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[Y] The Ori
A man is washed up on a strange Island an inch from death, finding strange creatures and new experiences. A Sexy adventure is born!
[Y] The Ori

I'll tell you a secret. Someone up there likes me.

I don't know why or what I've done to deserve his praise, but I'm sure there's something about this universe... Something that tells me it likes me.

And Now, I'm going to tell you why. I'm going to tell you my story. I know you won't believe me but at least if someone else knows, maybe I can cope. Maybe I can get on with life...

CHAPTER 1: The Landing

I don't remember what happened. But I remember the sun. The light pierced my eyes and awoke my senses. And I came to realise that I was in the ocean.

My Blurred vision and somewhat pounding head could still manage to pick up I was on a beach. A long stretching beach with the whitest sand I had ever seen.

It was at that moment I realised I didn't feel well. And I coughed up some foam onto the sand... I was very weak. I tried to stand... my legs didn't agree...

And then for a bit I thought this was it. I wasn't sad or angry or frustrated. Just to not be in pain anymore would have been enough.

But fate had other ideas.

"Oh No... are you.... Okay?"

I could hear a soft feminine voice but all my eyes had to go with was an aqua coloured being had come to save me.... But I couldn't make out anything else.

"Don't worry... I'm going to help you. You're going to be okay!"

And then I gave in. I blacked out.

But I eventually woke up. But I felt well this time. I felt.... Warm...

I opened my eyes and I saw that I was in some sort of hut like structure... But it looked a bit more complex than just a hut. This had to have been designed. I could make out a table, the hard wood floor, what seemed to be a fireplace and stove. Also a face...

I saw this face but it wasn't normal... It looked like someone had stretched this person's nose and made into a circular shape with 2 holes on top... and its eyes were so large and expressive.... Its skin was aqua or light blue but white around its cheeks and mouth. And it had long, Very Neatly kept Blonde Hair. I had never seen anything like this creature in the world... But it felt someone familiar to me... but I still freaked out.

I shuffled back and let out a shocked noise, and then I found out why I felt warm... I was naked in a large bath with lilies and the whole thing smelled like forest pine trees.

"Try to relax... you are lucky to be alive..."

It had some sort of damp cloth and patted me on the face... it was very warm and smelled lemony... it reminded me of the barber I go to who puts something like this on my face after shaving the back of my neck.

I tried to muster some words...

"What... Who... what are you?"

She smiled and stood up and a quick look at her body suggested to me that she was a female of whatever she was. She was wearing clothes that would almost fit a roman queen of some sort. Sort of a rounded piece of leather to cover her upper body some similar leather undergarments and a simple toga or sarong... it was a bit see through so I could make out her body... slender and green except for her chest and extremities they were white like her mouth...

"I thought you might ask such a question! I am called an Ori."

"-an Ori?"

"Yes! And you are a human correct?"

"Um yes... How did you...? "

"Look Im sure everything will be explained but we need you to get better then we can decide what to do with you"

She smiled again and turned around and left... And I couldn't believe my eyes!

A Small almost triangular tail protruded from her behind! It even swayed left and right as she walked! As she approached the door she turned around almost striking a pose and said:

"Once you're done in there your clothes are on the table. I'll be waiting!"

She took one very hurried survey of my body as she walked out.

I then realised she must of undressed me and set me all up in here! And it must have been difficult as Im not really a very light person!

I Dried off somewhat and found the clothes she mentioned. They were the cargo pants I remember wearing only dried and they smelt great! And there were some leather briefs which had obviously been patched up to accommodate someone without a tail. And last a simple grey shirt with no sleeves. They fitted well. Which was a good thing as Im not a shapely person.

But I couldn't understand it. How did I get here? Why has no-one found a place like this? I tried to remember and I could only remember jumping of a cruise liner.... I was going on a pleasure cruise maybe? I couldn't remember and right now I had more important things to do. My fate hadn't been decided yet.

I took a look at my surroundings. Its seems that everywhere I looked there were trees. Big trees. There were so many they blocked me from seeing anything in the distance. But I could see a solitary mountain, And every time I looked up I could see a strange fog covering anything of the sky. Then I noticed how this made everything seem darker, secret. It seemed like this place hadn't been touched for a long time, but the various paths and simple structures gave the impression people had been here. I could just make out where I might have been found, but before I could investigate I was ushered by a muscular creature, a male, not to go anywhere. He looked at me with disdain and held his spear weapon at me. I took the message and went the other way. Towards the noises I kept hearing, into the deeper part of this forest.

