The Beginning

By: Heuvadoches
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Historical Information

The Loss of Innocence:

Born "Anita Marquez", Heuva started life normal enough. Hir parents were delighted at the birth of a healthy baby girl. Shi grew up leading a normal peasant life in the arid scrub land. Life was good for the little girl, until at about eleven years old, shi began to develop hir breasts ... and a male sheath. By twelve, shi had developed hir breasts ... and hir penis. At thirteen, shi began to stain the sheets as shi had hir heat cycle ... and hir first wet dream. Hir parents could only watch in horror as hir body changed from the girl they had known and loved. They became more and more distant and detached, shocked into emotional silence by the thought that they could have brought such an abomination into the world. Radical "corrective" surgery was discussed (argued about), but discarded primarily due to exorbitant cost. The medical risks were considered, but did not factor into hir parents’ decision.

Anita began to wear a gown-like drape in public, like an old maid, to help hide the source of hir parents’ embarrassment. It was hir shrift, as shi called it, removing hir sins in hir parents’ eyes. The robe, considered an odd quirk by a society that generally did not wear clothing, was a welcome trade for hir parents.

The scar on hir left bicep is from a gang of kids in hir hometown. "Anormal" is Spanish for "freak"; carved in after an initiation ritual for another member of that gang turned sour. In legal terms, shi was simply the victim of a brutal crime. Shi was fifteen; hir heat cycle had recently started, and was walking home from school when four gang members ambushed hir. They dragged hir into an alley with the full intent of raping hir. The gang members were shocked, and disgusted when, after cutting the robe off, they discovered what they had captured. In a fit of rage and spite, they decided to gouge a brand onto hir arm before killing hir.

The leader knelt on hir shoulders, sitting on hir breasts while he jacked off in hir face, slapping his dick against hir nose occasionally. Two others held their cocks in eager anticipation, watching the leader while the initiate began to carve hir left arm. "Make it scream good, ese!" the jerker cried. "I like it when they scream!" As the knife bit into hir bicep, shi lost control of hir bladder and began to scream in terror and pain. With hir urine, came the heavy stink of hir heat, driving the males even crazier as their lust fought against their machismic disgust. The two standing around were completely absorbed in the spectacle.

As the initiate was beginning to carve the "R", the jerker groaned and blew his load on Anita's face. Thick gobs of his goo ran down hir cheeks and into hir hair. As shi screamed again, the initiate started on the "M". The leader laughed, spitting on hir face, but the laugh cut short as a large spanner connected with the side of his head. The thug fell unconscious into the dust with a crash, dick still in hand. The two standing quickly turned and saw the interloper. A heavily muscled stallion with dusty black fur, wearing grey sweat pants and a tight t-shirt glared back at them. “How about picking on someone in your own weight class, punk?” he asked, tapping the business end of the wrench in one open hand. Not understanding his English, and armed as they were with only their jutting cocks, the two ran. One of the runner’s feet kicked the knife out of the shocked initiate’s hand; the sudden stab of pain as the knife ripped out of hir flesh pushed Anita over the edge of consciousness. As the knife clattered away, the carver looked up into a black, angry face and the incoming knuckles of a Good Samaritan.

The "Good" Samaritan:

The dusky Mustang gently lifted Anita’s unconscious form from the alleyway, blood running down hir arm from the deep cuts. He carried hir to his faded blue pickup, setting hir across the open tailgate. Ripping off his shirt, he fashioned a crude bandage about the gashed arm, stemming the bleeding. His urgent manipulations of the injury caused hir to return to consciousness with a moan. “Hush, mí pequeño,” he said stroking hir head lightly. “You’ve had an interesting day.

Anita came to full consciousness with a start. “¿Quién ….¿Quién el infierno es usted?” shi asked, fearfully. “¿Qué usted desea de mí?
(Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?)

Easy, there little … uh, filly(?),” he said. “I speak the language, just not that fast.” Switching to Spanish, he answered slowly, “Soy su héroe … yo le ahorré … de esos gamberros. Mi nombre es Alexi. Alexi Corsi. Estaba en mi manera casera … de trabajo cuando … oí un grito.
(I rescued you from those thugs. My name is Alexi. Alexi Corsi. I was on my way home from work when I heard a scream.)

The smell of hir fear, sweat and sex tickled the back of his brain, slowly overpowering the scent of crude oil on his work clothes lying nearby in the truck's bed.

Anita relaxed slightly, sitting up and glancing about as a new pang of fear hit. Hir shrift still lay in a crumpled heap in the alleyway next to two still forms. Shi unconsciously crossed hir legs and leaned forward, covering hir sheath with hir arms. “I have to get home,” shi mumbled, looking at the ground. “My … parents will worry. I did not mean to cause troubles.” The scent of the oilfield strengthened as shi covered hirself.

