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[Y] Rivermore High
Well, glad that YI is back up! So in celebration of that I've made a mini-series apart from my usual gory nature that I hope you'll all like!
[Y] Rivermore High
Chapter I: The Beginning

Eternity sat there in his usual spot on the bus, the back. It was very noisy on the bus, but he could only hear the music that blared from their earphones. The deep vocals and heavy rifting music made him smile, in fact it was the only thing that made him smile those days. Four years in highschool, it was so close to being over you could feel the electricity in the air as the days went by. Only around four weeks left of highschool, then he could get out of this hell hole that some others called "home". Although those people would surely never leave the little town of Rivermore because that is all they knew. But, Eternity knew better, he knew there was something bigger and better outside of the little backwater town and he wanted it bad. So bad. As the days ticked by through out that whole year he was getting very anxious. He felt like a drug addict in need of a fix, or maybe a drug addict that needed a fix right this very moment and the drug was just out of his reach by inches. He sighed to himself as he closed his eyes, trying to get a little sleep before they got to Rivermore High school.

"Damn man, are you sleeping again? Don't you sleep at night?" Came a voice from the wolf, and lifelong childhood friend, Trey who was sitting next to him.
"Go fuck yourself man I don't want to deal with you at the moment." Eternity said as he turned to look out the window and closed his eyes again. Trey gave him a playful punch on the shoulder, laughing quietly.
"You still having those weird ass dreams? You know, those ones with you in the dark alley way and you hear something behind you?" Trey asked with a slight look of concern on his face.
"I'll tell you later, during study hall. Now let me sleep god dammit."

He tired to shake off Trey's sudden reminder of his terrible dreams. The ones where he woke up drenched in sweat, and with his whole body shaking as if he were being electrified. He would close his eyes to sleep, then open them to find himself staring down an alley, he'd always walk away only to find himself staring right down that alley again. He'd end up going down it because it seemed to beckon to him, call him in like a mother would her child when she sees danger. He'd always see that rabbit, every time. The rabbit would be leaning against a wall, and as he started to walk past him the rabbit would lunge at him and stab him from behind. Eternity had also made the mistake of telling his parents, they'd thought he was crazy and they made him take pills to keep him "sane" as they and the doctors said. They'd watch him take the pills everyday before school, making sure he didn't spit them out. Eternity recently had been forced to make himself puke in the bathroom at the school, just to keep the pills out of him. Eternity was pulled out of his own thoughts when he felt Trey pulling on his sleeve.

"Hey let's go. We're here." He said happily, giggling slightly. Eternity got up and followed the wolf with silent steps. Trey seemed happier then normal and his mind already registered what he was so happy about. His secret boyfriend, Derek, was going to be at school today after the long trip as an exchange student in another country. Trey had revealed that he was gay to Eternity when he'd cornered him in the locker room and kissed him. It turned out Trey had this crush on Eternity since they were kids, but Trey himself hadn't figured out he was gay until their freshman year in Rivermore. Eternity was bi, and when Trey had kissed him he didn't slap him, or run away in disgust. But, he did act like he didn't enjoy the kiss. Needless to say he never became Trey's secret boyfriend, but they did have a few nights at each others house where they were alone and they didn't sleep a wink. Trey had met Derek that first day of junior year, and he'd instantly took a liking to the black haired ferret. If Eternity had kept track of the days right, it took Trey just under two weeks to befriend the ferret and another week to become secret boyfriends. Ever since then Trey was pretty happy, and over Eternity, which helped him because having a boy on your arms as you go down the hallway, and everywhere else you go is slightly sketchy.

Eternity looked up at the big two story building that was Rivermore High. It looked menacing and will scare any new freshman walking into the school. He sighed and started towards the school.
"So...I'm guessing your going to be happy to see Derek?" Eternity asked casually as they walked together.
"Oh like you wouldn't believe! It's been sooooo long! I miss him so much, I can't wait to see him today!" Trey said excitiedly.
"Yeah I bet, what has it been three months?" Eternity asked quietly, trying not to attract attention.
"Thee months of torture!" Trey almost blurted out loudly. He looked down at his book that had all his classes in it, even though he already knew them by heart. "Well I got to get going to biology before Mr.B has a fit again, so I'll see you at lunch!" He gave Eternity a small wave then walked down the hall, his every movements showed pure bliss and Eternity couldn't blame him. He chuckled to himself and headed off to his first class, English.