Noir Romance

By: Janik
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I was never what you'd call 'good' at math. My mother once said there was a 'math dyslexia gene' on her side of the family, and I guess I inherited it. So I couldn't exactly measure or quantify at which point tequila to blood-loss ratio got outta hand... I just know that when it did I ended up half-passed out on what I thought was a random fire escape, my trench-coat the only thing protecting me from the rain. I was content to sleep it off there, too, 'till I heard one of the apartment windows open and a feminine voice holler out-

"Holy- are you alright?!"

My sleep now effectively disturbed, I roll to my feet as best I can, considering I can't feel 'em. I try to call out 'Just fine, thanks, I'll be on my way, sorry to bother you!', but all that came out was "mmmphi" before I collapsed against the railing. The world beneath me is spinning in and out of focus, but even in that state I could process it was a long way down. I hear footsteps running down towards me, and start to limp away from them... only to slip and land square on my ass. It's a dull pain compared to the wounds all over my body, but the jarring shock of it is what really gets me. The world keeps fading to black as I struggled to keep my eyes open. I hear the footsteps come to a stop behind me, followed by a gasp. Then, just the pouring rain until -

"C'mon. We're gettin' you inside."

"Mmmphi..." I eloquently muttered again, trying to slip away.

"The hell you're fine," she shoots back, voice somehow both caring and hostile. The tone, the caring in her voice and the feel of a firm grip around my side make me cease my protests for the moment. She somehow manages to avoid the gash on my ribs, but as we head up the steps I feel the cuts and bruises screaming at me to stop what I'm doing. Surprisingly, the blurry woman I'm trying not to lean on maintains her grip, even as I become mostly dead weight. I'm a heavy bastard at the best of times... water-logged as I am now this chick has to be pretty strong.

"Th-thank..." I start to say, only to be cut off by her hissing at me.


"But..." I start again, only to feel her come to an abrupt stop.

"Don't you fucking dare." Her words are cold and clear over the maelstrom, loaded with a fury which hell can't match. "You finish that sentence, you so much as say a goddamn WORD, and I will push you off this railing. Are we clear?"

I nod.

"Good boy."

She mutters something about 'stupid canine' as she drags me in through her window. I start to protest, but I'm in no position to fight back with the woman who may well have just saved my life. I flop against her wall, half aware of her pulling off my jacket as the pleasantly fragrant room spins before my vision. I look down at her, and somewhere in my haze I feel like I recognize this girl from somewhere. She's clearly a feline, judging by those ears and that tail... but I can't make out her face, just the top of her head-

She gasps again, now able to see the extent of my injuries. I know I'm probably a bigger mess than I even realize... But the pain has reduced to a dull throb. Only thing really keeping me awake was the stabbing agony, so I begin to fade out as she walks away, talking about bandages.

Wait. That ass... I recognize that ass...

And so, as she leaves the room, I manage my first full sentence in hours:

"Fuck... me... sideways."

When I finally come to, the world is still mildly rotating before me. I rub one of my most likely blood-shot eyes and groan, not sure if I'm hung over, still drunk, or just recovering from the numerous injuries. Either way, reality sucks... especially compared to the dream I was having about an angel singing softly to me. With my mind still unclear on what did and didn't happen, I push my way up to see if anything looks familiar.

Hmm. Frills and bright colors everywhere. So the part about a girl pulling me to her apartment is true. But what about that last thing I thought I saw? I rotate to get out of the bed, face-to face now with a full-length mirror. I admire the handiwork of my feline feminine savior; the Boxer/Jack Russell mix in my reflection is looking pretty healthy. My brindle coat looks healthy, as does my usual toned physique... and I've got on fresh, clean bandages where my leg, chest, ribs and arms were slashed. Almost looks professionally done...

"Good to see you're awake," that female voice mutters to me. And now that I'm sober (or at least less drunk), I have no problem recognizing her sound and putting a name and face to it. I don't even have to turn to know she's standing with her hips poked slightly to the left, arms folded under perfectly sized ample breasts, and most likely swishing her long flowing tail as she looks at me.

"Olivia," I mutter softly, turning around to look at her. Sure enough, there she is: Five and a third feet of sleek black fur and feminine curves, glaring at me with emerald eyes so beautiful they could bring stronger men than me to their knees. All that body, barely covered by a tank-top and some shorts so tiny they might as well be a thong. For a second she looks just like 'Liv from back in the day; my 'Liv. But that was practically a lifetime ago, before I chose booze and brawls over sitting at home with my dream girl. And judging by the way she looks now, she still hasn't forgiven me for that.

