A Stormy Eve

By: Heuvadoches
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A Stormy Eve
by: Heuvadoches Naumova
Ay merada!" Heuva muttered softly as the door bell rang. Hastily, shi threw on a small vest-jacket and hurried downstairs. With a quick glance in the small mirror near the door, shi smoothed out a few wild hairs, tugged a wrinkle from hir top and took a deep breath. Smiling, shi opened the door. "Hi, Eve! Glad you could make it. I hope the jaunt was uneventful?" shi asked, offering hir hand.

On the porch, a shorter, and somewhat younger looking, black and white squirrel nodded shyly before she broke out in a large grin. "Yes, thank you," Eve said, in a quiet, chittery voice and accepted the studmare's handshake. Her red-trimmed, black loincloth fluttered in a growing breeze that began to ruffle the exposed fur below her matching bra-like top. Short, mussy white hair struggled to maintain its delicately teased and frozen look in the humid wind.

"Well, please, come in," Heuva said, stepping aside. "I'm almost ready, just trying to find a jacket that goes with my outfit. Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" shi asked while shutting the door and looking over hir shoulder.

Eve shook her head slowly, looking around the apartment. The open layout gave unobstructed views from the door of most anywhere on the lower floor. "No thanks," she replied. A large wide screen TV hung on the wall in the living room across from a big couch. In-between, a pile of well used pillows took the place of a coffee table. A small, modest kitchen lay directly ahead. A small clock on the wall proclaimed the time next to a large photo of a horse in a pool. A matching washer and dryer sat unobtrusively underneath the staircase running up the wall to the right, leading to a railed balcony above.

"Ok, then, why not help me pick out a jacket for tonight? I was thinking about this one," Heuva said, lifting hir arms and turning slowly.

Eve squinted at the odd combination, shaking her head. "No, the ideas are similar, but way too different," she said. "They're both red, but the jacket has random square panels sewn about it and that one-piece ... is that snakeskin?"

Heuva nodded. "Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking, I guess. But I was worried about going to the club like this." Heuva removed the jacket and revealed why she'd put it on in the first place. "The darn thing's just a little short."

Eve placed a paw over her mouth and stifled a giggle. The bare, round tops of Heuva's aureoles clearly showed above the strapless dress line. "Yes, I suppose it is. Have you tried pulling it up higher?"

Heuva nodded. "Cameltoe city," shi said. "And not the comfortable kind. Besides, the fabric is rather stretchy, like Spandex and tends to creep back down anyway.. C'mon upstairs, we'll dig through the closet." The mare wandered up the staircase, leaving Eve to stare at the wiggle of hir rump for a moment before following.

Eve paused on the top stair with one foot on the landing and a hand on the rail. She looked around the upper floor. It was furnished in the same sparse manner as the space below, including a large, flat panel television and pile of blue pillows. A purple, beaded curtain across an open wall barely hid a black, four poster, wrought-iron bed. Matching the curtain, a purple chaise nestled in the corner at the right side of a wide picture window that bubbled out from the building. A simple, oval rug occupied the center of the window and a framed, hand-drawn piece of Heuva hung on the wall to the left. The studmare had hir head buried in a small, portable closet with hir black tail swishing in irritation as shi searched for an appropriate jacket.

Eve mounted the last step and stood watching Heuva's tail. Her ear twitched, listening to the low volume on the TV while on the screen, the LLNN talking heads droned on about the day's news. "I don't think that you need a jacket, hun. I doubt that anyone at the club is going to mind either," she said. "You look ... fabulous in that as it is," she added softly, looking down with a blush tinging her ears a deeper pink.

Heuva looked over hir shoulder. Shi missed the added comment, but saw the way Eve fidgeted. "Well, if you say so, then, dear," shi said, standing. "Are you ready to go then? We'll just ..." shi began. Tossing the patchwork jacket on the bed, the mare walked slowly toward the squirrel, locking hir gaze on the smaller female's eyes.

Eve's world fell into slow motion as Heuva approached. She gripped the balcony rail tightly and stared into the equine's brown eyes. The wind out side, the mare's hooves tapping on the wooden floor, the drone of the newsman, all of it filtered to silence. She shivered in anticipation of hir touch against her fur. Her mind's eye stripped the studmare naked, tasted the warm, throbbing horse cock on her lips. Fantasy in full swing, Eve could feel the coarse thread of the pillows against her back as Heuva's tongue slathered over her tiny pucker. That same hard pole that filled her mouth stretched her tailhole wide and pushed deep into her guts.