Cause troubles?” Alexi asked incredulously. “You were just raped!” Shocked as he was, he forgot to speak in hir language. Seeing hir confused look, he repeated it in his broken Spanish. “Look,” he continued, pointing at hir bandaged arm, “doctor.” Pointing back to the alley, “Police.” he said. The carver had gotten to his knees and was slowly crawling away from the pair at the truck, holding his throbbing head. The jerker still had not moved. Closer examination would reveal blood oozing from a small wound below his ear where the wrench had connected.

Anita’s eyes widened at the mention of involving the authorities, “No,” shi demanded. “No, no and no. I cannot go, my parents will have to be involved. The less they know the better. I would only be blamed for what happened.” The realization of what had just happened hit hir with a crushing weight. Shi visibly crumbled as hir emotions broke, sobbing into hir hands. “¡Deseé solamente ir a ca…ca...Caaasaaaaaaaa!” shi bawled.

Alexi shook his head in wonderment. Silently, he embraced the sobbing Anita, mindful of hir wounds, allowing hir to cry into his chest. “Come, then. I take you to see a doctor,” he said quietly. “Doctor, no police,” he insisted when shi made to protest again. Gently lifting under hir right arm, he helped Anita off the tailgate and into the truck.

The Ride:

Alexi tossed the bloodied wrench in the bed, climbed into the cab, and started the truck. With a minor complaint, it roared to life and rattled into a semblance of normal operation. The gears ground in protest as he put the shifter in second. Inside of the cab, it smelled faintly of oil, “old car”, and the ever-present dust of the scrub land. The small motes whipped themselves into invisibility on the air as the truck started the journey to the hospital some ways distant.

You never did tell me your name,” he began, speaking over the roar of the protesting engine, the wind of the open window, and the rattle of the rough road.

Ani … just call me Heuvadoches. It is what I am,” shi replied. Shi leaned hir head against the window glass, staring out at the passing storefronts. Shi sat with her legs crossed, lightly holding the bandage.

They rode in silence for a bit, while Alexi translated and digested what shi had said, wondering how to continue. The background smells of the truck slowly succumbed to the coppery odor of Anita’s blood and the heady perfume of hir heat. The tickle in Alexi’s brain returned as the only open window drew the mixed scents across his nose.

Well, then,” he said, “Tell me … about you then,” trying a different tack to get her talking and his mind off the incessant buzzing that had settled into his head.

What is there to tell? My parents hate me for what I am. Everyone considers me a freak of nature,” shi began.

Wait a minute,” he interrupted, as much for translation as to stop hir train of thought. “You can no … say ‘everyone.’ Yes, I see you … different, but not freak. No, you were given … different cards to play.” Alexi wondered where that had come from. Was that him talking, or was it the pull of hir body’s need?

He was only just seventeen. He’d lied on his application to work in the oilfields, saying he was eighteen. Half a summer of work rough necking in this hard environment had chiseled and toned his body into a mass of muscle. Anita watched him drive out of one eye, hir gaze travelling his angular lines. Shi shivered lightly as a naughty thought crossed hir mind. By degrees, shi relaxed in his strong, comforting presence, slowly uncrossing hir legs to sit more comfortably in the seat.

Alexi tried to concentrate on the road. Hir movements caused hir scent to blossom inside the warm cab, bringing the buzz in his head to a dull roar. Below the wheel, a ridge was slowly forming in his sweatpants. "Um," he began, "Please, open the glove box ... hand to me ... the blue jar?" he managed to get out. Chivalry was becoming difficult, and he needed a distraction.

Anita looked curiously at him, before opening the box and withdrawing the flat bottle. Uncapping it revealed a slightly liquefied mass of strong smelling goo. As Alexi reached over to take the jar, hir hand brushed his, sending an electric tingle up his arm. "Mentholatum," he explained. "You are ... in season ... it is hard for me ... to be a gentleman ... and to drive." Shi nodded, and released the container. Alexi set it in his lap, dipped a finger in to the jar, and then smeared the goop onto the inside of his nostrils. He shook his head lightly, resisting the urge to snort it back out as the sharp odor of mint flooded his sinuses. "Whoa," he exclaimed with watering eyes. "I always hate doing that. Damn, that shit burns." The dull roar in his head subsided now that he could smell nothing but menthol.

Anita reached across hir body towards the jar when a rut in the road jostled the truck. Shi was tossed forward, slightly off balance. "Ouch," shi exclaimed, catching herself with her left arm. The cab of the truck suddenly smelt very strongly of menthol. Unfortunately, hir right had knocked the jar over, spilling the oily jelly onto Alexi's leg and crotch. "Shit!" he cried, slamming on the brakes as the jar was tossed to the floorboard.

Any outside observer probably would have laughed at the strange sight. A shirtless stallion jumped out of the driver's side door; he shed his pants and underclothes as if they were on fire and then used a portion to clean something off of his leg. Fortunately, they had driven outside of the main commercial district and no one was in sight.

"It was not my fault," shi pleaded. "I apologize. I did not mean to knock the jar over. It was the road ..." She made as if to cry again.