CHAPTER 2: The Gathering

As I set outside and was shocked to find many of these Ori creatures. There were at least 25 of them ranging from women children, and there were a couple of older ones as well. I could see they were old as their skin was slightly faded and wrinkled around the eyes. And they were all different shades of Blue Red and Green! Some had little blotches of different colours around their bodies. But they were all white around their bellies and mouth. And they were all looking at me and whispering in a language I could not understand. I was led by the hand by the Girl who saved me to a sort of meeting ground in the middle of this village. There were trees everywhere and not much sunlight at all. It was truly a tropical jungle. The place I was led to had an ominous feel. It gave me a feeling that the place hadn't been touched for ages...

As I was led in there were Ori Men playing large tribal drums next to a large stage and a small bed of rock where I was instructed to sit. The stage was a simple wood structure with what looked liked a carefully crafted throne with spiked on the ends and Decorated with feathers. And there were more Ori Guards with very decorative weapons that sort of looked like spears. And there was a bright red female with long brown hair sitting in this throne. She was wearing all sorts of precious jewels and a necklace made with what looked liked amber. He clothes were very pretty and she sported a headdress with blue feathers.

Then the drums stopped. And the rest who weren't sitting sat down. I felt tempted to ask my friend what was going on but decided to see how this played out first.

An Old Dark Blue Ori Male stood up and read something out loud. But I couldn't understand what he was saying.

I was about to query my friend next to me but she beat me to the mark.

"This is what he's saying:

Queen Haruke, We have called this gathering today to account for the breaking of the Ori Code Number 73 and 76!



The Ori man then paused and looked her. And as he spoke my new friend next to me started to hang her head... She started to lose that spirit in her face that I when I met her... And then she translated.

"Fluke is charged with breaking these rules and faces banishment"

A small tear leaked across her face as she said this. My heart truly felt for her. It was so touching that she gave everything up just to save someone she had no idea about. I didn't want to see anything happen to the poor girl...

Then I noticed the well adorned crimson female on the throne shuffle about as if to announce something. She then spoke perfect English.

"Please plead your case, Fluke. What were you thinking! You know we can't let them in this place! We must remain secret for as long as possible. There are simply too many of them and too few of us. We wouldn't stand a chance fluke!"

"But what if they can help us! What if they..."

A large burly very pale pink Male Ori with a scar on his right cheek and eye then spoke up.

"I know of these humans! I have travelled there many lands they wage war and commit horrible crimes! They would hunt us down! I've seen it Fluke! Their guns and violence would ruin us all!"

I then felt a deep rage boil inside me I yelled out

"That's simply not true!"

This was met by surprised sounds and shocked faces. Fluke then ushered me to sit down.

"Your Greatness, I propose that leaving this human here to die would be a crime worse than any we've seen them do. If we left this one to die we would be no better than them!
Sure they wage war and commit horrible crimes but how could you not tolerate this? If we were more numbered them wouldn't we see the same thing? Even we do bad things! But they aren't bad creatures your greatness!"

There then was a deadly silence as Haruke the queen considered her testimony while rubbing what I guess would be her nose.

"I see your point of view Fluke, but you still broke the rules. I order that you be banished from the jungle!"

Fluke nearly jumped straight up as the Ori guards attempted to take her away! I had never felt as strong a sadness for anyone up till this moment. I couldn't let it happen! I stood up and tried to lunge for her but met the bad end of a pointed spear. I was had sustained a cut on my right shoulder. I saw the blood run down and drip to the floor as I fell tho my hands and knees. The look of utter shock on flukes face as she covered her mouth with her hands made me feel a feeling I had never felt before. And I was compelled to turn around and state my case.

"Don't take her away! It wasn't her fault! If I knew this would happen I would have let myself die on that beach!"

As others looked around, Fluke stayed with her look of shock.

"I don't know what you beings are but if you think that remaining hidden from the world is more important then one of your own you truly are worse than my folk!

Yes we fight pointless wars Yes we do bad things Yes the world can sometimes be a horrible place! But we only do these things because we don't know any better. We do these things because there are no other creatures like us! If we knew there were other intelligent creatures on this planet it would change the way we see the world, it would change us. And then maybe we would realise how pointless our stupid our feuds are.

