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[Y] Furotica Hotel Vol.1 Memories
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Jaxom remembers a day before he started the hotel, when all he did was charter his yacht.
[Y] Furotica Hotel Vol.1 Memories
Furoctica HotelVol. 1 MemoriesWritten by Jaxom De DragonJaxom dug through his collection of pictures, remembering times of fun and laughter. Each one unlocked a new fun or sensual memory that had been lost in the jumble of everyday life. He pulled out pictures of guests that had made an impact on him, friends that he hadn't talked to in a long time, and then one that he hadn't seen since first starting his business. It was a picture on the boat that had started his lovers' getaway, he'd named it "Healing Heart" and she was a small yacht. In the picture were four women surrounding him, all trying to look as if they trying to be naughty. He let his mind drift back to those days on the boat and was surprised to find how easily it came back to him.He was eighteen and it was the fishing season. Most of the vacation charters had refitted for deep-sea fishing, with left him as one of the few that still did pleasure trips. He'd only been open for about six months and business was picking up. He had just gotten back from the store, you couldn't go on the ocean for a day or two without food, and saw four women on his boat. They were looking it over, and giggle like children at it, "Excuse me ladies, what can I do for you?" He boarded the boat and set the bags down, "Were you looking for a romantic getaway?""Oh no," the Triceratops said smiling sweetly, "we are looking for a couple days on the ocean. We want to see dolphins, and experience the open ocean. Most of all we want to relax away from all the crowds and noise. I'm Cherri, this is Val, Tyra, and Kitti." Jaxom nodded, "Well this is usually a cruise for lovers that wish to experiment or need healing in their love life."Val frowned, "But all the other charters are either gone or waiting for fishers. Please?""Okay," Jaxom said heading below, "just remember that there are things on my boat geared towards the sensual and sexual. Let me put these groceries away and we'll head out. I charge one-hundred-fifty a day, how long did you want to be out?"Cherri, Tyra, and Kitti looked at Val sheepishly, "Val it's up to you," Cherri asked, obviously putting all the cuteness she could into the question.Val thought a moment and then smiled, "I don't know only a hundred a day. Perhaps this isn't the cruise we thought it would be.""Well I'll put it to you this way," Jaxom said standing in the doorway bags still in hand, "I know all the most beautiful spots around here. Secluded coves, white sand beaches no one ever goes to. Places where dolphins can be seen playing in the clear blue waters. If you don't want to go that's fine, but I doubt you'll find as much peace and quiet with anyone else.""Okay then we'll take it," Val said smiling, "I promised them the best week of vacation on the ocean, and that is what I will give them." Jaxom disappeared through the door and twenty minutes later was back minus the bags and his pants. The girls looked at him strangely "There is also a clothing optional rule on my boat. I don't like them, so I don't wear them," He said as he noticed their looks. Val and Tyra didn't seem to have a problem with it, removing their bikini tops and smiling at the others. Kitti and Cherri left theirs on, but seemed a little less tense seeing the other two going skin to the wind.An hour later they were out on the ocean, and Jaxom was on the bridge watching his radar, and looking for a good spot to stop for lunch. He found a spot where the reef came close enough to the surface to make the water clear. He stopped and went to the top deck where the girls were getting some sun. The four of them were completely naked and basking in the warm tropical sun, he smiled thankful that his control was good. He usually didn't go for girls without fur, but all four of them were gorgeous. He figured they all had to be strippers, models, porn stars, or some mixture of the three. He cleared his throat softly and the girls looked at him. "What would you girls like for lunch?""You're going to cook," Cherri asked a little doubtful."What you don't think I can?""Well let's just say you don't look the culinary type," Kitti said smiling."Fine, then I'll go fix lunch, and show you I'm not only culinary but a good read on people." He left with the girls giggling and whispering to one another. He caught one of the girls mention that whether he could cook or not that he was cute before they were out of ear shot. He smiled as he entered the galley, and started pulling out items. He was not only a good read of what people like to eat, but what they expected out of a vacation. Theses girls weren't looking for sex, they wanted to relax and enjoy the quiet. This was good for him, because it saved him from trying to create the romantic atmosphere for his passengers to get in the mood. He had spent so much time, making sure his passengers found that spark that he felt like his peaceful cruise had been a trip of unending heavy labor.About an hour later he came back with a large tray, with four plates set on