Reenia's Study Party

By: Heuvadoches
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I had accumulated enough cash to go to college! Woohoo!!! But, little did I know of the dangers of collegiate life.

Giggling filled the air, spilling from the dorm's open door. Hushed whispers denigrated into further giggles as the two equines conversed. Heuva and Reenia sat on the bed, clad in oversized t-shirts and panties, discussing collegiate life, hair, makeup and speculating about some of the various campus jocks. The discussion of the athletes kept the two herms immersed in mirth. Forgotten textbooks and art studies lay open and strewn across the bed.

"Thank you for inviting me to your slumber-study group, Reenia," Heuva began, looking around at the empty room and scratching at hir dark locks, "but, I don't think anyone else is going to show. It's getting rather late."

Reenia nodded slowly, one hand rising to hir mouth to hide an unexpected grin as hir eyes twinkled in the dim light. Shi scooted across the bed, rising and walking towards the door. Closing it quietly, shi said, "That's OK, perhaps we should get started then?" Hir voice covering the click as shi threw the deadbolt. One hand on the doorknob, Reenia looked over hir shoulder, tossing hir golden blonde mane across hir back, "Can I get you anything while I'm up, dear?" shi asked sweetly. "I have soda, milk, carrot juice," shi said, making hir way to the dorm's mini-fridge. Bending over and hiking hir tail, shi rummaged around inside of it, "Uh, wine and some Bloody Mary mix .... somewhere," shi continued. "Maybe my roommate drank it all," shi said, shuffling items around as if unable to locate something in the small space while shifting weight back and forth on hir legs.

Heuva blushed as Reenia bent over at the fridge, trying not to stare at the other herm's pink panties as they pulled into the other's crotch. "Ah, soda is fine," shi said, licking hir lips. "I, ah, don't think that alcohol would be too good right now." Heuva looked away from Reenia's wiggling ass, looking for a distraction in the textbooks. Finding only anatomy and other artistic studies, shi shut hir eyes instead. Heuva's heat tickled in the back of hir head, replaying the sight repeatedly across the mare's closed eyes as the crotch of hir baby blue panties dampened.

Reenia glanced over hir shoulder again, grinning as shi faced back to the open refrigerator. "Of course no one else will show, dear," shi thought, "I invited only you, and my roommate is on holiday." Pulling out two cans of cola, Reenia stood with hir back to Heuva for a moment, tapping the door closed with hir hoof. Pulling the tab on one, shi pulled out a packet with a white powder in it and poured it in the drink. Shi held out the spiked drink to Heuva, clearing hir throat after standing for a moment. "You OK, dear? You look ... flushed," shi teased, glancing at the clock.

Heuva's eyes opened with a start. "Ah ... yes ... thank you," shi said guiltily, the tips of hir ears and cheekbones bright crimson. "Sorry, I'm all right, just ... ah ... thinking," shi mumbled, taking the cold can and holding it to hir neck before popping the top and chugging half of the beverage.

"Really?" Reenia's eyes widened slightly as shi popped the top on hir soda. Taking a sip, shi flopped across the comforter, bouncing the texts. Pulling up "Studies in Anthropomorphic Anatomy" shi thumbed to a dog-eared page, inhaling the pheromones of hir study partner.

"Chapter Three: Equines," shi said, reading for a moment, glancing out of the corner of hir eye to look at Heuva as shi spun to look over hir shoulder at the book. Reenia turned to a nude study plate as Heuva repositioned hirself. "We really should write the authors, they tend to forget about us," shi pouted.

Heuvadoches sat with hir legs over the edge of the bed, leaning over Reenia's shoulder, looking at the plate. Unbidden, Heuva's hand fell against Reenia's soft hip by chance. Suddenly, Heuva stood up and stood by the window, scrabbling to open it. "I'm sorry, I need some air," shi said, as the night breeze blew in. Shi pulled a cigarette from hir pack on the table, lit it and drew a ragged, nervous breath. "I guess I'm not much cut out to be an artist," shi grinned sheepishly.

"What are you so nervous for, dear?" Reenia asked. Shi'd thrilled silently at the herm's touch, hir sheath swelling slightly against the comforter. Glancing at the clock again, shi noted the time; it wouldn't be long now.

"I ... I don't know. It's just ... I don't know," shi stammered, crossing the arm holding the cigarette over hir body and covering the pink scars of hir left arm. Shi stared out the window across the dark campus parking lot. Below, a couple furres chattered in low voices about an upcoming party. Heuva leaned hir nose against the cool glass and closed hir eyes. Again, the image of Reenia's rump shaking in front of hir flashed across hir inner vision. "I just feel ... strange," shi said softly.