But please let me go instead of her! I can't bear to see someone in pain because of me!

Ill go.... Ill never come back.... Ill... Ill..."

I wept bitterly. This was such a wonderful place... And that Fluke risked it all just so I could draw another breath. It was so touching...

I then stood up and heard these people speak to one another.. Perhaps they really were like people... Some were saying things
To Haruke some were puzzled and some were angry voices.

I looked back at Fluke. That was her name? How fitting. It was a fluke Im still here. It was that Fluke over there....

Haruke then looked down. She looked like she had a lot on her mind.

"Fluke... it's obvious you know more what you're doing than even I. It was a stupid idea to elect a leader and maintain these silly rules. What we should be doing is trying to understand these humans not hide away from them..."

Haruke looked at me... then at fluke then almost puffed herself up and said in a commanding voice:

"As my last and final order I order that you, Fluke, take care of the human and become ambassador of our society to the humans.

I have seen into your eyes human. And have decided to abolish the rules in favour of a new society of understanding."

Fluke was released and she ran up and hugged me as some cheered and some silenced themselves. I whispered to her:

"Don't worry... You'll be okay!"

She looked at me with those large expressive eyes full of tears, and hugged me even tighter.

As the Gathering broke up Haruke took off her adorned feather crown and placed it on top of Flukes head. She then spoke in a concerned voice:

"I think maybe you should show this one around. What is your name?"

"My name is Brendan. I want to thank you for..."

"-Please do not thank me, just promise you'll take good care of Fluke when you decide to go out into the big wide world."

"Of course!"

I was relieved and anxious about this prospect. But I closed my eyes and tried to imagine how I even got here... Then I remembered the boat trip I won, and the storm, and being thrown over by the waves.
The truth sounded more like a lie in my mind.

CHAPTER 3: The Ori people

"I think Brendan you may have lots of questions. Maybe you should take him to the cave of origin" Haruke said this almost excitedly, but she it didn't seem to withdraw that important air about her.

Fluke looked at Haruke and nodded. Haruke then waved and went off into the crowd. She then yelled something that sounded to me like 'Angry Software', and then everyone cheered.

"Come and enjoy our celebration feast human!" She then made a peculiar almost flirty sort of look. And then went with the crowd to prepare the food.

I then realised I was bloody hungry. I felt like I needed about 3 burgers in me right now.

Fluke then for the rest of the night wouldn't leave my sight. She was slightly less tall then me and she would take every opportunity to learn on my shoulder as we walked towards a more secluded part of the jungle that seemed a bit cooler. I could hear voices of strange birds and even saw a strange but absolutely gorgeous bird with pink feathers.

We then walked up a slight hill towards the sound of music and dancing. There were about 3 long tables and a campfire that was strange as there was a stone structure that led the smoke into what looked like an outhouse. I then saw someone putting meat and different things into this structure and I guessed that it was some sort of structure used to smoke meat. This suspicion was confirmed by my tastebuds as a large plate of very juicy smoked meat was placed in front of me by a dark green male Ori.

"You see we use the smoke to make the meet taste good. Plus this thing we use draws it away from the air so it doesn't attract attention." The guy placed some bowls of some sort of fruit sauce next

To be honest I didn't hear what he said as I was busy stuffing my face with meat and some sort of fruit sauce that was so delicious all I could manage was a few grunts of thanks.

Their strange ways of singing and dancing enthralled my senses as it got later into the night. The fire made shadows on the walls and for a while I forgot just how crazy my situation was.

I then felt like a question needed asking.

"How old are you Fluke?"

To which she replied:

"Old enough!" And she rubbed her head against me affectionately.

She then realised I wanted a serious answer.

" Why would you want to know?" She was a little puzzled at my silence.

"Because I want to know how long you've been here and stuff. I mean no one lives forever right?"

Then she was silent.

"Oh... Ok if you want to know Im 52 of your human years old."


I couldn't believe it! She was Cleary younger than the rest of these creatures. To me she didn't look a day over... maybe 20 tops!"

"What's wrong Brendan? Am I too young?"

This was the last thing I expected her to say!

"No! Of course not! Um! How long do you people live?"

"Generally we don't have a set date of death, it just depends on circumstance. But the oldest someone's ever lived on this island is about 250 years."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was shocked, amazed and excited all in one.

