Y] A Prologue: Raina's Rebirth
NO SEX! Not yet anyway. This is a prologue to a series I want to write.
[Y] A Prologue: Raina's Rebirth

There have been many times in the history of Raina where the balance between good and evil has been threatened. Demons, evil wizards, giant mole-dragon hybrids with a taste for flesh; you know, those jerks. In the early years, there was very little to write a story about. At that time there were two half brothers, a pureblood (and damn proud of it) Tigerman named Tyler and an Arctic Fox/Tiger hybrid named Adrian. From the moment they met, the two brothers (and their mothers, but that is a different story) were bitter rivals.

 As they grew, they were always seeking to outdo each other fighting for the honor of their respective families. Tyler became a Palace Guard and learned the art of Mystic Combat from his pureblood uncle, Marion Shaw. He was a master of the art, I mean he could do some really sick shit. He summoned Scythes out of thin air and twirled them around like nothing. He called flames from the earth and thunder from the heavens to destroy countless foes, and a number of "friends" as well.

Meanwhile in the Oranos Mountains, Adrian was left without a family. His mother had died in childbirth, his father was executed for causing the birth of a non-pureblood child and neither family would take him in. Abandoned, he escaped his vengeful tribe in the highest of the Oranos Mountains, Moonhook. There he expected to die, frozen into the ice, when he was happened upon by the wizard, Frostborne. The archaic Polar Bear was skilled in Frost and Air Magik and soon passed on his knowledge to Adrian. Adrian also became a skilled fighter, but in a less traditional way.

 By that of course I mean he beat the crap out of anyone whom Frostborne needed, or wanted, the crap beaten out of.

The two brothers upon reaching the age of 21 (Tyler) and 17 (Adrian) went out to prove their worth. They both set their minds on the exact same task in which to prove this fact, a fight to the death with their brother.

The two met each other on Raxax Plateau, at the base of the Oranos Mountains. They stared into each others eyes, neither one willing to give their hated opponent any opportunity or even the slightest show of weakness. At the same time Tyler summoned his scythe, Scream Weaver, and Adrian drew his axe, Blood Traitor, and the brothers charged.

But as it would happen, the earth began to shake. The ground of the plateau was torn asunder and stepped forth the Demon known as Riftfire.

"At last," cried Riftfire as the flames formed around him. "I have returned. These Demonic lungs breath fresh air once again and I dare any creature to send me back to the pits from which I have risen!"

The two brothers ignored Riftfire and continued charging towards each other. Riftfire took this as a sign of disrespect and sent out a wave of darkness. The Black Magik rippled across the plateau tearing off the two warrior's armor and ripping off their fur. They regained their footing and both sets of eyes turned towards Riftfire.

 That was his mistake.

The two called out their strongest Magik in synchronization.

"Skull Flame Fireball!" yelled Tyler. The fur of the Tigerman stood on edge as flames arose from the bottom of his paws to the tip of his head. The flames then surged upward, encircling his head in a giant fireball. The fireball screamed as it launched towards the Demon.

"Banshee Wind!" screamed Adrian. Adrian's fur went from white and grey stripes to all black as winds began whipping around his legs. They swirled and swirled, growing as two pillars at either side. The pillars slowly took the form of black female Foxes all of which howled before being thrown at the demon.

 The Fireball struck first engulfing the Demon in flames. Riftfire roared and then laughed "Your Magik is strong, Tiger, but flames cannot defeat the almighty Riftfire." As he finished the Foxes struck the demon and combined with the flames engulfing the skin of Riftfire. The Demon let out a pained roar as his flesh slowly charred black, the flames too intense for even his thick hide to withstand. 

"Damn  you both," cried the Demon. "I shall return to destroy both of you!" And with a puff of green smoke, the Demon was defeated, banished back to the pit from whence he had come.

Tired from their exertions, the brothers nodded to each other, returning to their homes to await a new battle. Another chance to conquer their oldest of enemies.

A battle that never seemed to arrive. As it became apparent that any time the two brothers met, some force would appear in their way, preventing them from engaging in the mortal combat they were both so desperate to find. As if whatever God was writing their story knew exactly when to intervene. Weird huh?

Over thirty years passed ...