it. There was a nice rare stake which he set before Tyra, another a little more cooked for Kitti, a cut of lamb for Val, and a salad with his home made vinaigrette for Cherri. He brought up a bottle of wine and a pitcher of sweet tea to drink, "Well how does my skill suit your pallets?"The girls each took a small bite and nodded their satisfaction as they chewed. He smiled and took a seat on an open chair. He closed his eyes and looked and listened to them talk in low whispers. He remembered why he had stopped here, "We are right along a reef, if you want to go snorkeling there are masks and snorkels on the boat. In about an hour or so the fish come to the reef to feed, and the dolphins follow them."Val smiled, "You mean we can actually swim with them?""Yes," he said still relaxing, "When they come in we will go out and see them. Or we can wait for them in the water, and see all the other life on the reef.""I want to go right now," Cherri said standing up, "Wait, I wonder if I ate too much to go swimming.""Don't be in a rush, they stay until almost sundown," He said and stood up, "I'll get the gear together, you just relax eat and digest." He went back down to the lower deck and, he picked out rooms for the four of them. He moved their bags in and smiled wondering how they would each like the room. He took care to stow much of the apparent sexual toys, though he left a few vibrators and dildos in drawers. You never knew when the mood would hit, and he wouldn't be much of a host if he didn't think ahead to their needs.Tyra came into the room he was busy getting ready, her bag was on the bed. She caught him slipping a large Dildo into a drawer and cleared her throat, "What is that for may I ask?""Well I said this is usually a sexual cruise, I have taken a lot of the stuff out, but you never know when the mood will hit," He continued on not the least bit embarrassed, "Did you want me to put your things away?"She shook her head, "No but I wouldn't mind a hand, there drawers seem to blend with the rest of the walls around here.""Okay, you hand it too me, and I'll show you where I'm putting it," he said smiling. "And don't worry about personal things. I've seen some of the most provocative outfits, and outlandish toys out there." She nodded and started handing him sleeping gowns, and bikinis. They had all packed light, expecting to dress in only their bathing clothes the whole time. She pulled out a rather large toy of her own and smiled, "You said not to be shy.""Wow, now that is a toy," he said looking at it. He put it in the draw with the others and started to leave, "Well you're all packed, so I'm going to go help the others." The others were already packed away and were waiting for him to go snorkeling. The dolphins hadn't shown up yet, and so he handed them their masks and snorkels and dove over the side. They followed and he explained the basics of snorkeling then led them off to see all the fish that populated the reef. Suddenly a dolphin, then others came into view. They were as friendly as always, curious about the new creatures in their reef. Jaxom watched a while, and then noticed someone was missing. He looked back at the boat just in time to see Tyra's tail going back over the rail. He swam back to check on her, afraid something had happened.He found her in her suite, and she was busy using that toy. She had apparently just started, because she was still going slow, groaning each time it went in. She had left the door cracked, probably expecting not to be missed. He watched a moment and felt his cock throb as the toy slid in and out of her. Every inch that slid in and out of her wet sex was visible, because she had her legs spread towards the door. The tip of his shaft slide for his sheath, he finally gave a slight tap on the door. She sat straight up and hid the toy behind her back, "Yes?""I'm sorry to bother you, but next time we are off the boat, let me know your coming back. I worry that you might be drowning or something." He could see on her face that she knew she had been caught, but then the look turned from a deep crimson blush, to an almost evil grin."I'm sorry to worry you, I wonder if there is a way I can apologize," She said standing up and walking to him. She rubbed her large breasts against his chest, and he was forced to clear his throat, "I really can't leave them alone. If they were to get hurt, I'd never forgive myself."She nodded, "Of course, well then after the swim is over. We can join them now, and then I can make it up to you tonight?" She was oozing sensuality, and he could feel his resolve melting. She was a Gorgeous Rex, and he couldn't see any reason not to have some fun. His job was to make sure his clients got their needs satisfied, so why not do it himself for once. They headed out and dove back into the water, and swam till the sun was almost setting.They all climbed aboard the boat as the sun touched the horizon, and toweled off. Jaxom made his way to the galley, and pulled the stew he'd had simmering out. He dished some out and brought it out, with cold soda. The girls approved again and after a good meal he turned on some music and the girls relaxed. He disappeared into the lower deck and headed for his cabin, and then suddenly