"You... You... Live for upwards of 200 years?"

"Yes.... And if you want to know we mature into adults at around 35-40! So don't worry about that! Hey how old are you?"

I think I nearly died of excitement. But I had to explain it to her... it took a while and she was shocked to find out how long humans live.

"That's so sad. Most of you don't get to live past 90? That's really not fair...

She then looked as if she had died inside. I really hated when she looked like that. I wanted to tell her it would be okay but I couldn't muster any words.

"But you ARE an Adult right?" She had a hopeful look in her eye that made me feel uncomfortable slightly. Just what did she have in mind? I decided to pay no mind to it for the time being, and just nodded.

This lit up her face once more and she hugged me almost too tightly.

It was now clear that it was time for sleep. As everyone went to their own separate huts, I was glad for the thick forest as it provided much needed warmth. Even so everyone had their own hovel to go to. And I was led to hers. Which I recognised as the place I woke up in.

"I believe the saying is home sweet home?" She led me into the only other room which was a bedroom, which turned out to almost look like a nest. It was made with many large leaves and other forest material. It even had some strange exotic leaves I had never seen before, they were red and black. But it sure looked comfortable.

"You can sleep here if you want. I can just sleep outside..." She started to motion towards the outside but I stopped her.

I couldn't allow her to give up anything more just for the sake of me.

"No ill sleep outside! You've done enough for me already!" I placed my hand on her shoulder.

And what she did next I won't forget. She turned around whilst holding my hand and with a hopeful look in her eye said to me:

"Hey you know if you want you could just sleep with me." She was staring into me. That stare, it almost was piercing. It felt weird but I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and said to her.

"Sure id like that!"

CHAPTER 4: The Answers

I woke up next to her curled up in her makeshift bed. I quietly left her there sleeping so soundly. She truly was an amazing creature.

But I left her early in the morning to go back to the place I was found. It was a rocky beach, Once I found the place, I took a walk to clear my head.

I wondered what would happen to these people. I wondered what the world would think. I wondered what my mum would think when I told her I loved her...

I wasn't sure what fate was trying to set up for me. But I thanked the universe for it. I must be special I thought.

After a while I went back to find the bed empty and Fluke cooking some sort of soup with strange purple carrots and something like a eggplant only it was red and spiky.

"Have some of this Brendan. It's really good!" Fluke placed a wooden bowl and poured the mixture into it. It smelled wonderfully spicy and had nice vegetables that I hadn't tasted before.

As Fluke joined me, we talked about ourselves and where we came from. She was quite interested to find out what computers were and I was quite interested as to how they kept their skin so shiny!

"Today Im going to take you to what we call: The cave of origin. It will answer all your questions you have about what we are."

I had many questions. What are these creatures? How did they get here? How come some of them can speak almost perfect English? That one I really want to find out...

It seemed after the commotion that these creatures weren't as fearsome as I though.

As Fluke and I walked through this dense humid jungle I noticed that their way of life wasn't very different from my own. There were kids playing with some sort of ball, there were people hanging out their simple clothes to dry, there were male and female once gathering fruit and vegetables from a small plantation. Actually the fruit was pretty big. Especially the bananas they were like a Childs arm they were so huge!

I even noticed some sort of tannery and storehouses. It must be where they got their leather. There were some sort of boar-creatures strung up and I saw a guy processing them for meat bone and skin, which for some reason reminded me that I was still hungry. I picked an orange off of someone's load and found that it was like an orange but heaps chewier and sort of dry. Like a peach or something.

"How come you speak English? I mean that startled me a lot you know!"

Fluke giggled and replied

"We found a radio washed up on the beach some time ago and it kind of went from there. Plus we found some boxes with some interesting things in them. What's Fed- Ex?"

"It's like a delivery service. We send things around the world with them"

"Wow I guess you need that as you're not all on the one island huh?"

I laughed. Fluke continued.

"We found a dictionary and figured out the radio and Dexter eventually found out the English language and also French and Spanish, though we prefer English. Most of you speak English right?"

I nodded.

"Well it didn't happen overnight it took a VERY long time to figure it all out. It was figuring out what sounds meant what that was hard. But Bane went out and took care of that"


"He was the first to actually see a human and he learnt a lot from them.... You may have seen him. He has a scar and he's pale red. But the friend he made soon after died of something called cancer.