"Earth to Eve, come in Eve. Are you OK?" Heuva asked, snapping hir fingers.

"Huh? Oh, yes," she blushed deeply now. "I was ... uh ... woolgathering."

Heuva snickered. "Must be an interesting sheep. Penny for your thoughts?"

Eve gave Heuva a hopeful glance, before her ears deepened so red, they nearly burst into flame. "N... no," she mumbled staring at the floor again. "I'm ready when you are," she said, trying to change the subject.

"Ok," shi said with a shrug. "I have a tele-pad on the back porch, downstairs," Heuva continued and walked around the blushing squirrel. Having an inkling of what Eve had in mind, shi passed very close and "accidentally" brushed hir hand along the rodent's bare hip before dragging hir fingers through the lower part of the raised tail. "Where did you say we were going again?" shi asked innocently, stepping down the stairs.

Eve blinked and gulped, struggling to compose a coherent thought. "Den Izen's," she managed after a moment. "It's a new mainland club ... uh ... for furries and more. There's supposed to ... um ... be a best in red competition. There's a small prize for first," she explained, following Heuva closely.

"Well, I think you've got the red part covered," Heuva giggled and stepped onto the patio.

Outside, the souring weather blustered and gusted across the open lawns of the Rainbow Stallion apartment complex. Pine trees whispered and moaned in the rush and leaves crackled as they blew across the short lawns. The air tasted of rain, and, as if on cue, a low rumble of distant thunder echoed over the noise. Eve gave a short "Eek!" as the wicked wind pulled and blew at her loincloth, flapping it up and away, and exposing the bright pink of freshly shaved skin. Quickly, she pulled it down and held it in place with one paw while backing up through the doorway again.

Heuva turned hir head in time to see Eve cover herself, but not before catching a narrow glimpse of skin. Shi smirked and then turned back to the control pad. After punching in a few numbers, shi frowned and typed in a few more on the full keypad. Muttering something unpleasant under hir breath, shi started the initialization sequence and checked the external couplings.

"Something wrong?" Eve inquired from inside.

"I can't get an external connection to the teleportation grid," shi replied, walking back in. "It'll take a few minutes to run that diagnostic," shi said, picking up the phone. After a short while of listening and several ugly faces later, shi hung up the receiver. "Apparently, the storm is centered over the section of the island where the main hub is. The lightning is playing havoc with high-level communications, so the safety officer has suspended all non-emergency teleports, and the next boat won't be until tomorrow morning due to the high seas."

"So... that means we're ..."

"Stuck like Chuck," shi finished with a nod. Just then, a brilliant flash lit up the world, instantly followed by an explosive roar that shook the ground. The lights didn't even bother to flicker, they just folded. A secondary sizzle-pop outside explained why as an overloaded transformer gave up the fight just before someone unzipped the sky. Rain poured from the heavens in a tropical deluge, lashing against the large kitchen windows.

"Don't move!" Heuva called out in the darkness, over the noise of the storm. A few minutes, a barked shin, and several colourful Spanish epithets later, a match flared to life. The mare dipped the flame into three candles before shi waved the stick out and tossed it in the sink. "Here you go dear," shi said more calmly, handing Eve a large, lit pillar of wax. "Set this in the living room for me, please? There's a plate for it on the window sill." Shi left one candle on the marble counter top, found a second plate in the cupboard, and followed the squirrel into the adjoining room.

The flame flickered and danced as the shaft trembled in Eve's shaking paw. The sudden violence of the storm unsettled her somewhat and she struggled to remain outwardly calm. She placed the stick on the empty plate and sunk into the floor cushions, fidgeting and picking at a loose thread with one claw. She raised her fear tinged eyes and watched as Heuva set the other candle on the table next to the TV. The wind howled through the small trees outside with an occasional gust rattling the windows and splattering rain across the panes.

"Goodness, it's noisy out there," Heuva muttered, turning the blinds shut before flopping on the pillow pile. "Aww," shi cooed softly, snuggling against Eve's body. "You're trembling, dear. Does the storm have you frazzled?"

Eve nodded hesitantly, then gave a half-muffled shriek as another clap of thunder crashed through the living room again.

"Easy, dear," Heuva chuckled, peeling dark furred arms from around hir shoulders. Shi petted her white hair gently, shushing and rocking slowly, holding Eve's face to hir breasts. Softly, shi kissed the top of her forehead, inhaling the squirrel's subtle perfume.