Quietly, Reenia set the book on the bedside table with hir drink and rose to hir hooves. Pausing a moment to straighten out the thin T-shirt, shi made hir way across the floor to stand behind Heuva. Both herms' nipples stiffened in the cool air blowing from the window. Reaching around and across Heuva, Reenia pulled the window down. "You'll catch cold," shi said. "Besides, I don't think Gina will mind too much if you smoke with the window shut. Considering some of the things she's smoked, if she bitches, I'll just take the blame." Reenia produced an ashtray from the nearby computer desk, and pulled the wheeled chair over, motioning for Heuva to take a seat.

Heuva sat heavily in the chair, suddenly dizzy. "Why do I feel this way?" shi mumbled, looking up at Reenia. Curiously, the other herm seemed to have developed a faint aura. "Reenie ... why do you have ... wings?" shi said, tilting hir head to one side and reaching up to touch at the glowing projections. "And you're ... glowing!"

Snickering softly, Reenia knelt down, placing hir hands on Heuva's thighs. The coppery tang of Heuva's heat flooded Reenia's nostrils as shi fought for a measure of control. "You look warm dear," Reenia managed in a soothing voice. "Why don't you get more comfortable?" Reenia's hands rubbed lightly along Heuva's bare legs. "Perhaps if you remove your shirt?" shi suggested.

As the powder took root in Heuva's brain, it amplified hir senses of touch while altering hir hearing and warping hir vision. As reality bent and twisted into new, interesting shapes, colours and sounds, shi stared at Reenia's softly glowing form. Blinking owlishly shi paused for a moment before nodding slowly, feeling very warm indeed. The heat, centered in hir thighs, pulsed through hir body in waves. Nodding again at Reenia's suggestion, Heuva pulled hir arms into the shirt and lifted it from the bottom.

Reenia held hir breath as Heuva's shirt lifted, exhaling softly as the edge of the fabric passed above the drugged mare's breasts. Heuva appeared tangled so Reenia leaned forward, running hir fingers up the other's ribs, under the hem and helped lift it away. "Boo, darling," shi said with a grin, inches from Heuva's nose. "Now, isn't that better? I think so," shi said looking back and down. The shirt crumpled silently to the floor as Reenia leaned back, one hand tracing down Heuva's chest, caressing the herm's left breast. "You're absolutely beautiful, dear," shi whispered, staring at Heuva's erect nipples. Licking hir lips, Reenia moved in to brush hir lips across the fleshy mounds.

Electric sparks shot through Heuva's body as Reenia's lips touched the sensitive flesh of hir breasts. Moaning softly shi placed hir hands on the other mare's shoulders, rubbing up hir neck and then back down, pushing Reenia into hir chest. Heuva arched hir back slightly guiding Reenia's head down hir body to the strained cotton of hir soaked panties. "Oh, mi ángel, deseo sus labios divinos en mi pene," shi sighed, lapsing back into hir native tongue.

Reenia smiled as shi sat back up and hooked hir thumbs into Heuva's underwear. Pulling the waistband away from hir hips, shi slipped them slowly down Heuva's thighs, allowing hir dark cock to expand fully from its sheath. Reenia's upper lip curled in pleasure as Heuva's heat bloomed, saturating the air with its heavy odor. The blond mare stared in wonder at Heuva's glistening pussy as it winked in the dim light, slowly leaning down to fill hir nostrils once again of hir heady odor.

With Reenia's face snuffling inches from hir flexing femsex, Heuva groaned again as the breath from hir partner's nostrils tickled across hir heated pussy. Heuva massaged hir hands down hir body, pressing deeply into hir flesh, stopping as shi rubbed across hir throbbing cock. Shi cried aloud when Reenia's tongue flicked out to lick at hir female juices. Heuva's legs lifted, parting as hir hands flew to hir slit, pulling it open wide while Reenia lapped teasingly along the outer folds. Sighing softly, Heuva began to rub at hir swollen, aching clit.

Reenia sighed with Heuva as shi licked the succulent juices from Heuva's pussy. Sitting back on hir knees, Reenia pulled hir head away to watch as Heuva began to masturbate. The blond herm's cock twitched and pulsed above the top of hir pink panties. Slipping hir hand under the hem, Reenia also began to rub hir clit in time with Heuva. Rubbing against Heuva's thigh with hir other hand, shi slipped two fingers into the dark channel of Heuva's slit, grinning eagerly when Heuva thrust hir hips onto the invading digits.