"Morning, Jack..." she said curtly, tail doing that irritated swish only a cat can pull off. "I see you're feeling better. Maybe now you're up to explaining what the hell possessed you to come back here?"

"I was hurt..." I responded. "Pretty bad this time. Didn't realize where I was." I get to my feet, amazed I could stand with minimal pain. "I'll leave, if that's what you want."

"Sit down, jackass," she shot back, pushing my injured shoulder so I had no choice but to comply. "I'm not officially a doctor yet... but you're my patient and I can't let you leave all banged up like this." She sighed and sits next to me, checking the bandages on my left arm. "Besides... the fact you came all the way here, even as messed up as you obviously were last night... well, I guess that means something, right?"

"So does the fact you didn't leave me where you found me." We both smile a bit at my corny joke, and finally, I attempt to address the elephant in the room. "Look, 'Liv... Olivia... About before, when I left..."

"Save it." She rubs at my arms lightly, checking me for bruises as an excuse not to look up at me. "I know it was your way of protecting me. It hurt for a while, and then I got over it..." She sighs, brushing her bangs away for a second. "To be honest, I just got to the point where I was honestly grateful. Then you come back around... stirring up all my emotions as usual. I guess... I was so confused by it all I just wanted to hate you."

"Hence the ignored calls?" I ask, wincing a bit as she finds a tender spot.


"And the voicemail telling me to go fuck myself?"


"So... do you?"

She pauses abruptly, still looking down at my arm. I wait for her to answer, but when none is coming I decide to clarify what I meant.

"Do you still hate me?"

"I never did..." she responds, leaning her head on my shoulder. "I missed you a lot, I worried about you till I was feral, but... I could never hate you, Jackie." She leans in closer to me, pulling my arm down between her plush, thick thighs as she whispers into my ear. "I... I love you Jackie. I guess... I always will..."

Part of me wants to ask her if she's forgotten why I left in the first place. To remind her that all those scrapes, cuts, and bruises, are just a day at the office for me. To tell her that, as much as I feel the same way she does, we'd never make it work. But she kisses me before I can say a word; sweet, soft and gentle, like those days when we were just kids in the park. When she was my 'Liv.... My angel... and nothing in the world mattered except that we were together. My hand slips up her thigh, two fingers pressing lightly into the warmth between her legs on instinct more than anything else.

Already wet, just like old times.

She leans forward and nips at part of my shoulder that isn't wrapped in bandages, purring like a well-tuned motor and rubbing her claws lightly through the fur on my back.

"One more time, Jackie... for old time's sake?" Her voice is dripping with the sweet nectar of need as she arches her body towards me, humping against my digits and dragging those perfect D-cup mounds against my arm. "I know you may still be injured, but..."

It takes me less than a second to have her on her back, hand wrapped tight around her throat I growl lustfully and press my lips to hers. I'm not sure if she remembered how to press my buttons or she was just genuinely concerned, but either way I'm about to cue her in for the ride of her life... and the look on her face as I broke the kiss said she may not have been expecting that, but there was also that same ache... that same throbbing need that I felt. And after all this time, I still know all of 'Liv's buttons to the point it's simply instinct how I squeeze her throat, how I lean down and nip at her ears and start whispering lustfully to her;

"You that concerned about me over-exerting myself, little kitty? Then why don't you lighten my load." I pull away from her, just long enough to pull my boxers down a bit. My cock has already popped free of its sheath; cherry red with desire, oozing precum, and always my favorite feline's favorite flavor. I see the excitement dance in her eyes the second she sees it, but she looks up at me, panting hard, waiting... wanting... needing to be ordered. I over right above her as she lays still on her back, and give her just what she needs-

I grab her hair at the back of her head and yank her forward, simply snarling out the word 'suck'. I barely get it out of my mouth before my 'it' is in her mouth, a fact which surprises even me at first. She slurps and licks eagerly, tongue swirling around my veiny pole with the type of skill and eagerness that comes not only from practice, but from an innate hunger for cum that was part of why I loved her so fuckin' much. She doesn't need any coaxing or coaching... but I know she loves it. And as I grip the back of her head again and shove her down until she was kissing my knot, I can smell her heat rising so openly I can all but taste her getting wetter. I begin moving my hips, vigorously fucking her throat, and she starts moaning like crazy around my cock, one of her hands reaching between her legs and vigorously working what I could tell was now a VERY needy snatch. She pulls one of her tits out with her free hand, massaging the ample black-furred globe vigorously... and I knew she was close to cumming already, just from the taste of precum and the feel of a throbbing prick in her mouth...

