Steel's Interlude

By: Heuvadoches
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"Steel? Are you home?" shi called, flicking on the entryway's light. Beyond the circle of light, the shadows of the dark, second floor apartment held their tongues. Shrugging, shi dropped hir purse on the couch on hir way to the bedroom. The night running the music The Rainbow Tiger had gone well, but shi needed a bath. Sweat from hir dancing under the hot lights mixed with the ever-present odors of hir mutated heat, tickling at the back of hir own brain. Humming a tune that shi'd played earlier, shi stripped off hir clothing in the dark. It felt good to leave the lights off sometimes as shi busied hirself with drawing the bathwater.

Steel had said nothing at the mare's call and remained behind the apartment's balcony curtains, hoping shi wouldn't turn on more of the apartment's lights. He watched hir shape, fuzzed by the cloth, busy itself with the ritual of coming home. He nearly snorted with relief when shi walked to the back to disrobe, the cloud of pheromones following hir. The water hit the basin, drawing the stallion from his hiding place.

As the tub filled, Heuva dimmed the lights, opened a drawer on the vanity, and started pulling out a stash of candles, matches and a bullet shaped toy. Grinning shamelessly to hirself shi tested the batteries on the toy, listening to the vibrating whine ramp up as shi played with the speed control. Shi giggled softly, shut it off and placed it on the floor by the tub. Reaching over to the radio on the top of the toilet, shi flicked the switch, frowning at the raucous metal riffs blaring out of it. Turning down the volume, Heuva dialed the frequency lower until the soft strains of classical jazz floated out.

Steel crept to the hallway door, staying to the shadows as his roommate busied hirself in the bathroom. His ears perked as he heard the toy buzz over the splashing of the filling tub, followed by the radio. He was just outside the door when hir hand reached out and flipped the wall switch off.//Light flared in the dark room as Heuva struck a match. The sharp smell of burnt sulphur bloomed, overpowering hir own scents for a moment. Tipping into the wax pillar, the flame readily took residence on the wick. Quickly, the mare used the match on three more candles, giving the small room a rich, relaxing glow. Sighing gently, shi waved the flame out, pitched the charred stick into the toilet, and stretched lazily.

From the shadows beyond the open door, the dark grey stallion leaned against the wall and watched intently. The candles shining brightly off his eyes, his nostrils flared as he breathed deep of the mare's musky heat. He watched hir supple form, barely constraining himself as shi reached overhead and behind. The lines of hir breasts, outlined in heavy shadow from the wavering candle light, lifted as shi inhaled deeply. The muscles of hir leg bunched and knotted as shi stretched it forward. The tip of hir penis poked teasingly from the top of hir sheath while beads of moisture glinted on hir pussy lips. Steel's hand involuntarily brushed across the sensitive outer folds of his his cock-slip, giving rise to shudders as his penis began to expand out.

Tail swishing lazily, and unaware that shi was being watched by hir roommate, Heuva leaned forward to cut off the water. Half lost in thought, shi turned the valves slowly. When the water at last settled to a drip, shi stepped carefully into the tub. The herm knelt slowly into the hot liquid, groaning as the tensions of the day melted away. Shi continued hir slow decent into the water, laying against the basin with hir back to the door.

Slowly and silently, Steel moved as the water faded to a trickle and drip. His breathing quickened as he knelt down, positioning himself to see hir body in the mirrored wall behind the tub. The liquid rippled around those parts of hir body still above the water line as shi settled in and visibly relaxed. Steam curled from the surface, barely viewable in the reflection and low light. One arm lifted, dripping as Heuva moved it to rest on the shelf of the tub's wall-rim. Hir other hand caressed down chest and stomach, brushing lightly over hir partially exposed penis to stop at the division of hir legs. The stallion almost moaned aloud as hir fingers began to part the dark folds of the outer flesh, exposing the bright pink underneath.

Heuva sighed deeply as hir fingers found sensitive parts, moaning as hir body responded, winking hir flesh outward. The mare pressed hir fingers against hir heat swollen clit, rocking hir hips slightly upwards. Hir other hand gripped the tub-wall tightly as shi began to slowly rub hir button.

Steel resisted every impulse his base instincts shouted at him to announce his presence; to walk in, to help would destroy this moment. He shifted again, stretching out on the floor, one hand squeezing at his rock-hard cock with each wink the mare's pussy gave. Holding his breath, he watched hir glistening shaft emerge completely from its sheath. Licking his lips, he imagined its throbbing length in his mouth as both equines closed their eyes. Though Heuva's remained shut, Steel opened his shortly thereafter, drinking in the spectacle.