he heard the door open behind him. Tyra had followed him down, "Well now, how about we finish what we started?""Well for a gorgeous woman like you, how can I say no?" He led her into her room and sat on the bed. She sat next to him, and began rubbing his sheath."I was waiting for that swim to be over," She said as she looked at him. Her eyes were full of lust, "I wanted to see just what was in that sheath of yours." Jaxom smiled and he could feel his sheath swelling. He didn't fight it, he let his shaft slide from the sheath as he leaned in to kiss her. His hands trailed up and down her sides slowly, tracing the curve. He slid his hand down to her rear and thigh purring softly as she stroked his cock to full thickness. She kissed him back, their tongues wrapping together as he slid his hand across her thigh and up her stomach. She suddenly broke the kiss and looked at the cock in her claw, "Well you're certainly a girthy kitty." She smiled and got on her knees in front him and licked her lips, "I think I'll have a taste."She licked his shaft from base to tip and then licked her lips, "Well now, I should have had tiger a long time ago." She then slipped her lips around his cock and let its length slide down her muzzle. She used her tongue to caress the underside of his cock as she sucked on his length. Jaxom purred softly, and groaned as she took his length in. He leaned back and enjoyed her attention till he saw a claw slip between her thighs, "How about you let me take care of that problem for you?" She pulled his shaft from her lips and smiled."Well aren't you the thoughtful lover," she said as she climbed onto the bed. They laid side by side, and she took his cock into mouth again. She was rewarded by warm pre against her tongue. She milked more of it from him, licking and sucking his cock, even taking time to tease his thick sack. He moaned softly as he buried his face between her thighs. His nose was met with the sweet scent of arousal, and a glistening sex. His tongue lapped over her sex quickly getting a taste of her juices, which made her gasp. He smiled and set his tongue to work, licking both her pussy lips, and her sensitive clit. She twitched as he licked her clit, so he did it again. He licked slow circles around it, the licked her pussy lips.She continues to slide his cock in and out of her lips, sucking harder the more he teased and pleasured her pussy. She let his pre slide across her tongue and down her throat. Her body tensed with each lick he gave her, and she began to grind her hips against his face, "I've been waiting all afternoon to feel you, and you're going to make me cum if you keep that up." She stroked his cock as he continued to lick her, not showing any signs of stopping. She began to moan softly, but got loader as his tongue shot her higher and higher to climax, "I'm going to cum."He suddenly slid a finger into her wet lips as his lips wrapped around her clit. He sucked on it, as his tongue flicked across the swollen mound, his finger beginning to pump into her folds. She bucked and squirmed as he suddenly forced her to that edge, but she held onto her waist to keep his lips around her clit, his other hand thrusting fingers deeply into her."Oh god Jaxom," she moaned as the pleasure finally washed over her.He continues to lick, suck, and finger her until her body finally relaxed, and she was left panting and smiling at him. He licked her pussy a couple times to clean her sweet juices off, which made her jerk, "Well now, I think a certain Dino needed that." She frowned at him, and then took his cock back into her mouth. She began sucking it hard and fast. He moaned as he felt her lips and tongue working his cock to a hard orgasm. He relaxed, idly sliding a finger into her, which caused her to suck even harder. He could feel pent up sexual tension building up in his shaft, as it swelled. He hadn't bee with anyone in a while, and she was sucking like he was lover she hadn't seen in years. He closed his eyes, as a low growl started in his throat, then turned to a groan as he suddenly exploded into her. She drank down his seed as he came like a torrent. He groaned as she milked every drop from him she could get and then sighed with relief as she looked him, a rather pleased smile on her face."I think a certain tiger needed that," She said as she continued to stroke his cock, which was still rock hard, "I also think he needs more." She sat up on the bed and rubbed her wet slit, "Come show me what that thick cock can do?"Jaxom knelt between her thighs and pressed the tip of his cock against her wet pussy. She moaned as he slid the tip in slowly. He worked the tip in and out a bit before plunging deeper. As he hilted in her, she grabbed his arms and moaned, "Oh yeah, not as big as my toy, but the real thing is always better." She laid back as he began thrusting into her. He let his lips travel over her body, as his cock slid slowly in and out of her warm depths. She moaned and smiled at him as he licked her nipples and sucked on them gently. His hands massaging them, as he continued to pump into her. She moaned and smiled at him, apparently revealing in the attention. She began to grind against him wanting more, "Come on, and really pound me."Jaxom