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Sexuality Straight
Submitted On May16/10 Hits 2429 Summary:
Written for publication in the Playfoxx Magazine in Second Life. A lone combatant wanders wounded down the street and chooses his final destination.
West End Townby Heuvadoches Naumova
A constant wind whipped down the center street, carrying with it a dry, flinty dust. A livery sign reading “Silver Gulch” creaked back and forth while a shutter banged out a counterpoint. Tyrius pulled the brim of his hat down and squinted against the glare of the afternoon sun. He pulled down his bandanna to scent the air, testing for life, but only received a face full of grit. He snarled and pulled the mask up and limped into the town, stopping at the empty saloon front.
The shade of the building dropped quickly over the lion's muscular frame as he climbed the two short steps from the street. He reached out and pushed open the swinging doors. They creaked and squealed on protesting hinges before the old nail heads gave out completely. Both sides crashed to the floor. Tyrius grimaced and pulled the rag from his muzzle, but shrugged, kicking the wood to the side and stom...
A constant wind whipped down the center street, carrying with it a dry, flinty dust. A livery sign reading “Silver Gulch” creaked back and forth while a shutter banged out a counterpoint. Tyrius pulled the brim of his hat down and squinted against the glare of the afternoon sun. He pulled down his bandanna to scent the air, testing for life, but only received a face full of grit. He snarled and pulled the mask up and limped into the town, stopping at the empty saloon front.
The shade of the building dropped quickly over the lion's muscular frame as he climbed the two short steps from the street. He reached out and pushed open the swinging doors. They creaked and squealed on protesting hinges before the old nail heads gave out completely. Both sides crashed to the floor. Tyrius grimaced and pulled the rag from his muzzle, but shrugged, kicking the wood to the side and stom...
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