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[Y] Day of Disaster Chapter 1
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Carmelo & Jeremy investigate the murder of a Russian ex-POW.
[Y] Day of Disaster Chapter 1

Day of Disaster


Chapter 1: Top Secret


May 22, 2012. His white tail wiggled through his trench coat, in confusion, as he saw the archives. "Damn!” he yelled in frustration. His previous investigation made no sense. However, he didn't surrender just because that. There must be an explanation.


The name is Carmelo K. Schrödinger, an Austrian-Russian fox. Born in 1989, he was involved in an accident in 2008, when a building exploded, losing his hair's red colour and his left eye. He's often taunted by his older mates due to his young age.


"Sir", was heard, as an elegant figure entered Carmelo’s office.


"What now, Jeremy?” he asked.

"To tell you, a supposed murder occurred in Sky blue Hotel. The boss wants us over there now."


He's Jeremy Y. Bordeaux, Carmelo’s Québécois partner and best friend. He's 2 years younger than Carmelo. Wears glasses. Once he didn’t use them, but a strange disease nearly decayed his eyes. The disease stopped on time, but the damage was irreversible.


"Well, I'll not waste my time. Let's go."


They eventually arrived at the infamous hotel, where, after speaking to the manager, he led them to room 507, where the murder occurred.


"So, the victim was eating breakfast... Hurts being killed with a full stomach", sarcastically said the fox.


“Have you ever got killed while eating breakfast, sir?” asked Jeremy.


“Well, I may be the reincarnation of some guy who did.”


“You and your sense of humour, sir.”


After they found nothing, Carmelo intuitively opened a drawer, revealing some letters, addressed to the Russian government. He opened the top drawer, discovering a box, labelled “Top Secret”.


“Hey, this guys has the same love for retro gaming as you, Bordeaux” said Carmelo to the Québécois.

“Sometimes, I get surprised on your knowledge of me”. The wolf sighed.


“Yeah, I know”.


Back at the department, Carmelo was reading the letters, while Jeremy was trying to swat a fly using his tail. After a while, Carmelo raised an eyebrow.


“What’s so interesting, sir?” asked the wolf.

“I’ll translate this for you, since it’s in Russian,” replied the fox.


“Sr. Koplaski:

We are glad to know you escaped safely from the German prison where they had you as a prisoner of war (P.O.W.). Now, as you informed us via letter, you have some valuable top secret files from the German government. We need to know what they’re trying to do. Please send us a copy of the documents.


The Kremlin.”


“Shocking, huh, Jeremy?” asked Carmelo, who had no trace of shock.


“Read the other one please, sir”.


“Sr. Koplaski:

We are ever-grateful for those copies of the documents. After translating, we know what they’re trying to do. I knew that president, Killt, is trying to do something really awful. We need to inform the UK, France and United States as soon as we can. We need to…”



“The rest is dispersed and unreadable. Sorry. Here’s another, I extracted from his e-mail account:”


“To the Kremlin,


Pres. Killt is not the leader of that plan. He is being forced by a mysterious organization. I do not know the name of said organization. Its objective must be stopped right away. They’re everywhere. Its HQ is unknown.

Fred Koplaski.”


“Arses! The key is in the second letter! However, it’s nearly unreadable… Shit…” lamented Carmelo.


“Doesn’t your twin brother work in the Kremlin, sir?” curiously asked Jeremy.

“Hell yes! Arnold! He should know!” the fox replied, as he picked up his portable phone.



At the Kremlin, as he finished his newest weapon, he saw his claws. The barcode-like lines in his sharp claws were no good.  So were his veins: the crossword style green veins were a bad new.


He felt his life was near its end. If he stopped using his medication, his heart would stop working. However, if he continues with the toxic medication, his blood would reach toxicity 1000 times than tolerable.


Those thoughts disappeared as his mobile phone ringed. He, thoughtfully, picked it up.


“Hello? Who’s over there?” he questioned.

“Calm down Arnie, it’s just me, Carmelo, your twin”


“Uh, oh.” 


“Listen. Do you know about some letters a man called Fred Koplaski sent? That man was murdered about a day ago, and I have to know who and why he was murdered.”