Softly, the water splashed, covering up the soft moan of the hidden stallion, as Heuva shifted in the basin. Propping one leg on the side, shi increased the pressure and speed of the fingers pressing against hir female sex. The other hand dropped over the side, probing for the half-forgotten toy shi'd placed earlier. Hir fingers closed around the slivery plastic object, and in one smooth motion shi turned it on, and place it at hir neck. Slowly, shi pulled the buzzing object down hir body, running it down the length of hir hard shaft before pushing across hir slit. With another wink and a gasp, the slivery bullet disappeared into the mare's pussy, vibrating against hir prostate.

Steel gasped simultaneously with the mare as he watched the vibrator vanish into hir body, stroking along his twitching phallus. Pulling slowly at his flesh, he turned his eye to hir leg, draped limply over the edge of the tub. Tracing his gaze along it, time compressed while he watched water drip from the fur to the floor in slow motion. Just as slowly, fluids began to leak from his cock, lubing his hand as he smeared his precum across his shaft. Steel's breath quickened slightly as he returned his view to the overhead mirror.

"Mmmmm...." Heuva moaned, pressing harder on hir clit with both hands, the thumbs rubbing at the base of hir cock-sheath. Slowly, the bullet vibrator birthed itself from hir hole, only to be pushed back in as shi down stroked on hir winking femsex. While the left hand continued to rub hir clit the right found the soap and applied it to the twitching shaft. Grabbing the slickened pole, shi began to stroke its length, arching hir back in a spasm of pleasure and thrusting hir shaft through hir clenching fingers.

Steel blinked quickly, his eyes dry from keeping them open, not wanting to miss anything. His breath rapidly passed though his open mouth as he pulled faster on his flesh. He watched intently as the hermaphrodite mare pleasured hirself. Part of him yearning to have his lips wrapped around hir flesh, another lusting to be covered by hir, but the majority remained in the hall, staring and unsure of how shi would react.The stallion shifted again, leaning his shoulder against the jamb as Heuva's actions intensified. Water sloshed around the tub as shi curled up, stallion's and herm's hands blurring synchronously over their respective sexes.

Heuva could feel the tingle beginning in hir body. The yowling, yammering beast demanding release from its prison. Unconsciously, shi shifted up in the tub, bunching hir stomach muscles and opening hir mouth in a silent scream of pleasure over the top of hir soapy, flaring cock. Hir mind's eye, blank and empty except for a white point of light watched as the point slowly grew and pulsed.

The mare began to grunt softly as the first waves of hir orgasm washed over hir body, pushing the vibrator out towards the entrance of hir slit. It buzzed and ground loudly against the enameled surface of the basin. The tip of hir cock blossomed, flowering as the tingle built larger and larger until it exploded across hir body. Hir leaking cock jetted out a thick, white-hot blast of cum into hir mouth. As it splashed across hir tongue, shi closed hir mouth and nosed down, swallowing the initial offering while the others splattered across hir face. Twitching fingers pressed hard on hir swollen clit as hir pussy fluids stained the water a darker colour.

Steel groaned loudly as the mare's orgasm overtook hir. Staring at hir fountaining cock, his own twitched and erupted, spilling his seed across the carpet to splash against the wall. He leaned his shoulder heavily into the door jamb, supporting himself with one arm while the other continued to milk pleasure from his member. Head down, saliva drooled from the stallion's open mouth as his orgasm subsided.

Heuva never heard his groan, or if shi did it did not register. As hir balls drained shi slowly collapsed backwards, the vibrator popping out to float on the surface like a drowning bee. Releasing hir cock, it slapped against the water surface before settling above hir stomach and chest. Weakly, shi swatted at the floating toy, barely managing to snag it and shut it off. huddering as shi removed hir other hand from hir crotch, shi let it float, basking in the orgasmic afterglow. Slowly, shi cracked open an eye, staring up into the overhead mirror.

Unlike the bathing herm, Steel believed that he did not have the luxury of remaining in the area. Still clutching his dripping shaft, the stallion wobbled on free-hand and knees across the open door towards the main den where he'd been hiding before. As he cleared the doorway, he paused a moment to listen intently for any audible clue that he'd been discovered. Nothing but the water quietly splashing, the toy clicking off, and the soft sound of hir sighing followed by a subdued giggle. Smiling, Steel rose to his feet and snuck back towards the den. The day's earlier clothing was in a pile, hidden behind the couch. Quietly redressing, he kept his ear open for signs of the mare's discovery of his presence before slipping out to the balcony. Quickly, he scrambled over the barrier and shimmied down the outer railing to the top of the fence below.