Eve relaxed by degrees in the studmare's gentle embrace, assisted by the soothing voice and the warm, soft pillows of flesh her head rested upon. She still flinched; however, with each crash from the wild night outside. She tilted her head up and gave Heuva a delicate kiss on the end of hir nose, the fear fading from her misted eyes. The squirrel gave a short snuffle through her nose before drawing a shaky breath. "Heuva?" she began, hesitantly. "I ..." Eve fumbled for the right words. "I want you to help me forget the storm," she finally stuttered out with a soft blush.

Heuva smiled and shifted closer to the soft body laying next to hir and across hir chest. "Yes?" shi asked, "and how would you like me to help you forget?"

Eve said nothing only taking one of the herm's hands in a trembling grasp and pulling it down her body. Down, down it travelled, under the loincloth, and stopping at the bare, wet junction between Eve's legs. "Oh!", she gasped softly, at Heuva's warm touch, pushing her hips toward it.

"Are you sure, mi pequiño?" Heuva asked, pressing the flat of hir palm against the squirrel's shaved mound. A finger tickled against the wrinkled outer lips, hovering, waiting for the final go-ahead.

Her inhibitions melting away with the rising heat of her passions, Eve nodded her head. Eyes closed she pushed her hips higher, dipping the studmare's finger into her honey pot. "I've wanted you for a long time," she whispered, opening her eyes and lowering back to the cushions. "I've wanted to feel your long, strong horse cock inside my ass," she murmured, rubbing her leg along the rising lump in Heuva's crotch.

Heuva blustered softly and shivered at the squirrel's requests and touches. Shi nodded and pressed into Eve's pussy, dragging hir fingers through the inner folds. Hir thumbnail bumped against the knotted flesh of her clit, making the rodent twitch against hir embrace. Two digits sank deep into Eve, rubbing softly along the roof of the throbbing tunnel. Pulling her closer with the other arm, Heuva slowly nosed down to the squirrel's muzzle and gave her a long, tender kiss. Shi inhaled a shuddering breath when Eve's fingers slipped around hir waist and slid upward, searching for the zipper on the tight top.

The zipper parted with its gentle sigh amid the rustle of fur against fabric, the smacking of lips against lips, rapid and heavy breathing and soft, insistent moans. Heuva sat up and peeled the top away, sliding the close-fitting garment off with a shuffle of hir hips. Hir cock pulsed as the constricting clothing fell away, filling completely against Eve's bare leg. Heuva smiled and tossed the outfit across the living room. It slid silently across the polished wood floor and into the darkness beyond the candle light.

Heuva folded the loincloth back, exposing Eve's bare pussy and clenching ass. Shi leaned over and pulled a small bottle from a stash in the entertainment cabinet. Shi thumbed the lid and then drizzled some clear fluid into hir palm. Stroking hir shaft slowly, shi smeared the lube across hir flesh making it glisten in the soft light. Heuva poured another dollop into hir hand and then painted Eve's tailhole with it. The squirrel whimpered softly and squirmed, arching up off the pillow pile slightly, then coughed out a gasping "Oh!" as the equine's middle finger slipped inside.

The mare eased hir slick finger around in Eve's back door, making sure everything was well coated before shi slipped a second finger inside. Slowly, shi sunk the digits as deep as shi could, twisting hir wrist gently. With soft moans, and short, quivering thrusts against the invading hand, Eve's body relaxed by degrees until Heuva could slide a third finger inside. Shi only did so for a bare moment, before withdrawing and grasping hir throbbing rod. Then, shi pushed up to hir knees and scooted between Eve's spread legs.

"Are you ready?" Heuva asked, setting the back of the girl's knees on hir shoulders.

Eve only nodded, pushing hir hips off the floor. Heuva placed a hand under her rump and then leaned forward. The other hand aimed hir blunt shaft head for the tight tunnel beneath the bushy tail. Shi paused for a moment when the head made contact, then pushed past the sphincter with a hissed, "Ohhh...yessssss."

Eve gasped, feeling the head stretch her backside wide. She whimpered and placed a paw against the herm's chest, taking a moment to absorb the confused messages her body threw at her. The line between pain and pleasure blurred quickly, though, and she withdrew her hand, allowing the studmare to continue. She twitched and shuddered as inch after inch slipped into her tailhole, gasping with another sharp hiss of pained breath when the medial ring popped through her clenching star. Eve slid a hand along the white fur of her stomach, meandering south until her fingers bumped against the throbbing pea of her engorged clit just as another bright stroke of lightning backlit the blinds.