My Olivia - a brilliant, medically trained cock-addict.

I pull her away as she starts trying to fit my whole knot into her maw, and hear her whimpering lustfully up at me like a kid deprived of her favorite toy. "Aw... was the kitten enjoying the taste of my cock?" I ask her, reaching under her chin and forcing her to look eyes with me. She looks away as much as I'll let her, but nods, hands still pawing at her nethers... albeit slower. I let go of her chin and laugh, sliding off her and smirking. "What a needy little cock-slut..." I lean back on the bed, grinning over at her. "Well, since you're so worried about my health and all..." I respond, but there's no time to say anything else. 'Liv pads her way over to me on all fours, one hand gripping my cock just under that substantial knot as the other toys with my nuts in desperation for a load of my cum. I spur her onward, murring out how well she's doing between moans... and then, there's a trick of hers I'd forgotten about. She draws her head all the way back, working the head of my cock until I'm forced to grab her head again... and when I do, she opens her jaw as wide as she can, taking my whole cock with her, knot and all. She locks her lips the second she hits base, letting out a victorious noise around her mouthful of pecker.

"That's... cheating..." I snarl to her, gripping her hair and trying to pull her off. She shakes her head a bit and moans protest as loud as possible in her condition, her throat milking my cock instinctively as she locks herself on me. Within seconds my knot is swollen to full size and she looks up at me with a broad smile dancing in those Irish-Green eyes. She now knows my crimson meat will only escape from her mouth when I cum, and she's willing to breathe through her nose until then. I'm not sure if it's realizing her plan or the feel of being entirely inside a female's maw for the first time since we broke up, but it doesn't take long for my nuts to release Olivia's reward. I feel it surging forward like it may never end, and I bolt upright and hold her down on instinct, as if my jizz-starved diva would escape this meal even if she could. I howl as the flood of seed spills directly down her throat and into her stomach, the only other sounds my kitten's pleasured moans and her neighbors banging on the wall next door for us to keep quiet. I look down at her and stroke her cheek, able to see the blush even under her dark fur; my knot slowly shrinks and she pulls free, cum draining down her chin and onto her exposed breasts while she gasps for breath.

Guess I was more backed up than I thought. Not only is she filled up with some to spare, but my pointed doggy dong is still hard enough for at least one more round. I watch my favorite busty med-school student take two fingers and play with the cum on her breasts and tongue, noticing from the dazed look in her eyes she probably just came. She leans back and lets me watch the white fluid slip down her breasts, her free hand's fingers teasing me by drawing attention to the soaked spot between her thighs. Her eyes finally come back into focus, and she yanks her shorts up to give me a teasing outline of her cunny as she looks at my still-twitching member and licks her lips.

Round two is not asked for by me, nor implied by her. It is a necessity for both of us.

I start to move to get on top of her again, but my injuries prove to make a fool of me. My kitten is faster, far faster... so fast she doesn't even have time to remove her shorts or panties before pressing me down and straddling me. She begins moving her hips up and down on my lap, and I close my eyes and look away from her as the sweet stickiness of her sopping sex slot slides across my schlong.

"Mm, you feel that?" she asks me, looking down at me with the malicious grin best expressed on the muzzle of a feline about to get her way. "Feel how wet my hot, tight little pussy is for you?" She stops bouncing for a second and starts to simple wiggle on top of me, bouncing her supple ass cheeks from side to side and teasing my body and mind with promises of what's to come. "Ooh, baby... I want it, Jackie... I want it." She leans so close to me I can taste her breath on my lips, but pulls away before we can kiss. She leans in like that and pulls away each time, giggling darkly as she enjoys being in charge for once. "Mm, just say the words...tell me how much you love it and I'll give you everything..."

I give her a stiff, brief nod and a firm slap on the ass. We established long ago that this was as close as I would ever get to admitting she had won. But the fact it's an established signal of defeat is all the proof she needs.

"Good Doggy."