But it wasn't in vain! He passed on this knowledge to Dexter and then he figured it all out. And now we speak prefect English!"

"You mean perfect English?"

"Ahhh yes.........."

Fluke turned a shade of red in the face. It was clear these creatures had a lot more than I though in common with humans.

"Anyway that Dexter is a smart guy! You should meet him sometime. But we are here now!"

We arrived at what seemed to be a large almost giant cave in the middle of this thick jungle. It was a huge Rock cavern with paintings and Drawings and it seemed pretty solid.

I admired the crude paintings of what seemed to be Ori People gathering fruit and hunting boars.

"This is the cave of origin. It's where we came to be. You see... thousands of years ago these creatures you call dinosaurs roamed the earth. Back then we were relatively small creatures. You can see some pictures deeper in the cave..."

She led me deeper into the middle of the cavern there were some pictures of small dinosaur creatures.... They only looked maybe a little bit like the Ori except they were all hunched down instead of walking upright.

"But then for reasons even we don't know the dinosaurs went extinct. Some sort of catastrophic event... but we survived by living in this cave... and we grey taller and slender and we also crew long tongues to reach the nutritious fruit in the top of the trees."

I puzzled to wrap my head around this. This was truly amazing. I looked at the fruit in my hand... Could this be the key to their survival and eventual evolution?

"What long tongues?"

Then she did something very strange she made a gulping noise and extended her tongue which was like a long sticky pole with a stem at the end so far as to hit me right in the eye!

I fell right over onto the cave floor. And clutched my now throbbing eye


"Oh No are you ok Brendan?" She huddled down to help me up.

"I've been better..."

As she helped me up something even stranger happened! Right after she helped me up. She kissed me.

She actually kissed me right on my mouth... I don't know how she managed it with such a large nose, but she did.

This shocked me to say the least. Her strange tongue was in my mouth for what seemed an awkwardly long time. And her tongue tasted... Like Fruit?

And then I freaked a little.

"whoa! whoa! whoa! What was that?"

"I just wanted to make you feel better!"

She sounded perhaps a little cheeky.

And I admit I liked it. But it was the fact that she wasn't another human that made it weird.

"You know it would have been more appropriate to kiss me on the cheek!"

"But I thought I did it the right way?" At least her heart was in the right place.

"No that's more of a thing between....." I tried to think of a proper word to explain it...

"Between what?"

She started to sound a little confused if not annoyed.


I didn't want to sound like I didn't care for her but at the same time she needed to know that it wasn't exactly appropriate.


There was a long awkward pause. I broke this pause.

"Yeah I mean ive only known you for like a day... But you know I liked it!"

"Yeah? Really?"

I noticed she was pleased as he tail was wagging! She looked at me with pure sincerity.

"It was... interesting. But don't you think it's a bit weird you being a... and I being...."

Another wave of silence washed over and then I noticed how dark it was. The only light was just outside the cavern.

"Hey it's dark shouldn't we be getting back?" I quickly mentioned this to break the silence once more.

"Yes... Ill just finish by saying we've evolved a lot. We no longer have long tails and we give birth to live young and for some reason we have hair on our heads like you...." She surveyed my hair with her fingers.

"Yeah you're so similar.... To humans... Why is that?" My heart for some reason has gone into overdrive.

"It might have been because we used to live with humans for a bit... back in the day... But it didn't work out."

I almost couldn't believe it all.

"Incredible! You know Im hungry!"

"Then we better get some food into you! Let's go before it gets too dark."

As we made our way back we each shared a sort of tension that was very hard to explain.

CHAPTER 5: Memories made anew

I now have been living with these creatures now for about a week. And I still don't understand why they seem so familiar to me.

But I now know how I got here. It occurred to me one night as I was having dinner with Fluke, Haruke, and one of Flukes Lime Green male friend she mentioned before, Dexter.

He was actually sporting clothes that looked... well almost modern. He had a sort of animal skin leather jacket and pants. He even had what appeared to be gloves of some sort. There was a stark contrast in what he was wearing to the others on the island I felt.

I was eating some sort of fruit mix. Some of the Fruit they had was almost like eating meat. Every day was a new culinary experience.

"You know you creatures remind me of something from my world... But I can't put my finger on it."

Dustin then proceeded to devour a melon seemingly in one gulp.

Then the memories Flooded back... That cute video game dinosaur how could I have missed it?