Alexi, now rather naked and highly embarrassed, looked back into the cab, peeking around the door and trying to cover his semi-hard penis with his crossed arms. "No," he said, "I know but ... this is rather strange." He pointed at the pile on the ground. "Those were my only clean pants. How can I drive to the doctor like this?!" he snorted in his frustration, blowing most of the now-forgotten menthol out of his nose. "That ... medicine ... will burn me worse ... in that location."

"Cuando en Roma..." shi said, with a smirk. Arching an eyebrow shi continued, "How many have you seen here wearing clothes? You are the strange one, choosing to wear clothing. As was I, to be sure, but I had my own reasons to hide behind the veil of cloth." Shi glanced down at hir sheath. "You have been the only one to accept me based not apon what I am, but who. Let us continue," shi said, "I promise to not stare too much."

Alexi sighed. With nothing else to do or say, he dropped his arms and stepped around the truck door. Adonis paled, turning his head from the raw perfection of Alexi's toned body. Anita stared, transfixed by the beauty of his athletic frame. His dark fur, slightly bronzed by the sun, refracted the light creating a soft halo effect around his edges. His mane, bleached to brown, flowed in a tawny river across his broad shoulders, cascading down his back. His chest and abs had been admired earlier, but now, with the full package standing before hir, Anita couldn't help but get slightly wet at the sight.

The Crime:

The following was taken from the police report filed later that evening by the hospital staff.

Notes transcribed from dictation.

Signed: Dr. Maria Rodriguez MD OBGYN (Equine).

Patient "Anita Marquez" presents for criminal medical and gynecological checkup. Age: 15. Currently in menses.

Crude lacerations appear on the left arm requiring a total of 80 sutures, both subcutaneous and surface. A running stitch with #1 catgut was used subcutaneous, and a running stitch with #1 Lycra was used on surface. No ligament damage noted and no major blood vessels were involved. No range of motion loss expected on left arm.

Patient is functionally female, as far as the excretory and primary reproductive system is concerned. Urine is expelled only through the vaginal urethra. Speculum examination reveals minor bruising at the twelve and six o'clock positions. The vaginal canal also appears to be somewhat deeper than normal. Pap smear results negative for cancerous tissue or other infection. Laparoscopic examination of interior structures not conducted. Ultrasonic examination reveals near normal equine female structures, with a smaller uterus compensating for the vaginal depth. Patient does appear have functional ovaries, as shi has and does continue to have a normal menstrual cycle. As such, shi stands a minute chance of getting pregnant. Due to genetic anomalies, it is estimated that most fetuses would self-abort. Any child, in the unlikely event of a full term pregnancy, would be born with some difficulties due to hir minor structural abnormalities. Cesarean Section would be recommended.

The sole function of the penis appears to be the emission of semen and related ejaculate fluids. Estimated size at full turgidity is ten to twelve inches. Hir testes exist, but remain partially undescended, and as such, the excess body heat would render the sperm non-motile. It is my opinion that shi would be extremely unlikely to get anyone pregnant. The testes appear as two oval lumps at the transverse center of and to either side of hir sheath. Examinations of seminal fluid collected from patient confirm 90% sperm mortality. Speculated that self fertilization may be possible in the order of 0.01%

Although seminal evidence was collected from hir face and hair and sent to the criminology lab for processing, no semen was present in or around the vaginal canal. Bruising evidence and a recently torn hymen does suggest some form of either forced or consensual sexual activity.

The patient has been released into the care of hir cousin, Alexi.

.. No charges were ever filed against the offenders ...

The Journey

Outside the hospital, the truck roared to life once again, breaking the relative silence of the cool evening. Alexi removed the stained towel from the seat, smiling slightly at the memory of how those stains had come to be. He put the truck in gear and drove around to the patient entrance to pick up his "cousin." The hinges protested and a torn condom package fluttered about the floorboard on the sudden gust as the door opened for Heuva. Shi gingerly climbed into the cab, the anesthetics taking the edge off hir arm until the narcotics kicked in. Setting the paper pharmacy sack in the glove box, Heuva turned woozily to Alexi, "Take me with you," shi said.

Alexi nearly choked on the soda he'd gotten from the ER vending machine. He coughed and sputtered as some of the carbonated liquid dripped from his nostrils. "What you mean....?" he managed, inbetween coughs, cleaning the splatter from the windshield.

"There is nothing left for me here," shi said, tears slowly welling in hir large brown eyes. "My parents do not care, the people only fear what they do not understand. Even the doctors," shi indicated the hospital with a drugged motion of hir right arm, "view me as some sort of freak. You can see it in their eyes. The revulsion, the curiosity, the greed." Shi turned back to Alexi, noting his puzzled look before hir vision blurred slightly. Blinking back the oncoming haze for a moment, " Yes, greed. I am the meal ticket, the boat payment, and the experiment that could make one famous," shi slurred out as explanation. Hir eyes had overflowed while talking, tears running freely down hir long face. Shi closed hir eyes, sniffled, and leaned back against the door, "So,"shi said very softly, concentrating, " please take me with you."

Wordlessly, Alexi put the truck in gear and gently pulled away from the hospital into the desert night.

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