I snarl up at 'Liv, even as she slides her clothes aside and begins pressing my achingly hot pipe into her love canal. She closes her eyes and I grip the bed: it's been a long time, and whoever her last playmates were... they did little to widen my path. Half-way down she pauses and shivers, clutching my chest for support as her legs threaten to betray her.

"Wait.... Nngh, wait... Baby..." she whimpers to me, her eyes pleading. I thrust my hips up and hilt my member inside her, my own ego fed as she yelps, shudders hard, and finally collapses against me. I let her rest for a few seconds before I begin moving my hips. The motions are slow at first, drawing out light groans of need and desire from my foxy feline... then my motions speed up, causing her to dig her claws into my shoulders and moan in earnest... and soon enough, she recovers enough to begin meeting each of my rough strokes into her, letting out loud yelps and squeals as my knot forms yet again and collides with her clit on each connection. The tip of my canine cock kisses her cervix with each push in, a fact I know she loves. Still, can't hurt to ask.

"How... how's it feel babe...?" I dare to ask, slapping her ass again for dramatic effect.

"I-it's so deep... It's h-h-HI! Fuck, it's hitting my womb..."

I feel her sit straight up and then begin gyrating her hips as hard as she can. She slams down hard with each few strokes I make trying to draw my knot into her... and between the natural milking motions of her lower lips and the ache of need in her eyes, I know exactly what she wants to come next.

I'd normally make her beg, but I don't have the patience. I dip a single digit into her ample nectar reserves, then press the slickened digit between those pliant cheeks. She goes completely limp, and I take over for her, pounding away at her cunny like a jackhammer held upwards until she leans forward and growls her concession into my ear.

"Jackie, baby... Ooh, I'm ready..." she whispers, taking enough time to nip at my ears and dig her nails in harder on my shoulders.

Her neighbors have begun yelling. They're gonna hate this part....

Between a harder thrust upward and a little wriggling of my finger, Olivia fully engulfs me at last. Then comes my favorite part; as a feline, her body has no idea what to do about a knotted cock inside it. She pushes up off of me and looks down with large feral eyes that scream of pleasure, pain, and indignation... then finally roars. Not whimpers, not cries or mews, but roars. My kitten becomes a lion, her claws digging frantically at any part of my body she can find as she jerks my trapped cock around as much as she can. She stares down at me, orgasming cunny milking me for dear life, and blurts out everything that comes to her mind...

"Yeeeeeaugh!! SHIT!! Ooh, yes, that's it you mother FUCKER!! Aaaoowww... nnngh, gods that knot, no, no, no, noooh, fuck yeah..." she leans down and kisses me like the only air in the world is in my mouth, then drags her claws against my chest. She breaks the kiss and hisses at me, torn between begging me to pull out and warning me she'd kill me if I didn't leave it in.

Something about her conflicting feral passion sets me off more than I would have already cum from just being tied with her. The raunchy wrongness of tying a non-canine female doesn't hurt either. I throw my head back and yowl again, just as she digs her claws in and roars for the second time. My second load of the night escapes like a prison break, the rush making me light headed... I feel the flood of it filling her womb with more to spare, the remainder slipping out as much as it can around my knot. She leans forward, gasping and exhausted, resting her head against my chest. We both bask in the after-glow, before she says the one thing I'd never expect;

"They sent you to kill me, didn't they Jack?"

"Wha... but how... when did you...?" I ask, brain still reeling in disbelief.

"You stunk of Tequila." She sits up and bit and folds her arms on my chest; her tail begins tail swishing as she proudly explains herself. "You hate tequila. You only drink it on your birthday or when you're trying to forget bad news." She pokes my nose, grinning. "And I know for a fact today's not your birthday."

"Kitten, you know me far too well..." is the only reply I can think of.

"I know," she tells me. "That's why I saved you the window seat on the train we're taking out of town. It leaves in an hour and a half... enough time for us to unknot and get cleaned up before we make the station."

It's the type of plan we'd had every day when we were kids. The dream we'd mentioned under the old pear tree in the park all summer, every summer, for years. But this time, it'll work. We always had the smarts and the desperation, but now we have the money. Between what I've saved up and her checks from the clinic, we can make it for a while. And we'll survive when that money wears out... we always have before. She says all these things with a look, and I agree with a slap of her ass and a nod. I kiss her, she kisses me, and she pulls my hand-gun from under her pillow, winking at me before dry-firing it once in the air.

"They'll never catch us, Jackie Boy."

"Never, Liv. Never."
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