Hospital Heat

By: Heuvadoches
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Hospital Heat
by Heuvadoches Naumova

    Soft, regular beeps cut over the background drone of the air-conditioning system.  Small green screens displayed various lines, one spiking in time to the beeps, another rising and falling in a gentle sine wave.  Nearby and barely audible, a clock radio twanged out some faded old singer moaning about the loss of a girl.  The numbers silently proclaimed the first few hours of a new day had already passed.    Open medical charts lay scattered across the desk, each detailing the progress (or lack thereof) of an individual patient.

    Snuggly leaned against the observation station with her paw wrapped around a pen.  Her black-tipped ears folded back in mild irritation as she scrabbled across yet another form.  The other paw propped up her head for a moment before she covered her muzzle, trying to stifle a yawn. She was so engrossed in the paperwork, she didn't hear the clacking of metal-shod hooves on tile as a nurse walked up to the desk.  When the gentle touch of brown fingers caressed over her shoulder she jumped, barely containing a yelp of surprise.

    “Oh, Heuva!  Sheesh, don't scare me like that,” she said in a gruff tone, looking over her shoulder at her herm friend.  “I'm not a cat, I don't have nine lives.”

    Blue eyes sparkled with mirth as they stared back from a long, brown face.  Heuvadoches giggled softly and propped an elbow against the counter, toying with a lock of the fox's head-fur.  “Really?  You sure?” shi nickered.

    Snuggly clenched a paw around the edge of the desk, trying not to nuzzle into the delicate touch.  “Yes,” she snapped, still trying to sound upset, but not succeeding very well as her body language betrayed her.  Slowly, the bushy tail lifted slightly and her ears relaxed a degree or two.  “I've ... ah ... got a lot of ... uhnf ... paperwork to do ... before ... hmm ...”

    “Shift change?”  Heuva finished for the fox.  “They're coma patients,” shi said with amusement.  Slowly, the studmare's hand wandered down Snuggly's shoulder.  “It's not like they're going much of anywhere.”  The mare's hand now tickled at the top of the vixen's uniform skirt, caressing at the gentle swell of her rump.  “Would you like some,” shi began giving the base of the curve a good squeeze, “help with your rounds?”

    The plastic pen barrel snapped in Snuggly's grip, one half skittering across the counter top and falling to the work surface below.  It bounced off the radio and then clattered finally to the floor under the wheeled chair.  The vixen shivered, rotating her hips into the grope.  Her rising tail hiked the skirt higher, exposing the orange fur of her rump.  Below that, the puffy lips of a very wet and eager pussy beckoned, demanding its share of attention.  “You're not playing fair,” she moaned softly.

    “I never do, especially when my friends happen to be in heat,” Heuva returned, sliding hir fingers along the vixen's outer lips.

    “Oh!” Snuggly gasped, pushing the folder over the edge.  Its contents spilled out across the desk and fluttered to the floor.  Both paws now gripped the far edge of the station's counter as the vixen rose to her toes.  Her slit quivered between her legs, clenching with each teasing touch from the equine.  She groaned as Heuva inserted a finger into her body and began to lift her up.  She slid across the top surface, then shifted, placing her knees under her body and crouched in place.

    Heuva took a moment to admire the view before nosing forward to drag hir tongue across the twitching folds.  Shi grinned, hearing the vixen's claws scrape across the laminate, and leaned in to lick again, tasting the sweet nectar of canine heat.  Hir strong, agile tongue lapped against her flesh mercilessly and dived into the depths of the clenching chasm.

    Snuggly's tongue lolled from her open mouth as she groaned and shoved her rump into Heuva's face.  A thin, clear string of saliva dripped from the fox's mouth, splashing onto the scattered papers below.  Her eyes fluttered closed and she bit her lip, holding back a cry as a small orgasmic wave rolled over her body.  Her legs slid apart and off the edge of the counter, making the stallionette catch and steady her body.

    Heuva held her shivering friend close, rubbing hir crotch against the vixen's warm rump.  “That's only the beginning,” shi murmured, pulling hir skirt up, revealing a thick, ten inch slab of throbbing horse meat.  The equine pulled Snuggly's hips away from the nurse's station and spread her legs slightly.  Shi gripped hir cock at the medial ring and stepped forward, dragging the upper part of the shaft and head along the wet fox's lips.  It took every ounce of willpower to not slam hir hips forward and drive hir spike in hard when the cock tip slipped between the hot flesh.