Heuva sighed softly as the world once again returned. Shi smiled as the reflected image of hir spent and sprawled body swam into focus. The heavy, salty taste of hir seed still coated hir tongue as shi stretched in the warm water. Movement in the mirror caught hir eye. Though the light was low, shi still was able to make out the darker outline of a familiar black hoof at the door's lower corner. Hir eyes widened in a mixture of shock and outrage, but shi held hir tongue and thought for a moment. "So, I wasn't as alone as I thought," shi said to hirself. "I do hope Steel enjoyed the show," shi continued, unable to stifle a giggle. Then, as quickly as shi noticed it, the foot vanished, pulled towards the den.

Steel, confidant that he had gotten away clean, whistled a light tune while climbing the flight of stairs to the apartment's locked door. Grabbing the handle, his brain overlaid an image of his backside at the keyhole and Heuva's cock as the key. Shaking the daydream out of his head, he turned the lock and clomped noisily on the tile landing. "Heuva, I'm home!" he called, shutting and re-locking the door.

"I'm in the tub!" shi called out, popping the drain. The water drained quickly as shi stood. Sticking hir head out of the bathroom, shi called to the approaching stallion, "I'm going to take a shower," before firmly shutting the door. Turning on the light and exhaust fan, shi giggled again, catching sight of hir cum-streaked face in the medicine cabinet's mirror. Shi blew out the candles, placed the toy back in its drawer, and opened the water valves once again.

Steel said nothing, merely grinned as the mare called out hir intentions and closed the bathroom. Hanging his keys on the peg by the door, he threw the deadbolt and wandered to the kitchen. Still whistling, he opened the fridge and pulled out the makings of a salad.

The water rushed from the overhead spigot, cascading down the herm's body as shi washed the semen from hir face and mane. Glancing up occasionally, shi watched hirself fade from sight as the mirror fogged. As the reflection obscured completely, shi set to the task of scrubbing the day from hir body. Lather washed down the drain, carrying with it hir sweat and musk.

Steel never heard the shower shut off. He never heard the bathroom door open either as Heuva stood at the hall entrance clad only in a pair of towels, watching him cut the vegetables. The lettuce, spinach leaves, cabbage hearts, and apples were quickly reduced to cubes and transferred to the large wooden bowl. It was only while slicing the carrots, his brain kept tricking him into seeing Heuva's cock again. He closed his eyes and put a larger one in his mouth, sucking on it like it was hir flesh.

"Interesting use for a carrot," Heuva said suddenly.

Steel nearly choked on the carrot as he bit down on it. His eyes bulged as he dropped the thin half coughing and sputtering as the other half of the root bounced off the cutting board. Holding on to the edge of the counter, he managed, "Don't scare me like that!" after a moment. The thin fur on his face tinging a deeper red as he looked over and saw the mare's body bound in a towel with another shi was using as a hair wrap. Glad he was behind the counter for the moment as his jeans swelled again, he asked, "Ah ... you ... ah ... hungry?" while pointing to the massive salad bowl.

Sporting a knowing, Cheshire style grin, "Oh, I could definitely eat something," Heuva said cryptically before leaving the stallion to finish the salad. Leaving hir hair in the towel, shi put on hir thick, full length bathrobe and fuzzy slippers and then wandered innocently back out to the den. Steel was sitting at the table, already working on his half of the salad. Taking the bowl with the remainder, shi settled into the chair opposite Steel, drizzled on the raspberry and ginger vinegarette and dug in.

Heuva yawned tiredly in the soft fluorescence of the flickering television. As usual, there wasn't much on at this late of an hour. The LLNN droned out the usual litany of petty crimes. There was one story of an industrial accident in Cordova and the subsequent evacuation of an entire neighborhood that was somewhat interesting, but mostly it was run-of-the-mill assaults and a continuation of the latest "streaking" fad. Even the talking-head looked bored as he read the teleprompter.

Heuva blustered softly as shi set the sleep timer and then pushed the mute button on the remote. Stretched out in the recliner beside hir, Steel snored softly. He'd fallen asleep during the last period of the late broadcast of the regional hockey game an hour ago. Heuva smiled as shi watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest, and nearly giggled as shi saw the large bulge straining the seams in his crotch. Quietly folding hir chair back into place, Heuva stood and slipped out of hir bathrobe. Draping it over the sleeping stallion, shi silently wished him a pleasant dream and crept, naked, back to hir room.

Along the way, shi noticed the dark stain in the hallway carpet, next to the bathroom door. Curious, shi knelt and pressed hir fingers into the fibers, finding it cold and wet. Bringing hir hand to hir nose, shi sniffed it and then giggled as shi recognized the scent. "Apparently he did enjoy the show," shi thought as shi rubbed hir fingers clean on the towel from hir head. Shi then folded the towel and used it to blot up most Steel's semen before tossing the fabric in the laundry chute. Considering the size of the puddle, it was going to leave a faint mark, but that could be fixed the next time the cleaners were called. Humming softly, Heuva turned on hir window fan, shut the door to hir room and passed out under hir sheets.

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