"You remind me of a Video Game character called yoshi!"

Haruke looked puzzled.

"What's this video game you speak of?"

"Oh it's like a game you play by pressing buttons and things happen on a screen in front of you?"

Fluke interjected

"Oh like you play on a T.V.?"

I was amazed at this knowledge.

"Yes! How do you know about TV?"

"We hear a lot about it on the radio, and Dexter been trying to build one but the parts he needs aren't anywhere on this island. And we have no idea how to make it work even if we made one." Fluke then looked at Dexter who had a dopey look on his face as he wiped the remaining melon from his face.

"Oh that's quite interesting. Well on one of my video games there's a dinosaur called yoshi who eats fruits and has a long tongue lays eggs and stuff!"

Fluke and Haruke looked at each other.

"It must be a coincidence. No-one is still living who knows about this island. Besides we don't lay eggs. Well not since like a very very very long time ago!"

"But it's strange..."

I finished my meal and thought for a moment. How would the world view these creatures? Would they face persecution?

"Oh you know what day it is Haruke?" asked Fluke.

Fluke paused and then replied:

"Ah yes how I could forget it's the perfect time!"

I was curious.

"What are you talking about?"

Fluke went another shade of red. This made her almost purple in some places.

"Every so often on a warm night with a full moon we have a... sort of ritual where we go to a special place on this island."

I almost got excited. I thought I knew everything on the island and a new place to explore sounded very interesting.

"Oh really that's cool. Can I come? I mean if it's okay with you."

Now all three of them surveyed me with embarrassed looks... then at each other... then they started specking that Ori language of theirs...

Then they sighed and then nodded. However Haruke giggled and whispered something to Fluke. To which she went bright red and whispered something back and nodded.

Clearly there was some important detail about this ritual that they must have been discussing. This didn't worry me. Of course it would be weird for one not of their own to witness the ritual. That must have been it right?


CHAPTER 6: One Fantastic Night

And so we set out to a new part of the island through very thick jungle paths. I was told to be respectful and bring a change of clothes.

This puzzled me. Just what was this ritual? Furthermore I noticed that the younger ones weren't allowed to come. And I noticed everyone who was coming was laughing and enjoying themselves. Some of the Female Ori seemed to be pointing at me for some reason.

I really had no idea. So I asked Fluke with little success. All I managed to get out of her was "It's a surprise" and "You'll love it"

And then we got to an area I had never seen before. It seemed that the volcano that formed this island had worn down to the place I see before me. It was like a huge area of steaming hot water. There was Rock everywhere and there were about 3 large rock pools. Then all the people around me striped down to their bear essentials. All of them down to a single piece of clothing. Even the Females had no problem stripping down to just leather shorts in front of me. In fact one girl accidentally ran her boobs right into me and excused herself to get into the baths.

I was befuzzled as to what this all meant. My expression said it all.

Fluke then stripped down to leather shorts and Haruke was already in. Fluke Explained.

"You see we do this to keep our skin clean when we get older. I mean we usually all do this naked but I thought about what you said and told them to wear shorts to make you feel a little more comfortable as your not used to this sort of thing..."

I looked over and saw some Ori babes waving and blowing kisses and laughing. Man I really should have told her humans find boobs erotic! That's like the first lesson a man learns! How did I miss it?

But I decided it didn't matter. I decided to steel myself and hop in one of the emptier baths.

"Wow man this is great! And you do this every fortnight? Man that's sweet"

I hopped into the first bath as it only had me Haruke Fluke and Dexter.

I then just did my best to relax, and tried very hard not to get a boner...god that would be embarrassing.

But all in all this was pretty good. Then Dexter mentioned something.

"You know this underground volcano gives the island a constant fog! It's helped to make it hard to people to find this place."

I found something about the way he said 'make it hard' odd... But I continued to steel myself and just enjoy chatting with these creatures.

I then noticed an Ori Lady laughing and coming up to me giving me the impression something was up. She then said to us:

"Look I don't know about you guys but Im finding this a little... how do you say.... Uncomfortable?"

There were then shouts of 'yes!', 'me too!', and the sort by everyone but me.

And that's when Fluke swam a little closer to me. Man she was so attractive! And the way she was leaning up to me was not helping the situation!

"Look Brendan do you mind if we take these stupid things off, if it's not too much trouble of course?"

I had to say yes didn't I? It was like 12 to one!