    Black canid claws once again attempted to gouge through the green faux marble of the counter.  Snuggly laid her head on the cool surface next to a smear of her juices.  The smell of her own heat flooded her nostrils, mixing with the darker, dual scent of the herm.  She croaked out a whine of pleasure, arching her back and pushing against the slowly invading pole.  Gently, she bore down against it, clenching tightly and enjoying each vein, bump, ridge and wrinkle.

    Heuva closed hir eyes and braced against the counter, covering one of Snuggly's hands with hirs.  Fingers laced together and the studmare squeezed the vixen's paw gently.  Hir lips found the outer edge of a fuzzy ear and began toying with the flesh.  Tender licks and gentle nips covered the female's lobes and down her neck.  The soft pinches were timed with each deepening thrust until hips met rump with a hard bite-suckle at the junction of Snuggly's neck and shoulder.

    “Uhnf!” the fox gasp-growled, the tops of her breasts bumping against the rounded counter edge.  She arched her back again, enjoying the stretched and full sensation, feeling the stallionette's heartbeat through the turgid shaft.  Each pulse and throb expanded across her body, hammering at the wall of her resistance.

    After only a slight pause, Heuva withdrew and began long, steady strokes, slamming her flesh train in and out of the vixen's tunnel.  Shi began to snort gently under hir friend's jawline and squeezed hir eyes shut, knowing shi wouldn't last too much longer.  The head of hir cock began to flare and drool.  A thin rivulet of precum smeared across Snuggly's insides making each thrust squelch with a farting raspy note.

    Snuggly could hold it in no longer.  High pitched yelping cries echoed down the empty hallway.  Each new thrust from the stallionette crashed across her senses.  Hot canine juices flooded her spasming channel and drizzled out, soaking into the fur of her thighs.  Heuva's teeth sunk back into her shoulder, bringing a loud howl from her throat and a hard, intense contraction around the herm's cock.

    Heuva bit down on Snuggly's shoulder again with a final thrust.  The sudden intense squeeze of hir shaft pushed hir past the limit.  Shivering, gasping, sweating orgasm erupted from hir body, pouring out in grunted half-thrusted pulses.  Jets of hot, ropey seed splattered across the vixen's depths, filling her past the point of overflow.  Thick, white fluids spilled past the fleshy cork and pattered to the floor.

    Heuva and Snuggly remained locked together for a moment, not wanting the forbidden contact to end.  Slowly, the equine's softening shaft slid out the vixen's body with a glorp and a pattering rain of combined fluids.  The studmare shivered and stepped back, standing on wobbly knees.  Shi looked about for a moment before shi stumbled over to a crash cart and removed a pair of surgical towels.  Shi inhaled sharply as the terrycloth rubbed over the hyper-sensitive tip.  “I think we made a bit of a mess,” shi giggled softly, wiping off the rest of hir shaft.  Then, shi stepped over to hir friend and began to soak up the juices around her crotch.

    Snuggly whimpered softly and tried to keep from collapsing at the knees as the coarse towel passed over sensitized flesh.  She didn't move until Heuva had dropped the towel on the puddle, pulling hir skirt back down and shuffling to the side.  Finally, she opened her eyes.  “You ...” she murmured through a thick tongue.  “You sure you didn't put half these patients in here with that hammer of yours?”

    Heuva only laughed, smoothed hir skirt and walked around to the other side of the station.  Quickly shi glanced at the monitors, and then began to gather up the spilled papers as if nothing had happened.

    Two floors below, a fat security guard groaned over his jerking paw as his second load of the night spilled into a tissue.  After a moment, a spotted arm knocked over an empty potato chip can and then pulled a dated disc from a tray.  Tossing the slimy wad of paper in the trash, he quickly put a new disc in the tray and stashed the one containing the equine's and fox's tryst in a folding case.  “Yes,” he purred, tapping the soft-sided case with one claw.  “My little bitches.  Who is your daddy now?” he said with a chuckle to the sound of his fly zipping closed.

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