began to thrust into her, making his balls slap against her. She moaned and let her eyes close in apparent pleasure. He continued to pump into her fast and hard and felt her walls tightening around his cock. He pumped harder and got a moan with each thrust. His thick cock pushed her close to the point of cuming again, as he nursed on her breasts. He continued to pound her as she suddenly gripped the sheets of the bed, and groaned as his cock was covered in her juices. He continued to pound into her as she came, her body tensed like an electric shot was traveling through it. As she finally relaxed he slowed down and pulled out of her."Well I have an idea," he said heading for the drawer that held her toy, "How about I use this in your pussy, while I cum in your tail hole."She flipped onto her knees and smiled at him, "I don't know where you get your ideas, but they are great." She lifted her tail to one side and looked back at him, "Come one, I'll play with the toy."He knelt behind her and slid the toy into her pussy, which made her moan again. She took hold of it as he presses his wet hard cock against her tail hole. He slowly slid it in, and she gasped as each inch slid into her. After he finally slid all the way into her warm tight tail, he began to thrust again. She matched his pace with the toy, sliding it in as he pulled out. Her moans were no longer stifled as he and the toy filled her. She moaned loud enough that her friends had to be able to hear her. He continued to pump, slowly picking up the pace as he felt her tail milking his cock, apparently wanting more.She began to moan louder, and push back against him. She dropped the dildo and it fell to the floor, her body trembling too much to hold it. He slipped his tail between his legs and thrust it into her dripping sex. She gasped feeling it and then rocked back against him, "I'm going to cum again.""I going to cum in your hot tail, "he said as he felt his cock swell within her. He continued to pump, holding himself on the verge, waiting for her to tumble over first. She suddenly exploded on his tail, panting and moaning as she came again. He was right behind her, spraying hot cum into her pulsing tail hole, his cock finally starting to soften as he let jets of hot cum spray into her.As he finally slid back into his sheath she collapsed to the bed, and he crawled up behind her and softly rubber her body, his hands memorizing her curves. She drifted off to sleep and he got up after kissing her soft neck, and left to check on the rest of his passengers. He got to the top deck and found them all lounging with a couple bottles of wine, as they saw him Cherri and Kitti smiled and blushed a little. Val began to clap and giggle, "Well now, sounds like we have a host that is devoted to his service." The next morning he found the girls in the galley fixing their own breakfast. He'd been up most the night, taking care of a few things around the boat. He heard them talking about Tyra night with him, and asking in-depth questions. He stood outside the door long enough to hear that she had enjoyed the night immensely and then pushed it open, "I thought I told you I did the cooking here.""Well you were sleeping so peacefully after that work out last night," Val said grinning with each word, "We didn't want to wake you." Cherri and Kitti were giggle in the back round as Tyra came up and kissed him. She actually wrapped arms around him and kissed him passionately in front of him, "Thanks for the fun."He sighed and turned back for the door, "Well if that's what I get for helping a customer out with her problem, I'll have to remember not to do it again." He left and headed back up to the bridge. He wasn't as mad as he acted, but didn't like the condescending remarks on his own boat. He turned the boat for a small cove, with wading pools and a hot spring. An hour later they were there, and he let them leave as he grabbed food for the day. After he ate and made lunches for all five of them, he headed out onto the beach. He found them in the hot spring already, nearly asleep in the warm water.He climbed in with them, and Tyra moved closer to him. She rubbed his chest and set her head on his shoulder, "We weren't trying to be mean. I really did enjoy last night."He sighed and then smiled, "Okay, I just thought you were all having a laugh at my expense." He relaxed as Tyra kissed him again, wrapping both arms around his neck. He kissed her back, and then to his surprise felt another claw on his sheath. His eyes shot open to find Val sitting next to him, her hand below the water. The two of them spent the afternoon teasing him as they relaxed in the water. The air coming off the ocean grew cold and they departed for the yacht. He got them back to the boat and grabbed five large warm blankets. He found them on the lower recreation deck cuddled together against the cold, and handed each a warm blanket and a cup of cocoa from the galley. He sat down on a circular bench against the rail and put the blanket over himself as he sipped on the warm drink. Tyra came over and sat with him, combining the blankets and carrying a small bag with her. He was about to ask about it when he felt Val join him on the other side.The two women went back to their