Lost in the middle of carnal pleasure, Heuva continued to rub hir clit while the other hand began to stroke the length of hir cock. Groaning as the waves of ecstasy washed over the shores of hir body, shi sat forward in the chair, rocking hir hips gently on Reenia's fingers.

Slowly, Reenia withdrew hir hand from Heuva's soaked slit, leaving the mare to continue in hir world of self-rut. Using Heuva's pussy juices as lubricant, Reenia gripped the exposed portion of hir shaft, pulling gently at the pulsing flesh while staring at Heuva's cock. Shi watched it intently as Heuva stroked, the tip flaring wider with each pull and heartbeat. Pearly fluid dribbled from the piss-hole, trickling down the bottom of the shaft and dripping from Heuva's knuckle onto the chair. Reenia moaned softly with Heuva and scooted in closer, moving hir hand faster across hir cock.

The effects of the drug peaking in Heuvadoches' mind and still seeing Reenia's panty-clad ass shaking behind hir closed eyelids, Heuva's body exploded in orgasm. Both sexes twitching and jumping as hot semen jetted from hir cock, splattering over Reenia's face. Grunting and gasping, Heuva pulled faster at hir shooting cock. Hir other hand shuddered over hir clit as the pussy muscles winked with every spurt from hir cock. A dark stain spread slowly across the chair as hir slit leaked dark, orgasmic fluid.

Reenia, slack jawed and near the edge hirself, moaned as Heuva's hose sprayed hir face. The hot seed running down hir muzzle, shi licked some from hir lips and closed hir eyes, pulling even harder at hir cock. The salty taste finally pushed the blond herm past the limit. With a gasped cry, Reenia leaned back, hir flared cock twitching heavily as it fountained hir stallion juice in an arc to hir breasts to mingle with Heuva's splattered cum.

Slowing down the pace of the hand pulling at hir cock, but continuing to rub hir clit, Heuva's orgasm ebbed slowly. Though no longer spewing semen, the mysterious powder Reenia had slipped in hir drink still held the mare in its grasp. Opening hir eyes, Heuva saw hir angel kneeling, cum covering the face and chest, still pulling at its phallus in the last moments of orgasm. Sudden desire overtook Heuva as shi slipped from the chair's wet seat to hir knees and suckled the final drops from Reenia's body.

Reenia's eyes flew open as Heuva's lips enclosed hir cock. Groaning, shi emptied the last of hir seed into the other's hungry mouth. Lifting the mare's head from hir member, Reenia stared into the hypnotized mare's eyes. "I want you," shi husked. "I want you inside me." As Heuva nodded, Reenia crawled to the bed. Climbing to the top, shi shucked hir panties and smeared some of their combined fluids across hir tight tailhole. "Put your cock in my ass," shi moaned, hiking hir rump high in the air.

Heuva watched the glowing herm crawl to the bed and present hir ass. Standing shakily, shi wobbled towards Reenia's kneeling form, crashing their bodies together as shi struggled for balance. Hir cock poked painfully against Reenia's backside, clearing hir head for a brief second. Shaking hir head Heuva braced one hand against Reenia's rump, holding the blonde tail high while the other lined up hir tool. Rubbing hir cock-tip in the goo that Reenia had placed, shi then pushed past the herm's anal barrier and sank deep into hir rectum with a groan.

Gasping and grunting, the two herms pushed against each other in frenzied rut. Reenia's small ass gripped and pulled at Heuva's hard cock as one bucked against the other. Thrusting ever faster, Heuva closed hir eyes and opened hir mouth in a silent scream. As shi leaned forward across Reenia, drool and foam dribbled from hir mouth. Heuva's buried testicles tensed once again as shi pistoned hir thickening flare in and out of Reenia's pucker. Finally, hir drug induced sexual heat peaked once again and shi unloaded into Reenia's shuddering guts. Hir tail flagging and pussy winking, Heuva's hips pumped forward with each pulse of cum until, unable to take any more stimulation, shi collapsed against Reenia, passing out and tumbling bonelessly to the bed. Hir twitching, leaking cock popped free of the other herm's ass, spraying the last few spurts across Reenia's fur and bedspread.

Reenia moaned loudly as Heuva's warm fluids washed hir insides, gasping as hir orgasm soaked the bed. Shi grunted softly as Heuva collapsed, flattening into the gooey puddle shi'd made while Heuva popped free of hir body. Weakly, Reenia turned hir head to look at hir partner's already snoring form. "Mmm...Sleep well, my stallionette," shi said softly, brushing a lock of mane out of Heuva's face. Curling up against Heuva's body, Reenia quickly fell into a contented sleep.

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