Thunder rumbled again almost immediately. Eve's hips bucked under Heuva, slamming the herm's cock the final few inches into the squirrel's body. She squealed loudly over the noise and her muscles spasmed, clamping down tight on the fleshy pole intruding into her ass. Her free hand slapped to the pillow, claws scrabbling against the wood floor for a moment before sinking into the rough cotton.

Heuva stared down at Eve's face through half-lidded eyes, watching her lips writhe in pleasure. Shi grunted quietly as the squirrel's soft rump slapped against hir thighs and her guts bore down on hir shaft. The hand on Eve's backside slipped to the floor, bracing the mare against the sudden jolt of pleasure. Shi leaned down, pressing breasts against breasts, and nibbled gently on the dark fur of the rodent's shoulder. Shi withdrew hir shaft and began long, slow strokes, pumping hir hips and driving hir cock through Eve's tight hole.

Eve's head flopped to the right, giving the mare better access to her neck and shoulder. Her middle finger rubbed across the hooded nub in her slit, moving in time to the deep thrusts the herm's penis plowed through her tailhole. She could feel the tip parting the flesh, the girth stretching her hole, and the ridge of the medial ring bumping over her g-spot. Toes spasmed and curled under as she drew them up along Heuva's thighs, locking them behind the studmare's back and squeezing. Her left hand flew to Heuva's back. Claws sank through to the skin below, leaving shallow furrows in the flesh. Blood welled in the superficial wounds as Eve's pleasure train roared closer and closer to the borders of reason.

As if it was alive and watching, the storm roared its approval of the two lovers. Wind shook the glass, shuddered and moaned among the trees and howled through the alleyways. Cosmic disco, or some celestial photo shoot, another tongue of lightning split the dark, splashing against the blinds with its brilliant strobing flicker. Thunder followed, but more distant and less menacing, seeming to approve of the scene lit up moments before.

Heuva and Eve writhed together on the floor amid a multitude of moans and gasps. Dark patches of sweat spotted across Heuva's back, chest and thighs. Hir tail flagged slightly, raising with each new drive into Eve's body. Hir shaft pistoned in. Then, pulling out almost completely, it slammed back in to the hilt with a loud snorted grunt.

Eve nearly screamed with each thrust of Heuva's hips, lost in the beginning throes of a huge orgasm. Her shuddering, abused body had enough. Brilliant sparkles of white exploded behind the squirrel's closed eyes, crackling and buzzing in her ears. All conscious control of her muscles vanished as she surrendered completely to wave after wave of pure pleasure. Strangled, hiccuping grunts spilled from her drooling lips. The left hand clenched and claws spiked into Heuva's flesh while her legs fell limp to the floor. Clear, musky fluid squirted from her pussy, soaking into Heuva's belly fur before dribbling down to mingle with the lube.

Heuva moaned into Eve's ear, feeling the squirrel disconnect from reality. Bravely, the mare fought to control hir own orgasm while continuing to drive the engine powering hir lover's flight. In vain, though, for it was a loosing battle, in the end. With a final groan and deep thrust, Heuva collapsed against Eve's spasming form. Hir flared cock erupted in a torrent of hot, white semen. Pulse after pulse spilled across the squirrel's back porch. With each spurt, the herm's pussy winked outwards, flashing its ruby invitation and squirting dank, heat-tainted fluid onto the hardwood floor.

Slowly, the paired lovers relaxed in each other's embrace. Heuva buried hir nose in Eve's neck, nibbling and nuzzling. Shi winced when Eve withdrew her claws from the puncture wounds, causing hir softening shaft to pop free of her rear.

"Oh, Heuva!" Eve said, spotting a small trickle of blood on hir ribs. She traced it up hir side, gingerly but yanked her hand back when Heuva winced again.

"Shh," shi returned, "Es nada. It is nothing." Shi picked hir head up and looked into Eve's eyes, petting along the side of her head and toying with the white tresses. Shi kissed the soft pink of her nose with a smile and twinkle in hir eye. Heuva slid off to the side and cuddled against hir lover's back.

Outside, the storm had settled down, somewhat. Lightning still flickered, but the thunder did not follow immediately as it had before. The wind leveled off, becoming less gusty, and the rain fell in a consistent pattern, promising to stay around for a while. The soft, regular static of the steady rain sang the exhausted pair into a contented sleep.


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