teasing of his sheath, as well as kissing his neck and chest. He began to purr, wondering what the two were planning to do to him, and let his arms stretch out over the rail as the two had their fun. The girls stopped for a moment, probably kissing, though he couldn't tell because his head was back and his eyes were closed. They shot open as he felt something wrap about both wrists, and looked up to see them tying his wrists to the ship's rail. He tried to pull away, but they were quick with the knots and his arms were stuck. The two of them threw the blankets up and smiled at him, Cherri and Kitti joining them."There is one thing though, we don't see why Tyra should be the only one getting the pleasure out of this cruise," Val said as Tyra passed the bag around, each woman pulled a toy out that fit their fancy, "So we are going to take turns having fun tonight." Jaxom looked down at his crotch and sighed. He'd never been in this position before, and hoped he wouldn't regret taking the charter.Val straddled his already swollen shaft and slid it into her warm slit. She was already wet, and his length slid in with only a little work. She moaned as she felt it enter, and looked over to Tyra smiling, "You were right, he may not be what I'm used to, but for a feline he feels nice in there." She began to grind his cock slowly; the feel of her around him was like being slid into warm velvet. He moaned softly as she began to grind a bit faster as his cock swelled more to fill her.The other three were sitting on the bench and had the toys sliding in and out of their own wet slits. They watched and slid the toys in and out of their sexes. He watched them till his Val pressed her breasts against face. He began licking them, and sucking on her nipples as she ground on his shaft. She began to lift her self up, slamming down onto it and moaning. Tyra smiled at her, "How does he feel inside you?""He feels great, those barbs just rub the right places," She continued to piston herself on his cock, slamming down on it and moaning louder. She suddenly climaxed as he felt his lap covered in her juices. He smiled at her and looked to see who was next, but she shook her head, "Oh I'm not done till you fill me up big boy." Her hot sex stopped twitching and she began slamming her body down on him again. He began to moan more, as she doubled her efforts.He could feel his body building to an orgasm and pushed the feeling back down, but the feeling of having her slamming onto his cock, and it going so deep was over whelming him. He began to pant Val smiled, "That's right cum real hard for me." Cherri climbed off the bench and grabbed the toy Val had set to the side. She slid it into Val's tail hole as she continued to hump the cock inside her. She moaned and smiled looking back at Cherri, "Your naughty, sneaking up on me like that." But she just continued to bounce on his cock, now with a vibrator slid in her tail, the speed set to high.He couldn't take anymore, the vibrator was pushing him to the as she tightened again, her own orgasm coming. He began to pant as his cock swelled with his hot seed, and with a growl and roar released it. His cock exploded with is hot cum, and she matched his orgasm, her warm pussy milking him for every drop he would give her. She stopped bouncing, and just grinded his lap as her body slowly calmed down and his flow of cum trickled off."Well now that was fun," she said climbing off of him, "save some for me, I may want some more." As she climbed off, he could see that their juices were running down her leg, and the vibrator was still in her tail, though she seemed to not to notice. Cherri gave his shaft a lick and stroked it slowly, "Wow he is still rock hard." She slid onto his cock next and he thought he was about to break the rails. His cock was still sensitive, and it felt like he was sliding into a custom glove when she lowered onto his shaft. Her walls opened up as his tip pressed deeper and deeper, hugging his cock in a warm embrace, "Oh god too soon," he moaned as she slid all the way on him."Oh yeah," she said as she began to grind his thick shaft, "I think I need to get a job on this boat." She ground away as Tyra and Kitti started licking Val clean for fun. Val moaned and came again as they licked her dripping slit. Cherri watched and he could feel her body tense as she came as well. She was quiet, softly moaning as her body ground against him. She finally slid off him, and turned around. He looked to see who was next, before he noticed she was lowering onto his length once more. He watched as his soaked shaft pressed against her tail, and then ever so slowly the head and then shaft disappeared into her hole, "Oh... I want that cum in my tail mmm...." She continued to bounce on his shaft, the tight fit of her around his throbbing cock pushed nearer the edge with every grind. He fought the ropes, wanting to put his arms around her, and pump into her with all is strength. He wanted to feel hold her full breasts, as his cock took her tail hole. She was busy rubbing her clit as she raised and lowered herself on his cock, moaning each time she impaled herself on it again. He looked over and saw Kitti furiously sliding a toy inside her body, as she watched. Tyra