"I uh... okay I guess heh heh.."

It was at that moment the whole lot of people took off their leather shorts and rained them down upon the outskirts of the baths almost all at once. This was met with sighs of relief and people got back to talking.

"You know you can take off yours if you want too" Haruke mentioned.

"I ah.."

I started looking around at all the supple breasts and slender bodies and thus replied.

"I don't know if I should do that..." This was the most awkward I had ever felt in my entire life. Little did I know it was about to get even more awkward!

"It's totally fine Brendan. In fact I insist!"

Fluke then dived in one fell swoop and nicked my remaining leather shorts!

"Aarg! What did you do that for?" I bellowed mournfully.

All company with me just laughed and some of them were actually interested as to what my nether regions looked like!

"Huh. It's pretty much the same. I guess Fluke won the bet!" Said Dexter.

"What?" I felt so intruded!

Fluke giggled. "I made a bet with Haruke saying that if you're..... Penis looked the same as ours she would do my gathering duty!"

Haruke was swooning. "I thought for sure it would be weird! Buts it's the same... hey is always all red and bulging like that?"

Dexter laughed really hard.

"Only when there are really attractive women around!" I said grumpily. I was so embarrassed.

"Well I guess we count as attractive women to you!" Fluke giggled.

Then they all laughed. Even I laughed.

"So how long does this go for?" I asked

"For the whole night usually. Would you like a special drink we make? It's good for you!" Haruke started to motion upwards.

"Sure." I said and sat down on the grooves in the rock in the bath made for people to sit.

I watched Haruke stand up... And let's just say I saw the whole works. Her Pussy lips were a nice shade of pink. But it was white all around. The insides were a little bit darker shade of pink and everything seemed to be where it should be as I watched the droplets of water cascade off her bodacious body. I guess Ori don't understand privacy...

But the point was they definitely weren't all that different. But it was because there weren't exactly human that made them more attractive to me. This made me feel a little ashamed.

"You drink this, Brendan." Said Haruke, as she handed my some sort of orange and black water in a small stone cup.

At first I thought it looked like cordial but it tasted like that orange I ate only mixed with a very bitter gritty substance. I drank it quickly.

"What's in this?" I said as gave the cup back to Haruke.

"Its some local fruits mixed with the water that bubbles forth from the remains of the volcano. It will keep you skin shiny and let you live longer! It is good for you!"

"Well as long as it keeps my skin shiny!" I joked, to which Haruke laughed.

I couldn't believe it. Was this the key to their longevity? Was this the same primordial ooze that all life had stemmed from? I felt truly honoured.

We then spent the next 20 or 30 minutes talking and laughing. They even showed me a strange game where you try to guess the person who just licked your face. I won the round because I greatly remember how fluke hit me in the eye the other day. My eye was still a little sore from that day.

"Well this certainly was a nice surprise Fluke! Im really enjoying this!" I said as I relaxed a little both in body and mind.

"Oh that's not the surprise. You thought that this was the surprise?" Fluke looked at me and I noticed how soft her eyes were in the moonlight.

Dexter got up and got changed and as he was about to leave. Smiled at me and shook his head.

Furthermore I noticed all the people except Haruke and Fluke starting to pack up and leave.

I was puzzled, and strangely nervous. Something was in the air... I could sense it.

Fluke then came up to me very close. And said something in a way I had never heard her talk before.

"We want to.... Try something special with you."

She then kissed me softly and sweetly. I closed my eyes and almost felt a spiritual bond to this person. And it was much better than that hurried kiss at the cave of origin!

Our eyes met. I stared into here large eyes so full of love and care. I forgot that she was any different from me. It was a beautiful moment.

And it got even better

Haruke came up to me in the water right in there with me and Fluke. And she whispered something ill never forget.

"We want to make you feel really good." And she then disappeared to the other side of my body and began to play with my penis almost like she was teasing me.

And as she rubbed and sucked my manhood I kissed Fluke. It was all so crazy. Something made me say to her.

"I want to make you feel good too!" and Fluke then gave me a look that said 'Oh yeah prove it!'

And so I did. I ventured down her soft and smooth body to her special parts. And I made good on my statement. I licked kissed and rubbed her in ways I didn't even know how. And her moans of pleasure made me feel so good!

After that venture we took turns pleasuring each other. I kissed and sucked Haruke's mouth and supple breasts while Fluke did something awesome with the tongue in her snatch. That must come in useful!