Arnold, who does not look like, but is the twin of Carmelo, got shocked. He was aware of the situation, and knew about the letters. However, he would not tell anyone, not even his twin.


He was about having a neurotic breakdown, as his weird personality made him prone to such kind of mental attacks. This time, he managed to control his mind. He just simply replied.

“No. Sorry.”


Then,  he quickly put down his mobile. Then he looked at his clock. It was near midnight.


May 24, 2012. Arnold was working hard on the development of his new weapon: the B.L.A.Z.E.R. (Blaster Laser Automatic Zapper Energy Rail gun), which the Russian army would use upon its completion. He would probably send a beta version to Carmelo, who is the beta tester of almost all his weapons.

Unexpectedly, the door to the R&D opened. A gorgeous cat, although failed to divert Arnold’s attention. He was too focused on development to put attention on anything else. However, he got unfocused when she told him:


“Hey Arnold!”


(Disclaimer: This IS an allusion to the Nick cartoon “Hey Arnold!”)


“Huh? Who’s over there?” he shouted, as he finally paid attention to her.


“Don’t be shocked, silly, I’m your new assistant, Vanessa Skyline!”

“What? I do not remember being notified of… Maybe I was busy on this. *sigh*. I need to not fuck up my time so much.”


He stared at her body: she was a mature woman, with a curvaceous bodyline, complete with a round butt and huge breasts. He felt like his darkest, deepest desires came to a rise.


“Well, anyway, handle me that screwdriver over the-“


She grabbed his head suspiciously. She examined her neck, and discovered the crossword-style ill veins going through his neck. She unbuttoned his shirt, only to discover a big, grey mark, with crossword veins going to the rest of his veins. She has just discovered it.


“What are you putting into your body? In addition, your heart beats slowly and weakly, and your veins and arteries are completely gray. This seems like a toxic substance poisoning…”


“You got me. To be honest, I don’t know what to do. Lanthanum, despite being highly toxic it is the only element that could keep me alive. I’m a goner. If I stop using dilanthanum pentoxide (La2O5) I will die, because my heart won’t beat anymore. If I continue, I’ll die of blood toxicity.”


(Disclaimer: Do not attempt to prepare such chemicals at home. Please do not pay attention to any chemical compounds listened in this history. I did not approve chemistry, so disregard any of these. I am not responsible for any blown up houses or anything like that.)


Arnold sighed. It was quite a while since he was so honest with someone. He’s used to hide is true feelings, and nobody ever knew of his toxic problems until now. It was one of his deepest secrets.


“You could use some ammoniac to relieve some symptoms, but it doesn’t mean you’re safe.” She told him.

“You see, Vanessa? This is why I never told anyone. I don’t want people to worry about me.”



Back at Edmonton, Carmelo and Jeremy were discussing possibilities about the causes of the murders, who were the murderers, and what involvement may have Germany in terroristic practices against Canada and other countries, while playing chess. They called it “Cop Chess”.


“So, Germany is involved.” Proposed Carmelo, while he moved a horse, destroying one of Jeremy’s pawns.

“Austria may be related to this, maybe.” the wolf replied as he destroyed Carmelo’s horse with a rook.


“Hey! Austria is enemy of Germany since late 2010 due to failed attempts of Germany to take over Austria, as well destroying the Kremlin” Carmelo intelligently replied, as he destroyed a bishop.


“Touché, sir”


“Let’s call the organization G. W.T.M.F.T.F. A (Guys with Way Too Much Free Time Fucking up Around); good, but we don’t know their objective. Arnold doesn’t, either. So, what we do?”

“We should wait until another murder. If it’s related to the other two, we may figure out, sir.”

“No way, Jeremy. I don’t want more people getting hurt, so we should do this now.”


“Let’s figure this out, sir. They should hide somewhere isolated from the rest of the world, where nobody sees them. Siberia, maybe, sir?”

“No. They won’t cope with the g”

“Sir, it’s inhabitable over there. No, they can’t hide there, sir.”

“They just can’t hide anywhere… they can’t.” the fox said with a cold look towards his colleague. And destroying his king, by the way, therefore winning.