and Val were still licking one another, enjoying the forced orgy in their own way. Cherri suddenly tensed as she neared climax again, and she began to moan loudly, "I'm going to cum again." Her moaning got louder, and her tail got tighter the closer she got. She sounded as if she was going to scream out in pleasure, but Kitti beat her to it, moaning and writhing as the toy was forced into her sex with amazing speed. Her climax was only a fore shadowing of Cherri's with her body tensing and quivering. She pleaded to be filled with hot cum before the orgasm was over.He could not deny her if he'd wanted to, the sudden milking of his shaft caused him to explode once more, and he roared with delight as his hot fluid coated her insides. They both moaned and grinded through the orgasms, until she lay back against his chest and turned her head to kiss him. "Do you make house calls," she asked before standing up, whimpering a bit at the suddenly loss of his warm cock inside of her.By the time the night was over, all four women were exhausted and filled with his warm spunk. His cock felt used and abused, as did the rest of his body. The girls had snuggled up around him, and covered up against the chilly night air. There they slept leaving him tied up and trying to get comfortable. He remember having used one claw to slowly slice through his bindings and rubbing the girls softly in their sleep as he too passed out under the stars, surrounded by his new found lovers. The rest of the week passed with them sharing him in some way or another, until finally their vacation was over.Back into present time he turned the photo over and noticed names and numbers for each girl on the back. He called one and got an answer, "Hello this is Cherri, either talk or quit burning up my minutes.""Hello Cherri," he said trying not to sound like a date that was years over due returning that phone call, "Do you know who this is?""Not really, though you sound oddly familiar.""Well I'm the owner of Furotica Hotel, though you would know me as Jaxom the tiger that gave you and your friends a boat ride one time," He said, hoping he hadn't just become some fondly remembered time, and a face with no name over the years."Oh my god, it took you forever to call, though with running that place I can see why. I can't believe I know the owner, I never put two and two together on you and the hotel for some reason." She calmed down a bit and cleared her throat, "Sorry, so what did you call about anyway?""Well I was going through old photos, and found the one you and your friends sent me. You four are still considered preferred customers, and I thought it was about time I offered you all an all expense paid trip to the hotel for a week or two.""You have to be kidding me," she said sounding excited again, "So Val, Tyra, and Kitti can come too?""Now what kind of host would I be if I said no?""Can I bring a couple more people," She asked sounding hopeful."Sure bring any friends you want, I can afford to make room for any friends of yours," He said already figuring cost and room numbers in his head. Though he knew he would have to get Nikki on it, she had the updated reservations."Thorn, Brenda, Staci, and Tyni will be so excited to be going. I'll call you when we can all talk about it and set a date.With that they said good bye and he looked at the photo as he hung the phone up. He smiled and hit the page button on his desk phone and fifteen minutes later Nikki appeared from the elevator to his office slash apartment, "What did you need sir?""I need you to keep one of your eight room suites open till further notice, I will be having some friends coming to the hotel. They will have VIP access and everything will be on the house," he said still staring at the photo, his mind still trying to race back to that happy time before big business and the stress it involves.The snow leopard he spoke to looked at her PDA and did some figuring on it, "Well I'm guessing they will be here for at least a week, so we are looking at loss of about then thousand for the week, if they take in all the luxuries we have to offer." She then smiled which always meant that seriousness was out the window, "I guess we will just have to tighten our belts won't we?""A joke from miss all business all the time? Did hell freeze over?" They both laughed and he handed her the picture, "I think I've found a picture to hang in the lobby like you've been bugging me to get. Please have it blown up for it, and have another copy blown up to hang in my office. The one in my office only needs to be an eight by eleven."The end, but more to come. Please keep watching.Character Copyrights: Jaxom De Dragon � me; Tyra Reckks � Fossil the undead artist; Cherri Topps � Fossil the undead artist; Val C. Raptyress � Fossil the undead artist; Kitti Belle � Fossil the undead artist; Tyni � Fossil the undead artist; Brenda Sawruss � Fossil the undead artist; Thorne � Fossil the undead artist; Staci St. Plates � Fossil the undead artistThank you so much to Fossil for letting me use is characters in my story. His art inspired the first edition to what I hope will become an ongoing series. Thank you so much Fossil, here is to hoping we can become good friends in the artistic world.