We made her moan in pleasure until she climaxed, and the way Fluke licked the juices and kissed her... it was simply awesome!

She then stretched out and relaxed. And she left giving me a look that said both thanks and good luck.

Then there was no-one but me and Fluke. I wanted to talk but there were no words. We just went for it. Kissing and hugging like young lovers.

"I love you." I started to cry

"You do?" She started to cry.

"I don't want to leave you ever." I then could not take the emotion. It overflowed like honey on pancakes.

"I'm going with you. I love you too Brendan." She looked at me. The moonlight reflected off her hair and nose as if to make her look angelic.

"Whatever happens I want to be with you!" She then kissed me and lunged into me. Kissing and touching my body in the water. Our bodies met in frantic throngs of passion. We ended up in a shallower part of the baths.

She stood on top of me and kissed me again. She then motioned herself closer to my body as if she wished to take it all the way.

"I don't know if this is right!"- I was worried. What would happen if we really did it?

"I don't care Brendan! I want it! We want it! We can deal with it!"

She threw herself off me and used her tongue to make me feel a little better I guess...

She wrapped her tongue around my love stool and moved it round and round.

"Oooooh my god!" Id never felt something so amazing!

"You like that?" She said cheekily. And then our bodies were linked. I could feel her insides and she could feel me in her.

I motioned my hand to grab her.... Tail? And it was wiggling! I Laughed!

"If you like little tricks like that your going to love this!"

She then really got into the spirit of things and really went off humping and thrashing away.

"I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you!" Such was her erotic chanting. It turned me on so much I thought I would explode!

"aaaah ahh! Fluke!!" It was clear I didn't know how much I could take!

"Please... Please... Fuck me Brendan! I love you so much... FUCK ME!" She really wanted it!

I was on the verge of a climax. And the thing she said next broke whatever will I had left...

"Brendan! Oooooh! Brendan! Please! Give me your love! I WANT IT ALL! DO IT WITH ME BRENDAN! I LOVE YOU!!!"

It was then that I could take it no longer and almost instinctively she hopped off and took all my white lava. And she was enjoying every bit of it. She finished it all lovingly. And I was so exhausted I dropped back into the deeper water and floated for a bit in my own satisfaction. She caught up with me, and kissed me on the surface. I was so nice I didn't even notice that I tasted the work of my manhood in her mouth.

And then we floated there hugging and looking up at the moon and the stars. After a while she broke the silence with her own question:

"Do you think well be accepted?"

It was a hard question.

"They won't to begin with but once we tell them all about you they will understand."

"What about your Tribe how will they cope?" I questioned as I tried to find where she had hid my shorts.

"They won't like it at first. But they are willing to learn. They just want to be accepted. The world sure is a big place."- She floated and sighed.

"It seems a lot smaller now that ive got you." I found my shorts and began to head back to face the world.

Chapter 6: Epilogue

I had found many things on that island over there. Love, Security, Knowing that there is more to the world than meets the eye.

And now I have to leave it. I have to go back to Australia now. I have to let my family know what has happened and that Im okay. And I have to take her with me.

I had taken many days but the ship was ready. And thanks to Dexter it was an able ship that even I understood how to work. We had packed supplies for at least a couple of weeks. And we knew it would take at least 2 days to get to Australia.

Dexter was hurrying up to meet me.

"What's up Dexter?" He looked flustered.

"I'm coming with you too! You can't expect the word to understand us just be meeting Fluke! Besides I can help assure that you..."

"-Welcome aboard Dexter. I actually was going to ask you to come anyway! You probably know more about this island than all the inhabitants put together!"

He then shook my hand and thanked me.

The inhabitants of the island were all there. They were waving and cheering at us as we sailed off into the unknown. Haruke was there too. She was quiet but we both understood what we had to do. She needed to take care of the island. She was almost like a big sister even.

"What will happen to me when we get there you think?" Fluke looked into the deep blue ocean.

"I think that a lot of people will want to meet you. They'll want to prod you and poke you for sure. I might even have to become your legal guardian.

"You always were my guardian Brendan." Fluke kissed me as Dexter prepared his maps and calculations.

So I guess Im lucky.

I guess that Im on my way to creating a new future for the world. And they're many people who can say that. I just want what's best for these creatures.

I mean we aren't all that different in the end.